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Rookie one week in with some questions....

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Rookie one week in with some questions.... - 11/29/2006 7:05:59 PM   


Posts: 12
Joined: 11/18/2006
Status: offline
I've been playing for a few days and it hasn't been too bad getting up and running. Brilliant game. I've been through the tutuorial and read most of the manual, but thought you guys could help better. I'm playing as the Japanese in the Guadalcanal campaign. A few things....

I've got my Bettys out of Rabaul set for Naval attack and rest. The targets are many, I have plenty of a/c available, but they don't attack everyday for some reason. So I set my two Betty groups for naval attack specifically @ Tulagi where there were tons of ships and I had them escorted by 18 Zeros that has already escorted them once. One Betty group went, the other didn't....and the Zeros didn't show! What am I doing wrong? And also, when I have 2 aircraft left in a Chutai, can I absorb them into a larger group so they don't attack by themselves?

Secondly, my subs always get attacked, but rarely return the favor. In addition, ASW a/c sight enemy subs all the time but don't attack. Why?

Lastly, I originally tried basing a large attack group including Bettys at the Shortlands base. It's a small base and although it let me store numerous a/c there, the Bettys wouldn't attack. When I moved them back to Rabaul, they at least worked some of the time. How do you know if an airfield will support a/c and operations or not? I had plenty of aviation support at Shortlands, BTW.

In general, whenever any type of TF I have is sighted, the attacks are numerous and large. Despite having the a/c and supplies there, I'm rarely able to mount large, corrdinated counterattacks even close to that level. I know I'm going wrong somewhere.

Thanks for the help.......Parker

< Message edited by leadhitter -- 11/29/2006 7:11:50 PM >
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RE: Rookie one week in with some questions.... - 11/29/2006 7:22:57 PM   
AU Tiger_MatrixForum

Posts: 1606
Joined: 10/9/2006
From: Deepest Dixie
Status: offline
Your question(s) cover ALOT of territory. Go get a bite to eat, take a nap, and when you get back you will likely have answers...


"Never take counsel of your fears."

Tho. Jackson

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RE: Rookie one week in with some questions.... - 11/29/2006 7:39:03 PM   

Posts: 3432
Joined: 5/31/2006
From: Germany
Status: offline
Have a look at the first thread in section II.D here:


(in reply to AU Tiger_MatrixForum)
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RE: Rookie one week in with some questions.... - 11/29/2006 9:58:01 PM   

Posts: 1125
Joined: 4/19/2005
From: Somerset, England
Status: offline
I'm no expert but:

Shortlands - what size airfield is it? - it needs to be size 4 for betty's to launch with torpedoes at enemy ships, size 3 will likely only get bomb attacks out to max range of 13 hexes, size 2 and they won't fly offensive missions (see manual 9.4)

Betty's not attacking from Rabaul every day - this is a combination of factors. Most likely is morale. At start their morale is usually uin the 80s/90s. After several missions it will drop (amount depends on opposition and losses). When below 50 they tend to fail the morale checks and don't fly (see manual

Large coordinated attacks - Mmm what will help you is an Air HQ at the base. Also if you have more aircraft than 50 x airfield size, then penalty of 25% is applied (manual 9.4)

Hopefully that may help for starters

< Message edited by Tallyho! -- 11/29/2006 10:02:27 PM >


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