von Curow
Posts: 89
Joined: 6/20/2000 From: Plymouth (Massachusetts) Status: offline
Ursa, in EiA/EiH, leaders have a Max Tactical Rating which determines how many corps they can command before losing effectiveness. So a 1-3-2 leader has a Strategic Rating of 1 (helps with Withdrawing, Reinforcing and Outflanking), a Tactical Rating of 3 (determines bonuses and penalties in combat), and a Max Tactical Rating of 2. This means, that his Tac Rating is 3 when he is commanding 2 or fewer corps. If he commands 3 or 4 corps, then his Tac Rating drops to 2. There is an optional rule that would make his tactical rating less if he commands more (so with 5 or 6 corps, his Tac Rat is 1). Is there a penalty for no leaders? Yes, because Corps have instrinsic Tactical Ratings (most powers' corps have an instrinsic rating of 1) and a default Max Tactical Rating of 1. This means, that a single Austrian corps has a Tactical Rating of 1 without a leader. Two Austrian Corps without a leader have a Tactical Rating of 0. This means most leaders will have significant advantages over corps without leaders in combat. Just to explain the combat bonuses from Tactical Ratings. Say a Turkish leader of 1-3-2 goes into combat with 4 corps against two Austrian corps without a leader. The Tac Rating for the Turkish leader drops to 2 and the Austrian tac rating is 0. This means that in every round of combat, the Austrian player has to deduct -1 from his 1d6 combat roll, while the Turkish player gets to add +1 to his roll. In other words, the Austrian player will get combat results from 0 to 5 (1d6-1) and the Turkish player will get results from 2-7 (1d6+1). Of course, the luck of the roll and the selection of the combat chit can still determine the battle in favor of Austria -- but I would rather have a bonus to my roll than a penalty!
The closer you are to Caesar, the greater the fear.