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English Civil War updated to version 1.03a

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English Civil War updated to version 1.03a - 11/22/2017 1:59:30 PM   


Posts: 1812
Joined: 2/7/2015
Status: offline
Hi everyone,

English Civil War has been updated to version 1.03a!

You can download the update from here

Check out the changelog below:

 New Exe file fixing huge log issue
 Some changes made in map
 Fixed Issue regarding Storm RGD
 Bradford Region is unblocked when Fairfax event is fired
 Changed several texts errors.
 Fixed Issue duplicating ‘The Queen’ event in log
 Fixed Issue regarding ‘no Nato symbol’ for Scottish cavalry
 Fixed Issue regarding ‘Basing House appears as '0' in a message as a siege’
 Fixed issue in Option ‘Commissioners to Scotland’
 Fixing issue regarding ‘Argyll has no picture (in the separate window listing his properties)’
 ‘Recruit soldiers among prisoners doesn't Works’ is fixed
 Farnham castle event now gives 10 Money and 5 WS
 Assessment Tax option now gives 100 Money
 Fixed Issue ‘Req Offices are destroyed after some battles.’
 Southern Assoc can buy replacements now
 Massey event twice in log, fixed
 Wales Frontier has been redone
 Pwilloughby appears as Essex and without Biography, fixed.
 Wrong names in Ledger, fixed
 Unit cost has been lowered.
Post #: 1
RE: English Civil War updated to version 1.03a - 11/22/2017 2:22:27 PM   

Posts: 22687
Joined: 10/4/2012
Status: offline

(in reply to Daniele)
Post #: 2
RE: English Civil War updated to version 1.03a - 12/12/2017 10:09:47 PM   


Posts: 1340
Joined: 3/22/2007
Status: offline
Has it fixed the option with WS captured in battles now loading to your overall total?

(in reply to zakblood)
Post #: 3
RE: English Civil War updated to version 1.03a - 12/19/2017 1:26:52 PM   


Posts: 1340
Joined: 3/22/2007
Status: offline
Another bigger problem is that since the new version 1.03a ECW keeps on crashing for me at the same point, either immediately after a big battle or else at the end of the turn following the battle when it is trying to save.
Here is the !Main log if it can make sense to anyone but it does seem to find loads of new problems with the game now that weren't there before :

15:32:59 (Reporting) User: Chris Computer: CHRIS-PC
15:32:59 (Reporting) Loading general settings
15:33:00 (Reporting) USettings.LoadSettings 834 settings loaded, out of 7 settings files.
15:33:00 (Reporting) Loading Localized Strings
15:33:04 (Reporting) System local strings loaded from C:\Matrix Games\ECW\ECW\Settings\LocalStrings__AGE.csv
15:33:04 (Reporting) Loading Display Options
15:33:04 (Reporting) Entering DirectX Initializations
15:33:04 (Reporting) LocalStrings & Settings 6615 ms
15:33:04 (Reporting) Cursors 96 ms
15:33:09 (Reporting) DirectX Initializations 1572 ms
15:33:09 (Reporting) Fonts 54 ms
15:33:09 (Reporting) TTerrainDefs.Create 114 Terrains definitions loaded, out of 57 terrains files.
15:33:09 (Reporting) Terrains Definitions 1664 ms
15:33:09 (Reporting) Areas Loading 127 ms
15:33:09 (Reporting) Areas 134 ms
15:33:09 (Reporting) Theaters 0 ms
15:33:09 (Reporting) Particles I 0 ms
15:33:09 (Reporting) TAbiDefs.Create 149 Abilities loaded, out of 149 abilities files.
15:33:09 (Reporting) Units Abilities 579 ms
15:33:09 (Reporting) TStrucDefs.LoadFromFile 25 StrucDef loaded, out of 25 StrucDef files.
15:33:09 (Reporting) Structures 530 ms
15:33:09 (Reporting) TFactionDefs.LoadFromFile 16 FactionDef loaded, out of 16 FactionDef files.
15:33:09 (Reporting) Factions 191 ms
15:33:09 (Reporting) Application.Initialize OK
15:33:09 (Reporting) TSplash.Create OK
15:33:09 (Reporting) TSplash.Show OK
15:33:09 (Reporting) TSplash.Repaint OK
15:33:09 (Reporting) Starting Media Librarian
15:33:09 (Reporting) Game Engine version: ECW 1.03
15:33:09 (Reporting) Max Texture size: 8192 x 8192
15:33:09 (Reporting) TAgeAudio Initializing Audio Engine
15:33:09 (Reporting) TMediaLibrarian.InitializeSounds 145 sounds loaded.
15:33:09 (Reporting) TMediaLibrarian.InitializeMusics 17 Musics loaded.
15:33:09 (Reporting) TMediaLibrarian.Create Finished loading images in 3.308 seconds Memory usage: 61120 kb
15:33:09 (Reporting) Media Librarian 7911 ms
15:33:09 (Reporting) TParticlesDef.Create 4 particles definitions loaded, out of 4 particles files.
15:33:09 (Reporting) Particles II 15 ms
15:33:09 (Reporting) TDoodadDefs.Create 6 doodads definitions loaded, out of 6 files.
15:33:09 (Reporting) Doodads 39 ms
15:33:09 (Reporting) TListRegionDefs.Create 229 Regions definitions loaded. PolyCount: 6603 TriangleCount: 6141 AdjacencyCount: 6163 JumpLinkCount: 114
15:33:09 (Reporting) Regions Loading 4414 ms
15:33:09 (Reporting) Regions(Area) Loading 0 ms
15:33:09 (Reporting) TListButtons.Create 1 buttons definitions loaded, from 4 frontend files.
15:33:09 (Reporting) Buttons 98 ms
15:33:09 (Reporting) TMediaLibrarian.GetMediaInfo: Unable to find MediaInfo for image: arrows_up_black_off
15:33:09 (Reporting) TMediaLibrarian.GetMediaInfo: Unable to find MediaInfo for image: arrows_down_black_off
15:33:09 (Reporting) TMediaLibrarian.GetMediaInfo: Unable to find MediaInfo for image: region_supply_off
15:33:09 (Reporting) TMediaLibrarian.GetMediaInfo: Unable to find MediaInfo for image: region_ammo_off
15:33:09 (Reporting) TMediaLibrarian.GetMediaInfo: Unable to find MediaInfo for image: ledger_unitfilter_air_on
15:33:09 (Reporting) TMediaLibrarian.GetMediaInfo: Unable to find MediaInfo for image: logo-stacked-civil-war-trust
15:33:09 (Reporting) TMediaLibrarian.GetMediaInfo: Unable to find MediaInfo for image: msgline1024x15
15:33:09 (Reporting) TMediaLibrarian.GetMediaInfo: Unable to find MediaInfo for image: btn_filter_air_off
15:33:09 (Reporting) TMediaLibrarian.GetMediaInfo: Unable to find MediaInfo for image: icon_regionslist_rail
15:33:09 (Reporting) TMediaLibrarian.GetMediaInfo: Unable to find MediaInfo for image: icon_regionslist_conscript
15:33:09 (Reporting) TMediaLibrarian.GetMediaInfo: Unable to find MediaInfo for image: filter_regionslist_rail_on
15:33:09 (Reporting) TMediaLibrarian.GetMediaInfo: Unable to find MediaInfo for image: filter_regionslist_production_on
15:33:09 (Reporting) TMediaLibrarian.GetMediaInfo: Unable to find MediaInfo for image: asset_ammos_off
15:33:09 (Reporting) TAgeDxComponentList.Create 49 frontend definitions loaded, from 49 frontend files.
15:33:09 (Reporting) TFrontEnd.Create 4 frontend definitions loaded, from 4 frontend files.
15:33:09 (Reporting) Frontends Initializations 9938 ms
15:33:09 (Reporting) Starting Game World
15:33:09 (Reporting) TMerchandises.LoadFromFile 22 Merchandises loaded, from 22 Merchandises files.
15:33:09 (Reporting) TModels.Create 181 (Cached) Models loaded in 145 ms
15:33:09 (Reporting) TListUnitDefs.Create 213 (Cached) Units loaded in 37 ms
15:33:09 (Reporting) TWeather.Create 3 Weathers patterns loaded, from 3 files.
15:33:09 (Reporting) TEthnics.LoadFromFile 0 Ethnics loaded, from 0 Ethnics files.
15:33:09 (Reporting) TReligions.LoadFromFile 0 Religions loaded, from 0 Religions files.
15:33:09 (Reporting) TAgendaDefs.LoadFromFile 37 AI Agendas loaded from 37 AI Agendas files.
15:33:09 (Reporting) TMapAleaDefs.LoadFromFile 2 TMapAleaDef loaded, from 2 files.
15:33:09 (Reporting) TAIAgentDefs.LoadFromFile 5 AIAgentDefs loaded, from 5 aia files.
15:33:09 (Reporting) TFactionMods.LoadFromFile 2 Faction Modifiers loaded, from 2 files, in 54 ms
15:33:09 (Reporting) TFacAttribDefs.LoadFromFile 0 Faction Atttributes loaded from 0 Attributes Definition files.
15:33:09 (Reporting) TFacAttribsOverride.LoadFromFile 0 F.A. Overrides loaded from 0 Attributes Definition files.
15:33:09 (Reporting) TRgnDecisionDefs.LoadFromFile 24 Region Decisions loaded, from 24 Decisions files.
15:33:09 (Reporting) TBattlePlanDefs.LoadFromFile 80 Battle plans loaded, from 80 files.
15:33:09 (Reporting) TMediaLibrarian.GetMediaInfo: Unable to find MediaInfo for image: army_frame
15:33:09 (Reporting) Game World & attached DBs 2488 ms
15:33:09 (Reporting) Starting Data Parser
15:33:09 (Reporting) Data Parser 7 ms
15:33:09 (Reporting) Starting Renderer
15:33:09 (Reporting) Rendering Engine 278 ms
15:33:09 (Reporting) Starting Game ...
15:33:09 (Reporting) Global Load Time: 37604 ms
15:33:09 (Reporting) TMain, CreateForm OK
15:33:09 (Reporting) Application.Run Starting app... 91256 kb
15:33:09 (Reporting) Game Engine version: ECW 1.03
15:33:09 (Reporting) TSlaveThing.SetBitmap: Unable to find MediaInfo for image: Logo-Stacked-Civil-War-Trust.png
15:33:09 (Reporting) TGUILoadGame.OnValidateChoice C:\Users\Chris\Documents\My Games\ECW\ECW\Saves\ECW_TheEnglishCivilWar4\ECW_TheEnglishCivilWar.hst Saved Game file loaded, # of entries: 41697
15:33:09 (Reporting) TMediaLibrarian.GetMediaInfo: Unable to find MediaInfo for image: gx_parcity
15:33:09 (Reporting) Gamesim data (excluding DBs) loaded in: 484 ms
15:33:09 (Reporting) TThing.SetBitmap: Unable to find MediaInfo for image: asset_ammos_OFF.png
15:33:09 (Reporting) TThing.SetBitmap: Unable to find MediaInfo for image: Gx_PARCity.png
15:33:09 (Reporting) TSlaveThing.SetBitmap: Unable to find MediaInfo for image: CSFlag_NEU.png
15:33:09 (Reporting) TThing.SetBitmap: Unable to find MediaInfo for image: region_ammo_OFF.png
15:33:09 (Reporting) TThing.SetBitmap: Unable to find MediaInfo for image: region_supply_OFF.png
15:33:09 (Reporting) TMediaLibrarian.GetMediaInfo: Unable to find MediaInfo for image: ocean_storm
15:33:09 (Reporting) TSlaveThing.SetBitmap: Unable to find MediaInfo for image: Ocean_storm.png
15:33:09 (Reporting) Main unexpected exception TApplication , Violation d'accès à l'adresse 004B2438 dans le module 'ECW.exe'. Lecture de l'adresse 0C5C7210 try: -21
15:33:09 (Reporting) TMediaLibrarian.GetMediaInfo: Unable to find MediaInfo for image: so36_off
15:33:09 (Reporting) TSlaveThing.SetBitmap: Unable to find MediaInfo for image: GrpInd_InCS.bmp
15:33:09 (Reporting) Starting Hosting Phase Turn 10 164896 kb
15:33:09 (Reporting) Gamesim data (excluding DBs) loaded in: 408 ms
15:33:09 (Reporting) Host: Starting AIs.
15:33:09 (Reporting) Host: AI files done. 2682 ms
15:33:09 (Reporting) Host MakeStep 0
15:33:09 (Reporting) TMediaLibrarian.GetMediaInfo: Unable to find MediaInfo for image: left_bpl_medium_defaultdeploy
15:33:09 (Reporting) TThing.SetBitmap: Unable to find MediaInfo for image: Left_bpl_medium_DefaultDeploy.png
15:33:09 (Reporting) TMediaLibrarian.GetMediaInfo: Unable to find MediaInfo for image: br_back-leftflag_par
15:33:09 (Reporting) TSlaveThing.SetBitmap: Unable to find MediaInfo for image: BR_Back-LeftFlag_PAR.png
15:33:09 (Reporting) TMediaLibrarian.GetMediaInfo: Unable to find MediaInfo for image: br_back-rightflag_roy
15:33:09 (Reporting) TSlaveThing.SetBitmap: Unable to find MediaInfo for image: BR_Back-RightFlag_ROY.png
15:33:09 (Reporting) Host MakeStep 1
15:33:09 (Reporting) Host MakeStep 2
15:33:09 (Reporting) Host MakeStep 3
15:33:09 (Reporting) Host MakeStep 4
15:33:09 (Reporting) Host MakeStep 5
15:33:09 (Reporting) Host MakeStep 6
15:33:09 (Reporting) Host MakeStep 7
15:33:09 (Reporting) Host MakeStep 8
15:33:09 (Reporting) Host MakeStep 9
15:33:09 (Reporting) Host MakeStep 10
15:33:09 (Reporting) Host MakeStep 11
15:33:09 (Reporting) Host MakeStep 12
15:33:09 (Reporting) Host MakeStep 13
15:33:09 (Reporting) Host MakeStep 14
15:33:09 DoUnitsSpawningFromAbi 0.0 µs
15:33:09 (Reporting) FullDebug: Script Engine, while parsing line 6748 Unknown Keyword: |uni_PAR_Dra
15:33:09 (Reporting) Scripting ended 462 ms
15:33:09 [Error ] THost.PostHostProcess Exception caught: Violation d'accès à l'adresse 76FAE49B dans le module 'ntdll.dll'. Ecriture de l'adresse 00FFFFFF DebugStep: 360
15:33:09 [Error ] TGUIStackPanel.ExportUnit Exception caught, ExportStep: 100 Violation d'accès à l'adresse 76FAE43E dans le module 'ntdll.dll'. Lecture de l'adresse C59C786E
15:33:09 [Error ] TMediaLibrarian.Draw II Can't make a texture of image (EOList): ChevronWhite2.png file possibly corrupted.
15:33:09 (Reporting) Renderer unexpected exception Violation d'accès à l'adresse 76FAE49B dans le module 'ntdll.dll'. Ecriture de l'adresse 00000000 try: -41 Prep'ing Thing ChevronWhite2.png
15:33:09 [Critical ] TThing.GetWidth Can't retrieve bitmap infos
15:33:09 (Reporting) Main unexpected exception TButton , Violation d'accès à l'adresse 76FAE49B dans le module 'ntdll.dll'. Ecriture de l'adresse FFFFFF00 try: -25
15:33:09 (Reporting) Main unexpected exception TApplication , Erreur système. Code : 1400.
Invalid window handle try: -24
15:33:09 [Error ] TMediaLibrarian.Draw II Can't make a texture of image (EOList): ChevronWhite2.png file possibly corrupted.
15:33:09 (Reporting) Renderer unexpected exception Violation d'accès à l'adresse 76FAE49B dans le module 'ntdll.dll'. Ecriture de l'adresse 00000000 try: -40 Prep'ing Thing ChevronWhite2.png
15:33:09 [Critical ] TThing.GetWidth Can't retrieve bitmap infos
15:33:09 (Reporting) Main unexpected exception TButton , Violation d'accès à l'adresse 76FAE43E dans le module 'ntdll.dll'. Lecture de l'adresse 3BCEDA44 try: -23
15:33:09 (Reporting) Main unexpected exception TApplication , Erreur système. Code : 1400.
Invalid window handle try: -22
15:33:09 (Reporting) Main unexpected exception TButton , Violation d'accès à l'adresse 76FAE49B dans le module 'ntdll.dll'. Ecriture de l'adresse 00000000 try: -21
15:33:09 (Reporting) Main unexpected exception TButton , Violation d'accès à l'adresse 76FAE43E dans le module 'ntdll.dll'. Lecture de l'adresse FF82960E try: -20
15:33:09 (Reporting) Main unexpected exception TMessageForm , Erreur système. Code : 1400.
Invalid window handle try: -19
15:33:09 [Error ] TMediaLibrarian.Draw II Can't make a texture of image (EOList): ChevronWhite2.png file possibly corrupted.
15:33:09 (Reporting) Renderer unexpected exception Violation d'accès à l'adresse 76FAE43E dans le module 'ntdll.dll'. Lecture de l'adresse 57DF5A12 try: -39 Prep'ing Thing ChevronWhite2.png
15:33:09 [Critical ] TThing.GetWidth Can't retrieve bitmap infos
15:33:09 (Reporting) Main unexpected exception TButton , Violation d'accès à l'adresse 76FAE49B dans le module 'ntdll.dll'. Ecriture de l'adresse 00000000 try: -18
15:33:09 (Reporting) Main unexpected exception TApplication , Erreur système. Code : 1400.
Invalid window handle try: -17
15:33:09 [Error ] TMediaLibrarian.Draw II Can't make a texture of image (EOList): ChevronWhite2.png file possibly corrupted.
15:33:09 (Reporting) Renderer unexpected exception Violation d'accès à l'adresse 76FAE43E dans le module 'ntdll.dll'. Lecture de l'adresse E36A7F76 try: -38 Prep'ing Thing ChevronWhite2.png
15:33:09 [Critical ] TThing.GetWidth Can't retrieve bitmap infos
15:33:09 (Reporting) Main unexpected exception TButton , Violation d'accès à l'adresse 76FAE43E dans le module 'ntdll.dll'. Lecture de l'adresse 342E0BFA try: -16
15:33:09 (Reporting) Main unexpected exception TApplication , Erreur système. Code : 1400.
Invalid window handle try: -15
15:33:09 [Error ] TMediaLibrarian.Draw II Can't make a texture of image (EOList): ChevronWhite2.png file possibly corrupted.
15:33:09 (Reporting) Renderer unexpected exception Violation d'accès à l'adresse 76FAE43E dans le module 'ntdll.dll'. Lecture de l'adresse 94640797 try: -37 Prep'ing Thing ChevronWhite2.png
15:33:09 [Critical ] TThing.GetWidth Can't retrieve bitmap infos
15:33:09 (Reporting) Main unexpected exception TButton , Violation d'accès à l'adresse 76FAE49B dans le module 'ntdll.dll'. Ecriture de l'adresse FFFFFF00 try: -14
15:33:09 (Reporting) Main unexpected exception TApplication , Erreur système. Code : 1400.
Invalid window handle try: -13
15:33:09 [Error ] TMediaLibrarian.Draw II Can't make a texture of image (EOList): ChevronWhite2.png file possibly corrupted.
15:33:09 (Reporting) Renderer unexpected exception Violation d'accès à l'adresse 76FAE49B dans le module 'ntdll.dll'. Ecriture de l'adresse 00000000 try: -37 Prep'ing Thing ChevronWhite2.png
15:33:09 [Critical ] TThing.GetWidth Can't retrieve bitmap infos
15:33:09 (Reporting) Main unexpected exception TButton , Violation d'accès à l'adresse 76FAE43E dans le module 'ntdll.dll'. Lecture de l'adresse 3BCEDA44 try: -13
15:33:09 (Reporting) Main unexpected exception TApplication , Erreur système. Code : 1400.
Invalid window handle try: -12
15:33:09 (Reporting) TMediaLibrarian.GetMediaInfo: Unable to find MediaInfo for image: abi_circle
15:33:09 (Reporting) TThing.SetBitmap: Unable to find MediaInfo for image: abi_circle.png
15:37:31 (Reporting) TSlaveThing.SetBitmap: Unable to find MediaInfo for image: MsgLine1024x15
15:37:31 (Reporting) TMediaLibrarian.GetMediaInfo: Unable to find MediaInfo for image: swamp_snow
15:37:31 (Reporting) TSlaveThing.SetBitmap: Unable to find MediaInfo for image: Swamp_snow.png
15:37:31 (Reporting) TMediaLibrarian.GetMediaInfo: Unable to find MediaInfo for image: lock
15:37:31 (Reporting) TSlaveThing.SetBitmap: Unable to find MediaInfo for image: Ledger_UnitFilter_air_ON.png
15:37:31 (Reporting) TSlaveThing.SetBitmap: Unable to find MediaInfo for image: Lock.png
15:37:31 (Reporting) Starting Hosting Phase Turn 11 280936 kb
15:37:31 (Reporting) Host: Starting AIs.
15:37:31 (Reporting) Host: AI files done. 83 ms
15:37:31 (Reporting) Host MakeStep 0
15:37:31 (Reporting) Host MakeStep 1
15:37:31 (Reporting) Host MakeStep 2
15:37:31 (Reporting) Host MakeStep 3
15:37:31 (Reporting) Host MakeStep 4
15:37:31 (Reporting) Host MakeStep 5
15:37:31 (Reporting) THost.CheckControl This region is controlled by no one, trying to fix... 84
15:37:31 (Reporting) ...Fixed Using faction 1000002 Parliamentarian
15:37:31 (Reporting) Host MakeStep 6
15:37:31 (Reporting) Host MakeStep 7
15:37:31 (Reporting) Host MakeStep 8
15:37:31 (Reporting) Host MakeStep 9
15:37:31 (Reporting) Host MakeStep 10
15:37:31 (Reporting) Host MakeStep 11
15:37:31 (Reporting) Host MakeStep 12
15:37:31 (Reporting) Host MakeStep 13
15:37:31 (Reporting) Host MakeStep 14
15:37:31 DoUnitsSpawningFromAbi 0.0 µs
15:37:31 (Reporting) FullDebug: Script Engine, while parsing line 6748 Unknown Keyword: |uni_PAR_Dra
15:37:31 (Reporting) Scripting ended 466 ms
15:37:31 [Error ] THost.PostHostProcess Exception caught: Violation d'accès à l'adresse 76FAE49B dans le module 'ntdll.dll'. Ecriture de l'adresse 00000000 DebugStep: 360
15:37:31 (Reporting) TThing.SetBitmap: Unable to find MediaInfo for image: SO36_OFF.png
15:46:15 (Reporting) TMediaLibrarian.GetMediaInfo: Unable to find MediaInfo for image: btn_secfilter_all_off
15:46:15 (Reporting) TThing.SetBitmap: Unable to find MediaInfo for image: btn_SecFilter_all_off
15:46:15 (Reporting) Starting Hosting Phase Turn 12 243372 kb
15:46:15 (Reporting) Host: Starting AIs.
15:46:15 (Reporting) Host: AI files done. 131 ms
15:46:15 (Reporting) Host MakeStep 0
15:46:15 (Reporting) Host MakeStep 1
15:46:15 (Reporting) Host MakeStep 2
15:46:15 (Reporting) Host MakeStep 3
15:46:15 (Reporting) Host MakeStep 4
15:46:15 (Reporting) Host MakeStep 5
15:46:15 (Reporting) Host MakeStep 6
15:46:15 (Reporting) Host MakeStep 7
15:46:15 (Reporting) Host MakeStep 8
15:46:15 (Reporting) Host MakeStep 9
15:46:15 (Reporting) Host MakeStep 10
15:46:15 (Reporting) Host MakeStep 11
15:46:15 (Reporting) Host MakeStep 12
15:46:15 (Reporting) Host MakeStep 13
15:46:15 (Reporting) Host MakeStep 14
15:46:15 DoUnitsSpawningFromAbi 0.0 µs
15:46:15 (Reporting) FullDebug: Script Engine, while parsing line 6748 Unknown Keyword: |uni_PAR_Dra
15:46:15 (Reporting) Scripting ended 481 ms
15:46:15 [Error ] THost.PostHostProcess Exception caught: Violation d'accès à l'adresse 76FAE49B dans le module 'ntdll.dll'. Ecriture de l'adresse FFFFFF00 DebugStep: 360
15:46:15 (Reporting) TMediaLibrarian.GetMediaInfo: Unable to find MediaInfo for image: so35_off
15:46:15 (Reporting) TSlaveThing.SetBitmap: Unable to find MediaInfo for image: FleetInHarbor.png
15:46:15 (Reporting) TThing.SetBitmap: Unable to find MediaInfo for image: SO35_DIS.png
15:50:37 (Reporting) TMediaLibrarian.GetMediaInfo: Unable to find MediaInfo for image: bottomleft_banner_ctt
15:50:37 (Reporting) TMediaLibrarian.GetMediaInfo: Unable to find MediaInfo for image: bottomleft_banner_contest
15:50:37 (Reporting) Main unexpected exception TApplication , Indice de liste hors limites (4966) try: -434
15:50:37 (Reporting) Starting Hosting Phase Turn 13 248168 kb
15:50:37 (Reporting) Host: Starting AIs.
15:50:37 (Reporting) Host: AI files done. 126 ms
15:50:37 (Reporting) Host MakeStep 0
15:50:37 (Reporting) Host MakeStep 1
15:50:37 (Reporting) Host MakeStep 2
15:50:37 (Reporting) TMediaLibrarian.GetMediaInfo: Unable to find MediaInfo for image: unit_roy_unknown
15:50:37 (Reporting) TThing.SetBitmap: Unable to find MediaInfo for image: Unit_ROY_unknown
15:50:37 (Reporting) THost.CheckControl This region is controlled by no one, trying to fix... 88
15:50:37 (Reporting) Host MakeStep 3
15:50:37 (Reporting) Host MakeStep 4
15:50:37 (Reporting) Host MakeStep 5
15:50:37 (Reporting) Host MakeStep 6
15:50:37 (Reporting) Host MakeStep 7
15:50:37 (Reporting) Host MakeStep 8
15:50:37 (Reporting) Host MakeStep 9
15:50:37 (Reporting) Host MakeStep 10
15:50:37 (Reporting) Host MakeStep 11
15:50:37 (Reporting) Host MakeStep 12
15:50:37 (Reporting) Host MakeStep 13
15:50:37 (Reporting) Host MakeStep 14
15:50:37 DoUnitsSpawningFromAbi 0.0 µs
15:50:37 (Reporting) FullDebug: Script Engine, while parsing line 6748 Unknown Keyword: |uni_PAR_Dra
15:50:37 (Reporting) Scripting ended 477 ms
15:50:37 (Reporting) Ended Hosting Phase 12628 ms
15:54:59 (Reporting) TMediaLibrarian.GetMediaInfo: Unable to find MediaInfo for image: mainmenu_logo50
15:54:59 (Reporting) TSlaveThing.SetBitmap: Unable to find MediaInfo for image: MainMenu_Logo50.png
15:54:59 --- End of Log ---

(in reply to xj900uk)
Post #: 4
RE: English Civil War updated to version 1.03a - 12/19/2017 8:18:40 PM   

Posts: 215
Joined: 1/13/2010
Status: offline


ORIGINAL: xj900uk

Has it fixed the option with WS captured in battles now loading to your overall total?

No. This issue was reported to the programmers as it is needed to change the code. But at this moment is waiting to be fixed.
My apologies, but this is beyond of what I can change in the game.


Designer of AGEOD & HQ English Civil War, Thirty Years War and España:1936
Designer of Battles For Spain and Libertad o Muerte!

(in reply to xj900uk)
Post #: 5
RE: English Civil War updated to version 1.03a - 12/19/2017 8:20:27 PM   

Posts: 215
Joined: 1/13/2010
Status: offline
The other crash could have some relation with the Windows version, it doesn't happens to all the players. Its a tricky problem.
Are you playing as admin?

< Message edited by Leibst -- 12/19/2017 8:27:24 PM >


Designer of AGEOD & HQ English Civil War, Thirty Years War and España:1936
Designer of Battles For Spain and Libertad o Muerte!

(in reply to Leibst)
Post #: 6
RE: English Civil War updated to version 1.03a - 12/20/2017 5:44:56 PM   


Posts: 1340
Joined: 3/22/2007
Status: offline
Windows 7, Leibst. It has also started happening a lot with 'Thirty Years War' in the past few weeks as well.
Never used to have this problem, certainly ECW was fine before the 1.03a update.
I tried deleting the game off my system and doing a full reload but it's not made any difference.

BTW the different versions of Windows do seem to mess up ACW as well.
My version runs fine on Windows 7 but won't run properly on Windows 10 :-(

< Message edited by xj900uk -- 12/20/2017 5:47:22 PM >

(in reply to Leibst)
Post #: 7
RE: English Civil War updated to version 1.03a - 12/20/2017 5:45:17 PM   


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ORIGINAL: xj900uk

Has it fixed the option with WS captured in battles now loading to your overall total?

No. This issue was reported to the programmers as it is needed to change the code. But at this moment is waiting to be fixed.
My apologies, but this is beyond of what I can change in the game.

OK thanks, as long as you are aware of it

(in reply to Leibst)
Post #: 8
RE: English Civil War updated to version 1.03a - 12/20/2017 8:13:16 PM   

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ORIGINAL: xj900uk

Windows 7, Leibst. It has also started happening a lot with 'Thirty Years War' in the past few weeks as well.
Never used to have this problem, certainly ECW was fine before the 1.03a update.
I tried deleting the game off my system and doing a full reload but it's not made any difference.

BTW the different versions of Windows do seem to mess up ACW as well.
My version runs fine on Windows 7 but won't run properly on Windows 10 :-(

At the same time looks related with the exe, its not the same of ACW.


Designer of AGEOD & HQ English Civil War, Thirty Years War and España:1936
Designer of Battles For Spain and Libertad o Muerte!

(in reply to xj900uk)
Post #: 9
RE: English Civil War updated to version 1.03a - 12/21/2017 3:17:20 PM   


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What then do you suggest? I've tried deleting and reinstalling ECW, and it still keeps on messing about since the update
Would trying it on my Windows 10 machine solve the problem?

(in reply to Leibst)
Post #: 10
RE: English Civil War updated to version 1.03a - 12/22/2017 2:37:32 PM   

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ORIGINAL: xj900uk

What then do you suggest? I've tried deleting and reinstalling ECW, and it still keeps on messing about since the update
Would trying it on my Windows 10 machine solve the problem?

It could, but in my Windows 7 it works. Try and report please.


Designer of AGEOD & HQ English Civil War, Thirty Years War and España:1936
Designer of Battles For Spain and Libertad o Muerte!

(in reply to xj900uk)
Post #: 11
RE: English Civil War updated to version 1.03a - 12/23/2017 1:44:28 PM   

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ORIGINAL: xj900uk

What then do you suggest? I've tried deleting and reinstalling ECW, and it still keeps on messing about since the update
Would trying it on my Windows 10 machine solve the problem?

I'm not sure about windows 10 but I haven't had a crash since I deleted the (Userpath.ini) file.... I'm using 8.1 so I'm not sure it will help in your case.

3. Open the game installation folder, find a file named "Userpath.ini" and delete it. Then start a NEW game. This moves all future saves to the ECW folder; I think my crashes were caused when the game was trying to write to my Documents folder. I hope it helps.

Here's where I found it

< Message edited by jack54 -- 12/23/2017 1:47:28 PM >


Avatar: Me borrowing Albert Ball's Nieuport 17

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(in reply to xj900uk)
Post #: 12
RE: English Civil War updated to version 1.03a - 12/25/2017 10:03:51 AM   


Posts: 460
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From: Edina, MN (FROM the Bronx)
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Just bought this - the patch/update does NOT show up if you click check for updates.

(in reply to jack54)
Post #: 13
RE: English Civil War updated to version 1.03a - 12/28/2017 11:08:03 AM   


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ORIGINAL: jack54


ORIGINAL: xj900uk

What then do you suggest? I've tried deleting and reinstalling ECW, and it still keeps on messing about since the update
Would trying it on my Windows 10 machine solve the problem?

I'm not sure about windows 10 but I haven't had a crash since I deleted the (Userpath.ini) file.... I'm using 8.1 so I'm not sure it will help in your case.

3. Open the game installation folder, find a file named "Userpath.ini" and delete it. Then start a NEW game. This moves all future saves to the ECW folder; I think my crashes were caused when the game was trying to write to my Documents folder. I hope it helps.

Here's where I found it

Thank you, yes, that does seem to have made a difference! It now saves fine and I have checked the path - all saves are now going to the ECW folder
:-) Much appreciated!

(in reply to jack54)
Post #: 14
RE: English Civil War updated to version 1.03a - 11/20/2018 8:33:00 AM   


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Can anyone advise me what the destination folder of the patch should be, I can't see anything blindingly obvious such as patches.....

(in reply to xj900uk)
Post #: 15
RE: English Civil War updated to version 1.03a - 11/23/2018 2:39:32 PM   


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For me it found the right place on its own. Note the patch number doesn't show up on loading for some people. The world works in mysterious ways, or not. I think the "Patch Notes" on the start up screen will say if you have 1.03a

(in reply to Doyley50)
Post #: 16
RE: English Civil War updated to version 1.03a - 11/23/2018 6:09:33 PM   


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Thanks,I'll give it a try.

(in reply to altipueri)
Post #: 17
RE: English Civil War updated to version 1.03a - 11/24/2018 4:26:51 PM   


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Thanks,that seems to have got it fettled.

(in reply to Doyley50)
Post #: 18
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