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Games on demand

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Games on demand - 2/23/2022 2:58:30 PM   


Posts: 3545
Joined: 4/2/2004
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Today at work I had an inspiration, a new(?) kind of way to sell video games! I detail it like so:

1. Customer comes to video game store and names a game he wants to buy.

2. Customer's payment is processed.

3. Store employees make a copy of the game on recordable media of customer's choice. It would include a graph on an optical disc or a sticker for an USB storage media.

4. Cover papers would be printed for disc's case, and possibly game manual for an extra fee. Possible license key is also printed and included.

5. Store makes payment for chosen game's publisher or directly to the developer (possibly just before making a copy for customer).

This process would mean some hardware investments for the game store: hefty colour laser printer which also staples the manuals, variety of disc writers (unless there is a kind that writes discs for all the game consoles), and training of the employees. In addition whole printing process would take time, maybe about as long as baking a pizza (more for 30+ GB games?). But less storage & transportation expenses!

Has this ever been done before? Would Matrix & Slitherine consider this delivery method if it were available?

< Message edited by Kuokkanen -- 2/23/2022 3:02:18 PM >


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Post #: 1
RE: Games on demand - 2/8/2023 4:37:01 PM   


Posts: 1
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Are you interested in horror online games? Here I have fnaf security breach which is a game that you can join on your PC and phone. It would be great if it was useful to you.

(in reply to Kuokkanen)
Post #: 2
RE: Games on demand - 4/20/2023 8:57:01 AM   


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Status: offline
This procedure would require the game store to make some hardware investments, including a sizable color laser printer that can also staple manuals, a variety of disc writers (unless one type can write discs for all game consoles), and training for the staff. Additionally, the entire printing process would be time-consuming, perhaps taking longer for games with more than 30 GB of data. but with lower storage and transit costs!


(in reply to oiamilton7)
Post #: 3
RE: Games on demand - 1/8/2024 9:25:38 AM   


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The game shop would need to invest in some technology for this technique, such as a large color laser printer that can also staple manuals, multiple disc writers (unless one kind can produce discs for all game consoles), and staff training. It would also take a while to print the full game—possibly longer for games with more than 30 GB of data. but at a reduced cost of transit and storage

(in reply to fatiguesj)
Post #: 4
RE: Games on demand - 1/9/2024 9:42:01 PM   


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I came across this fascinating idea of having a game shop invest in some advanced technology for game distribution. The concept involves using a large color laser printer that can also staple manuals, along with multiple disc writers to potentially produce discs for various game consoles. The idea is to reduce transit and storage costs, which sounds pretty innovative.

(in reply to jailcluster)
Post #: 5
RE: Games on demand - 1/9/2024 9:44:56 PM   


Posts: 2
Joined: 1/9/2024
Status: offline
I'm curious to hear your thoughts on this approach. Do you think it's a viable solution, considering the potential benefits in terms of reduced costs? Have any of you encountered game shops adopting similar methods?


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(in reply to kiko01)
Post #: 6
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