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Warrior at the crossroads

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Warrior at the crossroads - 12/17/2006 12:28:04 PM   

Posts: 1808
Joined: 11/2/2000
From: West Palm Beach, FL USA
Status: offline

I just got a new computer, and for the first time in 6 years have not re-installed SPWaW.

For some months I've been mostly inactive on the play and design fronts, and think my days with SPWaW may be finally over.

I'm telling you this because many of you have become my friends over the years and I didn't want to just disappear without a word.

My main regret is that I never got the chance to meet any of you in person.

May you all stay well and enjoy the game as much as I have.


Retreat is NOT an option.

Post #: 1
RE: Warrior at the crossroads - 12/17/2006 1:29:30 PM   

Posts: 1644
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From: Texas
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SPWAW is still my favorite game of all time.  I still play almost every day.  But I can definitely understand your situation.  More and more I feel like Gunnery Sergeant Tom Highway in Heartbreak Ridge when he says, "It's different this time.  I know I'm coming to the end of it."

My focus and concentration isn't what it used to be and I know I'm not as good a player as I was 5 years ago.  Add in health issues (a bad liver) as well as real life issues and it's not the same for me any more.

I still think the game is as good as ever, but I'm not.

I wish you well, Warrior, and all the best in your future endeavors.



(in reply to Warrior)
Post #: 2
RE: Warrior at the crossroads - 12/17/2006 3:59:11 PM   

Posts: 5547
Joined: 3/29/2002
From: Erie,Pa. USA
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This is great loss to the game, and community, Steve.

You will be missed! I only hope you have the urge to stop and say hello now and again. I enjoyed many of your scenarios, and you have my thanks for the time and effort you put into them.

Merry Christmas, and Happy New Year!



(in reply to vahauser)
Post #: 3
RE: Warrior at the crossroads - 12/17/2006 4:11:11 PM   

Posts: 5547
Joined: 3/29/2002
From: Erie,Pa. USA
Status: offline
I feel I must add :

SPWaW without Warrior seems....well....I dunno, but it ain't right.

Take care bro.



(in reply to Goblin)
Post #: 4
RE: Warrior at the crossroads - 12/17/2006 4:42:52 PM   

Posts: 69
Joined: 12/21/2000
From: fort myers, fla.
Status: offline
Thanks for everything Warrior. I know I have loved playtesting your scenario's. You are almost as much as a sneaky b*astard as Wild Bill...

Enjoy life and maybe one day you might say...

Hey I wonder what's new with SPWAW and we will be happy to welcome you back...



(in reply to Goblin)
Post #: 5
RE: Warrior at the crossroads - 12/17/2006 5:16:16 PM   
Orzel Bialy

Posts: 2664
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Sorry to hear you have decided to exit the community. I too came into the SPWAW community playing scenarios designed by WB and yourself...and always appreciated the attention to detail your scenarios entailed.

Eventually, when I took a shot at scenario designing myself I had the good fortune to consult with you from time to time on projects. I learned a great deal from you my friend...and in case I never said it before: thanks!

SPWaW has seen some BIG names slowly drift away over the past 2 years...and while it is indeed sad to see I guess that is just part of life in the gaming community. Hopefully the trickle of people that do drift in will play scenarios designed by people like you and will enjoy and appreciate them...and maybe take that next step and contribute themselves. The greatest legacy any designer can have is to know that he/she gave back and assisted their community to grow...and you have that badge of honor to wear with pride sir.

Don't be a stranger though. Stop in and say "Hi" from time to time like WB does and let us know what you are up to. Take care, best wishes and eternal thanks once more!


(in reply to x6ftundx_slith)
Post #: 6
RE: Warrior at the crossroads - 12/17/2006 5:57:01 PM   

Posts: 4855
Joined: 4/29/2000
From: Greenwood, Indiana
Status: offline
This is sad news indeed!!

not to intrude but why hast tho forsaken SPWAW?

Good luck in all you do!


(in reply to Orzel Bialy)
Post #: 7
RE: Warrior at the crossroads - 12/17/2006 6:26:34 PM   
Korpraali V

Posts: 659
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From: Finland
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It's really sad to see you leaving. A big thank you for all the work you have put into SPWAW (especially those Finnish scenarios etc - allowed to update some of them to Enhanced? ) ! I hope you all the best and blessings - and merry Christmas!


Ps. Also greetings from neadcb who's currently unable to log in here. He wishes you all the best.

< Message edited by Korpraali V -- 12/17/2006 6:36:11 PM >


(in reply to Alby)
Post #: 8
RE: Warrior at the crossroads - 12/17/2006 9:21:16 PM   

Posts: 432
Joined: 7/29/2003
From: Kentucky, USA
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Thanks for the scenarios and the hard work you have put into the game over the years. Thanks also for your willingness to stop by and let us know what you were thinking. You will be missed!

(in reply to Korpraali V)
Post #: 9
RE: Warrior at the crossroads - 12/17/2006 10:53:42 PM   

Posts: 1779
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From: Depot HQ - Virginia
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In the words of the Eagles, "You can check out anytime you like, but you can never leave."

No matter what, the name "Warrior" will always have an honored place amongst those who have made this game into what it is today, and what it will be tomorrow.

Like you, I have made a number of good and great friendships through this game and community. And like you, I regret that I've still not met all of them. You stand pretty high on that list, friend. :)

I wish you well for the future, whatever it may bring and wherever it may take you. Please stay in touch!



What, me worry?

(in reply to Warrior)
Post #: 10
RE: Warrior at the crossroads - 12/17/2006 11:48:50 PM   
Don Doom

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From: Lost somewhere in the upper backwoods of Michigan!
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You will be missed Sir! Good Luck and have fun, Just do not be a stranger OK!


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(in reply to Bernie)
Post #: 11
RE: Warrior at the crossroads - 12/18/2006 12:56:03 AM   


Posts: 12
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All the best, Steve, we will always remember you; we will always play your scens.


(in reply to Don Doom)
Post #: 12
RE: Warrior at the crossroads - 12/18/2006 1:36:13 AM   
trip 1509


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Thanks for the scenarios.  I enjoyed playing them and having the honor to test a couple for you.  Take care and be safe in all that you do.


(in reply to GaryG48)
Post #: 13
RE: Warrior at the crossroads - 12/18/2006 4:02:47 AM   

Posts: 2725
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Does this mean you'll be converting to World in Flames Final Edition Boardgame??!!  (One can only hope).


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— Winston Churchill

(in reply to trip 1509)
Post #: 14
RE: Warrior at the crossroads - 12/18/2006 6:35:05 AM   

Posts: 1660
Joined: 9/28/2000
From: Haines City FL, USA
Status: offline
I always enjoyed testing and playing your scenarios. Will miss your fine work in this game. Good Luck and Fair Winds amigo.



"God Bless America and All the Young men and women who give their all to protect Her"....chief

(in reply to SLAAKMAN)
Post #: 15
RE: Warrior at the crossroads - 12/18/2006 8:39:54 AM   

Posts: 158
Joined: 9/9/2005
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Thank you for all of the work you've put into this game and this community over the years.


(in reply to chief)
Post #: 16
RE: Warrior at the crossroads - 12/18/2006 12:13:41 PM   
Mau Fox

Posts: 113
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That's a sad news indeed!
Some of the first scenarios I ever played are designed by you, Steve.
"Arabian Night" is still nowadays one of may best favourite.

Well, I hope that one day, maybe when the game will be eventually upgraded, you can have the time and willingness to show us again your mastery at scenario's designing.

You will really be missed Warrior, Buona Vita e Buona Fortuna!
Take care, ciao!

Mau Fox.

(in reply to sabrejack)
Post #: 17
RE: Warrior at the crossroads - 12/19/2006 2:17:24 AM   


Posts: 496
Joined: 3/7/2006
From: Essex, England
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Thanks for all the hard work that you have put into the game, Warrior is one of the names that i associate with SPWAW. Your contributions will be sorely missed. Good luck mate.


"If you are going through hell, keep going" - Winston Churchill

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(in reply to Mau Fox)
Post #: 18
RE: Warrior at the crossroads - 12/19/2006 10:16:14 PM   

Posts: 497
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From: ,USA
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Sad to hear this news....but come into the forums once and awhile just to say hi...
Take care,

(in reply to Mac67)
Post #: 19
RE: Warrior at the crossroads - 12/20/2006 11:36:51 AM   
John Galt


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From: Salem, NH, USA
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Warrior, thanks for all your help and your contributions to the SP community.  This is sad news indeed.    Good luck Steve.  


Experience is the teacher that gives the test first and the lesson last.

John Galt

(in reply to Huffy)
Post #: 20
RE: Warrior at the crossroads - 12/21/2006 5:11:11 PM   

Posts: 1247
Joined: 6/23/2000
From: Crossville, TN
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Well, that sucks.

Certainly is understandable though. Sometimes its good to take a break.

Hope to see you back on the forums even if not posting SPWAW related stuff.


(in reply to John Galt)
Post #: 21
RE: Warrior at the crossroads - 12/22/2006 12:31:04 AM   

Posts: 3639
Joined: 12/6/2004
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If you don't mind could you post a foto of yourself so we can meet you, while saying our good bye?


(in reply to Warrior)
Post #: 22
RE: Warrior at the crossroads - 12/22/2006 1:32:17 PM   

Posts: 1808
Joined: 11/2/2000
From: West Palm Beach, FL USA
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If you don't mind could you post a foto of yourself so we can meet you, while saying our good bye?

You will find my picture is now on my posts.


Retreat is NOT an option.

(in reply to Zap)
Post #: 23
RE: Warrior at the crossroads - 12/22/2006 2:15:49 PM   

Posts: 5547
Joined: 3/29/2002
From: Erie,Pa. USA
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Lol, you need to try and look serious in your pictures, Steve.


(in reply to Warrior)
Post #: 24
RE: Warrior at the crossroads - 12/23/2006 1:57:06 PM   

Posts: 1808
Joined: 11/2/2000
From: West Palm Beach, FL USA
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Lol, you need to try and look serious in your pictures, Steve.

You wouldn't say that if you could see the Dilbert "Surf Naked" T-shirt I'm wearing in that picture.

And I want to thank everybody for the comments. Since I have about 8000 gigabites on this new hard drive, perhaps I might install SPWaW again, but no promises.


Retreat is NOT an option.

(in reply to Goblin)
Post #: 25
RE: Warrior at the crossroads - 12/24/2006 2:15:27 PM   

Posts: 18
Joined: 9/29/2003
From: Orange Park, Florida
Status: offline
Bring back the 101

(in reply to Warrior)
Post #: 26
RE: Warrior at the crossroads - 12/27/2006 6:02:57 PM   

Posts: 1865
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From: New Smyrna Beach, FL USA
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That shouldn't stop you from posting, or at least checking-in from time-to-time ...hell, it doesn't deter some of the bums around here!

...and call yourself what you will, you'll always be a REMF to me.  



(in reply to TomBell)
Post #: 27
RE: Warrior at the crossroads - 12/30/2006 7:46:40 PM   
Gallo Rojo

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Farewell Warrior...


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(in reply to tracer)
Post #: 28
RE: Warrior at the crossroads - 1/1/2007 12:07:43 AM   

Posts: 1808
Joined: 11/2/2000
From: West Palm Beach, FL USA
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ORIGINAL: tracer

That shouldn't stop you from posting, or at least checking-in from time-to-time ...hell, it doesn't deter some of the bums around here!

...and call yourself what you will, you'll always be a REMF to me.  

Ah, the old days as REMF! You're showing your age, Tracer.


Retreat is NOT an option.

(in reply to tracer)
Post #: 29
RE: Warrior at the crossroads - 1/1/2007 1:28:12 AM   
KG Erwin

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The game is the worse without you, Steve. We need you.

(in reply to Warrior)
Post #: 30
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