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Gotterdammerung im Osten: Okimaw vs Lovekatt

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Gotterdammerung im Osten: Okimaw vs Lovekatt - 9/3/2006 11:16:57 PM   

Posts: 268
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From: Land of the brave, home of the Cree
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Myself and lovekatt are just starting this scenario and we're going to try and do a regular AAR here. I am the Soviets and Lovekatt is the Germans.
In this first turn it is the opening of the "Continuation War" of 1944, in which the Red Army attacked the Finns north of Lenningrad and all along the Karelian Penninsula.
The Red Army attacked to the direct north of Lenningrad and casualties were heavy on both sides

Here is how the lines look on turn 1


Red Army advanced between 10 and 20 km's past their start line while the Red Air Force was succesful in blowing important bridges in the Finnish rear areas.


The Communist Party is proclaiming the USSR is on the Road to Berlin. this poster reads "To the west"


< Message edited by Okimaw -- 9/4/2006 5:40:19 AM >


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Gotterdammerung im Osten: Red Army turn2 - 9/4/2006 5:44:04 AM   

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This turn the fighting north of Lenningrad progressed quite well. Casualties were still high but the Finns are being pushed back to the 1940 frontier.

Here is a movie of the last 2 turns


Here is a shot of the front for this turn.



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Gotterdammerung: Red Army turn3 - 9/4/2006 6:14:28 AM   

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During this turn the Red Army moved to within 30 km of the old border in the Lenningrad sector. The Boss and Stavka have something very larger on the drawing board for the next 2 weeks, Operation Bagration.

Here is the movie for the last 3 turns


Here is the Red Army progress north of Lenningrad. Our forces are now at the gates of Viipuri


Here is the proposed AO for our forces involved in Operation Bagration. The start line is from Opochka in the north to Muzyr at the souther end.


< Message edited by Okimaw -- 9/4/2006 6:16:25 AM >


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Post #: 3
Gotterdammerung: Red Army turn 4 - 9/5/2006 1:19:18 AM   

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In this turn there was heavy fighting and losses on both sides. In the north it seems that the Finns have all but abandoned Kaarelia and the area around Lake Ladoga. Red Army forces are moving almost unnopposed except in the Viipuri area. More to the south, from Opochka to Muzyr, Operation Bagration commenced. The fighting was vicious as the Red army tried to establish bridgeheads on the Dvina and Dneper rivers.

Here is the movie for the last four turns


Here is a movie of Operation Bagration progress this turn.


Here are the losses so far (btw I got lonesome for the old marbled green, having an alt graphics folder is way cool)


Here is the situation around Viipuri


< Message edited by Okimaw -- 9/5/2006 2:37:28 AM >


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Post #: 4
Gotterdammerung: Red Army turn 5 - 9/6/2006 6:59:59 AM   

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Once again the fighting was totally pitiless along the areas of the front that have been opened by the Red Army. A number of holes have been punched in the fascists' lines and some formations have managed to establish bridgeheads at their initial objectives. In the next two turns the Baltic front will open and a number of formations that have been held in reserve will be activated and moved to the front. Rail repair will be of the utmost importance and we advance further into the occupied territories.

Here is a full map movie of the last 5 turns


Here is a close up movie of the active areas of the operation.


In the Kaarelian AO the 21st and 23rd armies are closing up the territories around Viipuri and Sartavala. The Finns are heavily fortified in Viipuri and have held out against numerous attacks.


Vitebsk and Orsha are almost completely encircled and a large hole has been blown through the fascist lines. the 11th Army, 2nd Tank corps, 3rd Mech Corps are preparing to push through the hole to the next objectives


< Message edited by Okimaw -- 9/7/2006 3:06:14 PM >


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Post #: 5
Gotterdammerung: Red Army turn 6 - 9/9/2006 7:00:33 AM   

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There was heavy fighting all along the front in his turn. Along the Baltic coast action was initiated by the 21st and 2nd Shock Army but was met with limited success. Further south our forces met with greater successes as the losses taken by the fascists have made them withdraw from more vulnerable positions or lose ground regardless. There are gaping holes in their front and our forces are rushing to exploit them despite the very intense fighting. I hope that my opponent makes some entries here as it would be nice to have the German view seen here.

Here is the micro movie of the last 6 turns


Here is a movie of action along the active area of the Bagration front


In  the vicinity north of Vitebsk the 2nd & 6th Armies as well as the 1st & 16th Tank Corps are well across the Dvina River and heading to Vilnius.


South of Mogilev the 9th Tank Corps and the 3rd & 48 Armies are at the Berezina River  moving to cut off the fascist forces at Minsk


< Message edited by Okimaw -- 9/9/2006 8:17:04 AM >


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Post #: 6
GiO: Red Army turn 7 - 9/9/2006 8:35:30 PM   

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The fascist line now has a gaping hole in it with a wave of our heroes of the glorious motherland rushing through it. Tough resistance in the cities of Mogilev, Orsha, and Vitebsk persists but heavy airial and artillery bombardment is weakening the defenders resolve. Our forces are now well on their way to Vilnius and Minsk.

Here is a movie of the whole map for the last 7 turns


Here is the action along most of the front. Minor fighting also continues along the Baltic coast


Here is a close up of the Orsha / Mogilev area. Mogilev was liberated this turn.


< Message edited by Okimaw -- 9/9/2006 8:48:25 PM >


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Post #: 7
GiO: Red Army turn 8 - 9/11/2006 6:20:40 AM   

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This turn saw the Red Army advance further into the occupied territories.
In the far north, Aanislina and Sartavala were taken while Viipuri was pounded by air and artillery strike as well as probing infantry attacks.
In Estonia, Kahtajarve along the Baltic coast was liberated.
In Latvia, Red Army is engaged with a large fascist for in the Zudza area. The 4th Shock Army is within 20 km of Daugavpils.
In Lithuania, the 16th Tank and 6th Armies are 50 km from Vilnius.
In Byelorussia, Minsk was liberated by the 11th and 8th Tank Armies
Behind the forward forces there are still fascist armies encircled in Orsha, Vitebsk, and Mogilev. In Orsha and Vitebsk the trapped forces probably number at least 6 or 8 full divisions, heavily fortified in the ruins of those cities. With their supplies cut off they can hopefully be finished of next turn as they are tying up considerable man power at this time.

Here is the whole map of the last 8 turns


Here is the north front from the last 3 turns


Here is the south front from the last 3 turns



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Post #: 8
GiO: Red Army turn 9 - 9/13/2006 6:05:15 AM   

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This turn progress was made in a number of areas. Much of the fighting was clearing up pockets in the rear areas, some of which still offer considerable resistance. The next two turns will focus on cleaning out the various pockets of fascists and setting a line along the Polish frontier to reorganize while the initial phases of operations in the new sector of the offensive comence.

Here is the full map movie of the last 9 turns


Operation Bagration north front


Operation Bagration south front


< Message edited by Okimaw -- 9/13/2006 6:11:13 AM >


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Post #: 9
GiO: Red Army turn 10 - 9/15/2006 4:41:28 AM   

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It appears that the fascist commanders have ignored Hitlers orders to stand firm and have shrewdly given up on the Baltic states and Byelorussia. There has only been limited fighting outside of the pockets at Mogilev, Orsha and Vitebsk. Our armies are now regrouping and resupplying at various areas, mostly in Byelorussia. The fascists seem to be preparing to fight along the old Polish frontier. A number of armies are approaching Riga where unknown resistance awaits them. In the next turn the central area of the front will open and our forces will push through to the occupied territories of central europe. "Hitler wanted a war of annihilation, he will get a war of annihilation"

Here is the movie of the last 10 turns


Here is progress in the Baltic front for the last 3 turns


Here is the progress in Byelorussia. Mogilev has again been liberated


Riga is being approached on both sides of the river by 3 armies.


Here are the losses for armor so far.


< Message edited by Okimaw -- 9/15/2006 5:08:25 AM >


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Post #: 10
GiO: Red Army turn 11 - 9/16/2006 6:33:23 PM   

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This turn the Red Army moved through much of the Baltic republics totally unnopposed. The intelligence reports of a fascist withdrawal to the west were correct as it appears the Nieman River, being the gateway to East Prussia is where they are taking a stand. While this will give them time to dig in it will also give us time to regroup and resupply. The remaining fanatics in Orsha and Vitebsk were finally cleared out this turn, taking 3 waves of attacks with heavy air and artillery bombardment. The forces in the  central AO were ready for operations this turn and attacks were made to open up routes to the initial objectives of Lublin and Lvov. The fascists offered stiff resistance but the casualties were nowhere near what they were in the opening phases.

Here is a movie for the last 11 turns


Here are the clean up operations in Byelorussia. Orsha and Vitebsk are now cleared.


Here is the opening up of the central AO


Here is a shot of the fascist defenses on the Nieman.


Here are the air losses so far


< Message edited by Okimaw -- 9/16/2006 7:56:14 PM >


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Post #: 11
GiO: Red Army turn 12 - 9/18/2006 7:24:26 AM   

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The new central front was the main area of combat this turn as the forces in the Baltic republics and Byelorussia move to catch up to the new front. Large forces are massing from the Pripyet to the north as armies regroup. The situation at Viipuri has finally gotten to be such a sticking point with STAVKA that the 21st and 23rd armies are now being reinforced with armor and more infantry. The Finns and a number of German units continue to hold the area despite being pounded mercilessly. In the central area of the front the fascists are heavily fortified and using the high ground very effectively against our attacks in these opening weeks of this part of the operation. Their supplies and replacements can only last so long though.

Micro movie of the whole map


Viipuri area of operations


The progression of our build up from Pripyet and points north


Central AO where almost all fighting took place last turn


Close up of the push on Lvov


< Message edited by Okimaw -- 9/18/2006 7:28:05 AM >


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Post #: 12
GiO: turn 12 - 9/20/2006 4:09:36 AM   

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My opponent has just started 2 weeks R & R. I have graciously agreed to stop attacking his forces while he is away. The AAR will again be updated regularly when Mr LoveKatt returns home.


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Post #: 13
GiO: Red Army turn 13 - 10/1/2006 1:45:20 AM   

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Here is the micro movie of the last 13 turns. I'm considering discontinuing this AAR due to the fact my opponent doesn't appear to want to collaborate on it. Are you guys interested in me continuing with it?


< Message edited by Okimaw -- 10/1/2006 1:58:47 AM >


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Post #: 14
RE: GiO: Red Army turn 13 - 10/1/2006 3:39:13 AM   

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Here is the micro movie of the last 13 turns. I'm considering discontinuing this AAR due to the fact my opponent doesn't appear to want to collaborate on it. Are you guys interested in me continuing with it?

If you don't mind. I like reading AAR's.


The TOAW Redux Dude

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Post #: 15
RE: GiO: Red Army turn 13 - 10/1/2006 5:22:17 AM   

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Please do. Im playing the same scenario against LoveKatt. But your game is 5 turns ahead of mine. So its my first MP game and since im also the Glorious USSR i use your game as fieldmanual.

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Post #: 16
RE: Where is this? - 10/20/2006 1:56:20 AM   


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Where can I find this scenario in the game. thank you in advance

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Post #: 17
RE: Where is this? - 10/20/2006 2:36:38 AM   

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Nowhere. You can download the COW version from rugged defence or from stauffenberg's (linked on rugged defence) and convert it to toaw3 by loading it in the editor and simply saving it. Should also be available at the wargamer and probably at xtreme gamer (uargh what a cheap name), known in the old days as SZO.


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