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Sandman vs. Angrydeemon (rematch)

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Sandman vs. Angrydeemon (rematch) - 2/15/2003 3:41:36 AM   


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Germany (me) vs. SU (Agrydeemon) in february -41.

Large map
10% arty
1 air (though I hadn't any) :confused:

Last time AD played as Germans and kicked my Russian a*s very badly. Now it's my turn to try with Germans, but I don't wait success of the same kind as AD had. He fought very good fight in last time.

Let's get ready to rumble!;)
Post #: 1
- 2/15/2003 4:27:56 AM   


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Right. After a night of partying Polkovnik Deemon wakes up with one hell of a headache and a temper to match. All the world seems to be surrounded by a blurry haze. After being informed that the Army Kommisar would be visiting his shtab to inquire about the wearbouts of a vodka eshelon that was on its way to Moscow through this sector (sadly ambushed by "Germans";) ;) ;) ) The Polkovnik Decides that it would be a good idea to be someplace else. Those nearby heights held by the Germans seemed as good a place as any....... Especially since partisans reported that the German HQ tent had a large supply of apfel shnapps...

My men are ready to go. Turn is in your box.


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Post #: 2
- 2/15/2003 3:33:44 PM   


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Russian mortars caused some supression among German infantry units on barrage before the first turn.
Don't know effects of my barrages.

Anyway, it's randomly a snowstorm, so movement of infantry units might be slow.
German units are now slowly but determinately rambling forward in the cold winter weather.
Back to you.

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Post #: 3
- 2/15/2003 9:00:57 PM   


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Hmm a 40 visibility snowstorm:). Anyway your barrage is wholly innefectie and my reinforces armour battalion rumbles onward. (What I love about Russian 1941 prices is that I was actually able to purchase a Russian Armour Battalion:D and still had the points left over to reinforce it with infantry arty and atgs).


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Post #: 4
- 2/15/2003 11:11:17 PM   


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I set visibility to 40, but I forgot to set weather to clear as it was last time and now it's randomly snowstorm.
Sure we can start it over if you want, and I can set weather to clear.That was my mistake, sorry about that.

At my turn, one Russian KV was damaged a little bit by 88 flak, but that's all.

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Post #: 5
- 2/16/2003 1:27:32 AM   


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Your 88s took some pot shots, and got smoked at the end of theturn. My Battalion rumbles onward.


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Post #: 6
- 2/16/2003 3:34:49 AM   


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Couple of Russian GAZ -trucks and one BA-11 was killed and a lot of trucks with infantry squads spotted in the north.

I lost couple of mens on Russian barrage at the end of turn.

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Post #: 7
- 2/16/2003 4:58:20 AM   


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A halftrack and a Panzer g Falls prey to long Range Russian AAA Gun fire. The Panzer was a lucky shot at 12% Could use more of those. Another halftrack survived coming into the sights of another st of Russian Gunners, and a kV pointlessly opens fire at yet another halftrack. Russian artillery amply supplied with ammunition opens up frem redeployed positions on the German advance. I think I hit something with one of my mortarts.. got a cloink sound but no message.


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Post #: 8
- 2/16/2003 5:00:59 AM   


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I would wager to say if your infantry cosists mostly of Skijaegers I will have an easy time of this game, since they cant assualt KVs:)


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Post #: 9
- 2/16/2003 3:45:24 PM   


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That's right, KV's are always difficult to kill and my sources report that Russians have a lot of them.:eek:
Fortunately for me, now there's one less of them as well as Marines within it;)
Special Forces are working.
Some infantry killed also by a Flaktruck.
Your turn.

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Post #: 10
- 2/16/2003 9:53:27 PM   


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In the North the end of the turn sees a German mortar barrage hitting mostly in front of where our troops are, a Gazz AA is destroyed and several immobilise themselves. In the center all is quite in the forest except for the occasional 122mm mine falling out of the air:).

In the South you loose a Panzerg to an armoured car, and a pioneer group and Zug Trup is routed and flee, only to run straight into an end turn 122mm barrage.


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Post #: 11
- 2/17/2003 2:46:50 AM   


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In the south three BA's was destroyed and one decrewed.
In the south one truck and some mens were killed.

And couple of more good thing for me:
One malfunctioned 85AA gun and one probably immobilized KV.
Spotted also Russian hordes here and looks almost they are everywhere...:eek:

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Post #: 12
- 2/17/2003 3:16:22 AM   


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You are down a Halftrack, PanzerG and some 2 men MG team in the South. All quite in the north.


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Post #: 13
- 2/17/2003 7:35:04 PM   


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4 or 5 BA-11's was killed in the north.
Three of them was in the same hex and they had not luck since their own sight was not good.
In the north couple of infantry squads was pushed back and one truck was killed.
One of my Pz was decrewed in the middle area.
Your turn.

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Post #: 14
- 2/17/2003 10:20:24 PM   


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A thouroughly miserable turn. Nothing of mine dies but niether does anything of yours.


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Post #: 15
- 2/18/2003 1:33:23 PM   


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I lost one Pz-IIIg in exchange of your OT-133 in the north.
Some infantry pushed back also.
I know I'll be soon in major troubles with your heavy tanks, there's so much of 'em.

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Post #: 16
- 2/18/2003 8:53:25 PM   


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Nothing from my side other then some shot up skijaegers and pioneers. St0p hiding and lets fight in that nice big open field!!!


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Post #: 17
- 2/18/2003 9:00:00 PM   


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The only tank worth a **** in early 41 IMO is the KV:) it can actually hit what I am shooting at. T-34s are useless for this so I brought some t-28s instead. They cant hit anything at range either but have more machine guns, etter carry capacity and good front armour.


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Post #: 18
- 2/18/2003 10:06:27 PM   


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Thats right.
I'm not very familiar with Russians, so that is a new thing I learned from last battle.:D
I can kill those T-28's by my tanks at short range, but KV's are problem.
Thank god those KV's aren't fearless :)
Still I think Russian infantry is quite poor in -41, even the Marines :rolleyes:

At my turn one KV in the middle was killed by German pioneers.
Couple of infantry casualties to both sides also.
Back to you.

(in reply to sandman20)
Post #: 19
- 2/18/2003 10:16:31 PM   


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Damnit! I was worried about thos pioneers, guess not enough. I have many KVs but not enough to be loosing them to infantry. t-28s were supposed to handle the close quarters fighting:) Ill do my turn in the evening.


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Post #: 20
- 2/19/2003 1:42:54 AM   


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I killone of your panzerGs and rough up some PZGrenadiers and a pioneer platoon. However my tanks are left in a dangerous position.


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Post #: 21
- 2/19/2003 4:40:36 PM   


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It looks like even my Flaks aren't capable enough to kill those KV's :(.
I tried many times but failed.
Fortunately my brave pioneers killed one of them, but there's at least 6 or 7 still alive and that one which is immobilized.
In the north we killed one T-26 and immobilized another.One more empty scouting truck was eliminated in the forest also.
Quiet in the southern flank.

My Fuesilier Group did good work again behind your back destroying two 85AAguns and one GunTeam.
Very difficult fight again, IMO you really know how to use those Russians "advantages" ;)

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Post #: 22
- 2/19/2003 9:39:04 PM   


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Nothing I can do about those fusiliers without taking men away from where they are needed. Having some trouble ralyying my infantry. and difficulty keeping all four of your 88s smoked and surpresseed. I do however manage to kill a halftrack two ski squads and a flammenwerfer. Cant see those **** pioneers though, and I know they are there (gets ready to loose another KV).


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Post #: 23
- 2/19/2003 9:39:42 PM   


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I promised not to complain about Russian 41 rallying after having played the French. **** the french were bad at one time i couldnt mve a single unit for two turns >:


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Post #: 24
- 2/20/2003 12:15:35 AM   


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In the north one T-28 was killed by Flak and another was assaulted many times but failed to destroy.
In the middle, I lost couple of mens but killed some of your mens, truck and OT-133.
In the south, one more T-28 was knocked out by Pz-IIIg.

I've played against against AI, when AI had France, it was very easy to defeat :D

Back to you.

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Post #: 25
- 2/20/2003 3:41:21 AM   


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Nothing much here just mopping up in the center


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Post #: 26
- 2/20/2003 11:53:09 PM   


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One more Russian KV-1 eliminated in the middle by Flak.

I lost one Pz-IIIG also in the middle in exchange of two T-26's.
In the north, T-28 in the road was assaulted and killed, but there's at least couple of more lurking in the forest.:rolleyes:

In the south, nothing but some Russian crewmens slaughtered.

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Post #: 27
- 2/22/2003 11:04:59 PM   


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Wont be able to do my turn till wed. Have a Biostatistics II midterm on Tues. - Studying


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Post #: 28
- 2/23/2003 2:06:02 AM   


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No problem;)

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Post #: 29
- 2/27/2003 7:04:42 AM   


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Ok sandman you lost two ski squads and had one more mauled by us Russkies. Turn will be in your box shortly


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Post #: 30
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