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Ralph and the Testers

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Ralph and the Testers - 8/26/2011 1:05:59 PM   
Jeff Norton

Posts: 2054
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From: MD, USA (You're not cleared for specifics...)
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Okay, its not the new prog-rock band, but what's happening? - the commentary in this place is very light (compared to normal)....


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Post #: 1
RE: Ralph and the Testers - 9/12/2011 5:15:50 AM   
Jo van der Pluym

Posts: 834
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From: Valkenburg Lb, Netherlands
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ORIGINAL: Jeff Norton

Okay, its not the new prog-rock band, but what's happening? - the commentary in this place is very light (compared to normal)....

Yes, I am also curiousty, it's now all more than 3 months without news about the progress, features and news.


ORIGINAL: ralphtrick: RE: 3.5 Update (and an upcoming podcast) - 5/29/2011 4:54:46 PM

I'm trying to time box 3.5 so it won't take more than 3 months. I may not succeed, but that is my goal. I really want it to be shorter, but I dont think it will be with the amount of work to be done.

To clarify a bit, AI is a very long term goal, not something I work on constantly. It is an extremely tough problem, and isn't a part of the 3.5 patch. The UI is also not part of 3.5, it needs a total rewrite to bring it up to modern standards which can't be done in a patch.

That new game sounds interesting. I'll have to look at it when it comes out.



Greetings from the Netherlands

Jo van der Pluym

(in reply to Jeff Norton)
Post #: 2
RE: Ralph and the Testers - 9/12/2011 8:34:41 AM   


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Der Hollaender is right. An update and less cloak & dagger style would do the community good. As I've pointed out earlier, it's important for the scenario designers to know what is about to change...

Klink, Oberst


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(in reply to Jo van der Pluym)
Post #: 3
RE: Ralph and the Testers - 9/12/2011 6:05:30 PM   

Posts: 1362
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It will have everything in it that was ever wanted except the stuff that didn't make it. Was that vague enough?

Don't expect any answers. For some reason there are none.


(in reply to Oberst_Klink)
Post #: 4
RE: Ralph and the Testers - 9/17/2011 4:14:20 PM   

Posts: 1362
Joined: 10/30/2009
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For people who are making things like maps that are consuming hundreds and hundreds of hours and much work and some frustration it would be nice to know if there are changes that will make their work fruitless.

I think it is owed to the community to know some basics about changes. People are constantly working on scenarios. If their work will be made useless don't you think it would be considerate to alert them? No one is asking for anything beyond what is needed to know whether or not they should continue with their work.


(in reply to Panama)
Post #: 5
RE: Ralph and the Testers - 9/17/2011 5:41:37 PM   

Posts: 9511
Joined: 5/3/2007
From: east coast, usa
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I agree with you 100% or more. As this is a small dedicated community I would think we could all be informed as to what is going on, but we are up against the corporate thing.

But I have to add that on the other hand, I wouldn't want to be bombarded with if's and maybe's over an extended period of time. That would be worse. For my sanity over the past couple of years, I've gone with the fact that when a change is verified as being in a future patch/version, someone will let us know. And when a new Beta is far enough along to be used with some extent of confidence, it will be released.

I've been holding Lebensraum for a couple of years hoping to be able to do more with it. Meanwhile, I just made it so that it could work as-is, but if certain features are added it could be improved. I would like to know what is planned, but I also wouldn't want to hear that feature 'X' is on the way, which would make me do a bunch of changes to the scenario, only to find out later that feature 'X' was scrubbed.

(in reply to Panama)
Post #: 6
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