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RE: Maps no longer available

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All Forums >> [New Releases from Matrix Games] >> Gary Grigsby's War in the East Series >> Scenario Design and Modding >> RE: Maps no longer available Page: <<   < prev  5 6 7 8 [9]
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RE: Maps no longer available - 2/12/2017 11:19:13 AM   

Posts: 41
Joined: 7/30/2016
Status: offline
So is their a link for anything left?, the Mannaberg website address does not work for me - I believe it's not there any longer from skimming the comments.

(in reply to goranw)
Post #: 241
RE: Maps no longer available - 3/17/2017 7:53:29 PM   

Posts: 32
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What are you talking about? Goranw posted my dropbox link, which should still be up and running to my knowledge. Regards Scapa

(in reply to XTRG)
Post #: 242
RE: Maps no longer available - 7/31/2017 10:58:31 PM   


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Sorry to be an idiot but I have installed the maps and have them running (at least the zoom 2 ones I guess); now how exactly does this help me with my plans? Can I draw lines or something while in the game? I have read all 9 pages on this thread and I don't see anything that explains exactly what to do.

When I zoom way out I see coloured dots on the map that show the historical advances, ok, but that has nothing to do with my current game as it is 1942 and the Germans haven't even reached Smolensk yet (I am USSR). If I zoom in a get a cool realistic looking map but I can't draw lines or put in "A" as the author showed so not sure what I am suppose to do here.

(in reply to U47)
Post #: 243
RE: Maps no longer available - 9/12/2017 1:21:20 AM   


Posts: 243
Joined: 6/4/2009
From: Chicago
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Hi Scapa,

I think Dropbox recently updated/re-formatted their whole program.

Could you please sign-in and update yours so we can access the mod file content.

Many thanks!



(in reply to U47)
Post #: 244
RE: Maps no longer available - 3/26/2018 4:55:51 PM   


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Any chance of a re-upload of gorans maps by some kind soul?


(in reply to Aufklaerungs)
Post #: 245
RE: Maps no longer available - 1/22/2019 2:09:47 PM   

Posts: 32
Joined: 3/2/2016
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Sorry about the delay everyone. Here's the updated dropbox link.

(in reply to foolsgold7610)
Post #: 246
RE: Maps no longer available - 11/26/2019 6:04:08 AM   


Posts: 1496
Joined: 11/3/2016
From: Zichron Yaaqov, Israel; Before, Treviso, Italy
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ORIGINAL: chris65

Sorry to be an idiot but I have installed the maps and have them running (at least the zoom 2 ones I guess); now how exactly does this help me with my plans? Can I draw lines or something while in the game? I have read all 9 pages on this thread and I don't see anything that explains exactly what to do.

When I zoom way out I see coloured dots on the map that show the historical advances, ok, but that has nothing to do with my current game as it is 1942 and the Germans haven't even reached Smolensk yet (I am USSR). If I zoom in a get a cool realistic looking map but I can't draw lines or put in "A" as the author showed so not sure what I am suppose to do here.

I have the same question;

i undestand this is a different "map mode";

I'd be pleased to know wheteher is there any program out here where I can plan operations on a map, drawing lines, editing, writing n it...

(in reply to chris65)
Post #: 247
RE: Maps no longer available - 5/19/2020 9:14:30 PM   


Posts: 1551
Joined: 10/23/2001
From: Uppsala,Sweden
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This is a link to get my old planning map.If there is an interest.Zoom2 No hexes. 63 maps.
With Fliegerhorste.

(in reply to adarbrauner)
Post #: 248
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