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Rant - 3/11/2006 2:45:30 PM   


Posts: 260
Joined: 10/12/2005
From: Africa
Status: offline
Thought it wuold be nice to have a thread set aside for ranting. We can all come her and rant at one another about how lame the other is. So come on you lame #$% lets rant.

< Message edited by forgorin -- 3/11/2006 2:51:07 PM >


Stress is the confusion created when ones own mind over rides the bodies desire to choke the living **** out of some asshole who really deserves it!
Post #: 1
RE: Rant - 3/11/2006 3:42:40 PM   


Posts: 157
Joined: 3/1/2001
From: Elmhurst, Il, USA
Status: offline
damn you, why wont you just leave me alone!

you damn dirty ape!

this whole damned forum is out of order!

im mad as hell and im not gonna take it anymore!



"Karate means never having to say you're sorry"
-E. Andrew Kovich

(in reply to forgorin)
Post #: 2
RE: Rant - 3/11/2006 9:17:09 PM   

Posts: 4804
Joined: 5/8/2000
From: Jackson Tn
Status: offline
I rave against rants. Rants make me insane.


"I hate newspapermen. They come into camp and pick up their camp rumors and print them as facts. I regard them as spies, which, in truth, they are. If I killed them all there would be news from Hell before breakfast."- W.T. Sherman

(in reply to JediMessiah)
Post #: 3
RE: Rant - 3/11/2006 11:35:38 PM   


Posts: 581
Joined: 1/16/2006
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You mean you weren't already?

I've seen some sites where entire sub-sections of the forums were dedicated to bitching about each other, if that's what you mean. Up to Matrix I guess if they want to add a "bitching forum".

(in reply to parusski)
Post #: 4
RE: Rant - 3/11/2006 11:54:12 PM   

Posts: 1808
Joined: 11/2/2000
From: West Palm Beach, FL USA
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ORIGINAL: forgorin

Thought it wuold be nice to have a thread set aside for ranting. We can all come her and rant at one another about how lame the other is. So come on you lame #$% lets rant.

I rant, therefore I am.


Retreat is NOT an option.

(in reply to forgorin)
Post #: 5
RE: Rant - 3/12/2006 2:13:48 AM   
Orzel Bialy

Posts: 2664
Joined: 4/4/2002
From: Wisconsin USA
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I hate that my wife and I now have to ask for marinara sauce when we order cheese sticks at our favorite local pub....instead of it just coming with the order like it used to!


(in reply to Warrior)
Post #: 6
RE: Rant - 3/12/2006 3:37:19 AM   

Posts: 132
Joined: 8/29/2003
From: Ocala,Florida
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I hate when pompus asses come to a site and start picking on someone not based on any actual historical fact but just because they feel like they need to bash someone who dosnt type as elegant or as fluently as some fora patrons and then bash then as unintelligible just to sooth their own egoes. As in the case of Riun vs Tokyoboy. Further more I'm shocked that Mr. Erwin aka. Spam-a-nator, who may not be a mod here but does look after place, did nothing when the above mentioned thread took a turn for the ugly. Would you walk into a library and look at a book someone was reading and say "Hey dumb ass that book sucks" to a complete stranger? If you did it to me I'd hand you a Chuck Norris sized can of Whoopass. But I digress, Bottom line manners,manners,manners.
I know Im a depot guy but at least attempt to keep it civil here before we tarnish the game itself.


"What we do in life,echoes in eternity"

(in reply to Orzel Bialy)
Post #: 7
RE: Rant - 3/12/2006 3:46:34 AM   

Posts: 5547
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(in reply to BulletMagnet)
Post #: 8
RE: Rant - 3/12/2006 4:11:01 AM   


Posts: 581
Joined: 9/30/2005
From: Japan
Status: offline
What a novel idea this rant thread is. forgorin, I salute you for your wackiness!

Now onto the ranting...


ORIGINAL: BulletMagnet

I hate when pompus asses come to a site and start picking on someone not based on any actual historical fact but just because they feel like they need to bash someone who dosnt type as elegant or as fluently as some fora patrons and then bash then as unintelligible just to sooth their own egoes. As in the case of Riun vs Tokyoboy. Further more I'm shocked that Mr. Erwin aka. Spam-a-nator, who may not be a mod here but does look after place, did nothing when the above mentioned thread took a turn for the ugly. Would you walk into a library and look at a book someone was reading and say "Hey dumb ass that book sucks" to a complete stranger? If you did it to me I'd hand you a Chuck Norris sized can of Whoopass. But I digress, Bottom line manners,manners,manners.
I know Im a depot guy but at least attempt to keep it civil here before we tarnish the game itself.

BulletMagnet, does your ankle monitor itch?


(in reply to BulletMagnet)
Post #: 9
RE: Rant - 3/12/2006 4:52:48 AM   
KG Erwin

Posts: 8981
Joined: 7/25/2000
From: Cross Lanes WV USA
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"Anarchy in SPWaW"?

My, my, my, is this all you have to do with your lives?


(in reply to PimpYourAFV)
Post #: 10
RE: Rant - 3/12/2006 5:14:10 AM   


Posts: 581
Joined: 9/30/2005
From: Japan
Status: offline

Here is a beautiful piece of wretched hatred if I've ever seen one... pulled from the 'Haig tactics win again' thread this was the first post I saw from Ruin T.



I've been reading your posts on this Haig topic since they started and REALLY hope that your just gesting and ribbing because IMHO as being a real combat infantry soldier, That you are nothing more than some WAR movie, combat bedazzled nerdy school kid whom only just read some stuff on Haig because u had to put some silly little school report together and when you blasphamy comments from other vets who have really had to go threw things like meeting and consoaling the families of close comrades that fell with them and had to live on after any officers decision. My point being you definately can be a real soldier or anyone old enough to determine any real life threatening exploits in your life besides this little game forum. YOU lossed to gunny and he isn't even a troop either and your eg. of the french vs the germans for an comparison was schoolkid too. You had the same fog and low vis as you complained was used against you before by Kopraali V and you did'nt tell us weither you delayed beyond turn 21 and how many units you managed to return to the exit hexes after turn 21 which is the real mission of a delay.
I won't even get into how it makes you look when you get into petty little quibbles with boneified studious vets like Flashfyre and M4 Bob with such watery unsubstantuated,partial facts and data. You've never had to meet your best buddys parents at the airport with the return coffin PUNK.... RIO TANGO out. You remind me of VONROM anybody else remember that name?!!


(in reply to KG Erwin)
Post #: 11
RE: Rant - 3/12/2006 5:20:52 AM   


Posts: 581
Joined: 9/30/2005
From: Japan
Status: offline

Here is a sample of azraelck's ongoing rhetoric. This is the most bitter tirade I've ever seen on the internet so it deserves a showing on the rant thread.


ORIGINAL: azraelck

Boy, I knew you were both arrogant and ignorant, but this takes the cake. First off, it's called byte overflow. Which means that Ruin inflicted so many casualties upon the Germans, that the game engine could not handle it. It's rather common in older games, which were written to more maximize memory usage. Nowadays, everyone uses long ints for storage, and everyone is happy. If he managed to overflow a long, that would be an incredible achievement.

What he did do, is achieve such a massive ratio of kills to killed, that it 'broke' the game, causing an erroneous negative number to be displayed. congradulations on being so completely stupid as to not realize something that I learned when I was 4 year old and did the same thing with the Might on my Knight in Might and Magic II.

secondly, don't assume you know who I am, little fool. The military channel is on 24/7 in my room, save when something pops up on the history channel. I HAVE studied the tactics and strategies of Ceasar, Hannibal, Rommel, Lee, Sherman, Patton, and more, extensively. I would sit down with both my grandfathers and argue tactics for hours on end with them, both veterans of Korea, and one of whom went on through Vietnam. And it's increasingly obvious my dog knows more than you about military tactics.

If you were dropped back in time, you would be slaughtered by your own men after the first battle ended with 75% of your force down and out. Your own DAR proved the point. I'm giving your strategy; Haig's strategy, a chance by building a scenario tilted in their favor. One a massive advantage in men and artillery, the other just having to contend with op fire; no artillery, and no countering attacks.

I am getting the same results that you got. I am getting the same results that Haig got on a real battlefield. Haig was a failure, a loser who's daddy bought him a commission because no sane army would allow such a fool to even serve in the trenches for fear that he'd shoot himself or his comrades in arms. WWI's trench stalemate, continued by such idiots as Haig was broken because more intelligent, well read officers put there foot down and started to actually think. And then the tank appeared, and using combined arms tactics, the war ended.

None of the above mentioned genreals used the moronic tactics that fail every time that haig used. Rommel did not. Churchill did not. Ceasar did not (and that was far enough back that Calvary and Infantry were pretty well it, no air power, no armored vehicles, and limited artillery; mostly geared for sieges). You bring up successful operation and commanders, then try to lump a failure, a loser who's every operation resulted in such losses that pushing a century later he's been villified. Your own DAR shows a failure. An absolute, complete failure. You refused to answer how long the battle took because it didn't take but perhaps 8 turns, 10 at best. Not even half of the 32 you should have used. My delays end at turn 3, with a complete victory. Your end at best in a draw, and then only because the game calculates differently than a real commander would. If you were so well read in military tactics, then you wouldn't view being routed from the field without barely denting an enemy force and losing the bulk of your own as a victory. The goal of war is not to die for your country, but to make the other bastard die for his.

Give me Ceasar's army, and Gaul is mine. Give me Chruchill's fleet, and Gallipoli will fall. With vonManstien's army, the Red army will be driven hard. I am better than all they were. There is something those leaders had that you lack, and Haig lacked as well. Common Goddamned horse sense.

He seems to think I should become a horse to reach his level of thinking.


(in reply to PimpYourAFV)
Post #: 12
RE: Rant - 3/12/2006 5:49:36 AM   
KG Erwin

Posts: 8981
Joined: 7/25/2000
From: Cross Lanes WV USA
Status: offline


ORIGINAL: forgorin

Thought it wuold be nice to have a thread set aside for ranting. We can all come her and rant at one another about how lame the other is. So come on you lame #$% lets rant.

Just going by your signature, man, you don't strike me as being particularly knowledgeable or mature. We'll give you a chance to grow up, but this of kind of stuff contributes nothing. Why are you here?


(in reply to forgorin)
Post #: 13
RE: Rant - 3/12/2006 6:12:22 AM   

Posts: 132
Joined: 8/29/2003
From: Ocala,Florida
Status: offline
WARNING... Jackass in the rearview mirror are closer than they appear!


"What we do in life,echoes in eternity"

(in reply to KG Erwin)
Post #: 14
RE: Rant - 3/12/2006 7:13:06 AM   
JEB Davis

Posts: 443
Joined: 12/27/2005
From: Michigan, U.T.B.
Status: offline
Is this an e-rant-sipation proclamation ?

Whoever needs to rant, rant away...


Reduce SP:WaW slaughter, "Low Carnage":
Settings: 80Spot,80Hit,100R/R,XXXTQ,110TkT,150InfT,180AvSoft,130AvArm,150SOFire / Command & Ctrl ON / AutoRally OFF

(in reply to BulletMagnet)
Post #: 15
RE: Rant - 3/12/2006 9:32:47 AM   

Posts: 855
Joined: 3/30/2002
From: Penticton B.C.
Status: offline
In view of keeping this most entertaining of wargaming threads in existence ....

Long may all rant! and freelly Rant all of thy Bile!!

There's a lot of things that piss me off in real life ... and, well wargames help me wi' dat....


(in reply to JEB Davis)
Post #: 16
RE: Rant - 3/12/2006 9:36:05 AM   


Posts: 581
Joined: 9/30/2005
From: Japan
Status: offline


ORIGINAL: BulletMagnet

WARNING... Jackass in the rearview mirror are closer than they appear!

You should give us more room BulletMagnet. Tailgating is not a safe way to drive.


(in reply to BulletMagnet)
Post #: 17
RE: Rant - 3/12/2006 10:26:25 AM   


Posts: 260
Joined: 10/12/2005
From: Africa
Status: offline
Ah but it is Erwin. It lets some people vent with out having to insult others on a thread that is about something important to them or to the game.
As for my singature. Learn to see a joke for what it is


Stress is the confusion created when ones own mind over rides the bodies desire to choke the living **** out of some asshole who really deserves it!

(in reply to KG Erwin)
Post #: 18
RE: Rant - 3/12/2006 2:52:11 PM   

Posts: 472
Joined: 7/19/2005
From: Seinäjoki, Finland
Status: offline
Make tea, not love.


Don't be shocked, I AM funny.

(in reply to forgorin)
Post #: 19
RE: Rant - 3/12/2006 3:23:01 PM   

Posts: 1808
Joined: 11/2/2000
From: West Palm Beach, FL USA
Status: offline

ORIGINAL: TokyoBoyTensai

Here is a beautiful piece of wretched hatred if I've ever seen one... pulled from the 'Haig tactics win again' thread this was the first post I saw from Ruin T.



I've been reading your posts on this Haig topic since they started and REALLY hope that your just gesting and ribbing because IMHO as being a real combat infantry soldier, That you are nothing more than some WAR movie, combat bedazzled nerdy school kid whom only just read some stuff on Haig because u had to put some silly little school report together and when you blasphamy comments from other vets who have really had to go threw things like meeting and consoaling the families of close comrades that fell with them and had to live on after any officers decision. My point being you definately can be a real soldier or anyone old enough to determine any real life threatening exploits in your life besides this little game forum. YOU lossed to gunny and he isn't even a troop either and your eg. of the french vs the germans for an comparison was schoolkid too. You had the same fog and low vis as you complained was used against you before by Kopraali V and you did'nt tell us weither you delayed beyond turn 21 and how many units you managed to return to the exit hexes after turn 21 which is the real mission of a delay.
I won't even get into how it makes you look when you get into petty little quibbles with boneified studious vets like Flashfyre and M4 Bob with such watery unsubstantuated,partial facts and data. You've never had to meet your best buddys parents at the airport with the return coffin PUNK.... RIO TANGO out. You remind me of VONROM anybody else remember that name?!!

I thought you had flown the coop. Decided to stick around, I see.

< Message edited by Warrior -- 3/12/2006 3:24:25 PM >


Retreat is NOT an option.

(in reply to PimpYourAFV)
Post #: 20
RE: Rant - 3/12/2006 3:47:29 PM   


Posts: 581
Joined: 9/30/2005
From: Japan
Status: offline



I thought you had flown the coop. Decided to stick around, I see.

azraelck sent me several emails begging me to stay so I didn't have the heart to leave him so sad.


(in reply to Warrior)
Post #: 21
RE: Rant - 3/12/2006 6:02:13 PM   
Wild Bill


Posts: 6821
Joined: 4/7/2000
From: Smyrna, Ga, 30080
Status: offline
Fogorin, are you still taking your medication? Want some of mine?

the doped-up Kunel


In Arduis Fidelis
Wild Bill Wilder
Independent Game Consultant

(in reply to PimpYourAFV)
Post #: 22
RE: Rant - 3/13/2006 2:19:13 AM   


Posts: 581
Joined: 1/16/2006
Status: offline

ORIGINAL: TokyoBoyTensai



I thought you had flown the coop. Decided to stick around, I see.

azraelck sent me several emails begging me to stay so I didn't have the heart to leave him so sad.

*cough coughBullshitcoughcough*

(in reply to PimpYourAFV)
Post #: 23
RE: Rant - 3/13/2006 3:38:24 AM   


Posts: 581
Joined: 9/30/2005
From: Japan
Status: offline

Does that denial mean you actually don't want me to stay, azraelck. I thought you liked me.


(in reply to azraelck)
Post #: 24
RE: Rant - 3/13/2006 5:48:44 AM   


Posts: 581
Joined: 1/16/2006
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To quote Sam Hall, "I hate you one and all/ Damn your eyes!"

Though I guess every villiage needs to have it's fool...

(in reply to PimpYourAFV)
Post #: 25
RE: Rant - 3/13/2006 6:06:26 AM   


Posts: 581
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From: Japan
Status: offline


ORIGINAL: azraelck

To quote Sam Hall, "I hate you one and all/ Damn your eyes!"

Though I guess every villiage needs to have it's fool...

Well its a good first step in changing your nature to be able to admit your weaknesses on a public forum like this azraelck.

You just never lighten up do you? Better start researching the best antidotes for heart disease.


(in reply to azraelck)
Post #: 26
RE: Rant - 3/13/2006 1:22:48 PM   


Posts: 260
Joined: 10/12/2005
From: Africa
Status: offline
Naw. Thanks, but I stoped taking it when I left the institution


Stress is the confusion created when ones own mind over rides the bodies desire to choke the living **** out of some asshole who really deserves it!

(in reply to Wild Bill)
Post #: 27
RE: Rant - 3/15/2006 2:34:28 PM   
Code Talker


Posts: 48
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From: The Colony, Texas
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Hi Mom!

(in reply to forgorin)
Post #: 28
RE: Rant - 3/17/2006 6:45:50 AM   
Wild Bill


Posts: 6821
Joined: 4/7/2000
From: Smyrna, Ga, 30080
Status: offline
Gentlemen, I hate to leave this enlightened conversation, but I have to go to the bathroom. Fill me in. The offer of extra medication still stands.

The well-medicated Kunel


In Arduis Fidelis
Wild Bill Wilder
Independent Game Consultant

(in reply to Code Talker)
Post #: 29
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