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Program will not launch

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Program will not launch - 12/1/2006 2:24:10 AM   


Posts: 12
Joined: 11/26/2006
Status: offline
I can not get the game to launch at all.

Have tried from the menu, get a drum roll sound and that's it

Have tried from quick launch and from the exe in the folder with no luck.

Will try re-installing.

Note: Was able to launch successfully 1 once last night after many attempts
Post #: 1
RE: Program will not launch - 12/1/2006 3:52:40 AM   


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Disabling Spyware Dr seems to have done the trick

(in reply to Mush)
Post #: 2
RE: Program will not launch - 12/1/2006 5:34:16 AM   
Justin Case


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I am also having difficulties getting the game to launch.

I have tried from 'Start', the directory and the Menu Page.

I have the required MS Updates and have disabled the AV and A(nti) S(pyware).

When launched the screen goes to black and HD Activity LED flashes for a few seconds, and then .....

After a period of inactivity..I 'Window Key' to the desktop and open task Manager.
TM shows FoF (not responding) and the processes tab shows approx 34,400K in use.

Any suggestions?

Asus A7n8X MB
1 GB Corsair Ram
Plenty of HD space...
Radeon 9600 Graphics...

(in reply to Mush)
Post #: 3
RE: Program will not launch - 12/1/2006 12:51:55 PM   
Marc von Martial

Posts: 10875
Joined: 1/4/2001
From: Bonn, Germany
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ORIGINAL: Justin Case

I am also having difficulties getting the game to launch.

I have tried from 'Start', the directory and the Menu Page.

I have the required MS Updates and have disabled the AV and A(nti) S(pyware).

When launched the screen goes to black and HD Activity LED flashes for a few seconds, and then .....

After a period of inactivity..I 'Window Key' to the desktop and open task Manager.
TM shows FoF (not responding) and the processes tab shows approx 34,400K in use.

Any suggestions?

Asus A7n8X MB
1 GB Corsair Ram
Plenty of HD space...
Radeon 9600 Graphics...

Please attach a DirectX dialog. Before you do that please make sure you have the latest graphic card drivers installed.


(in reply to Justin Case)
Post #: 4
RE: Program will not launch - 12/1/2006 3:37:17 PM   
Justin Case


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Joined: 12/1/2006
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Thank You for your response.

Dxdiag file attached.

Attachment (1)

(in reply to Marc von Martial)
Post #: 5
RE: Program will not launch - 12/2/2006 1:59:56 AM   


Posts: 5
Joined: 5/15/2002
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When I bring up the game menu, I can access all the links except the Play command. I can play the game by only accessing the game folder and using Forge of Freedom application executable.

(in reply to Mush)
Post #: 6
RE: Program will not launch - 12/2/2006 2:37:46 AM   
Marc von Martial

Posts: 10875
Joined: 1/4/2001
From: Bonn, Germany
Status: offline


ORIGINAL: Andersos

When I bring up the game menu, I can access all the links except the Play command. I can play the game by only accessing the game folder and using Forge of Freedom application executable.

You can access it from the Windows START menu too. Try clicking the logo on the game menu, not only the "play" typing.


(in reply to SeminaryRidge)
Post #: 7
RE: Program will not launch - 12/2/2006 1:42:32 PM   


Posts: 10
Joined: 12/4/2005
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Same issue as above. I Eliminated most programs including AV and antispyware protection. The program will not launch. There needs to be a patch that does not require stopping background programs.

(in reply to Marc von Martial)
Post #: 8
RE: Program will not launch - 12/2/2006 2:07:48 PM   
Adam Parker

Posts: 1848
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From: Melbourne Australia
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I've noticed that when this game loads, not only is there the colored progress bar and drum rolls but there are other sound cues timed with its progress ending with "fire".

My sounds cues are jumpy and jerky using 512M Ram and 1G Ram on two different systems of course.

Could this have something to do with this problem? It seems like a totally unnecessary complexity imposed on people and their systems.

(in reply to gjfortune)
Post #: 9
RE: Program will not launch - 12/2/2006 2:11:41 PM   
Marc von Martial

Posts: 10875
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From: Bonn, Germany
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ORIGINAL: gjfortune

Same issue as above. I Eliminated most programs including AV and antispyware protection. The program will not launch. There needs to be a patch that does not require stopping background programs.

DirectX dialog please.


(in reply to gjfortune)
Post #: 10
RE: Program will not launch - 12/2/2006 2:15:29 PM   
Marc von Martial

Posts: 10875
Joined: 1/4/2001
From: Bonn, Germany
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The problem with AV programms these days is that they are RAM guzzlers and really take a lot of power away. Look at Norton and McAffee, some of the most populars, for example.

You can turn your AV programms of during gaming, why would you want the AV tool to scan every game file while it gets acessed by the PC? I personally always do this. I want my machine spower where it belongs during gaming


(in reply to Marc von Martial)
Post #: 11
RE: Program will not launch - 12/2/2006 2:16:15 PM   
Marc von Martial

Posts: 10875
Joined: 1/4/2001
From: Bonn, Germany
Status: offline


ORIGINAL: Adam Parker

I've noticed that when this game loads, not only is there the colored progress bar and drum rolls but there are other sound cues timed with its progress ending with "fire".

My sounds cues are jumpy and jerky using 512M Ram and 1G Ram on two different systems of course.

Could this have something to do with this problem? It seems like a totally unnecessary complexity imposed on people and their systems.

Could also be out of date sound card or chipset drivers. Please check if you run the latest for your system


(in reply to Adam Parker)
Post #: 12
RE: Program will not launch - 12/2/2006 2:26:39 PM   
Marc von Martial

Posts: 10875
Joined: 1/4/2001
From: Bonn, Germany
Status: offline


ORIGINAL: Justin Case


Thank You for your response.

Dxdiag file attached.

Two things I noted:

- graphic card drivers are signed 2/21/2006, the latest are from 11/15/2006
- I would also recommend bringing your nForce2 chipset drivers to the latest version, since you run onboard sound


(in reply to Justin Case)
Post #: 13
RE: Program will not launch - 12/2/2006 2:52:04 PM   


Posts: 1100
Joined: 8/27/2006
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just adding my 2cts... maybe worth just 0.5 though...could there be two separate issues here ?

For me, the program runs just fine when going for the "Quick start" option (which means I can wait for the 1st bug fix very patiently (my machine has an AMD dual core processor and 2GB RAM - so issues with system capability should be quite unlikely anyway, I don't have problems with my antivirus software (AntiVir) either)

Still, from the main menu, I do not seem to be able to start anything at all. When clicking on play, I get a cursor with arrows pointing in all 4 directions only.

But as I said... I can play, so I'm happy...


(in reply to Marc von Martial)
Post #: 14
RE: Program will not launch - 12/2/2006 3:55:37 PM   
Marc von Martial

Posts: 10875
Joined: 1/4/2001
From: Bonn, Germany
Status: offline


ORIGINAL: hartwig.modrow

Still, from the main menu, I do not seem to be able to start anything at all. When clicking on play, I get a cursor with arrows pointing in all 4 directions only.

Click on the "forge of freedom" logo . The hotspot in the menu was nudged to the right, so the "play" part is not active.


(in reply to modrow)
Post #: 15
RE: Program will not launch - 12/2/2006 6:38:13 PM   


Posts: 93
Joined: 7/1/2005
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ORIGINAL: Marc Schwanebeck
Click on the "forge of freedom" logo . The hotspot in the menu was nudged to the right, so the "play" part is not active.

It's little stupid things like this that just don't make sense.
Why can't we just click play
Quality Control?

(in reply to Marc von Martial)
Post #: 16
RE: Program will not launch - 12/2/2006 7:33:46 PM   
Marc von Martial

Posts: 10875
Joined: 1/4/2001
From: Bonn, Germany
Status: offline




ORIGINAL: Marc Schwanebeck
Click on the "forge of freedom" logo . The hotspot in the menu was nudged to the right, so the "play" part is not active.

It's little stupid things like this that just don't make sense.
Why can't we just click play
Quality Control?

As I said earlier, I must have accidentally nudged the hotspot 30pixels to the right. No biggy, I will have this updated with the first patch. Anyway, moving the mouse just a tad over to the right would have given you the "click hand" and a mouse tooltip saying "Play Forge of Freedom".


(in reply to tc237)
Post #: 17
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