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Minelaying subs

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Minelaying subs - 5/2/2006 8:53:00 AM   
Roger Neilson


Posts: 899
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From: England
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To save me trawling through the list of subs and looking at each one, other than the O19 and O20 what other Allied subs were capable of minelaying please anyone?

Post #: 1
RE: Minelaying subs - 5/2/2006 9:39:07 AM   

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The unrefitted Argonaught.


This game does not have a learning curve. It has a learning cliff.

"Bomb early, bomb often, bomb everything." - Niceguy

Any bugs I report are always straight stock games.

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Post #: 2
RE: Minelaying subs - 5/2/2006 10:13:46 AM   
Roger Neilson


Posts: 899
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From: England
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Hmmm, so just three subs in the whole allied fleet?


(in reply to dtravel)
Post #: 3
RE: Minelaying subs - 5/2/2006 11:10:44 AM   

Posts: 4533
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I think those are the only ones that carry mines routinely. But I think any sub can perform a Submarine Minelaying mission, they just replace some of their torpedoes with mines. I don't know how many, I personally don't really do a lot of sub minelaying. I prefer to simply torpedo the ships.


This game does not have a learning curve. It has a learning cliff.

"Bomb early, bomb often, bomb everything." - Niceguy

Any bugs I report are always straight stock games.

(in reply to Roger Neilson)
Post #: 4
RE: Minelaying subs - 5/2/2006 11:13:40 AM   

Posts: 1181
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From: England
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ORIGINAL: dtravel

I think those are the only ones that carry mines routinely. But I think any sub can perform a Submarine Minelaying mission, they just replace some of their torpedoes with mines. I don't know how many, I personally don't really do a lot of sub minelaying. I prefer to simply torpedo the ships.

Look for the subs with large capacity, like the Salmons, if you want to do minelaying. Some subs like the s boats will only carry a few mines.


(in reply to dtravel)
Post #: 5
RE: Minelaying subs - 5/2/2006 1:02:50 PM   


Posts: 269
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I can't be sure but I think that subs with small cargo cap (cargo<36) can lay only 2 mines . Can someone confirm this ?

(in reply to MarcA)
Post #: 6
RE: Minelaying subs - 5/2/2006 1:11:38 PM   

Posts: 1181
Joined: 3/2/2005
From: England
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I can't be sure but I think that subs with small cargo cap (cargo<36) can lay only 2 mines . Can someone confirm this ?

IIRC its actually 8, if you fill the tubes as well but I would have to check


(in reply to Milman)
Post #: 7
RE: Minelaying subs - 5/2/2006 1:35:12 PM   

Posts: 9847
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Subs that are not dedicated minelayers can usually lay about 12-18 mines, IIRC. Dutch O19 and O20 can lay 40 VH2 mines above that (VH2 in dedicated mine racks and 12 Mk10 in tubes). Argonaut was something like 60 Mk 12 and 12 Mk 10, least in CHS.

(in reply to MarcA)
Post #: 8
RE: Minelaying subs - 5/2/2006 4:05:28 PM   

Posts: 6589
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Mines are for sssssneaking thievesssss! Nassssssssty Hobbitssssssss! We hatesssssssssss thems!

Put some torps in those tubes and charge for the glory of Rohan!



"It is obvious that you have greatly over-estimated my regard for your opinion." - Me

(in reply to Roger Neilson)
Post #: 9
RE: Minelaying subs - 5/2/2006 4:43:03 PM   

Posts: 1181
Joined: 3/2/2005
From: England
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Mines are for sssssneaking thievesssss! Nassssssssty Hobbitssssssss! We hatesssssssssss thems!

Put some torps in those tubes and charge for the glory of Rohan!


No more coffee for that man.


(in reply to Feinder)
Post #: 10
RE: Minelaying subs - 5/2/2006 5:32:07 PM   

Posts: 12523
Joined: 7/4/2005
From: Super secret hidden base
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Mines are for sssssneaking thievesssss! Nassssssssty Hobbitssssssss! We hatesssssssssss thems!

Put some torps in those tubes and charge for the glory of Rohan!


Just beware the depth charges of Sauron. The Nazgul have a 20 rating on ASW.


Artwork graciously provided by Dixie

(in reply to Feinder)
Post #: 11
RE: Minelaying subs - 5/2/2006 5:37:44 PM   
Rob Brennan UK

Posts: 3685
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Back on topic

If you use the non-dedicated subs for mine warfare ops its best to use them in flotillas 5-10 strong or the tiny minefields wont last long due to degredation. dropping off 70-120 mines a pop is much more useful in my experience.


sorry for the spelling . English is my main language , I just can't type . and i'm too lazy to edit :)

(in reply to niceguy2005)
Post #: 12
RE: Minelaying subs - 5/2/2006 7:11:56 PM   
Mike Solli

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ORIGINAL: Rob Brennan UK

Back on topic

If you use the non-dedicated subs for mine warfare ops its best to use them in flotillas 5-10 strong or the tiny minefields wont last long due to degredation. dropping off 70-120 mines a pop is much more useful in my experience.

I'm speaking from a Japanese perspective, but I suspect it's all the same. The Japanese have 4 minelaying subs (I-121-124) and they carry 50 mines each. I use them in 1 ship TFs and they are relatively effective that way. I'd say that, on average, 1-2 Allied ships hit sub mines a month. It's more for nuisance value than anything. Anything to give my opponents ulcers.....

(in reply to Rob Brennan UK)
Post #: 13
RE: Minelaying subs - 5/2/2006 8:11:58 PM   
Rob Brennan UK

Posts: 3685
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From: London UK
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oh agreed absolutely .. dedicated mine layign subs go solo. non dedicated in flotillas/packs/bunches/gangs/mobs/gaggles/groups/prides etc.


sorry for the spelling . English is my main language , I just can't type . and i'm too lazy to edit :)

(in reply to Mike Solli)
Post #: 14
RE: Minelaying subs - 5/3/2006 8:59:48 AM   

Posts: 3993
Joined: 3/12/2001
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Mines are for sssssneaking thievesssss! Nassssssssty Hobbitssssssss! We hatesssssssssss thems!

Put some torps in those tubes and charge for the glory of Rohan!


Naw, this is for those IJN Glen-carrying subs to further irritate the Allies with. You can load up with mines and have a little Glen flying around and it will drive them mad (assuming the sub don't get sunk). I've long considered that the best weapon for the IJN is to lay mines in enemy ports, and now I'm more convinced of it, as I forgot that ordinary subs could do this.

(in reply to Feinder)
Post #: 15
RE: Minelaying subs - 5/3/2006 9:40:39 AM   

Posts: 1181
Joined: 3/2/2005
From: England
Status: offline


I can't be sure but I think that subs with small cargo cap (cargo<36) can lay only 2 mines . Can someone confirm this ?


I have just remebered that I had this information at my finger tips all the time. The mine carrying capacity of some different allied sub classes is given below. I think these figures assume the sub also carrys mines in the tubes

Argonaut 68m
British 'T' 20m
Cachcalot 12m
Dolphin 12m
Gato 20m
KXI 8m
KXIV 12m
Narwhal 12m
O19 48m
Perch 12m
S Class 8m
Tambor 20m

I think the Salmons should also be able to carry a good load but don't have to the figures for them


(in reply to Milman)
Post #: 16
RE: Minelaying subs - 5/3/2006 4:15:32 PM   


Posts: 269
Joined: 9/14/2004
From: Serbia
Status: offline
Are that intel for real subs or for WITP . I just checked and it say that sub cary only 2 mines (Allied S-sub(cargo = 24) ). I sent one sub on my base so i will have results in 1-2 turns in my PBEM .

(in reply to MarcA)
Post #: 17
RE: Minelaying subs - 5/3/2006 4:33:21 PM   

Posts: 1181
Joined: 3/2/2005
From: England
Status: offline


Are that intel for real subs or for WITP . I just checked and it say that sub cary only 2 mines (Allied S-sub(cargo = 24) ). I sent one sub on my base so i will have results in 1-2 turns in my PBEM .

They are actual results from witp. I have been conducting a sub mine laying campaign in one game so have kept track of how many mines each sub type can load.


(in reply to Milman)
Post #: 18
RE: Minelaying subs - 5/3/2006 6:37:37 PM   

Posts: 9869
Joined: 1/10/2005
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I wish there was a way to keep track of mines in enemy ports that I lay and in coastal hexes, but those are on "my" personal Wish List.
Does anyone have a way to keep track of them or do you just keep going back to the same spot every once in a while??

(in reply to MarcA)
Post #: 19
RE: Minelaying subs - 1/2/2009 4:28:58 AM   

Posts: 678
Joined: 1/14/2007
From: Menomonee Falls, Wisconsin, USA
Status: offline


ORIGINAL: mantill

Argonaut 68m
British 'T' 20m
Cachcalot 12m
Dolphin 12m
Gato 20m
KXI 8m
KXIV 12m
Narwhal 12m
O19 48m
Perch 12m
S Class 8m
Tambor 20m


Salmon 16m
Balao 60m
British S' 14m
O16 12m
O21 12m


I have been inputting my orders for the campaign game first turn since July 4, 2009. I'm getting close. In another month or two, I might be able to run the turn!

(in reply to MarcA)
Post #: 20
RE: Minelaying subs - 1/2/2009 5:04:17 AM   

Posts: 6922
Joined: 8/28/2002
From: East Brunswick, NJ
Status: offline



Mines are for sssssneaking thievesssss! Nassssssssty Hobbitssssssss! We hatesssssssssss thems!

Put some torps in those tubes and charge for the glory of Rohan!


Rohan is not on the stock map

Just as a point of interest the short range Dutch subs load MK10 mines. The others load VH2. MK10s are not only better but when one goes off in the IO it makes the Japs think there are US subs about.


"The difference between genius and stupidity is that genius has limits"- Darwin Awards 2003

"No plan survives contact with the enemy." - Field Marshall Helmuth von Moltke

(in reply to Feinder)
Post #: 21
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