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Spenser (Brit) vs RedDevil (Ger)

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Spenser (Brit) vs RedDevil (Ger) - 7/4/2003 1:18:54 AM   


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A 5000 pts 7.1 aug -43 meeting engagement on an italian battlefield. All options on except C&C. Vis 46 hexes.

Am curious to see how the brits will do against the kats...

Brit turn 1
After smoke-screening some hills the brits advance and send some ACs to try to spot the enemy but they have camouflaged themselves well.
Come on you tigers, panthers, nashorns and whatever else you've got in that zoo!
We await you with British steel and determination :)

Post #: 1
- 7/4/2003 4:20:58 AM   
Red Devil


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Turn 1 for Germans...some recce units spotted advancing. Lots of smoke for cover...but where is the armour?..and where will the main thrust come from?...only time will tell.


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Post #: 2
Brit turn 2 - 7/5/2003 12:43:15 AM   


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Well, we have spotted a couple of PZIIIs and a tiger...
and not fearing anything we take a few long distance shots at them. An achilles misses his pzIII target but an AT-gun hits the tiger destroying the co-ax gun, but the crew was probably just annoyed as they promptly returned fire...
And that AT-gun must have been spotted before since a number of 120mtr shells also followed.
A beaufighter was dispatched against the tiger but bombed the wrong hex :mad: hopefully the top 20mm hits will at least have suppressed it a bit...
British forces now control the middle objectives and now anxiously awaits the german onslaught.

Have a feeling this will be an entertaining game, my opponent seems to know his business :)


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Post #: 3
- 7/5/2003 5:12:26 AM   
Red Devil


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Lots of targets.. but all at longe range. But an armoured car got too brave and paid the penalty, destroyed by a well aimed 88mm shell.
Air strikes seem to be a threat to consider and counter measures must be taken.
Artillery barrages continue without much effect except suppression.
We must have encountered a formidable force, including Achilles tank destroyers and 17pdr AT guns.
It seems we have a fight on our hands.


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Post #: 4
Brit turn 3 - 7/5/2003 3:23:13 PM   


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Three more ACs learned the hard way that the german gunners are veterans...
But the British 17pdr ATgunners also showed what they are made of when after a first miss followed by an incoming 88round they rallied and with a 35hex shot proved that not all cats have nine lives :D
And in the south some jerry bikers took some 50cal rounds.

German arty continue to harass my AT-guns while british air concentrates on the panzers. A panzerfaust team was obliterated by collateral damage otherwise no effect...


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Post #: 5
- 7/5/2003 10:01:45 PM   
Red Devil


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The survivors of that destroyed Tiger will never again forget to return to cover after firing...
This turn the German gunners have had a harder time finding their targets, the sight of bits of Tiger tank raining down seem to have had an affect on them.
The only hit of any significance was a turret hit on another AEC a/c.... thats the fourth one to be hit. They seem to be drawing the fire of the German gunners.
Artillery again is attempting to supress the effectiveness of those deadly 17pdr AT's.
German M/c rrecce units pinned down and taking heavy casualties from superior firepower of British armoured recce force in the south.

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Post #: 6
Re: Spenser (Brit) vs RedDevil (Ger) - 7/5/2003 10:53:27 PM   

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[QUOTE]Originally posted by Spenser
[B]A 5000 pts 7.1 aug -43 meeting engagement on an italian battlefield. All options on except C&C. Vis 46 hexes.

Am curious to see how the brits will do against the kats...

Brit turn 1
After smoke-screening some hills the brits advance and send some ACs to try to spot the enemy but they have camouflaged themselves well.
Come on you tigers, panthers, nashorns and whatever else you've got in that zoo!
We await you with British steel and determination :)

Spenser [/B][/QUOTE]


Kill all Kats before you!:mad:


Im making war, not trouble~

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Post #: 7
Re: Re: Spenser (Brit) vs RedDevil (Ger) - 7/6/2003 12:07:15 AM   


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[QUOTE]Originally posted by M4 Jess

Kill all Kats before you!:mad: [/B][/QUOTE]

Thanks for the support Jess, it really hurts to break it to you but i'm no M4 guy either ;)

I,m a [SIZE=3]CHURCHILL[/SIZE] guy !! British armor rules !!! :cool:


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Post #: 8
Re: Re: Re: Spenser (Brit) vs RedDevil (Ger) - 7/6/2003 12:14:58 AM   

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[QUOTE]Originally posted by Spenser
[B]Thanks for the support Jess, it really hurts to break it to you but i'm no M4 guy either ;)

I,m a [SIZE=3]CHURCHILL[/SIZE] guy !! British armor rules !!! :cool:

Spenser [/B][/QUOTE]

I can live with that! :D

Kill the kats! tea drinker!;)


Im making war, not trouble~

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Post #: 9
Brit turn 4 - 7/6/2003 12:22:23 AM   


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In the south our valiant recon units send two MC squads to the eternal vaterland. An achilles goes one-on-one with a stug40 and when the stug misses hits it between the eyes with a 10% shot :D Ok, the stug was a bit suppressed after having its suspension damaged by a 50cal! but still... :)
After the stug disappeared recon units made a probe up its hill,
a probe that turned into a fullscale assault eliminating a MMG and routing four infantry squads.

In the center we are a bit more cautious, not wanting to charge as the light brigade across open ground in front of jerry PAKs...

In the north a churchill climbs a hill and misses a pzIII from long range. Here we expect the enemy to attack soon...

The enemy is handling his artillery well but luckily causes few casialties while my air units continue to miss their intended targets providing only collateral damage and battlefield intelligence.


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Post #: 10
- 7/6/2003 2:15:20 AM   
Red Devil


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So much for German armour superiority....
88mm shells are bouncing of Churchills like peashooters..
Achilles are also holding their own against Panzer IV's
But some success ... 2 HT destroyed in the north..
But lost a Panzer IV to another long range 17pdr shell
And now the big guns have opened up.. 5.5" shells raining down from divisional artillery...this must be an important area for the British.


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Post #: 11
Brit turn 5 - 7/6/2003 10:33:27 PM   


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Every area where there are a number of enemy squads out in the open is an important area :)
Continued the charge in the south and destroyed 4 inf squads, 1 MC squad, an MMG and another Stug40, all for the cost of a scout patrol and two riflemen :D

It seems both sides now have found out where some enemy artillery are located. A beaufighter attacked a 120mtr, i just wish it had gone for the ammo truck instead...

Question: Why is the button for adjusting the artillery mission so d**n close to the one cancelling it... :mad:


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Post #: 12
- 7/7/2003 2:34:20 AM   
Red Devil


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Oh dear....It seems we have nothing to stop the British momentum...
All forces in the south are being steamrollered by forces of both greater superiority and numbers
In the north a piecemeal counter-attack has been stalled by superior firepower....
Anti tank units now under fire too
Perhaps we should have chosen our forces more wisely...but lack of local intelligence has left us thinking we would be facing the usual undergunned British forces.


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Post #: 13
Brit turn 6 - 7/7/2003 11:57:36 PM   


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Well killing a cruiser and a HT and damaging a churchill, and an achilles made an impression on the brits, even if your pzIV and HT
was a consolation. As a revenge we continued the southern assault killing a pzIIIL, a 50mtr and a squad.

Hurt a HT in the north and the following 5.5 inch bombardment should have given some jerries second thoughts about storming across the ridge :)

As usual RAF didn't do much useful, in fact got another one hit so i expect that was the last we saw of him...


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Post #: 14
- 7/8/2003 10:19:01 PM   
Red Devil


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Is there no way of stopping the British in the south...? :eek:
The carnage there is horrifying, and so little resistance is being shown by German forces.
In the north however, German forces are at least inflicting losses. 2 Churchills and a cruiser destroyed and 17prd took casualties too. :D
British artillery have been inflicting casualties too. We hope we have seen off the threat from the RAF now though.


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Post #: 15
Brit turn 7 - 7/8/2003 11:49:08 PM   


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With my tank losses in the north i sure need success in the south!
One more pzIII chalked off (but it fought valiantly to the end with six or seven op fires...) as well as some infantry, a 120 mtr and an ammo-truck :)
To hunt down the enemy artillery pieces felt especially nice:D

Now if we can just manage to hit something when you show yourself over the ridge for those cowardly potshots! ;)


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Post #: 16
- 7/9/2003 2:38:51 AM   
Red Devil


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We've lost contact with the mortar battery in the south...we fear they may have been overrun.
Once again our gunners have not given up yet. Taking out a Churchill and another Achilles. Two HT are also despatched.
But with less artillery how will we maintain that supressing fire on those terrifyingly accurate 17pdr AT guns.
At least we did not have a visit from the RAF this time.
But despite the gallant attempts of our troops the final push cannot be far away.

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Post #: 17
Brit turn 8 - 7/10/2003 12:50:19 AM   


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More losses as a HT and a recce car advanced to far...
But the enemy infantry is taking a beating as a heroic SAS squad wipes out two FJ squads with no own losses!
In the north some scouts destroys a third FJ and in the south more are routed back from the ridge they were guarding for their panzers.
The RAF heard they were missed and returned again, one supressing but not hurting the remaining tiger while the other despite being hit pressed on the attack and destroyed the second ammocarrier :D That might have been the most important kill for me as the enemy now most probably is left without ammo, or if there are more than two carriers which i doubt, must regroup.


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Post #: 18
- 7/10/2003 2:57:54 AM   
Red Devil


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British commandos are causing havoc with AT guns. Previously the had been well camouflaged and had remained hidden despite knocking out alot of British armour.
Now badly supressed they are at the mercy of those deadly commandos. :mad:

In the south the British are queueing up to improve their experience at the expense of the remnants of the German force.

The destruction of another ammo carrier will be a crucial loss too.

But once again we have despatched some armour albeit a Crusader AA and a Bren carrier....every little helps...ever the optomist:(


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Post #: 19
- 7/10/2003 4:07:54 AM   


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Yes, those two ATguns are finally within our reach, but you've got at least two more that i know of...

Nothing much happened, tried to assault a
pzIII with no success and an achilles had a duel with another pzIII but only succeded in getting its own suspension damaged:(
An AEC car hit a third pzIII with a couple of 6pdr shots to no effect

Moved into better positions and hoped for a succesful airstrike against the tiger but the pilot choosed an opel truck instead...
but we'll be back!

All objectives behind the British front and the battle situation is satisfactory :)


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Post #: 20
- 7/11/2003 2:25:05 AM   
Red Devil


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We still manage to inflict losses on the more audacious British tanks....another Churchill seen in flames. :p
But the crew of a Pz III have to bail out after being caught trying to move positions.
No sign of the RAF returning this turn...and less longe range artillery ... hopefully they are needed elsewhere.. where maybe our forces are giving a better account of themselves.
Officers are struggling to rouse the spirits of our weary troops though.. maybe the end is not far off....all our objectives can be seen in enemy hands.


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Post #: 21
Brit turn 10 - 7/11/2003 4:49:39 AM   


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Brits charging across the frontline, what a wonderful sight :)

In the north a pzIIIL is damaged and the crew sent running while another already routed is fired upon with so many weapons they can't have much fight left in them. Some crewmen and a pzfaust team also bought it.
In the centre our brave commandos continue to cause havoc among the FJ infantry. The 75PAK is no more and one of the hated 88s have begun to take casualties.
In the south we lost an A/C against a pzIV but two more FJ squads have made their last jumps, and the enemy artillery units are fleeing as fast as they can.
Finally our divisional 5.5 inchers are back to torment our northern enemies :)

With the losses particularly infantry and the ammo carriers, our valiant enemy has suffered, his hope of victory is slim since all objectives are british and we still have our AT-guns and artillery in good shape!


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Post #: 22
- 7/12/2003 1:03:12 AM   
Red Devil


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We are under severe pressure all along the front....the British have broken through in several places and prepared positions are being overrun.

We may be retreating but we are still fighting.. another CS cruiser tank destroyed and the infantry riding on it scattered. :p

But how long can we continue to inflict meaningfull losses on the enemy without losing anymore valuable panzers for the battles to come?


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Post #: 23
Brit turn 11 - 7/12/2003 2:54:43 AM   


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Not much action as the enemy retreats. Lost another achilles and a HT due to overambition :) Destroyed some more infantry, crewmen, a pzfaust and started decimating the german HQ :D


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Post #: 24
- 7/12/2003 2:30:52 PM   
Red Devil


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All troops ordered to withdraw....
Another HT was destroyed. and a 17 pdr was raked with MG fire from a passing panzer before moving behind covering smoke...

Maybe we can still take out some more of these Allied units before leaving the field.


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Post #: 25
Brit turn 12 - 7/13/2003 3:35:04 AM   


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Not wanting to rush into the waiting pzIvs and the Tiger, the Brits now start to consolidate their gains. Lost a Brencarrier who scouted a hex too far but on the other hand killed off the German HQ and another FJ squad.
Have now offered the German commander honourable surrender terms. Will he accept? :)


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Post #: 26
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