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Inactive/Active Mission?

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Inactive/Active Mission? - 10/17/2013 8:06:10 PM   


Posts: 70
Joined: 12/4/2005
Status: offline
I am new to the game - just installed it yesterday. I have been going through the 1st tutorial about Air Operations.

When I create a mission for example SEAD Patrol. This is the process that I take:
1. Go to the main map and create a series of 4 Reference Points in the form of a square around the enemy base target area.

2. Then I go into the Mission Editor to create the SEAD mission assigning the proper air craft for the mission. I select the 4 RPs just created on the map for them to fly to in order to take out any air defenses in this area.

Will the air craft assigned to the mission not take off until I make the mission "Active" by selecting "Active" within the mission editor or will they take off even if the mission is "Inactive" and just fly around until I make the mission "Active"?

Thanks for any clarification on this. I'm trying to work on my timing of these missions. 1st making sure the skies are clear of enemy air craft with AAW Patrol then sending in the SEAD Patrol.

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RE: Inactive/Active Mission? - 10/17/2013 8:40:43 PM   


Posts: 11524
Joined: 3/22/2005
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Hi Wedge

Missions by default are active so they activate once time starts and certain conditions are met.

The inactive/active setting is more for the event engine and AI use. You can use it though to essentially pause a mission until you're ready to active it as a player.



(in reply to [RS]Wedge)
Post #: 2
RE: Inactive/Active Mission? - 10/17/2013 8:45:30 PM   


Posts: 1952
Joined: 7/10/2013
Status: offline
If you set the mission to inactive at the very first moment you are building it, then they wont takeoff yet.

If you set it to active, unpause the game, they will start taxiing. If you then set to inactive they will still takeoff and all loiter until you set to active again. This can be useful if theres a lot of planes assigned so that they will all go together rather than in pairs, make sense?

(in reply to mikmykWS)
Post #: 3
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