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Matrix Games Announces Hannibal: Rome and Carthage in the Second Punic War

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Matrix Games Announces Hannibal: Rome and Carthage in t... - 7/9/2010 6:10:06 AM   

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From Cannae to Zama – Bring the mighty Roman Empire to its knees!

Matrix Games and Forced March Games ( are thrilled to announce that they have reached a publishing agreement to bring Hannibal: Rome and Carthage in the Second Punic War to gamers worldwide. Sporting original themed art, a fantastic soundtrack, and crisp, intuitive turn-based gameplay, Hannibal brings an innovative and fun blend of diplomacy, strategy, and tactical action to the ancient Mediterranean!

David Heath, Director of Operations at Matrix Games, said “From the first screenshots I was struck by Hannibal’s art direction and neat interface. Once we played it, we realized the solid gameplay will keep you coming back for more, even if you’ve never played a game set in this period before! We believe all strategy gamers in search of a well-balanced and polished experience will appreciate this game and we’re proud to add it to the Matrix/Slitherine catalog!”

James Warshawsky, Lead Developer at Forced March Games, added, “We’re thrilled to be working with Matrix to bring Hannibal out to strategy and ancients fans. We’ve tried to take a unique approach to virtually all aspects of Hannibal to bring a truly fresh experience and we think that gamers will agree that we’ve done just that!”

Hannibal: Rome and Carthage in the Second Punic War is a new and innovative turn-based strategy game that puts you in command of the Carthaginian military during a period of total war over land and sea with the young Roman Republic. With this military juggernaut of the ancient world at your disposal, you will vie for control over Italy, Carthage, Spain and the Mediterranean Sea using a combination of strategic political maneuvering and sheer tactical skill both on land and sea. Play consists of two layers; the first is a strategic layer where you must prudently steer your forces to the destruction of Rome’s army and the ultimate destruction of the Republic and city itself. At your disposal are a variety of unit types and historical commanders from which to form your armies. On the tactical scale, when meeting the enemy in battle, skilled leadership and a knack for war come into play as you use a simple but engaging battle system to best your opponents.

Commanders would do well to be shrewd in both war and politics as they must use diplomacy and cunning to appease and satisfy their own senate while cultivating key alliances in places like Gaul and Syracuse. To ensure that no two games are alike, a variety of historical option cards are available in every game. These cards simulate a variety of plausible events like reinforcements, political influence, revolts, desertion, specialized battle tactics, and more. The end result is engrossing and addictive turn-based gameplay and a challenging AI opponent that will keep you coming back for just one more challenge and to try just one more different strategy. Hannibal features truly unique historically themed artwork in nearly all aspects of the game. This is coupled with loads of high quality, Ancient period music to make for an immersive and wholly enjoyable experience!

Get more information on Hannibal: Rome and Carthage in the Second Punic War from its official product page.


Sean Drummy

Marketing and Press Relations Manager
Post #: 1
RE: Matrix Games Announces Hannibal: Rome and Carthage ... - 7/9/2010 6:59:59 AM   


Posts: 142
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Realy interested in this one.
How long till I can give you my money

(in reply to SeanD)
Post #: 2
RE: Matrix Games Announces Hannibal: Rome and Carthage ... - 7/9/2010 7:30:24 AM   


Posts: 577
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Can we play Rome?

< Message edited by Skanvak -- 7/9/2010 8:39:56 AM >


Best regards


(in reply to BallyJ)
Post #: 3
RE: Matrix Games Announces Hannibal: Rome and Carthage ... - 7/9/2010 9:53:52 AM   

Posts: 653
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Dear Skanvak

No, you cannot play Rome. You always take the side of Hannibal and Carthage.

But I think (naturally) that you will find sufficient variety in the game.

Best regards


James Warshawsky
Forced March Games, LLC

(in reply to Skanvak)
Post #: 4
RE: Matrix Games Announces Hannibal: Rome and Carthage ... - 7/9/2010 10:44:55 AM   


Posts: 577
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Well no. I like to play Rome. Sad the game look nice enough but I will pass. As not playing Rome mean no multi either.


Best regards


(in reply to mercenarius)
Post #: 5
RE: Matrix Games Announces Hannibal: Rome and Carthage ... - 7/9/2010 10:49:30 PM   


Posts: 12
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I really liked the demo of this (tried it when it was discovered and linked a few months ago at the Wargamer), looking forward for the release. :)

(in reply to Skanvak)
Post #: 6
RE: Matrix Games Announces Hannibal: Rome and Carthage ... - 7/11/2010 7:05:37 PM   


Posts: 3170
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From: Maryland
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No, you cannot play Rome. You always take the side of Hannibal and Carthage.
But I think (naturally) that you will find sufficient variety in the game.

This may be fine for initial release. But what about continued development, are there plans to develop AI for Carthage and allow for play of both sides or multiplayer pbem games? Players are interested in more (aren't they always?).

On the other hand, Armegeddon Empires came out in 2007 with only a single play mode for one side. It's an interesting design concept that allows developers (at least new developers) to focus on good solid gameplay at the expense of offering more complicated options. Players should pay attention to what these new games actually offer, rather than what they don't? Game looks like fun regardless.

(in reply to Tarsyk)
Post #: 7
RE: Matrix Games Announces Hannibal: Rome and Carthage ... - 7/12/2010 6:59:08 PM   


Posts: 167
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As always, some people are awfully quick to judge a game before even playing it. I played Hannibal's demo a lot, and I was always very annoyed when it ended after only 2 turns. None of the games I played went exactly the same way twice, so if that was the demo version, I can only imagine the full game will be even better. The mechanism works really well, the cards add variability to events, and the AI seemed to do a good job. I'm very pleased to see Matrix publishes Hannibal.

So give this game a chance people, and don't shoot it down simply because you can't tolerate the idea of not being able to play as the Romans. Rome wasn't the only military power in the ancient world, and for a long time it wasn't even the best.


"But here we are in a chamber pot, about to be ****ted upon."

-French General Auguste Ducrot before the Battle of Sedan, September 1870

(in reply to pzgndr)
Post #: 8
RE: Matrix Games Announces Hannibal: Rome and Carthage ... - 7/24/2010 12:03:49 AM   


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I also played the demo and loved it.  I also assumed Rome would be playable in the final release, but what I find really puzzling is that the official announcement makes no mention of a release date, quarter, or even year.  Some kind of indication of what stage the game is at would be useful to people new to the game.  FMG was talking about releasing it this quarter, so I want to know:

Now that there's a publisher, is the release pushed back?
Is there a new estimate of which quarter it will be released in?
Can you please released a demo with four turns instead of two?

(in reply to SeanD)
Post #: 9
RE: Matrix Games Announces Hannibal: Rome and Carthage ... - 7/24/2010 10:00:32 AM   


Posts: 167
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Some new information would be great... like the release date and a new demo. 


"But here we are in a chamber pot, about to be ****ted upon."

-French General Auguste Ducrot before the Battle of Sedan, September 1870

(in reply to screeg)
Post #: 10
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