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RE: RE: Trappenjagd - "Bustard Hunt"

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RE: RE: Trappenjagd - "Bustard Hunt" - 7/14/2005 5:28:40 AM   

Posts: 1886
Joined: 5/22/2002
From: Southern California, U.S.A.
Status: offline
New scenarios are not necessarily being done for the final game release. But as IronDuke pointed out he and I started with designs after the initial batch of designers. Between the two of us we have designed 4 sccenarios:

1) Narvik 1940 (Norwegian battle)
2) Operation Epsom (Normandy/Caen battle)
3) Breakout on the Meuse (1940 battle around Sedan)
4) Monte Cassino - Anzio - Rome (a huge scenario, also broken down into smaller battles).

IN addition, I have completed the following Pacific theatre scenarios:

1) Peleliu
2) Saipan
3) Tinian

4) and completely re-designing the Okinawa battle from scratch (a prior version is not being included).

These 8 additional scenarios to the already 17+/- scenarios will puch the total to around 25 scenarios covering every area of operation from WW2. There are Russian campaign battles, Norway, African battles, Sicily, Italian, France, and Pacific battles...

The scenarios are 99% complete, with some tweaking still left, testing (of course) and any new features added would require some additional tweaks. Now the AI is a totally different aspect that is being diligently worked on by the programmers...


JUST SAY NO... To Hideous Graphics.

(in reply to Arckon)
Post #: 31
RE: RE: Trappenjagd - "Bustard Hunt" - 7/14/2005 4:12:04 PM   

Posts: 3530
Joined: 3/12/2002
From: Finland
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ORIGINAL: geozero

4) and completely re-designing the Okinawa battle from scratch (a prior version is not being included).

From scratch? Are you serious?


Jyri Kettunen

The eternal privilege of those who never act themselves: to interrogate, be dissatisfied, find fault.

- A. Solzhenitsyn

(in reply to geozero)
Post #: 32
RE: RE: Trappenjagd - "Bustard Hunt" - 7/14/2005 7:39:31 PM   

Posts: 1886
Joined: 5/22/2002
From: Southern California, U.S.A.
Status: offline
Yes. New map, new OOB, new setup.


JUST SAY NO... To Hideous Graphics.

(in reply to JJKettunen)
Post #: 33
RE: RE: Trappenjagd - "Bustard Hunt" - 7/14/2005 7:56:47 PM   

Posts: 3530
Joined: 3/12/2002
From: Finland
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ORIGINAL: geozero

Yes. New map, new OOB, new setup.

Although I have nothing against it, I have to ask why?


Jyri Kettunen

The eternal privilege of those who never act themselves: to interrogate, be dissatisfied, find fault.

- A. Solzhenitsyn

(in reply to geozero)
Post #: 34
RE: RE: Trappenjagd - "Bustard Hunt" - 7/14/2005 9:00:38 PM   

Posts: 3530
Joined: 3/12/2002
From: Finland
Status: offline
Or was it another self-serving publicity stunt?


Jyri Kettunen

The eternal privilege of those who never act themselves: to interrogate, be dissatisfied, find fault.

- A. Solzhenitsyn

(in reply to JJKettunen)
Post #: 35
RE: RE: Trappenjagd - "Bustard Hunt" - 7/14/2005 11:41:50 PM   
Erik Rutins


Posts: 37503
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From: Vermont, USA
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Since you're not behind the scenes, I'll ask you not to ascribe motives that don't exist. George volunteered to pick up the job of finishing Okinawa when you left the team. How he chooses to do that is up to him as a scenario designer and he was not asked as a requirement to keep the original design or told how much he should change.


- Erik


Erik Rutins
CEO, Matrix Games LLC

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(in reply to JJKettunen)
Post #: 36
RE: RE: Trappenjagd - "Bustard Hunt" - 7/15/2005 1:21:25 AM   

Posts: 3530
Joined: 3/12/2002
From: Finland
Status: offline

ORIGINAL: Erik Rutins


Since you're not behind the scenes, I'll ask you not to ascribe motives that don't exist. George volunteered to pick up the job of finishing Okinawa when you left the team. How he chooses to do that is up to him as a scenario designer and he was not asked as a requirement to keep the original design or told how much he should change.


- Erik


You do understand how long it takes to make a new one from scratch? Since there was nothing wrong with the original map and the OOB, making new one just doesn't make any sense. Setup can be changed, map and OOB modified, but from scratch? What is that? A bug?



Jyri Kettunen

The eternal privilege of those who never act themselves: to interrogate, be dissatisfied, find fault.

- A. Solzhenitsyn

(in reply to Erik Rutins)
Post #: 37
RE: RE: Trappenjagd - "Bustard Hunt" - 7/15/2005 2:09:17 AM   
Erik Rutins


Posts: 37503
Joined: 3/28/2000
From: Vermont, USA
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With the other projects I've been involved in, scenario design has not been a source of delay for us. None of this is because of a problem with your design, you shouldn't take it as such.


- Erik


Erik Rutins
CEO, Matrix Games LLC

For official support, please use our Help Desk:

Freedom is not Free.

(in reply to JJKettunen)
Post #: 38
RE: RE: Trappenjagd - "Bustard Hunt" - 7/15/2005 2:20:37 AM   

Posts: 3530
Joined: 3/12/2002
From: Finland
Status: offline

ORIGINAL: Erik Rutins


With the other projects I've been involved in, scenario design has not been a source of delay for us. None of this is because of a problem with your design, you shouldn't take it as such.


- Erik

Fair enough.


Jyri Kettunen

The eternal privilege of those who never act themselves: to interrogate, be dissatisfied, find fault.

- A. Solzhenitsyn

(in reply to Erik Rutins)
Post #: 39
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