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RE: 2007 GGWAW/AWD PBEM Tournament (rules + round1)

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RE: 2007 GGWAW/AWD PBEM Tournament (rules + round1) - 2/14/2007 7:51:09 PM   


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10-4 Avatar47, thank you very much for the update/ mini AARs.
Curiosity satisfied.

My 2 games are prettymuch in the end game phase and we should be able to get our non-tourny game back on track soon.


(in reply to Avatar47)
Post #: 121
RE: 2007 GGWAW/AWD PBEM Tournament (rules + round1) - 2/19/2007 3:36:06 AM   


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11) MrQuiet---------------mikemcmann----------Axis Decisive Victory

Very Good Game Mike.
I was definately worried about all that Russian Artillary, up to 50 units LA10 at one point?
Who would think the Japs would end in the stronger position?

I have a feeling we will face off again in this tourney.


(in reply to MrQuiet)
Post #: 122
RE: 2007 GGWAW/AWD PBEM Tournament (rules + round1) - 2/19/2007 10:24:44 PM   

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Haudrauf1962 vs. GKar just ended with Haudrauf's Axis surrendering in Summer 1943 with Allied troops piling up in the Low Countries and Kyushu. The match wasn't as one-sided as it may seem though, but at one point my WAllies simply had a run. Thanks for an interesting match!

GKar vs. Forwarn45 is still in 1942 and progressing slowly due to real life - the next absence will go on me.

(in reply to MrQuiet)
Post #: 123
RE: 2007 GGWAW/AWD PBEM Tournament (rules + round1) - 2/21/2007 9:11:08 AM   

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Just to let you guys now- my game vs Mike is close to an end... we are well into ´44, the game was/is great! Mike managed to hit 67 watermark, and I guess it´s too soon yet to predict outscore, but I´m hopping for a allies minor victory or a draw

(in reply to GKar)
Post #: 124
RE: 2007 GGWAW/AWD PBEM Tournament (rules + round1) - 2/23/2007 2:06:55 AM   


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MQ -

How about a summary of Axis/Allied wins and losses? It would be interesting to see something that would provide an indication of the balance of the game.

(in reply to MrQuiet)
Post #: 125
RE: 2007 GGWAW/AWD PBEM Tournament (rules + round1) - 2/23/2007 2:17:30 AM   


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2nd post page 1

Game Axis------vs---------Allies-------------Game Year
01) Avatar47--------------aaminoff----------------Axis Decisive Victory
02) christian brown-------Avatar47--------------1942
03) Erik Rutins------------christian brown-------Allies Decisive Victory Allies+5pt AAR
04) Forwarn45-------------Erik Rutins------------Axis AutoVictory (DV)
05) GKar-------------------Forwarn45-------------1942
06) Haudrauf1962--------GKar--------------------Allied Decisive Victory
07) JanSorensen---------Haudrauf1962--------Axis Decisive Victory - Axis+5pt AAR
08) kondor----------------JanSorensen----------Allies Decisive Victory - Allies+5pt AAR
09) ---------------------------------------------------------
10) mikemcmann----------kondor----------------1942
11) MrQuiet---------------mikemcmann----------Axis Decisive Victory
12) rjh1971----------------MrQuiet----------------Allied Decisive Victory
13) tica---------------------rjh1971----------------1943
14) wargameplayer-------tica--------------------Axis Auto Victory (DV)
15) aaminoff---------------wargameplayer------Allied Decisive Victory

10 games finished so far.
5 Allied Decisive Victorys
5 Axis Decisive Victorys

And here are the current points standings
(2nd post from round 2 thread)


Current point standings

Player Current Tournament Points

christian brown (Tristansdad)--------------65
Erik Rutins (Ruthenion)--------------------(-40)
tica (Tcarter)---------------------------------(-20)
wargameplayer (wargameplaya)--------120

Current Top 3 Scores

wargameplayer (wargameplaya)--------120
christian brown (Tristansdad)-------------65

< Message edited by MrQuiet -- 2/23/2007 2:46:01 AM >

(in reply to WanderingHead)
Post #: 126
RE: 2007 GGWAW/AWD PBEM Tournament (rules) - 2/23/2007 2:26:05 AM   

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06) Haudrauf1962--------GKar--------------------Axis Decisive Victory

Wait a minute - this one is wrong. As stated above Haudrauf's Axis surrendered to my Allies.

(in reply to MrQuiet)
Post #: 127
RE: 2007 GGWAW/AWD PBEM Tournament (rules) - 2/23/2007 2:34:56 AM   


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Thank you for pointing that out GKar.
At least I had the right points awarded.

The wierd thing is that I changed it to show your allied win and when I count the 10 games up I came up with 5 allied wins and 5 axis wins again. That threw me.


(in reply to GKar)
Post #: 128
RE: 2007 GGWAW/AWD PBEM Tournament (rules) - 2/25/2007 1:18:39 AM   


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It looks like when Tica and RJH finish their game, and Kondor and mikemcmann finish, we will know who all is in round 2. Any updates on these games? I am curious who my second opponent will be.

(in reply to MrQuiet)
Post #: 129
RE: 2007 GGWAW/AWD PBEM Tournament (rules) - 2/25/2007 1:44:41 AM   

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Tica has been away for some time, once when the tournament started and the other one last week, 2 weeks in total, so that has delayed this game.
Also some weekends I'm out of town.
The last turn I sent him (I'm allies) was Su43 on February the 23rd. So we are now in Fa43.
For most of the times I answer the same day I get a reply.

(in reply to Forwarn45)
Post #: 130
RE: 2007 GGWAW/AWD PBEM Tournament (rules) - 2/25/2007 9:43:51 PM   

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Mike and me are in ´45 now... I landed on Japan this turn and next might be the last... (I forgot which turn that will be, I think fall ´45... or summer...)
This was a great game for me..., Mike managed to reach 67 watermark and if my SU spies on the beginning had not saw Japan early and mass Carrier build up he would caught me by surprise... This way I responded on time...

(in reply to Forwarn45)
Post #: 131
RE: 2007 GGWAW/AWD PBEM Tournament (rules + round1) - 2/27/2007 9:32:03 AM   

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My game with Mike is over. Mike has posted result on wargamer. Great game Mike! I must be honest and admit that I didn´t see myself in 2-nd round...(especially when Jan destroyed me) But now... maybe I can even do better then that.

< Message edited by kondor -- 2/27/2007 9:47:49 AM >

(in reply to MrQuiet)
Post #: 132
RE: 2007 GGWAW/AWD PBEM Tournament (rules + round1) - 3/7/2007 6:53:16 PM   

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Tica (axis) and me (allies) are almost done with the game, just sent him fa45 turn, Italy has surrendered and so has Japan after atomic raids, Germany is cornered but has a big army. The game should end within two or three turns.

Mrquiet how does the match for the second round work?
Could you list all players that have passed to 2nd round and those left behind?
I think my game is the last

Regards to all.

(in reply to kondor)
Post #: 133
RE: 2007 GGWAW/AWD PBEM Tournament (rules + round1) - 3/7/2007 9:17:58 PM   


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Mrquiet how does the match for the second round work?
Could you list all players that have passed to 2nd round and those left behind?
I think my game is the last

Just Look at the second post in this link ---> 2007 GGWAW/AWD PBEM Tournament (rules + round2) Thread

Has anyone heard from Christian Brown??
He has not logged in since Feb 19


< Message edited by MrQuiet -- 3/7/2007 9:36:07 PM >

(in reply to rjh1971)
Post #: 134
RE: 2007 GGWAW/AWD PBEM Tournament (rules + round1) - 3/7/2007 10:51:52 PM   

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Not I 

(in reply to MrQuiet)
Post #: 135
RE: 2007 GGWAW/AWD PBEM Tournament (rules + round1) - 3/8/2007 5:19:57 AM   


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I remember reading a post saying something about Christian not having an internet connection for a couple weeks. If I have the time, I'll look for the thread. But once Tica and RJH are done - we will at least know everyone who is in Round 2. The only other remaining games are Christian and Avatar (both of which already won a game and are in Round 2) and my game with Gkar (again both of us already won a game and are in Round 2). By the way, I just sent the Allied fall turn to Gkar for Round 1 - so we are now into 1944 in that game!

< Message edited by Forwarn45 -- 3/8/2007 5:36:47 AM >

(in reply to Avatar47)
Post #: 136
RE: 2007 GGWAW/AWD PBEM Tournament (rules + round1) - 3/9/2007 2:21:28 AM   

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My game with Tica has ended in Sp46 with Germany finally surrendering.
Final result was a draw, so we both make it to second round

(in reply to Forwarn45)
Post #: 137
RE: 2007 GGWAW/AWD PBEM Tournament (rules + round1) - 3/9/2007 8:58:59 AM   


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Nice to see you both make it into round2.
There are 2 games still running in round1 but the Round2 list is finalized with all players and games listed.
I believe that this weekend will make 2 months that round1 has been running, time to wrap those games up boys and girls.


(in reply to rjh1971)
Post #: 138
RE: 2007 GGWAW/AWD PBEM Tournament (rules + round1) - 3/9/2007 9:48:25 PM   

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I believe that this weekend will make 2 months that round1 has been running, time to wrap those games up boys and girls.

Sir, Yes, Sir!

(in reply to MrQuiet)
Post #: 139
Christian Brown R U out there? - 3/10/2007 12:19:00 AM   


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I need to hear from Christian Brown by Noon GMT Sunday March 11 or I am going to have to mark him MIA and give his Round2 spot to a elimanted player that is interested (via random drawing if more than one show interest).

I dont want to but he has not sent a turn in 3 weeks and there is no indication if/when he will again.
'the show must go on'


(in reply to GKar)
Post #: 140
RE: Christian Brown R U out there? - 3/11/2007 6:34:26 AM   


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I need to hear from Christian Brown by Noon GMT Sunday March 11 or I am going to have to mark him MIA and give his Round2 spot to a elimanted player that is interested (via random drawing if more than one show interest).

I dont want to but he has not sent a turn in 3 weeks and there is no indication if/when he will again.
'the show must go on'

It's too bad Christian hasn't checked in - I'd like to see him in the next round. But if you continue, I'd humbly suggest you just drop that position from the line-up. Since Tica and RJH had a draw, there are still 10 in the next round. And with the "win or draw one" rule, there is a good chance of the tourny going for a while anyway. It might be nice to include someone if they lost some close games - but it looks like most games in the first round were fairly decisive. Just my 2 cents.

< Message edited by Forwarn45 -- 3/11/2007 6:52:15 AM >

(in reply to MrQuiet)
Post #: 141
RE: Christian Brown R U out there? - 3/11/2007 6:41:32 AM   


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I just got an email from Christian and he will be continuing in the tournament.


(in reply to Forwarn45)
Post #: 142
RE: Christian Brown R U out there? - 3/14/2007 10:56:32 PM   

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Forwarn won in Winter 1945 when Adolf's Exile in the fortress called Japan was hit by an atomic bomb.

Game 05: Allied Decisive Victory.

(in reply to MrQuiet)
Post #: 143
RE: Christian Brown R U out there? - 3/14/2007 11:59:19 PM   


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Good Game Guys

Christian has bowed out of the tournament due to changeing computer platforms.

MikeMcMann and Haudrauf1962 both replied with interest in replacing him.
I rolled some online dice which emailed the results to Mike and Haudrauf and after 2 tie rolls Haudrauf1962 has won a second chance in the tournament.

Ok all the games from round1 are wrapped up now.
Please have a look at your scores and make sure I have not made any mistakes.

Game Axis------vs---------Allies-------------Game Year
01) Avatar47--------------aaminoff----------------Axis Decisive Victory
02) christian brown-------Avatar47--------------Allied Decisive Victory +5AAR Axis&Allies
03) Erik Rutins------------christian brown-------Allies Decisive Victory Allies+5pt AAR
04) Forwarn45-------------Erik Rutins------------Axis AutoVictory (DV)
05) GKar-------------------Forwarn45-------------Allied Decisive Victory Allies +5AAR
06) Haudrauf1962--------GKar--------------------Allied Decisive Victory
07) JanSorensen---------Haudrauf1962--------Axis Decisive Victory - Axis+5pt AAR
08) kondor----------------JanSorensen----------Allies Decisive Victory - Allies+5pt AAR
09) ---------------------------------------------------------
10) mikemcmann----------kondor----------------Allies Decisive Victory
11) MrQuiet---------------mikemcmann----------Axis Decisive Victory
12) rjh1971----------------MrQuiet----------------Allied Decisive Victory
13) tica---------------------rjh1971----------------Draw
14) wargameplayer-------tica--------------------Axis Auto Victory (DV)
15) aaminoff---------------wargameplayer------Allied Decisive Victory

1 draw
5 Axis Wins
8 Allied Wins
14 games

(in reply to GKar)
Post #: 144
RE: Christian Brown R U out there? - 3/15/2007 12:05:11 AM   


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Current point standings

Player Current Tournament Points

christian brown (Tristansdad)--------------50
Erik Rutins (Ruthenion)--------------------(-40)
tica (Tcarter)---------------------------------(0)
wargameplayer (wargameplaya)--------120

Current Top 3 Scores

wargameplayer (wargameplaya)--------120

Round 2 List of Players/Games

01) Forwarn45------------------125
02) JanSorensen---------------130
03) wargameplayer------------120
04) Avatar47-------------------125
05) Haudrauf1962--------------0
06) MrQuiet--------------------120
07) GKar------------------------40
08) kondor----------------------40
09) rjh1971----------------------0
10) tica (Tcarter)----------------0

< Message edited by MrQuiet -- 3/15/2007 12:08:47 AM >

(in reply to MrQuiet)
Post #: 145
RE: Christian Brown R U out there? - 3/15/2007 2:34:54 AM   
christian brown

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Mr.Quiet, Though I do not know why, I see that you have posed a question under opponents wanted, even though I can't actually see the post here......I think you are asking if I am definitively out of the tourney: the answer is yes. As a certain 5 star once said: "I shall return" but only after a new ladder tourney has been created and I purchase 1) a windows based system, or 2) purchase compatibility software for this Mac.

I guess I could have saved your time and just said; "I surrender!"


"Those who would give up a little liberty for a little security deserve neither and will lose both."
~ Thomas Jefferson

(in reply to MrQuiet)
Post #: 146
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