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vertical(A) vs. vonSchnitter(IJ) - CHS 155

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All Forums >> [Current Games From Matrix.] >> [World War II] >> War In The Pacific - Struggle Against Japan 1941 - 1945 >> After Action Reports >> vertical(A) vs. vonSchnitter(IJ) - CHS 155 Page: [1]
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vertical(A) vs. vonSchnitter(IJ) - CHS 155 - 2/2/2006 11:13:46 PM   


Posts: 60
Joined: 12/25/2005
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Dateline Pearl Harbor!
Attempting to raid surface ships steaming into the still smoking Pearl Harbor, the devious Japanese suffer 33 losses when they find heroic American aviators waiting for them. One pilot flying the veneralble P-36A nearly becomes a double ace with nine kills. Reportedly his hometown in Ohio is already planning a welcoming parade for the pilot, a Captain Welch. Welch was in no hurry to get back, saying "There's nowhere I'd rather be than defending my nation on the front line."

This action stands out as a bright spot among a number of actions that can only be called defeats. On the beaches of Malaya near Kota Baru the British/Indian units defending against Japanese landings are preparing for a desperate offensive to throw the invader back into the sea. Clark Field in the Phillippines has all but ceased to be a useful base after being pounded by Japanese strikes. Northern Luzon has seen what officials are calling, "Moderate sized Japanese landings."

In the Pacific, Tarawa and Guam have also reportedly fallen. Also, a Japanese cruiser fource bombarded Wake causing over 200 casualties. Many believe Wake will shortly fall to the Japanese juggernaut rapidly reaching across the Pacific.

In news from the homefront, the President has received overwhelming support from Congress to support the war effort...


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RE: vertical(A) vs. vonSchnitter(IJ) - CHS 155 - 2/5/2006 9:25:15 AM   

Posts: 310
Joined: 7/2/2004
From: Germany - still
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Yokohama Goyou Shinbun: 12/10/42

Imperial Headquarters, Tokyo: According to a Communique released by Imperial Headquarters today, Imperial Forces have achieved an unprecedented string of successes, meeting no or very little opposition by enemy forces since the opening of hostilities in all theaters.
Imperial Headquarters attributes these successes to immaculate staff work of high echelon commands, supreme leadership in the field executing demanding field orders and the unanimous support by all ranks in the Imperial forces, by land, by sea and in the air.
Eastern Pacific: The attack at Pearl Harbour (Hawaii) has neutralized the USN to a large degree. No movements of forces east or west of Hawaii have been reported.
Central Pacific: 4th fleet has accomplished taking Makin and Tarawa, while maintaining pressure on Wake Isl.
Malaya: Landings have proceeded as planned. An ill-conceived and feeble attack on our beach head at Khota-Baru has been repelled with heavy loss to the enemy. Army and Navy Air units closely cooperate to eliminate enemy air assets in Malaya and to interdict enemy naval movements in the Malacka Strait and around Rangoon.
China Sea: All enemy shipping South of Singapore has been eliminated by sea and air forces. The enemy has taken heavy losses.
Philipines: Enemy air assets on Luzon have been rendered impotent by incessant attack from the air. The landings in northern Luzon have been consolidated by a landing and subsequent conquering of Laog, securing lines of communication between the landings at Vigan and Aparri.
In the south of Luzon, our troops concentrate against Naga. A destroyer squadron led by Cpt. Kawato has sunk a number of enemy transports at Naga in two night actions, closing the port to enemy shipping.
China Command: Troops concentrating in the area of Hong Kong are now poised to attack this now completely isolated British stronghold. The elimination of various pockets of resistance by Chinese troops and irregulars trapped behind our lines has commenced.

Our Tokyo correspondent Katsu Karite has further reports of a press conference held today by the Prime Minister Toyo: The prime Minister has stated his great satisfaction with the conduct of the war so far. He expects the Imperial Forces to exploit those initial successes with great vigour and in the true spirit of Japanese warriors.
The Prime Minister stated: "Even though it is our entirely legitimate goal to establish a new order in Asia under Japanese leadership, free of foreign and hostile western influence, it will take a long fight to finally establish this "Co-Prospersity Zone" in the face of western imperialism. The Emperor and his government are very grateful for the unanimous support shown by Japanese people to oust any foreign interference in the our zones of interest. The true Japanese spirit will prevail over western materialism."

(in reply to vertical)
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