Posts: 79
Joined: 4/23/2005 Status: offline
Maybe this will help explain the problem some: [Config] ConfigFile=D:\Matrix Games\WITP1.4\Matrix Games\War in the Pacific\irunin.dat LanguageFile=D:\Matrix Games\WITP1.4\Matrix Games\War in the Pacific\irunin.lng ImageFile=NONE LangID=9 IsSelective=0 InstallType=0 [Variables] %LANHOST%=Unknown %LANDOMAIN%=Unknown %LANUSER%=Unknown %LANIP%=Unknown %LANNIC%=Unknown %ADDITIONALDISKSPACE%=0 %NEXTDOWNLOADWEBFILENAME%= %ISWIN95%=FALSE %ISWIN98%=TRUE %ISWINNT3%=FALSE %ISWINNT4%=FALSE %ISWIN2000%=FALSE %ISWINME%=FALSE %ISWINXP%=FALSE %ISWIN2003SERVER%=FALSE %ISUSERNTADMIN%=FALSE %TEMPLAUNCHDIR%=C:\WINDOWS\TEMP %WINDIR%=C:\WINDOWS %SYSDRV%=C: %SYSDIR%=C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM %TEMPDIR%=C:\WINDOWS\TEMP %SCREENWIDTH%=800 %SCREENHEIGHT%=600 %REGOWNER%=Customer %REGORGANIZATION%= %DATE%=05/29/05 %CURRENTMONTH%=5 %CURRENTDAY%=29 %CURRENTYEAR%=2005 %CURRENTHOUR%=10 %CURRENTMINUTE%=36 %CURRENTSECOND%=14 %JULIANDATE%=2453520 %ISODATE%=2005-05-29 %EUROPEANDATE%=29/05/05 %ABSSYSLANGUAGE%=9 %FONTDIR%=C:\WINDOWS\FONTS %DESKTOP%=C:\WINDOWS\Desktop %DESKTOPNT%=C:\WINDOWS\Desktop %APPLICATIONDATA%=C:\WINDOWS\Application Data %STARTMENU%=C:\WINDOWS\Start Menu %STARTMENUNT%=C:\WINDOWS\Start Menu %STARTMENUPROGRAMS%=C:\WINDOWS\Start Menu\Programs %STARTMENUPROGRAMSNT%=C:\WINDOWS\Start Menu\Programs %STARTUP%=C:\WINDOWS\Start Menu\Programs\StartUp %STARTUPNT%=C:\WINDOWS\Start Menu\Programs\StartUp %COMMONFILES%=C:\Program Files\Common Files %PROGRAMFILES%=C:\Program Files %MYDOCUMENTSDIR%=C:\My Documents %DAOPATH%=C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\DAO %BDEPATH%=C:\idapi %SYSTEMRAM%=256 %MOUSEPRESENT%=TRUE %SOUNDCARDPRESENT%=TRUE %SETUPCMDLINEARGS%= %SRCFILE%=F:\WARINTHEPACIFIC-SETUPV121.EXE %SRCDIR%=F: %SRCDRV%=F: %APPDIR%=D:\Matrix Games\WITP1.4\Matrix Games\War in the Pacific %APPDRV%=D: %SCFOLDERTITLE%=War in the Pacific 1,4 %SCFOLDERPATH%=C:\WINDOWS\Start Menu\Programs\War in the Pacific 1,4 %PRODUCTNAME%=War in the Pacific %PRODUCTVER%=v1.21 %PRODUCTTAGLINE%=The Glory in Gaming is Back! %COMPANYNAME%=Matrix Games %COPYRIGHT%=Copyright © 2004 Matrix Games. All Rights Reserved. %INFOURL%=http://www.matrixgames.com %DOINGREBOOT%=FALSE %SHOWFILECALCPROGRESSDLG%=FALSE %SHOWACTIONPROGRESSDLG%=TRUE %COLORDEPTH%=16 %SILENTMODE%=FALSE MSG_GEN_FAILED=Operation Failed MSG_GEN_PACKAGE_SIZE=Package size MSG_GEN_TOTAL_SIZE=Total install size LANG_NAME=English BTN_CANCEL=Cancel BTN_OK=OK BTN_BROWSE=Browse... BTN_START=Start BTN_CLOSE=Close BTN_YES_TO_ALL=Yes to All BTN_NO_TO_ALL=No to All BTN_YES=Yes BTN_NO=No BTN_NEXT=Next > BTN_BACK=< Back BTN_FINISH=Finish BTN_RETRY=Retry BTN_ABORT=Abort BTN_REBOOT=Reboot BTN_WEB_SITE=Web site BTN_MORE_INFO=More Info BTN_IGNORE=Ignore BTN_EXIT=Exit BTN_CHANGE=Change DLG_NOTICE=Notice DLG_ERROR=Error DLG_FATAL=Fatal Error DLG_CONFIRM=Confirm Action DLG_PROGRESS=Installing Files DLG_INSERTDISK=Insert Disk DLG_WARNING=Warning DLG_IMPORTANT=Important ELEM_PATH=Path ELEM_SEARCH_FILE=Searching for file ELEM_SEARCH_MASK=Search ELEM_SEARCH_ALL=All Files CAPTION_NAME=Name CAPTION_FIRST_NAME=First name CAPTION_LAST_NAME=Last name CAPTION_COMPANY=Company CAPTION_INSTALL_TO=Install %ProductName% to CAPTION_SPACE_REQUIRED=Space required on drive CAPTION_SPACE_AVAILABLE=Space available on selected drive CAPTION_SHORTCUT_FOLDER=Shortcut Folder CAPTION_SELECT_ONE=Please select one of the following options CAPTION_SELECT_MULTI=Please select the options below CAPTION_REBOOT=Yes, restart my computer now. CAPTION_DRIVE=Drive CAPTION_FREE_SPACE=Free space on selected drive CAPTION_SERIAL_NUMBER=Serial Number INST_TYPICAL_DESCRIPTION=Installs the most common program features. Recommended for most users. INST_TYPICAL=Typical INST_COMPLETE_DESCRIPTION=All program features will be installed. (Requires the most disk space.) INST_COMPLETE=Complete INST_MINIMUM_DESCRIPTION=Only required features will be installed. INST_MINIMUM=Minimum INST_CUSTOM_DESCRIPTION=Lets you choose which program features you want installed. Recommended for advanced users only. INST_CUSTOM=Custom UNIN_WIN_TITLE=Removing Programs From Your Computer UNIN_MAIN='%s' will now be removed from your computer. Please wait while the uninstallation is performed. UNIN_COMPLETE=Uninstall complete. UNIN_REMOVE_SHARED=The uninstaller would like to remove the following shared system file: UNIN_NO_APP_USE=No other application has registered their use of it, however there\nis still a possibility that another application requires it in order to work. UNIN_OK_TO_REMOVE=Is it OK to remove the file? UNIN_CONFIRM_DEL=Confirm File Delete UNIN_CONFIRM=Are you sure that you want to remove '%s' and all of its components? UNIN_HEADING=Uninstalling Software UNIN_SUBHEADING=Please wait while the software is uninstalled. MSG_PROG_DLOAD_GENERAL=Downloading file MSG_PROG_EXTRACT_FILES=Extracting files MSG_PROG_EXECUTE_FILE=Executing file MSG_PROG_OPEN_FILE=Opening file MSG_PROG_CLOSE_PROGRAM=Closing program MSG_PROG_DISPLAY_DIALOG=Displaying dialog MSG_PROG_WRITE_DATA=Writing data MSG_PROG_CREATE_DIR=Creating directory MSG_PROG_REMOVE_DIR=Removing directory MSG_PROG_COPY_FILE=Copying files MSG_PROG_DELETE_FILES=Deleting files MSG_PROG_MOVE_FILES=Moving files MSG_PROG_RENAME_FILE=Renaming file MSG_PROG_READ_REGISTRY=Reading from Registry MSG_PROG_READ_INI=Reading from INI file MSG_PROG_READ_FILEINFO=Reading file information MSG_PROG_COMMUNICATE_WEB=Communicating with Web site MSG_PROG_READ_FILE=Reading from file MSG_PROG_SENT=sent MSG_PROG_OF=of MSG_PROG_RECEIVED=received MSG_PROG_MEGABYTE=MB MSG_PROG_KILOBYTE=KB MSG_PROG_BYTES=bytes MSG_PROG_CREATE_SHORTCUT=Creating shortcut MSG_PROG_REMOVE_SHORTCUT=Removing shortcut MSG_PROG_INSTALLING_FILE=Installing file MSG_PROG_REGISTERING_CONTROL=Registering control MSG_PROG_REGISTERING_FONT=Registering font MSG_PROG_CHANGE_FILE_ATTRIB=Changing file attributes MSG_PROG_CHECKING_CONNECTION=Checking Internet connection MSG_PROG_QUERY_SERVICE=Checking service status MSG_PROG_STOP_SERVICE=Stopping service MSG_PROG_START_SERVICE=Starting service MSG_PROG_PAUSE_SERVICE=Pausing service MSG_PROG_CONTINUE_SERVICE=Continuing service MSG_PROG_DELETE_SERVICE=Deleting service MSG_PROG_CREATE_SERVICE=Creating service MSG_PROG_PARSE_STRING=Parsing string MSG_PROG_SEARCHING_FILES=Searching for files STAT_INSTALL_FILES=The program files are being installed. STAT_INSTALL=Installing... STAT_SKIP=Skipping... STAT_INIT=Initializing... STAT_PERFORMING_ACTIONS=Please wait while setup actions are performed on your system. STAT_ACTIONS_TITLE=Performing Setup Actions STAT_ACTIONS_SUBHEADING=Installation actions are now being performed. STAT_ACTIONS_HEADING=Setup STAT_REG_FONTS=Registering fonts... STAT_REG_FILES=Registering files... STAT_REG_UNINSTALL=Creating uninstall... STAT_REG_ICONS=Creating program icons... CONFIRM_ABORT=The setup is not finished! Do you really want to abort? EXIST_NEWER=The installer would like to install a file, but a newer file with the same name already exists on your system. EXIST_OVER=Do you want to overwrite the following file? EXIST_ANY=The installer would like to install a file, but a file with the same name already exists on your system. EXIST_INUSE=The following file is in use and cannot be updated: EXIST_RETRY=Close all other applications and choose Retry, or choose Cancel to install this file on the next reboot. RESTART_RETRY=The installer could not restart the system. Please close all open applications and choose Retry. INSTALL_ASKDISK=Please insert disk # INSTALL_NEWLOC=If the files on this disk can be found in another location (for example, on another drive), enter the full path to the files, or click the Browse button to select a path. SCRN_FREESPACE=You do not have enough free space on the selected drive to install the software. SCRN_BADDIR=You have not entered a valid directory name.\nTry using the Browse button, or choose the default directory if you are having trouble. SCRN_EDITCHARS=Your response must be between %d and %d characters long. SCRN_EDITNUM=Please enter a number between %d and %d. SCRN_BADSCFOLDER=Your shortcut folder name must not contain any of the following characters: /:*?"<>| SCRN_WIZ_INSTALLING=Please wait while the necessary files are installed. ERR_INTEGRITY=Archive integrity check failed.\nThe expected setup file size is: %s bytes\nThe actual setup file size is: %s bytes\n\nSetup aborted. ERR_OPENARC=Cannot open the following archive file (you may have inserted the wrong disk): ERR_MEM0=Memory allocation error.\nPlease restart your system and close all applications before running the setup again. ERR_MEM1=Cannot allocate enough memory to decompress files. Setup aborted. ERR_MAKEDIR=Cannot create the following directory: ERR_FONTREG=Unable to register the following font: ERR_SKIP=Error skipping over file ERR_DECOMP_RW=Read/Write failure ERR_DECOMP_CRC=File CRC mismatch - Data integrity error ERR_DECOMP_DEF=General decompression problem ERR_DECOMP=A decompression error has been detected. DLL_REGERR_LOAD=Failure in LoadLibrary() DLL_REGERR_GETPROC=Failure in GetProcAddress(DllRegisterServer) DLL_REGERR_FAIL=Failure code returned by DllRegisterServer DLL_REGERR=ActiveX registration error # TLB_ERR_ARGS=One or more of the arguments is invalid. TLB_ERR_IO=The function could not write to the file. TLB_ERR_STATE=The type library could not be opened. TLB_ERR_READ=The function could not read from the file. TLB_ERR_FORMAT=The type library has an older format. TLB_ERR_LCID=The LCID could not be found in the OLE-supported DLLs. TLB_ERR_LOAD=The type library or DLL could not be loaded. TLB_ERR_REG=The system registration database could not be opened. TLB_ERR_DEF=Default FACILITY_STORAGE error. TLB_ERR_MEM=Out of Memory TLB_ERR=TypeLib registration error # ERR_FILENOTFOUND=Please make sure your disk is in the drive!\n\nThe following file cannot be found: ERR_OPEN_INPUT=Could not open input file ERR_OPEN_OUTPUT=Could not open output file ERR_FILE_READ=Error reading from file ERR_FILE_WRITE=Error writing to file ERR_COPY_GENERAL=A general I/O error occured during file copy. MSG_ERR_WINDOW_TITLE=Error MSG_ERR_DOWNLOADING=Error downloading file. MSG_ERR_FILE_NOT_FOUND=The specified file was not found. MSG_ERR_EXTRACTING=Error extracting file. MSG_ERR_EXECUTE=Error executing file. MSG_ERR_OPENING_FILE=Error opening file. MSG_ERR_CLOSEPROGRAM=Failed to close program. MSG_ERR_INVALID_HOSTNAME_FORMAT=Improper hostname format. MSG_ERR_INVALID_HOSTNAME=Invalid hostname. MSG_ERR_CONNECT_GENERAL=Connection failed. MSG_ERR_NORESPONSE_SERVER=No response from server. MSG_ERR_NEGRESPONSE_SERVER=Negative response received from server. MSG_ERR_INVALID_USERNAME=Invalid username. MSG_ERR_INVALID_PASSWORD=Invalid password. MSG_ERR_UNKNOWN=Unknown error. MSG_ERR_REQUEST_DENIED_SERVER=Request denied by server. MSG_ERR_INVALID_TYPE=An invalid type has been specified. MSG_ERR_NOOPEN_DATAPORT=Data port could not be opened. MSG_ERR_PORT_FAILED=PORT command failed. MSG_ERR_RETR_FAILED=RETR command failed. MSG_ERR_CONN_TERMINATED=Connection terminated before operation complete. MSG_ERR_FILE_VERIFICATION=Failed file verification. MSG_ERR_FILE_SIZE=File size is incorrect. MSG_ERR_FILE_CRC=File CRC is incorrect. MSG_ERR_WEB_DOWNLOAD=Failed to download file from Web. MSG_ERR_NOCONNECT_SERVER_PROXY=Unable to connect to server or proxy server. MSG_ERR_NOCONNECT=Could not connect to the Internet. MSG_ERR_INVALID_URL=Invalid URL supplied. MSG_ERR_OPERATION_TERMINATED=Operation terminated before completion. MSG_ERR_UNABLE_OPENDATASOURCE=Unable to open specified data source. MSG_ERR_TIMEOUT=Timeout occurred. MSG_ERR_SOCKET_RECEIVE=Socket receive error occurred. MSG_ERR_DATASOURCE_WRITE=Data source write error. MSG_ERR_OPERATION_ABORTED=Operation aborted. MSG_ERR_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT=Connection timeout. MSG_ERR_SETPORT=Failed to set port. MSG_ERR_PATH_NOT_FOUND=The specified path was not found. MSG_ERR_INVALID_EXE=The .exe file is invalid. MSG_ERR_ACCESS_DENIED_OS=The operating system denied access to the specified file. MSG_ERR_INCOMP_FILE_ASSOC=The file name association is incomplete or invalid. MSG_ERR_DDE_INUSE=The DDE transaction could not be completed because other DDE transactions were being processed. MSG_ERR_DDE_FAILED=The DDE transaction failed. MSG_ERR_DDE_TIMEOUT=The DDE transaction could not be completed because the request timed out. MSG_ERR_DLL_NOT_FOUND=The specified dynamic-link library was not found. MSG_ERR_NO_ASSOC=There is no application associated with the given file name extension. MSG_ERR_NO_MEMORY=There was not enough memory to complete the operation. MSG_ERR_SHARE_VIOLATION=A sharing violation occurred. MSG_ERR_ZIP_FILE=Failed to extract zip file. MSG_ERR_EXTRACT_STAGE=Extract stage failed. MSG_ERR_CREATE_DIR=Could not create directory. MSG_ERR_REGISTRY_MODIFY=Could not modify the Registry. MSG_ERR_INIFILE_MODIFY=Could not modify INI file. MSG_ERR_REGISTRY_READ=Could not read from the Registry. MSG_ERR_NO_OPEN_KEY=Could not open key. MSG_ERR_READ_VALUE=Could not read value. MSG_ERR_INI_READ=Could not read from INI file. MSG_ERR_CREATE_KEY=Could not create key. MSG_ERR_DELETE_KEY=Could not delete key. MSG_ERR_SET_VALUE=Could not set value. MSG_ERR_DELETE_VALUE=Could not delete value. MSG_ERR_DELETE_SECTION=Could not delete section. MSG_ERR_MESSAGE_BOX=Could not display message box. MSG_ERR_COPY_FILE=Could not copy file(s). MSG_ERR_NOCOPY_ONEORMORE=One or more files could not be copied. MSG_ERR_NOMOVE_ONEORMORE=One or more files could not be moved. MSG_ERR_NODELETE_ONEORMORE=One or more files could not be deleted. MSG_ERR_DELETE_FILE=Could not delete file(s). MSG_ERR_RENAME_FILE=Could not rename file. MSG_ERR_REMOVE_DIR=Could not remove directory. MSG_ERR_INVALID_SOURCE=Invalid source specified. MSG_ERR_INVALID_DESTINATION=Invalid destination specified. MSG_ERR_DESTINATION_EXISTS=Destination already exists. MSG_ERR_EVALUATING=Error evaluating expression. MSG_ERR_MISSING_VALUE=Missing value. A value was expected at position %d. MSG_ERR_MISSING_OPERATOR=Missing operator before open parenthesis. There is an operator missing before the open parenthesis at position %d. MSG_ERR_READ_FILE_INFO=Could not read file information. MSG_ERR_READ_CRC=Could not calculate file CRC. MSG_ERR_READ_VER=Could not read file version. MSG_ERR_READ_SIZE=Could not determine file size. MSG_ERR_READ_FILE_ASSOC=Could not read file association. MSG_ERR_FILETYPE=Invalid file type. MSG_ERR_ENDLOOP_NF=End of loop not found. MSG_ERR_IF=Syntax error in IF statement. MSG_ERR_WHILE=Syntax error in WHILE statement. MSG_ERR_GOTO=Could not GOTO label. MSG_ERR_LABEL_NOT_FOUND=Label not found. MLMSG_ERR_CLOSE_PROGRAM=The program "%s" must be closed for this setup to be successful.\n\nPlease close the program and click Retry to continue. MSG_ERR_NOTICE=Notice MSG_ERR_SEND_EMAIL=Failed to send email. MSG_ERR_INVALID_ADDRESS=Invalid address. MSG_ERR_HELO_FAILED=HELO command was rejected or not responded to by the server. MSG_ERR_ATTEMPT_CONNECT_FAILED=Attempt to connect to the server failed. MSG_ERR_NO_CONNECTION=No connection. MSG_ERR_DATA_FAILED=DATA command failed. MSG_ERR_SOCKET_SEND_FAILED=Socket send command failed. MSG_ERR_GET_TEMPFILE=Get temporary file name failed. MSG_ERR_INVALID_PARAMETERS=Invalid parameter value(s). MSG_ERR_INVALID_PARAMETER=Invalid parameter. MSG_ERR_MESG_TOOBIG=Message body is too big. MSG_ERR_ATTACHMENT_ADD=Failed to add attachments to the message. MSG_ERR_OPEN_ENCODING=Unable to open file for attachment encoding. MSG_ERR_MOVE_FILE=Could not move file(s). MSG_ERR_SERVER_ERRORCODE=Error code returned by server. MSG_ERR_SUBMITTO_WEB=Submit to Web failed. MSG_ERR_FILE_TOO_LARGE=The file is too large to be read. MSG_ERR_READ_TEXT_FILE=Could not read text file. MSG_ERR_WRITE_TEXT_FILE=Could not write to text file. MSG_ERR_STOR_FAILED=STOR command failed. MSG_ERR_INVALID_CHARS=Name contains invalid characters. MSG_ERR_CORRUPT_FILE=Invalid or corrupt file. MSG_ERR_CREATE_SHORTCUT=Failed to create shortcut. MSG_ERR_SHORTCUT_SYSTEM=The shortcut could not be created by the system. MSG_ERR_INSTALL_FILE=Failed to install file. MSG_ERR_INVALID_FONTNAME=Invalid font name specified. MSG_ERR_ADDFONT_FONTTABLE=Failed to add font to system font table. MSG_ERR_ADDFONT_REGISTRY=Failed to add font to registry. MSG_ERR_REGISTER_FONT=Failed to register font. MSG_ERR_SET_FILEATTRIB=Failed to set file attributes. MSG_ERR_STOP_SERVICE=Failed to stop service. MSG_ERR_START_SERVICE=Failed to start service. MSG_ERR_PAUSE_SERVICE=Failed to pause service. MSG_ERR_ITERATE_SERVICES=Iterate services failed. MSG_ERR_QUERY_SERVICES=Query service failed. MSG_ERR_QUERY_SERVICE=Failed to query service. MSG_ERR_SERVICE_NOTFOUND=Service not found. MSG_ERR_COMMAND_FAILED=Command failed. MSG_ERR_CONTINUE_SERVICE=Failed to continue service. MSG_ERR_DELETE_SERVICE=Failed to delete service. MSG_ERR_CREATE_SERVICE=Failed to create service. MSG_ERR_MOVE_REBOOT=Move file on reboot failed. MSG_ERR_DELETE_REBOOT=Delete file on reboot failed. MSG_ERR_RUN_REBOOT=Run file on reboot failed. MSG_ERR_COUNT_TEXT_LINES=Failed to count text lines. MSG_ERR_DELETE_TEXT_LINES=Failed to delete text line. MSG_ERR_LINE_OUT_OF_RANGE=Line number is out of range. MSG_ERR_LINE=Line MSG_ERR_FIND_TEXT_LINE=Failed to find text line. MSG_ERR_GET_TEXT_LINE=Failed to get text line. MSG_ERR_INSERT_TEXT_LINE=Failed to insert text line. MSG_ERR_CALL_DLL=Failed to call DLL function. MSG_ERR_FAILED_LOAD_DLL=Could not load DLL. MSG_ERR_FAILED_FIND_FUNCTION=Could not find function. %SYSLANGUAGE%=9 %NEEDSREBOOT%=FALSE %DOREBOOT%=FALSE %PREVENTNEXTPAGE%=FALSE %USERNAME%=Scott Gainer %USERCOMPANY%=USNR I never did see how to reset the permissions to help with win2000 per the read this first section.