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GameSpot Breaks the News... Close Combat Series Comes to Matrix

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GameSpot Breaks the News... Close Combat Series Comes t... - 10/21/2006 4:59:10 AM   
David Heath

Posts: 3274
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From: Staten Island NY
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Hi Guys

It was going to be released on Monday but since it up I figured I post a link.;title;1


Post #: 1
RE: GameSpot Breaks the News... Close Combat Series Com... - 10/21/2006 6:21:58 AM   


Posts: 62
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cool, got CC 1-5, cant wait. Sounds good.

(in reply to David Heath)
Post #: 2
RE: GameSpot Breaks the News... Close Combat Series Com... - 10/21/2006 8:35:16 AM   
Peter Fisla

Posts: 2503
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WOOOW, for me the greatest wargames of my life (especially CC1 and CC2) are reborn again, sign me up :) He he I just finished Close Combat 1 St. Lo campaign today, what I coincidence. I'm probably the only CC1 die hard fan on this planet...anyways...congratulations David! :) Hmmm still have source code all of my CC1 editors, let's see what I can add or improve. Jezus I'm in heaven... :D

(in reply to Poolmick)
Post #: 3
RE: GameSpot Breaks the News... Close Combat Series Com... - 10/21/2006 12:05:52 PM   

Posts: 3564
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From: Cornwall, UK
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Hmmm... good news that these will be available for a new generation. The improvements look very promising, too, although I'll have to wait on pricing to see if these are worth re-acquiring. Pity '5' isn't included, for licensing reasons presumably. They had just about put right what was wrong with '3' and '4' by then.

(in reply to Peter Fisla)
Post #: 4
RE: GameSpot Breaks the News... Close Combat Series Com... - 10/21/2006 12:16:19 PM   

Posts: 153
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Great news. CC was like no other, before or since. Cannot wait to see the upgrades game play and graphics wise.

(in reply to Peter Fisla)
Post #: 5
RE: GameSpot Breaks the News... Close Combat Series Com... - 10/21/2006 1:01:54 PM   

Posts: 2494
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From: Jyväskylä, Finland
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My main problem with CC was the lack of AI opponent. Throughout the series it was almost impossible to loose any campaign. The last game of the series I won on the first try. It was like a walk on the park on a sunny day. Absolutely no challenge at all. As far as i see it they should have advertised the game as "Close Combat multiplayer game" or somthing like that because the singleplayer part was non-existing.

Taking matrix record on creating AI opponents in games I have doubts whether they will be able to fix it. The original devs were unable to fix it during the whole series and matrix games doesnt have any special experience in creating challenging AI opponents (like i.e stardock).

If the game doesnt have a long lasting and challening single player and is mostly meant to play as multiplayer then imho it should advertised as a multiplayer game.


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(in reply to Bradley62)
Post #: 6
RE: GameSpot Breaks the News... Close Combat Series Com... - 10/21/2006 1:29:24 PM   

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From: Cornwall, UK
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If the game doesnt have a long lasting and challening single player and is mostly meant to play as multiplayer then imho it should advertised as a multiplayer game.

Depends on the audience. They are probably challenging enough for most 'casual' players, and virtually everybody else will be buying for the new MP anyway.

< Message edited by Hertston -- 10/21/2006 1:32:12 PM >

(in reply to Zakhal)
Post #: 7
RE: GameSpot Breaks the News... Close Combat Series Com... - 10/21/2006 6:07:21 PM   


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Hmmm looks like I was not far off with my Borg quip :)

Les loathes Real Time (boy like that is a revelation eh :)).

But I own all the Close Combat games (even Marines).

Thing is, they are cantankerous things, my CC3 installs "if it feels like it". I've had some days, when I get defeated and just have to try another time.

They're reasonably small programs though, I would sure like a single installer option, all the games on a single dvd. I'd buy that.

< Message edited by Les_the_Sarge_9_1 -- 10/21/2006 6:09:46 PM >


I LIKE that my life bothers them,
Why should I be the only one bothered by it eh.

(in reply to Hertston)
Post #: 8
RE: GameSpot Breaks the News... Close Combat Series Com... - 10/21/2006 10:32:21 PM   
Oleg Mastruko

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ORIGINAL: David Heath

It was going to be released on Monday but since it up I figured I post a link.;title;1

Great news, I loved CC series, and am especially excited to see this:

"There will be permanent servers online with campaigns that players can log into and play the game as part of an overall operation with their friends. This will be online and available 24/7."

Even though I might be cnsidered Matrix fanboi, I must say NO Matrix game has solid MP (multiplayer) implementation. PBEM, in games like WITP or TOAW or WaW, is implemented adequately, but it's no big deal anyway (easy to implement from dev's standpoint). Even so, PBEM interfaces in Matrix games are usuasly clunky, at best, as if the whole thing is added as an afterthought, not a main feature.

True multiplayer games are even worse. In today's world, and with a game like CC, good MP implementation can mean the difference between market success and dismal failure.

For examples of very good MP implementation, see recently released DEFCON - a joy to play in multiplayer over Internet.

Then there are true MP shooters like Battlefield series or Red Orchestra. Those games sold tens of thousands (or in case of BF, probably milions) of copies by catering *exclusively* to MP crowd.

For examples of BAD MP implementation, as one of main reasons why game sold BADLY, even though basic design *cries* for strong MP component - see Dangerous Waters.

If we talk about 24/7 servers, I guess Matrix will have to establish some sort of match-making + stats server(s)? That will be company's first, and I will watch you guys sweat trying to make it all work (hell even mega corporation like EA has HUGE problems with BF servers). MP gaming is the trend of the future so IMO any effort in this direction will pay of in the future.



(in reply to David Heath)
Post #: 9
RE: GameSpot Breaks the News... Close Combat Series Com... - 10/21/2006 11:38:27 PM   

Posts: 1796
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Hi All,

Is the A.I. going to be revamped? It was not very challenging in the originals.

regards John

(in reply to David Heath)
Post #: 10
RE: GameSpot Breaks the News... Close Combat Series Com... - 10/22/2006 1:26:01 AM   
Peter Fisla

Posts: 2503
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From: Canada
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Hi All,

Is the A.I. going to be revamped? It was not very challenging in the originals.

regards John

I think in Close Combat 1 & 2 the AI was quite competent though in the later installments yeah the AI went kind of down hill but still not bad compared to other wargames out there for the time.

(in reply to z1812)
Post #: 11
RE: GameSpot Breaks the News... Close Combat Series Com... - 10/22/2006 6:41:10 AM   


Posts: 212
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Please, oh please, please, re-do Close Combat 2.  This was by far the most challenging and fun Close Combat game.  The way it simulated the drive to Arnhem and the desperation to get to the Red Devils in time created a lot of suspense and upped the importance of each battle and unit, especially AT units. 

I'm really happy this series is being remade though and a remake of the other CC games isn't a bad thing.

You guys should do a poll to find out what the gamers want.


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(in reply to David Heath)
Post #: 12
RE: GameSpot Breaks the News... Close Combat Series Com... - 10/22/2006 7:16:23 AM   


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A remake of close combat was what brought me to matrix in the the first place many years ago.  I only wish they'd also work with close combat 1 as that is far and above my favorite in the series.  Anyways, glad to hear of this development.  Don't change too much with the game, it works well as is.  Just make 'em work with XP and toughen up those infantry in cc3.


(in reply to Huskalator)
Post #: 13
RE: GameSpot Breaks the News... Close Combat Series Com... - 10/22/2006 11:28:29 AM   

Posts: 4430
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....close combat 1 as that is far and above my favorite in the series. 

Me too! But currently am focusing on a certain other series of fab wargames

And Brubaker continues to beat me


(in reply to Reiryc)
Post #: 14
RE: GameSpot Breaks the News... Close Combat Series Com... - 10/22/2006 1:20:29 PM   

Posts: 3564
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From: Cornwall, UK
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Don't change too much with the game, it works well as is.  Just make 'em work with XP and toughen up those infantry in cc3.

I've never had any trouble running 2-5 under XP (I don't have the first one).

They'll have to do a lot more than that with CC3 to persuade me to part with $40 just for the downloadable version of a game that I do, after all, own already. That said, maybe I'll some some spare cash from the loan I'll need to take out to get World in Flames. $80 download only, $90 boxed!! Ouch..

< Message edited by Hertston -- 10/22/2006 1:24:05 PM >

(in reply to Reiryc)
Post #: 15
RE: GameSpot Breaks the News... Close Combat Series Com... - 10/22/2006 7:55:26 PM   

Posts: 217
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From: Montreal, Canada
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Well, since they're remakes, I hope they're sold as bargain prices or bundled.

(in reply to Hertston)
Post #: 16
RE: GameSpot Breaks the News... Close Combat Series Com... - 10/22/2006 8:58:40 PM   

Posts: 3564
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ORIGINAL: Llyranor

Well, since they're remakes, I hope they're sold as bargain prices or bundled.

According to the lastest catalogue (included with SS: Gathering Storm), Close Combat: Cross of Iron (i.e the remake of CC3) is $49.99 boxed, $39.99 download only. No mention of the other two.

(in reply to Llyranor)
Post #: 17
RE: GameSpot Breaks the News... Close Combat Series Com... - 10/22/2006 9:28:00 PM   

Posts: 217
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Hmm, that seems to be a tad much. 40$ x 4 = ouch. It'll depend on how much is added, I guess, especially since NWS seems to sell some of them for 10$.

(in reply to Hertston)
Post #: 18
RE: GameSpot Breaks the News... Close Combat Series Com... - 10/22/2006 9:42:55 PM   

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ORIGINAL: Llyranor

Hmm, that seems to be a tad much. 40$ x 4 = ouch. It'll depend on how much is added, I guess, especially since NWS seems to sell some of them for 10$.

3, not 4. No CC1 or CC5.

(in reply to Llyranor)
Post #: 19
RE: GameSpot Breaks the News... Close Combat Series Com... - 10/22/2006 10:29:26 PM   

Posts: 217
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From: Montreal, Canada
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Actually, 5 is there. Not mentioning it in the press release was an error.

"Hi Guys,

The deal does include CC5, it was an error


(in reply to Hertston)
Post #: 20
RE: GameSpot Breaks the News... Close Combat Series Com... - 10/22/2006 10:29:42 PM   

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From the Press Release thread


ORIGINAL:  David Heath
We are not gettting rid of single player and we also have licensed  Close Combat 5.  Expect to see news about this before long.

(in reply to Hertston)
Post #: 21
RE: GameSpot Breaks the News... Close Combat Series Com... - 10/23/2006 1:25:54 PM   

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ORIGINAL: Llyranor

Well, since they're remakes, I hope they're sold as bargain prices or bundled.

All these buying ups and remakes are for the new crowd of 12-13 year olds, they ain't for us guys. They'll have a few MINOR improvements, but, pretty much the same games all over again. I too hope for a bargain bin bundle price, but, don't hold your breath it's Matrixgames releasing it. I still have 4-5 in the shrink wrapped packages. I never liked the series myself. RTS is for kids not for me. Combat Mission is the way to go for Squad Leader type of play or SPWAW if you want more detailed combat.

< Message edited by ravinhood -- 10/24/2006 12:49:20 AM >

(in reply to Llyranor)
Post #: 22
RE: GameSpot Breaks the News... Close Combat Series Com... - 10/23/2006 2:37:09 PM   
Erik Rutins


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What basis do you have for saying that? In fact, it would have been very, very easy for us to simply take all the older titles and re-release them as is. The TalonSoft games, for example, were being sold unchanged and at full price the day we bought them. We've specifically taken the time to do Major updates before re-releasing. Anyone who's played TOAW can't tell me the updates to the AI, among other things, in TOAW III were not far more significant than anyone would have expected from a re-release.

In this case, I encourage everyone to read the various interviews. There has been some major work done on Close Combat for the Cross of Iron release and the multi-player campaign system is only part of it.


- Erik

< Message edited by Erik Rutins -- 10/23/2006 2:40:01 PM >


Erik Rutins
CEO, Matrix Games LLC

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(in reply to ravinhood)
Post #: 23
RE: GameSpot Breaks the News... Close Combat Series Com... - 10/23/2006 3:43:50 PM   

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ORIGINAL: Erik Rutins


What basis do you have for saying that? In fact, it would have been very, very easy for us to simply take all the older titles and re-release them as is. The TalonSoft games, for example, were being sold unchanged and at full price the day we bought them. We've specifically taken the time to do Major updates before re-releasing. Anyone who's played TOAW can't tell me the updates to the AI, among other things, in TOAW III were not far more significant than anyone would have expected from a re-release.

In this case, I encourage everyone to read the various interviews. There has been some major work done on Close Combat for the Cross of Iron release and the multi-player campaign system is only part of it.


- Erik

I for one can't wait for this - I spent countless hours playing this series although was dissapointed by CC5. CC2 was the one I kept going back to and CC3 was good but got a bit repetitive.


(in reply to Erik Rutins)
Post #: 24
RE: GameSpot Breaks the News... Close Combat Series Com... - 10/23/2006 4:01:35 PM   


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I have been dreadfully slow on the 2006 releases of games. But some bills finish off for me in Jan.

For 2007, I would actually like to see a few things open as options.

I would like a properly installing, properly working East Front/West Front/Rising Sun package. I own them already, but so what. I would love a set that functions properly.

I can say much the same about Close Combat.

I won't gripe if entirely new games have to share a line up for my cash, with nicely sorted out collections of games I liked enough to buy much much earlier.

It's not the spending of the cash I have trouble with, it's finding things I want to spend cash on that hampers me some days.
And I want to emphasize WANT to spend on. I rarely have trouble with older more reliably proven games too. But, the march of time has sadly rendered some, not options, based solely on newer OSs or newer hardware.

Just the other day I was looking at new computer purchases, and noticing, they are already coming with Vista now, and not XP.
I'm not overly encouraged, I might be seeing yet another 2-3 years of "doesn't run on" in my conversations.

< Message edited by Les_the_Sarge_9_1 -- 10/23/2006 4:05:11 PM >


I LIKE that my life bothers them,
Why should I be the only one bothered by it eh.

(in reply to watchtower)
Post #: 25
RE: GameSpot Breaks the News... Close Combat Series Com... - 10/23/2006 4:12:01 PM   

Posts: 272
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I say bring them on...good choice for CCIII first as it's hard to find a legit copy without paying out the nose on ebay. Rather pay for a revamped and improved one. I will say please make wise changes and don't mess up what is already a great series.

I hope you make CC2 next, this is the one I want the most in updated form. But I will buy all as they come along, just don't take years to do it...please :)

(in reply to Les_the_Sarge_9_1)
Post #: 26
RE: GameSpot Breaks the News... Close Combat Series Com... - 10/23/2006 8:31:17 PM   
Shaun Wallace

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What basis do you have for saying that? In fact, it would have been very, very easy for us to simply take all the older titles and re-release them as is. The TalonSoft games, for example, were being sold unchanged and at full price the day we bought them. We've specifically taken the time to do Major updates before re-releasing. Anyone who's played TOAW can't tell me the updates to the AI, among other things, in TOAW III were not far more significant than anyone would have expected from a re-release.

In this case, I encourage everyone to read the various interviews. There has been some major work done on Close Combat for the Cross of Iron release and the multi-player campaign system is only part of it.


Hia Erik ;)

Good reply mate. Coming from the CC Community I know that a re-release is way overdue. The same goes for the next in the series. This is aimed at both hard core CC players and to bring in a whole new generation of players.

The comment about Ebay is very true, I have seen copies of CCIII go for up to $100. CSO which is one of the two main CC sites out there has over 4000+ users and 5000+ forum users. For a game that has not been updated in a long time this speaks volumes. Also unlike many other games CC does not actually lemd itself easily to modding, all the mods there are there due to the hard work of the coommunity, and dedicated modders. As a site we have a whole new generation of new and young players who are coming in, this has to be good for Wargaming as a whole and not just CC. For those who say that CC is an RTS and not a Wargame, thats your misconception. Ask the military why they use it to train with? Hmm, because its a good wargame? U think?

See This Link:
Close Combat” and Learning Infantry Tactics

Good to see you all again ;)



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(in reply to LitFuel)
Post #: 27
RE: GameSpot Breaks the News... Close Combat Series Com... - 10/23/2006 9:16:09 PM   

Posts: 867
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From: Republic of Kilburn. London UK
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ORIGINAL: Shaun Wallace

The comment about Ebay is very true, I have seen copies of CCIII go for up to $100.
Good to see you all again ;)


Blimey, right time to put all my CC stuff on and beat the rush


(in reply to Shaun Wallace)
Post #: 28
RE: GameSpot Breaks the News... Close Combat Series Com... - 10/23/2006 9:27:31 PM   

Posts: 1588
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I have CC3 up and running even on my latest PC and Uber-Laptop...runs like a charm. I never could get CC5 to work but those PC's have long since been donated or used for target practice(quite fun) and i lost my copy of it.
I think Matrix has done a great thing, i will buy them ALL, and not to mention (drools) CAW and Battlefront...Talonsoft...Oh yes, me and Matrix are going to be good buddies this Holiday season.

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(in reply to watchtower)
Post #: 29
RE: GameSpot Breaks the News... Close Combat Series Com... - 10/23/2006 9:34:28 PM   

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ORIGINAL: Shaun Wallace

The comment about Ebay is very true, I have seen copies of CCIII go for up to $100.

I still have mine with the original packaging, the others too. My most valued possessions, other than a dark secret past, that i will pass down to the little "Hell Patrols" who aren't so little anymore...almost time for HTH warfare.


A man is rich in proportion to the number of things he can afford to let alone.
Henry David Thoreau

(in reply to Shaun Wallace)
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