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2nd Fleet: Sink The Boomers- New Scenario For Beta Testing

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2nd Fleet: Sink The Boomers- New Scenario For Beta Testing - 10/11/2016 8:06:07 PM   


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This is a new scenario for beta testing. It's Scenario 2 "Sink the Boomers" from Victory Game's 2nd Fleet game from the 80s. It's a straightforward but long ASW exercise. The Blue player has to hunt down and kill 3 Soviet (Red) SSBNs in the Barents Sea. Both sides have maritime patrol aircraft in support and the Soviet (Red) side also has attack boats on station to run interference for the boomers.

I'm curious to see how a scenario from a board game translates to the digital realm and CMANO.

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Post #: 1
RE: 2nd Fleet: Sink The Boomers- New Scenario For Beta ... - 10/13/2016 5:57:18 AM   


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Okidokie..... I'll check it out mike.....

(in reply to MichaelJCuozzo)
Post #: 2
RE: 2nd Fleet: Sink The Boomers- New Scenario For Beta ... - 10/13/2016 7:26:15 AM   


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you should give more intel in the briefing...... like where did they come from and maybe their home base....

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Post #: 3
RE: 2nd Fleet: Sink The Boomers- New Scenario For Beta ... - 10/14/2016 1:20:36 AM   


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Yeah, I'll probably add some more outside info to the briefing. For now I wanted to lay out the scenario from 2nd Fleet and revise from there. Good idea though!

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Post #: 4
RE: 2nd Fleet: Sink The Boomers- New Scenario For Beta ... - 10/14/2016 8:33:32 AM   


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darn.... ive lost the la jolla..... twice.... i was on a perfect stalk too.... i think i got set up...

isnt 25*C kinda warm for october in the artic......

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Post #: 5
RE: 2nd Fleet: Sink The Boomers- New Scenario For Beta ... - 10/15/2016 1:56:13 AM   


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darn.... ive lost the la jolla..... twice.... i was on a perfect stalk too.... i think i got set up...

isnt 25*C kinda warm for october in the artic......

Wow that does seem pretty high. Going to have to check the historical records and see what it was in Oct of '86. Couldn't have been 25 C

RIP Ja Jolla....Twice! :)

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Post #: 6
RE: 2nd Fleet: Sink The Boomers- New Scenario For Beta ... - 10/15/2016 10:42:06 PM   


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trying again now.....

for play ability... i hope you have random starting points for red subs....

really need to know where they originated from.... little more intel....

< Message edited by magi -- 10/15/2016 10:51:44 PM >

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Post #: 7
RE: 2nd Fleet: Sink The Boomers- New Scenario For Beta ... - 10/16/2016 2:07:12 AM   


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trying again now.....

for play ability... i hope you have random starting points for red subs....

really need to know where they originated from.... little more intel....

Random starting points.....not yet. I'll put those in when I revise the scenario on Monday or Tuesday.

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Post #: 8
RE: 2nd Fleet: Sink The Boomers- New Scenario For Beta ... - 10/16/2016 7:20:31 AM   


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i am starting to run out of loadouts for my p3's........ and it only Zulu:22:58:05.....

< Message edited by magi -- 10/16/2016 7:21:34 AM >

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Post #: 9
RE: 2nd Fleet: Sink The Boomers- New Scenario For Beta ... - 10/16/2016 8:54:36 AM   


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Zulu: 13:11.... i did much better.... by keeping P3's close to my subs..... but i didnt get any points for shooting down the Bear F....

Major Victory... 500 points and i should get a few more i believe....
SIDE: Blue


959x AN/SSQ-41B Jezebel LOFAR
25x AN/SSQ-47 Julie Active Range-Only
18x Mk46 LWT Mod 2
1x AIM-9L Sidewinder


1x PLA-705K Alfa [Lira]
1x PLARB-667BDR Delta III [Kalmar]
1x PLARB-941 Typhoon [Akula]
1x Tu-142A Bear F Mod 1

2502x RGB-1 [NATO BM-1, Search, Passive Omni]
100x RGB-2 [NATO BM-2, Track, Passive Bearing-Only]
17x RGB-3 [Track, Active-Only]
21x Generic Acoustic Decoy
2x MG-44 Korund
1x Generic Flare Salvo [4x Cartridges, Single Spectral]

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Post #: 10
RE: 2nd Fleet: Sink The Boomers- New Scenario For Beta ... - 10/17/2016 8:15:22 PM   


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Zulu: 13:11.... i did much better.... by keeping P3's close to my subs..... but i didnt get any points for shooting down the Bear F....

Major Victory... 500 points and i should get a few more i believe....
SIDE: Blue


959x AN/SSQ-41B Jezebel LOFAR
25x AN/SSQ-47 Julie Active Range-Only
18x Mk46 LWT Mod 2
1x AIM-9L Sidewinder


1x PLA-705K Alfa [Lira]
1x PLARB-667BDR Delta III [Kalmar]
1x PLARB-941 Typhoon [Akula]
1x Tu-142A Bear F Mod 1

2502x RGB-1 [NATO BM-1, Search, Passive Omni]
100x RGB-2 [NATO BM-2, Track, Passive Bearing-Only]
17x RGB-3 [Track, Active-Only]
21x Generic Acoustic Decoy
2x MG-44 Korund
1x Generic Flare Salvo [4x Cartridges, Single Spectral]

Nice job!! :)

Like I said before, I'm tinkering a bit now and thinking about Victory Conditions. You killed 2 of the 3 Soviet boomers. Did the third reach the icepack? Were points awarded for it?

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Post #: 11
RE: 2nd Fleet: Sink The Boomers- New Scenario For Beta ... - 10/18/2016 12:27:38 AM   


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didnt run it out all the way.....

this is what im fooling with now..... putting the red subs in two groups.... in 2 long narrow ASW patrol zones on a path... the attack subs set more aggressive posture..... im trying it now to watch their behavior.... i hoping the attack subs will behave like escorts....

Attachment (1)

< Message edited by magi -- 10/18/2016 1:11:07 AM >

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Post #: 12
RE: 2nd Fleet: Sink The Boomers- New Scenario For Beta ... - 10/18/2016 4:03:38 PM   


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didnt run it out all the way.....

this is what im fooling with now..... putting the red subs in two groups.... in 2 long narrow ASW patrol zones on a path... the attack subs set more aggressive posture..... im trying it now to watch their behavior.... i hoping the attack subs will behave like escorts....

I like what you did here. I started it up and am watching how the subs are behaving. Ya done good. Co-Author status now!

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Post #: 13
RE: 2nd Fleet: Sink The Boomers- New Scenario For Beta ... - 10/18/2016 4:05:44 PM   


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Version 1.5

Very moderate revisions in this one. The more substantial ones will come in 2.0 which should be released next week.

Version 1.5 Revisions
Blue- La Jolla and Newport News starting points have been moved closer to Svalbard.

Red- Alternate Starting Points for SSBNs and 1 SSN enacted. Patrol sector for Magnitorsky revised.

Attachment (1)

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Post #: 14
RE: 2nd Fleet: Sink The Boomers- New Scenario For Beta ... - 10/19/2016 12:25:34 AM   


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oh cool.... thanks.... ill check this new one out.....

i need to monitor the delta group more.... i couple of units didnt maintain station and i had to adjust the postures of the deltas on contact with the Newport news...... i want the sierra to be aggressive and the deltas to be defensive.....

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Post #: 15
RE: 2nd Fleet: Sink The Boomers- New Scenario For Beta ... - 10/19/2016 8:02:59 AM   


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Zulu:10:45.... 1d 16hrs to go....

as it is assumed by blue that this is a three day operation...
at this point:
the karelskaya cruising at 7kts will tak 93 hrs aprox to reach the ice....
the donskaya cruising at 10 kts will take 53 hrs aprox to reach the ice...
the ukraina cruising at 14 kts will take 42.2 hrs aprox to reach the ice....
with 40 hrs left to go... only the ukraina has a chance of reaching the ice cap....

the problem here is it effects blue planing....
as tactically the logical patrol areas given the geography and time frame... would at the choke points and their approaches to the north and east...
however given the current position and speeds of red ssbn's.... contact and prosecution of mission defined units could possibly be improbable...

also i believe that the red attack boats would be more effective acting in patrol missions as opposed to paths.... especially the victor III which is pretty much dis involved zigzagging in the south..... or as acting as escorts with aggressive postures...

< Message edited by magi -- 10/19/2016 8:12:46 AM >

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Post #: 16
RE: 2nd Fleet: Sink The Boomers- New Scenario For Beta ... - 10/21/2016 7:19:29 AM   


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if you want to take a look... you can see what i described above in the attachment....

ps... you need more load outs at andoya....

Attachment (1)

< Message edited by magi -- 10/21/2016 8:40:14 AM >

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Post #: 17
RE: 2nd Fleet: Sink The Boomers- New Scenario For Beta ... - 10/27/2016 6:51:54 PM   


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Zulu:10:45.... 1d 16hrs to go....

as it is assumed by blue that this is a three day operation...
at this point:
the karelskaya cruising at 7kts will tak 93 hrs aprox to reach the ice....
the donskaya cruising at 10 kts will take 53 hrs aprox to reach the ice...
the ukraina cruising at 14 kts will take 42.2 hrs aprox to reach the ice....
with 40 hrs left to go... only the ukraina has a chance of reaching the ice cap....

the problem here is it effects blue planing....
as tactically the logical patrol areas given the geography and time frame... would at the choke points and their approaches to the north and east...
however given the current position and speeds of red ssbn's.... contact and prosecution of mission defined units could possibly be improbable...

also i believe that the red attack boats would be more effective acting in patrol missions as opposed to paths.... especially the victor III which is pretty much dis involved zigzagging in the south..... or as acting as escorts with aggressive postures...

You're right. Good pick up, sir. I'm going to work on revising the Red SSBN courses and speeds and put it in 2.0 over the weekend. For now I'm going to post version 1.8 with some small changes I'd like to beta test. BTW, what loadouts at Andoya were you talking about?

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Post #: 18
RE: 2nd Fleet: Sink The Boomers- New Scenario For Beta ... - 10/27/2016 6:53:51 PM   


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Here's Version 1.8. The changes are listed below. Also, thanks to my good friend Magi, I need to make some updates and revisions for the Red SSBNs regarding their courses and speeds. That will be done this weekend so expect 2.0, the final draft for the scenario, to be up by Monday.

Version 1.8 Revisions


La Jolla and Newport News alternate starting points have been introduced.

Restricted No Fly Zone established around North Cape and Soviet territory to factor in Soviet CAPs, Air Defenses, etc.

P-3B Orion numbers reduced from 9 to 6


Scoring guidelines for SSBNs reaching the ice pack have been modified and enacted.

Bear and May numbers reduced from 6 to 4 respectively

Attachment (1)

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Post #: 19
RE: 2nd Fleet: Sink The Boomers- New Scenario For Beta ... - 10/27/2016 11:09:13 PM   


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Okidokie.... I'll try this....

ASW loadouts for P3's..... just need a few more.... but maybe not with the changes.....

< Message edited by magi -- 10/27/2016 11:11:53 PM >

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Post #: 20
RE: 2nd Fleet: Sink The Boomers- New Scenario For Beta ... - 10/28/2016 8:23:54 AM   


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everything seems to be ok.....

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Post #: 21
RE: 2nd Fleet: Sink The Boomers- New Scenario For Beta ... - 12/11/2016 4:38:03 PM   


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Hi everyone,

Apologies for putting this scenario on the back burner for a bit. Since late October I've been pretty busy. I've converted three scenarios from 2nd Fleet to CMANO. This scenario, as well as Scenario 3: Into the Jaws of the Backfire, and Scenario 5: The Big Stick. To be honest, I'm somewhat disappointed in the conversions so far and have shelved them for a bit to concentrate on The Fiery October project now that I have some free time available. I will finish revising Sink the Boomers, however, and will post one last revision in the week between Christmas and New Years. So please, keep an eye out for it.


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Post #: 22
RE: 2nd Fleet: Sink The Boomers- New Scenario For Beta ... - 12/11/2016 8:40:46 PM   


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