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Replacements: Any advice welcome.

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Replacements: Any advice welcome. - 5/12/2007 1:01:57 PM   

Posts: 728
Joined: 10/2/2001
From: UK
Status: offline
I did my hisotrical duty and marched my Russian Army to Vienna to assist my Austrian ally against the French. We lost anyway, although I managed to win the only major battle I fought and liberated some Austrian POW's.

My tired and depleted army has now returned to Russia and I am keen to replace my losses as quickly as possible. The draft is operating and so my nuits should be receiving replacements, but I was wondering if there was any way to speed up the process. I seem to recall someone mentioning the use of Militia volunteers to bloster regular divisions. I also have a large number of Cossack units wandering about (Infantry and Cavalry) and Vilna has produced some strange nationalist units which I can't seem to do anything useful with.
In the meantime, for reasons beyond my understanding, the French have given Austria to the Spanish and so I'm in the strange situation of being invaded by Spain. There were no Spanish troops involved in the original invasion of Austria so why the French gave it to them is quite puzzling, but I'd rather fight Spanish armies than French ones in my depleted condition, so I'm not complaining.

< Message edited by Didz -- 5/12/2007 1:08:16 PM >


Fortis balore et armis
Post #: 1
RE: Replacements: Any advice welcome. - 5/13/2007 8:04:23 PM   


Posts: 1924
Joined: 11/22/2006
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You can transfer troops between units in the same province using the military screen. Select the unit that is to provide the troops then hold the curser over the receiving unit until the word MEN appears. Click and a pop up box appears on which you select how many men to transfer. This can be repeated for smaller increments as the unit receiving the men gets near its maximum limit. Men can only be transferred between like for like units eg light infantry to light infantry, infantry to infantry although militia can be used to reinforce infantry. There will be an effect on morale if the unit providing the reinforcements is at a different morale level.

(in reply to Didz)
Post #: 2
RE: Replacements: Any advice welcome. - 5/14/2007 12:58:09 AM   

Posts: 728
Joined: 10/2/2001
From: UK
Status: offline
Great thanks for the advice, thats what I thought I'd read was possible but I wasn't sure of the technique.


Fortis balore et armis

(in reply to Ironclad)
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