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Rising Sun, Falling Skies: BTSL Bigred vs John 3rd

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Rising Sun, Falling Skies: BTSL Bigred vs John 3rd - 11/9/2020 8:10:50 PM   
John 3rd

Posts: 17178
Joined: 9/8/2005
From: La Salle, Colorado
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Welcome Readers!

This is a unique match. For a long period of time Bigred and I have spoken about a match. Out of the blue he contacted me and expressed a desire to start a game.

His only real concern was expressed in not wanting to start on Dec 7th. As so many players are, he is sick of the 'normal' first 6-8 weeks of the war. This comment got me to thinking of my match between Adm Nelson and I. He and I are in mid-April 42 and I have several saved turns from March.

With his permission, I hooked the two of them up and Bigred has picked up the game starting March 17, 1942. Lew and I are continuing our game while this one will divert into a whole new direction. Should be pretty interesting.

Bigred had a long-term game running with RA Co-Creator FatR. That game reached 1944 and fizzled out. It is our hope to run a LONG-TERM game that goes into 1945. We both agree that player chemistry and compatibility are major things and so Bigred and I have written and spoken on the phone a number of times to make sure this is something we both want and can commit to.

The Rising Sun, Falling Skies AAR will be a JOINT AAR where both of us shall post comments and observations. Should be different and a lot of fun. Each player can CHOOSE just how much they wish to reveal during the course of the campaign.

We already run the first new turn and operations have commenced!


Member: Treaty, Reluctant Admiral and Between the Storms Mod Team.

Reluctant Admiral Mod:
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RE: Rising Sun, Falling Skies: BTSL Bigred vs John 3rd - 11/9/2020 8:15:17 PM   
John 3rd

Posts: 17178
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From: La Salle, Colorado
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Here is a regional review of where things currently stand in the war to date. I have provided enough information to Bigred for him to get a basic feel of the past as well as committed Japanese force levels:

Theatre-by-Theatre Summary
March 17, 1942

The Japanese moved into the central and western Aleutians early and with fairly substantial forces. Two Inf Brigades were Identified and regular convoys have been seen going back-and-forth. Mainly lite naval forces seen up in this region.

A Japanese Carrier Division was seen in this area in early-February where they sank BB Warspite in the Gulf of Alaska.

Midway and Wake taken early. SNLF Assault Brigades used at both locations.

The Line Islands fell in late-January where a naval battle was fought between elements of the Pacific Fleet and Japanese CarDiv1 (Akagi-Kaga-2 CVL). It was a pretty one-sided affair ranging from February 1-3, 1942: SUNK: CV Hornet (12 B and 1 TT), CVL King’s Mountain (6 B and 1 TT), CA Chester, San Francisco, CL Honolulu, 4 DD,

Ground troops seen in landings were an Infantry Division and Infantry Brigade plus a lot of support units.

Heavy Japanese SS activity in the Hawaiian Waters.

Between NoPac and CenPac, Hawaii APPEARS to be an area of interest for Japan.

Solomons and New Britain fell in February. Lae and Rabaul are primary Japanese bases. Build-Up in Rabaul noticed by air search. Movement imminent in this area. Major forces seen include an Inf Division and aircraft of about 40-50 Zero and 50 or so Bombers. Major Fleet units have been seen periodically.

Darwin raided several times by Naval Air and Task Forces.

Wyndham taken by an Infantry Division.

Currently a Raid is in progress by CarDiv1 and CarDiv5 (4 CV and 4 CVL). Losses are currently:
SUNK: CA Australia and Pensacola, CL Detroit, 2 DD, 1 AMC, 1 AK , and 3 AKL.
DAMAGED: BC Constellation (13 Bombs and 6 14” Shell Hits) and 3 DD

Enemy retreated into Bataan quickly and in fairly strong position there. There are 4 Japanese Inf Div known to be on Luzon.

Clean-Up occurring in Central Phil and surrounding area.

Mostly taken except for minor locations.

Mostly taken. Known units consist of a Brigade and Inf Div.

Eastern Java still held by Allies. Japanese have at least two Infantry Divisions doing the heavy lifting. A lot of airpower in this area.

Pretty taken without a fight. Mandalay southwards all occupied by Japanese. Two Infantry Divisions and several Tank Regiments used here.

Akyab taken just recently by an Infantry Division and Brigade.

Indian Ocean
Several Japanese CV Raids have been staged here by CarDiv2 (Hiryu-Soryu-2 CVL). The Carriers and numerous SS have been used throughout the area around Ceylon and the southern tip of India.

To slow down Chinese Operations, I am not moving any troops on a Chinese target until they are at least 50% prepped. This has been somewhat effective but the Japanese have driven the Chinese pretty hard in several clashes.

Heavy Japanese air commitment here including Naval and Army Air units.

Current KNOWN Japanese Carrier OOB:
CarDiv1: CV Akagi—Amagi CAV Tokachi--Kushiro
CarDiv2: CV Hiryu—Soryu CVL Shoho--Ryujo
CarDiv5: CV Shokaku—Zuikaku CVL Karasu—Ryukaku


Member: Treaty, Reluctant Admiral and Between the Storms Mod Team.

Reluctant Admiral Mod:

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RE: Rising Sun, Falling Skies: BTSL Bigred vs John 3rd - 11/9/2020 8:26:39 PM   
John 3rd

Posts: 17178
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From: La Salle, Colorado
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Here is my current time commitment:

Sean and I are in mid-May 44. He is VERY busy currently with RL. I have proposed a halt to our game until January 1st to allow him time to get things settled. We have, at best, been doing 1-2 turns a week. Pretty easy and simple for me to keep up.

Lew and I have our match, described above, here we do a turn a day.

Life in the World of John 3rd
1. My business is hanging by a thread thanks to a combination of COVID and our Governor in Colorado driving out the oil and gas industry. Subway is not in a very good position right now so we're watching to see how things develop.

2. My blushing bride, Paula, of 18+ years works for the school district. THAT has been interesting in the COVID world!

3. Two teenage boys: John (16) and Christopher (14) who are pretty active. LJ (Little John) just finished hunting season over the last two weeks and was deeply disappointed to not fill his Doe Tag this season at our cabin property near Craig. Had chances but no luck. This makes for a VERY frustrated eldest son!!! Chris volunteers at the Colorado Model Railroad Museum in Greeley and works there 1-2 times a week. He heart beats to Union Pacific armor yellow!

You EVER come thru Greeley, CO--STOP BY this museum: great place, unique experience, and a whole lot of fun. I sit on the BofD and love it.


Member: Treaty, Reluctant Admiral and Between the Storms Mod Team.

Reluctant Admiral Mod:

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Post #: 3
RE: Rising Sun, Falling Skies: BTSL Bigred vs John 3rd - 11/9/2020 8:27:14 PM   
John 3rd

Posts: 17178
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From: La Salle, Colorado
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OK. We are go. Have at it gang.


Member: Treaty, Reluctant Admiral and Between the Storms Mod Team.

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Post #: 4
RE: Rising Sun, Falling Skies: BTSL Bigred vs John 3rd - 11/9/2020 9:43:22 PM   

Posts: 13450
Joined: 11/16/2015
From: My Mother, although my Father had some small part.
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Well, without oil and gas we might just have to hunt whales again . . .


Seek peace but keep your gun handy.

I'm not a complete idiot, some parts are missing!

“Illegitemus non carborundum est (“Don’t let the bastards grind you down”).”
― Julia Child

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RE: Rising Sun, Falling Skies: BTSL Bigred vs John 3rd - 11/9/2020 9:49:06 PM   
John 3rd

Posts: 17178
Joined: 9/8/2005
From: La Salle, Colorado
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Here is the current VP Board from Japan's Point-of-View:

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< Message edited by John 3rd -- 11/9/2020 9:50:48 PM >


Member: Treaty, Reluctant Admiral and Between the Storms Mod Team.

Reluctant Admiral Mod:

(in reply to RangerJoe)
Post #: 6
RE: Rising Sun, Falling Skies: BTSL Bigred vs John 3rd - 11/9/2020 10:54:51 PM   

Posts: 13450
Joined: 11/16/2015
From: My Mother, although my Father had some small part.
Status: offline
Well, I saw some good news on the Covid front.

Pfizer’s Early Data Shows Coronavirus Vaccine Is More Than 90% Effective


Seek peace but keep your gun handy.

I'm not a complete idiot, some parts are missing!

“Illegitemus non carborundum est (“Don’t let the bastards grind you down”).”
― Julia Child

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Post #: 7
RE: Rising Sun, Falling Skies: BTSL Bigred vs John 3rd - 11/9/2020 11:59:41 PM   

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Hi all. Good to be back. I have not played in 3/4 years. I suspect I got burned out after my last Game w/ FatR. That game lasted along time, maybe 7 years. I was 51 when I started Ocean of Blood. I am 61 now so this may be my last game if it last 7 years. We got to May45 with an invasion of Korea.

I learned from playing FatR with the RA70 scenario the Japs have ALOT of extra hardware.

If I have a competitive game with John I wish to give credit to FatR for teaching me advanced naval tactics.

I am not educated on the new stack rules for land combat and need a link.

First look I noticed the allied trs seem to not have as much cargo capacity.

I also noticed the allied engineers are different.

< Message edited by bigred -- 11/10/2020 12:02:13 AM >



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Post #: 8
RE: Rising Sun, Falling Skies: BTSL Bigred vs John 3rd - 11/10/2020 12:05:34 AM   

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I expect Japan to run a high VP count so first year my objective will be to keep John from getting an auto victory. If I pull even in VP count in 45 I will consider this a victory.

< Message edited by bigred -- 4/7/2021 10:10:10 PM >



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Post #: 9
RE: Rising Sun, Falling Skies: BTSL Bigred vs John 3rd - 11/10/2020 12:06:23 AM   

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Here is a link to JWE's discussion of DBB engineers and shore parties.

These are what are used in the BTS series of mods.

Cargo capacities are cut by about 30% and some of the endurance on the ships are reduced also.


(in reply to bigred)
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RE: Rising Sun, Falling Skies: BTSL Bigred vs John 3rd - 11/10/2020 1:48:54 AM   

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< Message edited by bigred -- 11/10/2020 1:50:19 AM >



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Post #: 11
RE: Rising Sun, Falling Skies: BTSL Bigred vs John 3rd - 11/10/2020 2:07:52 AM   

Posts: 13450
Joined: 11/16/2015
From: My Mother, although my Father had some small part.
Status: offline
The next time you make a picture like that one, you should change the names of the enemy aircraft to "Pigeons" and see how that looks.


Seek peace but keep your gun handy.

I'm not a complete idiot, some parts are missing!

“Illegitemus non carborundum est (“Don’t let the bastards grind you down”).”
― Julia Child

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Post #: 12
RE: Rising Sun, Falling Skies: BTSL Bigred vs John 3rd - 11/10/2020 4:01:22 AM   
John 3rd

Posts: 17178
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From: La Salle, Colorado
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My three BC that did a shore sweep engage BC Constellation, CA Salt Lake City and 4 DDs. They hit the Constellation several times and sink DD Woodbury.

Later, the same TF encounters CA Pensacola and DD Oreleck and sinks the CA. NICE! Another CA bites the big one.

The raid over Townsville was RUDE! Those Val pilots were simply bringing gift baskets for the people and seaman of Townsville. Not nice to kill friendly aviators trying to provide candy and other delicacies to the children of that city...


Member: Treaty, Reluctant Admiral and Between the Storms Mod Team.

Reluctant Admiral Mod:

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Post #: 13
RE: Rising Sun, Falling Skies: BTSL Bigred vs John 3rd - 11/10/2020 3:15:00 PM   

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The next time you make a picture like that one, you should change the names of the enemy aircraft to "Pigeons" and see how that looks.

Well, it is time to set the tone of this game. Seems John thinks he can do whatever he wants!!!



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Post #: 14
RE: Rising Sun, Falling Skies: BTSL Bigred vs John 3rd - 11/10/2020 3:16:55 PM   

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ORIGINAL: John 3rd

My three BC that did a shore sweep engage BC Constellation, CA Salt Lake City and 4 DDs. They hit the Constellation several times and sink DD Woodbury.

Later, the same TF encounters CA Pensacola and DD Oreleck and sinks the CA. NICE! Another CA bites the big one.

The raid over Townsville was RUDE! Those Val pilots were simply bringing gift baskets for the people and seaman of Townsville. Not nice to kill friendly aviators trying to provide candy and other delicacies to the children of that city...

Well, I must say John did lie to me. Typical nasty Jap player. He said he would pull back and give me time to digest the situation. So I get the message JOHN.

< Message edited by bigred -- 11/10/2020 4:17:50 PM >



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(in reply to John 3rd)
Post #: 15
RE: Rising Sun, Falling Skies: BTSL Bigred vs John 3rd - 11/10/2020 4:01:27 PM   
John 3rd

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From: La Salle, Colorado
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I said that I would put a hold on everything for 4-5 days and pull back from Australia after a turn or two. We started with the turn already in motion so this is my FIRST turn of orders across the board. Got to pick-up my BCs and then head out.


Member: Treaty, Reluctant Admiral and Between the Storms Mod Team.

Reluctant Admiral Mod:

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Post #: 16
RE: Rising Sun, Falling Skies: BTSL Bigred vs John 3rd - 11/10/2020 4:18:27 PM   

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ORIGINAL: John 3rd

I said that I would put a hold on everything for 4-5 days and pull back from Australia after a turn or two. We started with the turn already in motion so this is my FIRST turn of orders across the board. Got to pick-up my BCs and then head out.




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Post #: 17
RE: Rising Sun, Falling Skies: BTSL Bigred vs John 3rd - 11/10/2020 8:46:56 PM   
John 3rd

Posts: 17178
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From: La Salle, Colorado
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Hmmmmmmm...yourself big boy! Where be my turn???


Member: Treaty, Reluctant Admiral and Between the Storms Mod Team.

Reluctant Admiral Mod:

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Post #: 18
RE: Rising Sun, Falling Skies: BTSL Bigred vs John 3rd - 11/11/2020 2:29:55 PM   
John 3rd

Posts: 17178
Joined: 9/8/2005
From: La Salle, Colorado
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March 18, 1942
Eastern Australia

The audacity of the American Fighter pilots THINKING they can stand against Japan's Sea Eagles was shown with yesterday's turn. This day is different. The Daitai of CV Akagi do an early morning Sweep over Townsville and are met by 15 P-40s. The Japanese Fighter pilots shot down a third of them and force the rest to run for cover.

As the 3 BC and 2 DD from the Raiding Force take their place in the formation, Japan's carriers go to work. Five AKL to the NE are sunk with no difficulty. Townsville then receives the brunt of an afternoon strike as 19 Z, 33 V, and 73 K smash their way thru 4 P-40s to attack harbor shipping. The strike hits DD Barker with 4 Bombs and damages 8 AK, an AS, PG, 2 AM and blows apart an AG. This for the loss of 1 Val.

Job done, the TF moves NNE away from Australia.

If not for our agreement, I would have charged due south to get BC Constellation and a host of shipping...

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< Message edited by John 3rd -- 11/11/2020 2:30:20 PM >


Member: Treaty, Reluctant Admiral and Between the Storms Mod Team.

Reluctant Admiral Mod:

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Post #: 19
RE: Rising Sun, Falling Skies: BTSL Bigred vs John 3rd - 11/12/2020 2:35:42 PM   
John 3rd

Posts: 17178
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From: La Salle, Colorado
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March 19, 1942

The skipper of the I-20 sticks the big sub's bow into Tahiti harbor and raises HOLY HELL. Forst her sinks AK Cap Tarifa with a pair of TTs and then opens up with the deck guns hitting and probably sinking AKLs Vaiture (10 Shells) and Manureva (6 Shells). Nice Work for that I-Boat! An extra sake and rice ball ration is authorized!

Nanyang has been under siege for nearly a week and a Shock Attack drops Forts to ZERO on a 3-1 result. Considering the base is getting hit by over 150 bombers a day, think it is safe to say that it will fall tomorrow.

Further NW, Yenan falls as three Brigades attack the remaining Base Forces left in the hex. The base had been evacuated (more-or-less) a few days prior.

Not much else then that. The KB retires to a point between Townsville and Port Moresby.

< Message edited by John 3rd -- 11/12/2020 2:36:10 PM >


Member: Treaty, Reluctant Admiral and Between the Storms Mod Team.

Reluctant Admiral Mod:

(in reply to John 3rd)
Post #: 20
RE: Rising Sun, Falling Skies: BTSL Bigred vs John 3rd - 11/12/2020 4:26:25 PM   

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You know what they say about contract law, that if there is vagueness in the contract that the author of the contract is held at fault. Sounds like there was some vagueness in the contract, or some very small fine print.

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RE: Rising Sun, Falling Skies: BTSL Bigred vs John 3rd - 11/12/2020 8:26:31 PM   
John 3rd

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From: La Salle, Colorado
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You know what they say about contract law, that if there is vagueness in the contract that the author of the contract is held at fault. Sounds like there was some vagueness in the contract, or some very small fine print.

It was written in Japanese!


Member: Treaty, Reluctant Admiral and Between the Storms Mod Team.

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(in reply to Bif1961)
Post #: 22
RE: Rising Sun, Falling Skies: BTSL Bigred vs John 3rd - 11/13/2020 4:33:33 AM   

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KB pisses(port strikes) on NW Aus as it leaves...(runs out of gas.

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< Message edited by bigred -- 11/13/2020 4:35:40 AM >



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Post #: 23
RE: Rising Sun, Falling Skies: BTSL Bigred vs John 3rd - 11/13/2020 4:37:02 AM   

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Japan presses into china.

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Post #: 24
42-3-23 - 11/13/2020 1:11:12 PM   

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42-3-23. Japs clean up DEI. KB reloads.

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Post #: 25
RE: 42-3-23 - 11/13/2020 1:26:17 PM   

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KB hangs around PM w no movement???

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Post #: 26
RE: Rising Sun, Falling Skies: BTSL Bigred vs John 3rd - 11/14/2020 2:19:43 PM   
John 3rd

Posts: 17178
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From: La Salle, Colorado
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March 22, 1942

A lot of cleaning up going on right now. Paul wants to go to two-day turns and I have never done that. Any comments and what players feel on that subject? Cannot do it soon as I am, as noted, cleaning up and taking all the dratted dot bases in the DEI and elsewhere. Anyway, could use some thoughts here.

A STF of 4 DD track down a group of PT survivors from the Philippines and sink the six PTs in a running gun battle starting near Jolo.

In a major development, Malang falls ending resistance in Java. That is a pleasant development. Had hit it with a pair of BBs last turn. Kept them there to strike again and added an LBC and 2 CA to the mix hitting the troops there. A shock attack net 9-1 results and nearly 9,000 POW enter the Japanese camp. NICE! The two IDs there are in great shape and can go elsewhere.

Land at Bandjermasin.

In an unpleasant development, the normal daily milk run into Changsha by Japanese bombers was quite rudely interrupted by a unit of the AVG. My only LIZ Daitai took it on the chin losing over a dozen planes. The SALLY Sentai coming in right behind it lost about 5-7 planes. VERY RUDE! Have already beaten up the AVG ONCE in this game. Looks like I might to do that again.

Having to clean-up and re-arrange things (as well as my playing mindset) since I am now facing a different opponent. Am really looking forward to this match.

The semi-truce is now off after this turn.

< Message edited by John 3rd -- 11/14/2020 2:22:24 PM >


Member: Treaty, Reluctant Admiral and Between the Storms Mod Team.

Reluctant Admiral Mod:

(in reply to John 3rd)
Post #: 27
RE: Rising Sun, Falling Skies: BTSL Bigred vs John 3rd - 11/14/2020 3:54:04 PM   

Posts: 13450
Joined: 11/16/2015
From: My Mother, although my Father had some small part.
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If you are not comfortable with doing so, then I would not do it. It is different, especially with repeated attacks since the attackers can get trashed on the second day.


Seek peace but keep your gun handy.

I'm not a complete idiot, some parts are missing!

“Illegitemus non carborundum est (“Don’t let the bastards grind you down”).”
― Julia Child

(in reply to John 3rd)
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RE: Rising Sun, Falling Skies: BTSL Bigred vs John 3rd - 11/14/2020 8:10:53 PM   

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I suggest we start two day turns after the jap invasion bonus(but switch back in difficult or technical situations).

< Message edited by bigred -- 11/14/2020 9:15:16 PM >



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(in reply to RangerJoe)
Post #: 29
RE: Rising Sun, Falling Skies: BTSL Bigred vs John 3rd - 11/14/2020 9:55:23 PM   
John 3rd

Posts: 17178
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From: La Salle, Colorado
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March 23, 1942
Indian Ocean

CarDiv2 makes its presence felt near Madras. Having not been seen, the enhanced carrier division appears within strike range of Madras and finds a host of Allied shipping.

No planes fly in the morning (CRAP!!!) but an afternoon strike (42 Zero and 24 Val) sinks two small TK and PC while the major blow falls on Madras with 26 Zero and 76 Kates hitting the Port. Nine AK and 1 AKL are smacked. No Japanese planes are lost.

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Member: Treaty, Reluctant Admiral and Between the Storms Mod Team.

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