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Drive To The Caucasus - A 41 Campaign

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Drive To The Caucasus - A 41 Campaign - 10/20/2021 3:33:15 AM   

Posts: 691
Joined: 5/15/2013
From: Central Coast NSW Australia
Status: offline
This is 1.01.09 Campaign against the AI Soviet

The AI is at 100% difficulty level.
I did originally plan to use " The No Sudden Death Campaign " but at the last moment changed my mind and went for " The Sudden Death "to get more practise and familiarity with both the first winter and the points requirement.

But after reading a recent post with regards to captured oilfields and the fact they may not get operational in time as the game might finished, as I wanted to get them up and running this game.

However I started the campaign so what's done is done.

The Plan

AG North

Clearing The Baltic States and isolating if not capturing Leningrad and the 3 Lake ladoga Ports.

AG Centre

First foremost the destruction of the Red Army and pushing as close to Moscow as I can.

Most if not all consider Moscow as the big prize and it is in reality but myself its more a political prize,Leningrad to me is the prize bigger militarily ( Just My View ) if captured troops can be sent every that they needed.

Moscow will be a second line objective after the capture of The Caucuses

Other objectives will be Bryansk, orel and just maybe Kursk

AG South
The Fuhrer has ordered the Oilfields captured.

This is where I will be focusing, probably in 1942 as I have yet to even reach Rostov in any game in 1941.

Odessa, Kiev, Sevastopol and the river cities will be high priority.
The Fuhrer has ordered us to link up with Rommel's Africa Korps in The Middle East and there by destroying The British as well.
So lets see how it works out.

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< Message edited by tm1 -- 10/20/2021 4:19:36 AM >
Post #: 1
RE: Drive To The Carcasses - A 41 Campaign - 10/20/2021 3:38:42 AM   

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From: Central Coast NSW Australia
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AG North

Just my plan of attack captured Riga and created a few pockets, 4th Pz Armee is spread out of over the place, but that's pretty common for me.

It will take a few turns to regroup the Armee.
Interestingly enough i think I did not lose one AFV in the North.

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< Message edited by tm1 -- 10/20/2021 3:39:11 AM >

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Post #: 2
RE: Drive To The Carcasses - A 41 Campaign - 10/20/2021 3:59:13 AM   

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From: Central Coast NSW Australia
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AG Centre

Again the usual movement of forces with 3rd Pz Armee pushing the furthermost of all Armee's.

Got a lot of encircled troops so next turn there should large amount POW's

Lost nearly 50 AFV though, not happy about that.

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Post #: 3
RE: Drive To The Carcasses - A 41 Campaign - 10/20/2021 3:59:19 AM   

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From: Central Coast NSW Australia
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AG South

I wont even claim I'm a average player of this game but even by my standards this was a disaster.

I decided to do my usual Lvov pocket and had to split my Panzer DIV's up in to regiments to get the pocket however there all over the place from one end of the line to the other, it will take lots of weeks to get back together, valuable time wasted.

To make matters worse i lost even more Tanks here in the South than in the centre, the only saving grace I secured the Pocket.
This has not started well.

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Post #: 4
RE: Drive To The Carcasses - A 41 Campaign - 10/20/2021 3:59:27 AM   

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losses turn 1

Absolutely horrendous AFV losses for first turn against the AI, all down to me of course, i have not played a game in a while and forgot where I normally send my DIV's.
If you play on regular basis you have your set moves, I just had a blank and was all over the place and this is the result.

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< Message edited by tm1 -- 10/20/2021 4:01:05 AM >

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Post #: 5
RE: Drive To The Carcasses - A 41 Campaign - 10/20/2021 3:59:33 AM   

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OB turn 1

Need to save up AP's and sack some of these Commanders and get my team in here ASAP.

Other than that apart from the Tank losses its just the usual format.

Reduce the Red Army.

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Post #: 6
RE: Drive To The Carcasses - A 41 Campaign - 12/3/2021 10:46:26 AM   

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From: Central Coast NSW Australia
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AG North Turn 2

Didn't push as far North as in previous games, didn't want my Panzer's to get cut off.
Not to much the Russian's have put up a solid line in front so I want both Infantry Armee's to catch up.

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Post #: 7
RE: Drive To The Carcasses - A 41 Campaign - 12/3/2021 10:46:48 AM   

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AG Centre Turn 2

Like AG North here in the Centre I chose not to over extend my Panzer's and used the Infantry to destroy almost all of the pockets.

Once again The Soviets throw up a solid unbroken line in front of my advancing troops.

i also put 1 entire Panzer Korp in refit at Minsk, a lot of the troops are already exhausted.

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< Message edited by tm1 -- 12/8/2021 10:59:25 PM >

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Post #: 8
RE: Drive To The Carcasses - A 41 Campaign - 12/3/2021 10:47:18 AM   

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From: Central Coast NSW Australia
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AG South Turn 2

Made a NOOB mistake here luckily I am playing the AI so it will have consequences but not to bad,if was against a human opponent it would be fatal.

Forgot to move forward 3 Korps HQ's including 2 Panzer HQ's to the front line on turn 1 so when turn 2 started for me several Divisions were out of supply range, face palm moment.

I recovered enough to create a large pocket however there are 2 gaps in the line and this could be a problem.

Further south trapped a number of Divs but some will slip away during the AI turn.
There is a lot of Tank and Mech Divs in the pocket hope I can keep them trapped.

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Post #: 9
RE: Drive To The Carcasses - A 41 Campaign - 12/3/2021 10:47:55 AM   

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From: Central Coast NSW Australia
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Losses Turn 2

Despite the mistakes I made The Soviets took the usual turn 2 huge losses, while The Axis took minimal.

Hoping the Southern pockets net me more POW's on turn 3.

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Post #: 10
RE: Drive To The Carcasses - A 41 Campaign - 12/3/2021 10:48:11 AM   

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From: Central Coast NSW Australia
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OB Turn 2

Things are not to bad all things considered, we are ahead with troops on the ground and the AFV force is being destroyed.

Forgot to get a supply screenshot but I am ahead of its only turn 2 so supplies will be good.

I have decide to go in a different with regards to AP points, I usually save them up and get rid of Commanders I don't like and replace them with my regulars.

This time I have decide to use the AP points on the captured territory infrastructure, Ports, rail heads and factories are now my priority.

I want to get as many captured facilities fully repaired as quickly as possible, this maybe a mistake but this is all trial and error for me as I learn the game and its mechanics.

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< Message edited by tm1 -- 12/3/2021 10:50:31 AM >

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Post #: 11
RE: Drive To The Carcasses - A 41 Campaign - 12/9/2021 12:04:33 AM   

Posts: 691
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From: Central Coast NSW Australia
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AG North Turn 3

4th Pz makes small gains towards Pskov and traps a few Russian DIVs in the process, both INF Armees's catching up.

Still away's to go to reach Leningrad and Russian resistance is stiffening.

Still losing AFV's to easily, very concerning.

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Post #: 12
RE: Drive To The Carcasses - A 41 Campaign - 12/9/2021 12:04:45 AM   

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From: Central Coast NSW Australia
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AG Centre Turn 3

2nd Armee is now activated and moving up to the front between 4th and 6th Armee's, almost cleared Belorussia.

2nd Pz has pushed up and encircled a number of DIV's and is threatening Mogilev, however the biggest push has been by 3rd Pz almost encircling Smolensk, with 9th Armee covering its northern flank.

Once again heavy Panzer losses.

Decided to switch 9th Armee to AG North control.

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Post #: 13
RE: Drive To The Carcasses - A 41 Campaign - 12/9/2021 12:04:53 AM   

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AG South Turn 3

As I expected the AI was able to push through the gap in the pocket and resupply there encircled troops, don't know how many escaped but it does not look like to many.

This has worked at well as have now managed to not only reseal the pocket but also captured several more DIV's I now have 53 Soviet units trapped, I am hopping this pocket holds.

17th Armee and The Axis Allies are moving into positions to destroy this large pocket.

Further south 11th Armee and The Romanians drive towards Odessa, 6th Armee covers the northern flank.

More heavy Panzer losses.

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Post #: 14
RE: Drive To The Carcasses - A 41 Campaign - 12/9/2021 12:05:19 AM   

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Supply Turn 3

Armee wise all seems well but the Air command is now in a loss

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Post #: 15
RE: Drive To The Carcasses - A 41 Campaign - 12/9/2021 12:05:34 AM   

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Losses Turn 3

We are steadily reducing the Red Army and manpower losses seem to be running OK.
However I lost a lot of planes and tanks this turn, not good.

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Post #: 16
RE: Drive To The Carcasses - A 41 Campaign - 12/9/2021 12:05:47 AM   

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OB Turn 3

Still looking good so far but the Red Army will get there usual reserve releases soon.

I trapped a lot Tank DIV's in the south once they are destroyed there Armoured numbers will take a big hit hopefully.

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Post #: 17
RE: Drive To The Carcasses - A 41 Campaign - 12/9/2021 8:41:56 AM   

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OB Turn 3

Still looking good so far but the Red Army will get there usual reserve releases soon.

I trapped a lot Tank DIV's in the south once they are destroyed there Armoured numbers will take a big hit hopefully.


from some recent testing, I think the AI is now a bit more situational in this choice - and, I think, chooses wisely. So its a bit less like T4 here come's the counterattacks and more T4, it might start to lash back. The good is you can gamble on looser pockets longer, the bad is it remains a gamble and the AI probably reaches the key T14-20 in a better state


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Post #: 18
RE: Drive To The Carcasses - A 41 Campaign - 12/15/2021 10:37:26 PM   

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From: Central Coast NSW Australia
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AG North Turn 4

Well could not quite isolate Pskov this turn but encircled some DIVs, reinforcements begin to arrive from OKH.

Almost cleared all of the Baltic states, just Estonia to go.

Weather begins to set in the North with mud and rain slowing down the drive towards Leningrad and Novgorod.

The AI is doing just enough to tie me down, I am having to use my Panzers as part of pockets, infantry is just slow.

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Post #: 19
RE: Drive To The Carcasses - A 41 Campaign - 12/15/2021 10:37:37 PM   

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AG Centre Turn 4

The Red Army continues to put walls up in front of me, around Smolensk I decided to halt any major pushes, I need to get my flanks further forward and the infantry Armee's are still way behind, 2nd Armee in particular.

Trapped some Soviet armour though hopefully I will net plenty of trucks, also need to capture Velikie luki quickly.

2nd Pz edges closer to bryansk, though still a lot of marshes to get through.

My rail line to Smolensk is moving fast and is not that far away from reaching the City.

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Post #: 20
RE: Drive To The Carcasses - A 41 Campaign - 12/15/2021 10:38:23 PM   

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AG South Turn 4

After the debacle of turn 3 here in the South I have got back on track, The Red Army is thin on the ground here at the moment and I am systematically eliminating the pockets.

On the black Sea getting closer to Odessa , need to take it quickly and move on the The Crimea.

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Post #: 21
RE: Drive To The Carcasses - A 41 Campaign - 12/15/2021 10:38:39 PM   

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Supply Turn 4

Things seem to be going well so far even the Air command is ahead here.

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Post #: 22
RE: Drive To The Carcasses - A 41 Campaign - 12/15/2021 10:38:53 PM   

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Ground Losses Turn 4

Big Numbers this turn broke the 1 million POW mark.

Just hope this can be maintained.

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< Message edited by tm1 -- 12/15/2021 10:39:08 PM >

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Post #: 23
RE: Drive To The Carcasses - A 41 Campaign - 12/15/2021 10:39:19 PM   

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Air losses Turn 4

Well for every good story there is also a bad one.

These figures are astronomical, major ground support will be cut it will take months to recover these losses.

I will just to fight without GS plain and simple.

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Post #: 24
RE: Drive To The Carcasses - A 41 Campaign - 12/15/2021 10:39:41 PM   

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OB Turn 4

Keeping the Russian's around the 3 million mark so far is good but there army is going to keep growing and as summer weather finishes and my offensives slow up this is where it s going to bite.

Whenever I play this game my first priority has always been to destroy there army first so when winter hits its better for my troops.

When it comes to a choice of taking a city or seeing a big pocket and reducing the enemy, the pocket comes first.

Of course being that there is a sudden death system in place it makes my strategy all the more demanding.

I see it this way the more DIVs I capture and force to surrender the more trucks I get for my Army.

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Post #: 25
RE: Drive To The Carcasses - A 41 Campaign - 12/15/2021 11:03:16 PM   

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AG North Turn 5

Pskov is encircled and 4th Pz forces a corridor towards Novgorod.

Just started my push into Estonia as Russians fall back to Tallinn.

Starting to get into the Forrest's in the North things will start to slow down here.

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Post #: 26
RE: Drive To The Carcasses - A 41 Campaign - 12/15/2021 11:03:37 PM   

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AG Centre Turn 5

Decided not to encircle Smolensk instead launched a frontal assault on the city and captured it.

Further south destroyed those pockets and created another.

Still a slow slog through the marshes for the infantry.

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Post #: 27
RE: Drive To The Carcasses - A 41 Campaign - 12/15/2021 11:03:56 PM   

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AG South Turn 5

Destroyed both pockets but all of a sudden a solid wall of Russian units just sprung up from under the ground.

Almost encircled Odessa, now the battle begins.

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Post #: 28
RE: Drive To The Carcasses - A 41 Campaign - 12/15/2021 11:04:11 PM   

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Supply Turn 5

This report is excellent i must be doing something right with depot deployment and my rail repair plan.

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Post #: 29
RE: Drive To The Carcasses - A 41 Campaign - 12/15/2021 11:05:19 PM   

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Ground losses Turn 5

Not as big this time but still not bad, just wondering how I am going to feed all theses POW's

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