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Cannot open PS anymore

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Cannot open PS anymore - 8/16/2006 4:46:13 PM   


Posts: 228
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I have tried to outsmart winxp and PureSim at every turn. But the tandem of Gates and Sullivan has got the best of far. I may have lost the battle, but I will win the war.

I thought it would be nice to uninstal PS 2005. BIG MISTAKE. Now After uninstalling, restarting, installing, I get the "PureSim has detected that not all components have been installed properly". I have done this several times (5?) and still have no luck. Once I even got "there was a problem with your serial number, contact matrix games".

So I am unable to play PS. I even went as far as, after several attempts of uninstalling/reinstalling, to remove all instances of PS from the registry. I know, scary place. But what else could I do?
Post #: 1
RE: Cannot open PS anymore - 8/16/2006 4:58:26 PM   


Posts: 2299
Joined: 7/24/2005
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Try this:

- Uninstall PS 2007.
- Reboot.
- Reinstall PS 2007.
- Reboot


Developer, PureSim Baseball

(in reply to Abev)
Post #: 2
RE: Cannot open PS anymore - 8/16/2006 5:19:42 PM   


Posts: 228
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ORIGINAL: puresimmer

Try this:

- Uninstall PS 2007.
- Reboot.
- Reinstall PS 2007.
- Reboot

Thanks Shaun, Been there, done that. I wasnt clear in the first post. Thats what I was doing.

Originally I was getting the error "not all components installed properly...Assertion failed on line 0", now I get "not all components installed properly...Assertion failed on line 9". Making progress?

Also, PS does not appear as a program available to be uninstalled in add/remove programs. One other things sems strange; when I install PS and it asks where to install it, the file box is blank e.g does not have a path, I have to choose it.

(in reply to puresimmer)
Post #: 3
RE: Cannot open PS anymore - 8/16/2006 11:51:35 PM   


Posts: 1166
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Kinda scary.  Seems like it wanted you to uninstall PS2007 first, then PS2005.   Flat out intimidating.

(in reply to Abev)
Post #: 4
RE: Cannot open PS anymore - 8/17/2006 12:36:46 AM   


Posts: 228
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Shaun I gotta think that either I deleted a dll or ocx manually or with the uninstall of ps2005. Is there a simple list of those files that I should have? Whatever controls the file list dialog (no default install path) doesnt pop up. No entries listed in add/remove programs. When I try to start PS, I get the lahman ldb (so *something* was executed) then I get the err msg. I am a bit stumped

(in reply to SittingDuck)
Post #: 5
RE: Cannot open PS anymore - 8/17/2006 3:38:31 AM   


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ORIGINAL: puresimmer

Try this:

- Uninstall PS 2007.
- Reboot.
- Reinstall PS 2007.
- Reboot

Thanks Shaun, Been there, done that. I wasnt clear in the first post. Thats what I was doing.

Originally I was getting the error "not all components installed properly...Assertion failed on line 0", now I get "not all components installed properly...Assertion failed on line 9". Making progress?

Also, PS does not appear as a program available to be uninstalled in add/remove programs. One other things sems strange; when I install PS and it asks where to install it, the file box is blank e.g does not have a path, I have to choose it.

Based on that error message try this:

1. Drop to a command prompt.
2. Type: cd "\Matrix Games\PureSim Baseball 2007"
3. Type: regsvr32 zlibocx.ocx


Developer, PureSim Baseball

(in reply to Abev)
Post #: 6
RE: Cannot open PS anymore - 8/17/2006 4:26:50 AM   


Posts: 30
Joined: 11/6/2005
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Abev I feel your pain.

Check out this thread�

I've tried everything.
I just downloaded the latest patch and nothing!

Please Shaun help us out!

(in reply to Abev)
Post #: 7
RE: Cannot open PS anymore - 8/17/2006 4:08:01 PM   


Posts: 228
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My computer knowledge has apparently regressed several years.

I kept installing the patch, instead of main PS. I thought b/c of the size the patches still had all the ocx's and dll's I would need. WRONG. As usual, the error is with the user.

Just in case, whoever else has a problem, make sure you install the main 160g PureSim NOT the patches!

(in reply to dickysty)
Post #: 8
RE: Cannot open PS anymore - 8/20/2006 4:28:56 PM   


Posts: 2299
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My computer knowledge has apparently regressed several years.

I kept installing the patch, instead of main PS. I thought b/c of the size the patches still had all the ocx's and dll's I would need. WRONG. As usual, the error is with the user.

Just in case, whoever else has a problem, make sure you install the main 160g PureSim NOT the patches!

I should have thought to mention that. I'm just glad you are up and running -- and thanks for posting this, as it may help others.


Developer, PureSim Baseball

(in reply to Abev)
Post #: 9
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