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An Ode to the Forum

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An Ode to the Forum - 3/14/2006 4:21:43 AM   


Posts: 581
Joined: 9/30/2005
From: Japan
Status: offline
Turn on the song "Signs signs everywhere a sign" by the Five Man Electrical Band to fully enjoy this song based on it.


And the sign said high IQ creative people need not apply
So I tucked my ideas up under my hat and I went in to ask them why
They said you look like a fine upstanding young man, you should f*ck off
So I spoke of my new ideas and I said imagine that, huh, me talking to you



Rant rant everywhere a rant
Blocking out the scenery breaking my mind
Do this, don't do that, can't you read the rant

And the rant said anybody caught with fresh ideas would be shot on sight
So I jumped on the fence and yelled at the forum grumps, Hey! what gives you the right
To put up a fence to keep me out or to keep your boredom in
If God was here, he'd tell you to your face, man you're some kinda sinner

Repeat Chorus:


Now, hey you Mister! can't you read, you got to have a hate problem to get a seat
You can't even watch, no you can't eat, you ain't suppose to be here
Rant said you got to have a low IQ to get inside Uh!

And the sign said everybody welcome, come in, kneel down and rant
But when they passed around the mike at the end of it all,
I didn't have a rage to rant, so I got me a pen and a paper and I made up my own little sign
I said thank you Lord for thinking about me, I'm alive and doing fine

Repeat Chorus
Repeat Chorus

I'd like to give a special thanks to the following hatemongers and trolls for inspiring this song...

KG Erwin, FlashfyreSP, JEB Davis, chief, BulletMagnet (aka EnemyMagnet), azraelck, Ruin T, Orzel Bialy, Swamprat, m10bob, Einar Fridgeirs, IBTirade, omegaall, TulliusDetritus.

Sayonara a$$holes

< Message edited by TokyoBoyTensai -- 3/26/2006 2:58:18 AM >


Post #: 1
RE: An Ode to the Forum - 3/14/2006 4:56:12 AM   

Posts: 1808
Joined: 11/2/2000
From: West Palm Beach, FL USA
Status: offline


ORIGINAL: TokyoBoyTensai

Turn on the song "Signs signs everywhere a sign" by the Five Man Electrical Band to fully enjoy this song based on it.


And the sign said high IQ creative people need not apply
So I tucked my ideas up under my hat and I went in to ask them why
They said you look like a fine upstanding young man, you should f*ck off
So I spoke of my new ideas and I said imagine that, huh, me talking to you



Rant rant everywhere a rant
Blocking out the scenery breaking my mind
Do this, don't do that, can't you read the rant

And the rant said anybody caught with fresh ideas would be shot on sight
So I jumped on the fence and yelled at the forum grumps, Hey! what gives you the right
To put up a fence to keep me out or to keep your boredom in
If God was here, he'd tell you to your face, man you're some kinda sinner

Repeat Chorus:


Now, hey you Mister! can't you read, you got to have a hate problem to get a seat
You can't even watch, no you can't eat, you ain't suppose to be here
Rant said you got to have a low IQ to get inside Uh!

And the sign said everybody welcome, come in, kneel down and rant
But when they passed around the mike at the end of it all,
I didn't have a rage to rant, so I got me a pen and a paper and I made up my own little sign
I said thank you Lord for thinking about me, I'm alive and doing fine

Repeat Chorus
Repeat Chorus

I'd like to give a special thanks to the following individuals for inspiring this song...

BulletMagnet (aka EnemyMagnet), azraelck, Ruin T, Orzel Bialy, Swamprat, m10bob, Einar Fridgeirs, IBTirade, omegaall... and my deepest apologies for those I can't recall at the moment.

And lets give it up for Korpraali V for needing to cheat on the very first PBEM game I ever played. Woohoo!!

Sayonara a$$holes

Must be some kind of Japanese hippie to be familiar with the original song.


Retreat is NOT an option.

(in reply to PimpYourAFV)
Post #: 2
RE: An Ode to the Forum - 3/14/2006 4:59:50 AM   
Major Destruction

Posts: 881
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In 1917 Lloyd George, Prime Minister of Great Britain announced that the surest method to win the War would be to convince Haig to join the Germans.


They struggled with a ferocity that was to be expected of brave men fighting with forlorn hope against an enemy who had the advantage of position......knowing that courage was the one thing that would save them.

Julius Caesar, 57 BC

(in reply to PimpYourAFV)
Post #: 3
RE: An Ode to the Forum - 3/14/2006 5:15:55 AM   

Posts: 158
Joined: 9/9/2005
Status: offline


ORIGINAL: TokyoBoyTensai

I'd like to give a special thanks to the following individuals for inspiring this song...

BulletMagnet (aka EnemyMagnet), azraelck, Ruin T, Orzel Bialy, Swamprat, m10bob, Einar Fridgeirs, IBTirade, omegaall... and my deepest apologies for those I can't recall at the moment.

And lets give it up for Korpraali V for needing to cheat on the very first PBEM game I ever played. Woohoo!!

Sayonara a$$holes


I haven't been involved in the arguments that have been going on between yourself and a number of other members, so please understand that I am not trying to antagonise you, but I do take offense at one sentence in this last post:


ORIGINAL: TokyoBoyTensai

And lets give it up for Korpraali V for needing to cheat on the very first PBEM game I ever played. Woohoo!!

There was a misunderstanding between Korpraali and yourself, and you decided to call off the game, but it was sorted out through discussion on this forum. Korpraali did not 'cheat', he explained the misunderstanding clearly, and you appeared to accept his apology for the miscommunication. To come out now and abuse him in this way is rather rude in my opinion.

(in reply to PimpYourAFV)
Post #: 4
RE: An Ode to the Forum - 3/14/2006 5:21:12 AM   
Korpraali V

Posts: 659
Joined: 7/11/2005
From: Finland
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And lets give it up for Korpraali V for needing to cheat on the very first PBEM game I ever played. Woohoo!!

You still need to insult others to feel yourself better? I’m in no need to insult others, nor I’m not in any need to cheat anyone. This is game, winning or losing in it won’t do anything to my ego - I have life, the real one. Tell me, how did I cheat you? I’m interested to know that. I really am.

- Was I reloading the files? Then why my only tank loss in the game came during my turn? And why most of your losses came in your turns?
- Did I know the places of your forces well? After few PBEMs (or reading some tactics) you’d quess as well as I did: First come scouts and the main force soon after them --> Barrages right behind the scouts.
- Was it the map? I already told that it was the first that AI picked. Why didn’t you say anything? I could have well picked the other one.
- Was it the visibility? You suggested low visibility. After that I suggested 2 and got no replay. Why?
- Was it because I renamed all my engineers to vampires? Again, you said nothing.
- Was it because you were losing? Then you should have told that you want to win and can’t stand surprises.

And in those few turns we played why didn’t you tell anything to me? No face-to-face between men like I’ve been grown up to behave. Instead you tried to place knife in my back in the public forums. Then I tried to tell you my part, what I knew and thought. And asked apologies if I’d insulted you somehow. I got no answer at all, only personal insult again. You really need that to keep your ego up? Where’s your honor? I can see only shame in you.


(in reply to sabrejack)
Post #: 5
RE: An Ode to the Forum - 3/14/2006 5:33:49 AM   
KG Erwin

Posts: 8981
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From: Cross Lanes WV USA
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The line about "new ideas" just about made me spit out my drink.

Tokyo Boy, deep down, you ARE a Samurai. You cannot and will not accept modern ideas, and you will go down fighting while defending your antiquated notions of honor.

I respect that, but you are doomed to getting your butt kicked in every PBEM game you play.

Just for your pig-headed stubborness, I gotta give you a , but you are an anachronism, and I fully believe that you revel in it.


(in reply to PimpYourAFV)
Post #: 6
RE: An Ode to the Forum - 3/14/2006 5:56:09 AM   


Posts: 157
Joined: 3/1/2001
From: Elmhurst, Il, USA
Status: offline
tbt, youre the one who has to relax.

noone here is persecuting you, and noone insulted you until you started with the condescending comments yourself.

now people at this forum have gone above and beyond trying to accomadate you, but you insist that you are right and everyone else must be wrong, take a look at your rant song, you are living it

samurai? not likely

paranoid is what you are

id just as soon put all this bs behind us, hope you can too



"Karate means never having to say you're sorry"
-E. Andrew Kovich

(in reply to KG Erwin)
Post #: 7
RE: An Ode to the Forum - 3/14/2006 5:57:28 AM   
KG Erwin

Posts: 8981
Joined: 7/25/2000
From: Cross Lanes WV USA
Status: offline
On the flipside:

How many of you guys have seen "Lion of the Desert"? This movie was based on the exploits of Omar Mukhtar, a Libyan rebel who fought against Italian invaders in the early 20th century. Mukhtar's guerrilla forces were composed primarily of light cavalry, and conducted raids against Italian supply lines, causing much damage and hindering Italian efforts to quickly subjugate the region. Mukhtar was ultimately captured and executed, but he did succeed in postponing the inevitable.

OOps- don't intend to encourage TBT's delusions, but examples of lost causes like this abound in history.

< Message edited by KG Erwin -- 3/14/2006 6:02:06 AM >


(in reply to KG Erwin)
Post #: 8
RE: An Ode to the Forum - 3/14/2006 6:06:31 AM   


Posts: 157
Joined: 3/1/2001
From: Elmhurst, Il, USA
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but you see kg, thats where tbt has it wrong, noone is attacking him, or even his precious haig tactics.

they were only defending themselves from his condescension.

he cries about shutting out his ideas or any new ideas, but that exactly what hes done, go back and reread his posts

i believe there is a time and a place for all units and tactics, especially against an intelligent enemy

this is absurd really, noone attacked tbt, yet he wants to think the world is against him.

tbt, im not full of hate, but your are most certainly full of loneliness, or will be, with the way you enjoy alienating people.

i dont know who hurt you in the past, or what happened to you, but this (and the depot) are the most welcoming communities on the net, especially to new people. if you feel isolated, thats because your words and attitude leave no room for anyone to discuss or get close to you

where is YOUR love man?

i feel sorry for you, but would be your friend if only youd let us


< Message edited by JediMessiah -- 3/14/2006 6:07:48 AM >


"Karate means never having to say you're sorry"
-E. Andrew Kovich

(in reply to KG Erwin)
Post #: 9
RE: An Ode to the Forum - 3/14/2006 6:14:11 AM   
Orzel Bialy

Posts: 2664
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First of all...I hope TBT didn't strain himself too much while he was climbing up on that cross for this pompus act of self-crucifixion.

Second of all....Korpraali V I hope you sincerely didn't feel the need to explain anything to anyone here. I doubt there is a soul on this forum that believed TBT's accusation for a second, escpecially since his credibility around here is far from stellar.

As for making it onto the top ten list of inspiring people...glad to have been of service. Amazing all the company I piled up with in such a short period of time...what an evil band of people we were to have repeatedly insulted such a genius.

Best wishes TBT. Hope you can lick those inner demons and control that urge to spread so much despair on a public forum.

***Sorry he can say he was insulted by me...and be correct for once.***

< Message edited by Orzel Bialy -- 3/14/2006 6:15:41 AM >


(in reply to KG Erwin)
Post #: 10
RE: An Ode to the Forum - 3/14/2006 6:14:34 AM   


Posts: 260
Joined: 10/12/2005
From: Africa
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Stress is the confusion created when ones own mind over rides the bodies desire to choke the living **** out of some asshole who really deserves it!

(in reply to JediMessiah)
Post #: 11
RE: An Ode to the Forum - 3/14/2006 6:51:39 AM   


Posts: 581
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At least I got a mention.

Anyone got some popcorn?

(in reply to forgorin)
Post #: 12
RE: An Ode to the Forum - 3/14/2006 7:02:56 AM   

Posts: 4855
Joined: 4/29/2000
From: Greenwood, Indiana
Status: offline



ORIGINAL: TokyoBoyTensai

Turn on the song "Signs signs everywhere a sign" by the Five Man Electrical Band to fully enjoy this "song based on it.


And the sign said high IQ creative people need not apply
So I tucked my ideas up under my hat and I went in to ask them why
They said you look like a fine upstanding young man, you should f*ck off
So I spoke of my new ideas and I said imagine that, huh, me talking to you



Rant rant everywhere a rant
Blocking out the scenery breaking my mind
Do this, don't do that, can't you read the rant

And the rant said anybody caught with fresh ideas would be shot on sight
So I jumped on the fence and yelled at the forum grumps, Hey! what gives you the right
To put up a fence to keep me out or to keep your boredom in
If God was here, he'd tell you to your face, man you're some kinda sinner

Repeat Chorus:


Now, hey you Mister! can't you read, you got to have a hate problem to get a seat
You can't even watch, no you can't eat, you ain't suppose to be here
Rant said you got to have a low IQ to get inside Uh!

And the sign said everybody welcome, come in, kneel down and rant
But when they passed around the mike at the end of it all,
I didn't have a rage to rant, so I got me a pen and a paper and I made up my own little sign
I said thank you Lord for thinking about me, I'm alive and doing fine

Repeat Chorus
Repeat Chorus

I'd like to give a special thanks to the following individuals for inspiring this song...

BulletMagnet (aka EnemyMagnet), azraelck, Ruin T, Orzel Bialy, Swamprat, m10bob, Einar Fridgeirs, IBTirade, omegaall... and my deepest apologies for those I can't recall at the moment.

And lets give it up for Korpraali V for needing to cheat on the very first PBEM game I ever played. Woohoo!!

Sayonara a$$holes

Must be some kind of Japanese hippie to be familiar with the original song.

Except the Title is
not signs signs everywhere a sign

< Message edited by Alby -- 3/14/2006 8:28:57 AM >


(in reply to Warrior)
Post #: 13
RE: An Ode to the Forum - 3/14/2006 8:19:38 AM   
Wild Bill


Posts: 6821
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Me? Playing is my game. Win, maybe! Have fun, definitely! Let's have fun!..WB


In Arduis Fidelis
Wild Bill Wilder
Independent Game Consultant

(in reply to Alby)
Post #: 14
RE: An Ode to the Forum - 3/14/2006 10:09:54 AM   


Posts: 80
Joined: 2/20/2006
From: Essen (Germany)
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forget all this stupid discussion about a PBEM match. I think , I can understand Tokioboy very well. I have also the impression that PBEM matches are very often very gamey. I have made similar experiences... an oppenent buying units from many different nations, an oppent who immediately asked for restart a new game as his glider landed more or less on top of my tanks....always those engineers in advance situation where in reality never engineers would have been used... etc..

It was the typical situation of having different views and not clearly talking about it. I am a lawyer and , therefore, I accepted these things as we had not set up rules which were hit. Ok...I thought, next time I have to discuss it or do something else but I could not blame someone for the fact that my intention was not fully reached.

So...."Über Gräber voran !!!" (Advance over the graves)


"No other troops in the world but German paratroops could have stood up to such an ordeal and then gone on fighting with such ferocity" — Field Marshal Alexander.

(in reply to Wild Bill)
Post #: 15
RE: An Ode to the Forum - 3/14/2006 1:43:56 PM   

Posts: 472
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From: Seinäjoki, Finland
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Oh, God.

Well, it was good to see one living as he preached.


Don't be shocked, I AM funny.

(in reply to Zardoz)
Post #: 16
RE: An Ode to the Forum - 3/14/2006 2:34:51 PM   

Posts: 1193
Joined: 7/6/2002
From: Combat Information Center
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Damn...I'm disappointed that my name wasn't mentioned, since I challenged him early on about his fascination with his 'Haig tactics'. Not even an Honorable Mention...


(in reply to Puukkoo)
Post #: 17
RE: An Ode to the Forum - 3/14/2006 2:59:40 PM   
Mau Fox

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On the flipside:

How many of you guys have seen "Lion of the Desert"?

Hey Gunny!

I am surprised that you saw that movie!
Actually it is a good one although not a box office succes.

Did you know that the director of this film Moustapha Akkad was also the producer of the famous "Halloween" series?
And, sadly, he died 11th november 2005 after suffering injuries from the hotel bombing in Jordan.

About the "Lion of the desert" we have to know that the movie was funded by Muammar al-Gadhafi, and he demanded that the movie include a scene that was not historically accurate in order to make the Sanusi family in Libya look bad.


Mau Fox.

(in reply to KG Erwin)
Post #: 18
RE: An Ode to the Forum - 3/15/2006 5:02:59 PM   

Posts: 129
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From: Shrewsbury UK
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Just another Troll then.

Trolls seem to be an increasing phenomenom on public forums. He must enjoy the fact that this forum is unmoderated. On other forums he would have been thrown out pretty quickly.

What's a troll, for those who ask? A troll is an individual whose whole reason for being on the forum is to antagonise other individuals, (see his profile). Often it's not even out of any ill feeling. Guys like TokyoChild just get a kick out of provoking a reaction from people - it's just something he likes to do. The way he does it doesn't matter - the haig tactics business for instance wasn't really all that heartfelt to him, if he even believed it at all.

But on a forum like this he does trade on the goodwill of others, who defend him without realising his real intent. I've fallen for it myself several times on other forums.

So bye bye TokyoChild. Your wargaming is about as skilfull as your song writing.
Except of course I bet it's not really goodbye is it? No, you'll be looking in as usual, getting your kick out of the responses in this thread. Soon you won't be able to wait any longer; then you'll jump in again. What's Japanese for "I see you're back again then."

Oh, and Bill, before you get onto me again with 'hey where do you come from with an attitude like that' or 'lets have intelligent responses only please', please please remember that I haven't actually insulted him - not like he's insulted others in a rather more direct and crude manner. I'm no public enemy Bill. I care too.



(in reply to Mau Fox)
Post #: 19
RE: An Ode to the Forum - 3/15/2006 5:15:41 PM   

Posts: 317
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Anyone ever really thought that the guy was just pushing "his" Haig thing to get nothing more than a bite (or is that byte) ..

Just tread carefully next time..

(in reply to Swamprat)
Post #: 20
RE: An Ode to the Forum - 3/15/2006 5:29:43 PM   

Posts: 8622
Joined: 11/3/2002
From: Dismal Seepage Indiana
Status: offline

I'd like to give a special thanks to the following individuals for inspiring this song...

BulletMagnet (aka EnemyMagnet), azraelck, Ruin T, Orzel Bialy, Swamprat, m10bob, Einar Fridgeirs, IBTirade, omegaall... and my deepest apologies for those I can't recall at the moment.

I like to inspire..............AMF


(in reply to Warrior)
Post #: 21
RE: An Ode to the Forum - 3/15/2006 5:50:22 PM   
Riun T


Posts: 1848
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Sorry I made a slightly foremention position in the list than u m10bob, and I've gone over all this from start, just to be sure and from my, puke/putz/schoolkid/ cynical type comments, say again here SORRY.

(in reply to m10bob)
Post #: 22
RE: An Ode to the Forum - 3/15/2006 5:54:05 PM   

Posts: 8622
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From: Dismal Seepage Indiana
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Sorry I made a slightly foremention position in the list than u m10bob, and I've gone over all this from start, just to be sure and from my, puke/putz/schoolkid/ cynical type comments, say again here SORRY.


(in reply to Riun T)
Post #: 23
RE: An Ode to the Forum - 3/15/2006 5:55:24 PM   

Posts: 8622
Joined: 11/3/2002
From: Dismal Seepage Indiana
Status: offline

ORIGINAL: TokyoBoyTensai

Turn on the song "Signs signs everywhere a sign" by the Five Man Electrical Band to fully enjoy this song based on it.


And the sign said high IQ creative people need not apply
So I tucked my ideas up under my hat and I went in to ask them why
They said you look like a fine upstanding young man, you should f*ck off
So I spoke of my new ideas and I said imagine that, huh, me talking to you



Rant rant everywhere a rant
Blocking out the scenery breaking my mind
Do this, don't do that, can't you read the rant

And the rant said anybody caught with fresh ideas would be shot on sight
So I jumped on the fence and yelled at the forum grumps, Hey! what gives you the right
To put up a fence to keep me out or to keep your boredom in
If God was here, he'd tell you to your face, man you're some kinda sinner

Repeat Chorus:


Now, hey you Mister! can't you read, you got to have a hate problem to get a seat
You can't even watch, no you can't eat, you ain't suppose to be here
Rant said you got to have a low IQ to get inside Uh!

And the sign said everybody welcome, come in, kneel down and rant
But when they passed around the mike at the end of it all,
I didn't have a rage to rant, so I got me a pen and a paper and I made up my own little sign
I said thank you Lord for thinking about me, I'm alive and doing fine

Repeat Chorus
Repeat Chorus

I'd like to give a special thanks to the following individuals for inspiring this song...

BulletMagnet (aka EnemyMagnet), azraelck, Ruin T, Orzel Bialy, Swamprat, m10bob, Einar Fridgeirs, IBTirade, omegaall... and my deepest apologies for those I can't recall at the moment.

And lets give it up for Korpraali V for needing to cheat on the very first PBEM game I ever played. Woohoo!!

Sayonara a$$holes

What's that smell?
Turn the lights off when ya' leave.


(in reply to PimpYourAFV)
Post #: 24
RE: An Ode to the Forum - 3/15/2006 6:05:36 PM   
Riun T


Posts: 1848
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Since a few of u other members that where distingguished enough to make this list are on right now, do any of u think I've portrayed myself or my arguements poorly or in an agressively insulting manner??

(in reply to m10bob)
Post #: 25
RE: An Ode to the Forum - 3/15/2006 6:37:35 PM   

Posts: 129
Joined: 8/30/2005
From: Shrewsbury UK
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Here's an interesting quote that I find in War in the Pacific forum:


This reminds me of a guy calling himself Hirohito, who showed up for a few weeks on this forum about 1 year ago, handing out advice while never publishing an AAR proving the substance of his wisdoms. After being challenged he went missing without action.....

TokyoBoyTensai, I eagerly await your AAR's

Seems that TokyoBoy got tired of not being taken seriously on that forum and left to join us here instead. Wonder which forum he'll go to next?



(in reply to Riun T)
Post #: 26
RE: An Ode to the Forum - 3/15/2006 6:52:11 PM   

Posts: 472
Joined: 7/19/2005
From: Seinäjoki, Finland
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Well, TokyoBoy did write some AAR's. The only one on his first PBEM was that notorious one.


Don't be shocked, I AM funny.

(in reply to Swamprat)
Post #: 27
RE: An Ode to the Forum - 3/15/2006 7:20:46 PM   

Posts: 129
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From: Shrewsbury UK
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What I'm getting at is his modus operendi. On the Pacific War forum he ingratiated himself as a newbie then, within a month or two, was putting himself forward as some sort of knowledgeable player. He didn't insult anyone more directly there because that forum is moderated.

Then he comes on here, ingratiates himself with newbie questions until everyone is keen to help him, then launches his knowledgeable 'theory'. He does an AAR against the computer to prove his genius, somehow always fails to finish a PBEM against any serious challengers (or even fails to take them on at all), gets more insulting because he knows he's getting away with it, to the point where his insults are personally directed, rather than just general, then... well who knows what next. Gets bored and pops up on another forum, telling everyone he's a newbie who really digs the game, whatever game that is, picks up info from reading the threads then launches into another campaign of self-advertised genius?



(in reply to Puukkoo)
Post #: 28
RE: An Ode to the Forum - 3/15/2006 7:58:35 PM   

Posts: 8622
Joined: 11/3/2002
From: Dismal Seepage Indiana
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Since a few of u other members that where distingguished enough to make this list are on right now, do any of u think I've portrayed myself or my arguements poorly or in an agressively insulting manner??

Ruin T...You worry too much..You had nothing to do with this weasels' problems..
I was a lifer brat, except my dad refused to spoil my brother or I because, well, he just did not have the bucks to do so..
This guy, does however remind me a LOT of the breed of overseas lifer brats who have come to everything easily, and have never had to (yet) work for a dime. They hate their parents, their neighbors, and everybody they encounter in general as a bunch of dumbasses.
These kids usually opt for alcoholism or drug abuse early on, and eventually go to suicide when the world cannot "see their way".
Can't say this guy is one of them for sure, but his "social patterns" sure meet the criteria.
I do believe he is smart, but he has no common sense and certainly neither social graces nor a quantum for patience.
Truly a stereotypical self-appointed expert in a forum where at least half of us here are still alive because we practiced what he is playing, except for us, it has been in real-life, in another time.
I will not pretend anything smacking of respect for his behavior, nor do I wish his return.
AMF...XIN LOI......
I agree with SwampRat....
BTW..TiredBoyTinsel...Don't despair ...The world needs ditch diggers too son!

< Message edited by m10bob -- 3/15/2006 8:16:24 PM >


(in reply to Riun T)
Post #: 29
RE: An Ode to the Forum - 3/15/2006 9:55:02 PM   

Posts: 472
Joined: 7/19/2005
From: Seinäjoki, Finland
Status: offline
I was both amazed and amused by his impetus. I did not agree completely on his views but I wouldn't outright regard him as a troll. That would be too harsh. He actually did some good posts before he lost his bolt (and made several poor ones after that).

You guys should realize that he died like a samurai. That last post was a real Kamikaze.


Don't be shocked, I AM funny.

(in reply to Swamprat)
Post #: 30
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