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Partial AAR - BLOCKADE - 1/17/2007 3:39:50 AM   


Posts: 7
Joined: 1/3/2007
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This is a partial AAR of Freek's Blockade scenario. Will post the follow-up when we get all the players together again (Me, Herman and John) and finish it up, at least not until the week after next as I'm getting underway on Friday. Anyway really liked this scenario and had fun playing it.

AAR for Israeli Side
Objective for Israeli side was to locate and sink Hezbollah Romeo sub using air and submarine assets. Surface assets were restricted to S of 33N. Secondary objectives were to sink PL supply boats lost in an enormous clutter of neutral traffic.

My initial action was to launch my first of two Dauphin helos (equipped with torpedoes)from the FFG's to begin the Maritime Domain Awareness/Situational Awareness portion of this little operation.
I sent my first on a sweep to the south of my FFG's, just to ensure no one was knocking at Israel's door and because I reasoned that the FFG commander would want their own AOR swept before releasing the helo's to patrol North. For organization I broke the Tactical Screen up into two seperate zoom windows, a North and South AOR, divided at the 33rd parallel. As my helo finished it's Southern Sweep my FFG detected by radar our first challanger of the day, two DE-type warship's to the north, heading into Israeli Territorial Waters and on a southerly course to cross the 33rd parallel at 28 kts. I vectored my helo towards them for an ID and issued Level One verbal warnings. The helo indentified them as two UNIFIL vessels, and though they did not respond to my hails they altered course west, away from Iraeli TTW and proceeded west a mile or so north of the 33rd. My FFG's turned and kept pace on our respective side of the line. As my helo proceeded north of the 33rd the Northern AOR was dense with commericial traffic, UNIFIL warships and aircraft operating in close proximity to Israeli aircraft. It was in this tense environment that my subs made initial contact with the rogue Romeo and began tracking. Based on the intel we were provided I made a rough guess at her destination and best speed she could be making and guessed about where I would find her, then split my subs to converge on that point. Little did I realize how accurate my guess was, LEVIATITHAN aquired her early, right on top of the reference point I laid as my best guess! With the pincher's of the glorious Israeli crab slowly closing on the unwitting sub, we recieved an awful fright when, as my Dauphin was buzzing a UNIFIL warship near the sub, DOLPHIN detected two torpedoes headed straight for the UN vessel!! Perfectly pre-positioned, my helo, which could only look at the UN vessel and think 'poor bastards' swooped in and dropped two torpedoes literally on top of the Hezbollah sub's towel-wrapped head. At the same time we detected the UNIFIL vessel returning fire with ASROC as my subs increased to Flank to close...that Romeo's goose was literally cooked 6 different ways once it let those torpedoes fly. The resulting detonation and shriek of fatiguing metal was greeted with cheers by our victorious freedom fighters. I noticed the UNIFIL warship appeared to escape unscathed.
My helo, low on fuel by this point returned to mother to get stuffed and strapped while her counterpart was immediately launched to resume the patrol...more camel-jockey's remained to be located and sunk. Things were going swimmingly when LEVIATITHAN's passive sonar operator again tore than headphone's away in pain...torpedoes in the water! WHAT? Turns out they came from a UNIFIL ship, which 'claimed' they issued Level III verbal warnings to surface prior to firing on an unidentified sub contact, but which we never received. Regardless my sub easily outran the ineptly fired torpedoes. Seething with rage we burned to return fire but, tragically ROE prohibited my subs from firing on UNIFIL ships. Turning our hatred where it belonged, on the Muslims, my Israeli sub resumed its patrol.
At this point it was getting LATE, and this combatant commander was ready for 40 winks, so we were looking for a stopping point. Ironically as I was preparing to log off my helo detected a Hezbollah fishing dhow! My sub loosed a fish at her at long range and I sat back to watch the fun. Unfortunatly the Dhow responded by taking off at 33 knots and outran the torpedo!! I was *HIGHLY* peeved at this and it's my only issue with an otherwise excellent scenario - having spent a year in the Persian Gulf boarding more than 300 dhows I can tell you I've never met one I can't my sneakers. They do a max of 8 knots. Seriously. But anyway, as we saved and logged off for the nite my helo was swooping in with warshot, so maybe we'll sink her yet.
Great, great scenario...I really enjoy the Maritime Domain Awareness missions, the moderate extra traffic in this scenario is confounding and it probably 1/10th of what you actually see in these littoral environments, but for one person to manage it conveys the difficulty of sorting the good guys from the bad just right. Had fun and look forward to playing again!
Post #: 1
RE: Partial AAR - BLOCKADE - 1/25/2007 9:10:22 PM   

Posts: 323
Joined: 5/12/2006
Status: offline
Thanks a million -- you should have seen the smile on my face reading this!  By the way, yes the 33knot smuggler is a special creation that Herman made at my request! Blame me....!


(in reply to sharker2003)
Post #: 2
RE: Partial AAR - BLOCKADE - 1/30/2007 10:44:46 AM   

Posts: 41
Joined: 10/5/2006
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I also played a PlayersDB battleset "War with Uban" and I agree that there needs to be a lot more unidentified civilian/neutral traffic and more cities and towns dotting the landscape with unidentified structures. I wouldn't mind a smaller size scenario with thousands more targets to sort through because any visit to a port city will show that the water and surrounding coastline is just loaded with all sorts contacts.

Freeks, you are doing a wonderful job with the scenarios. Keep them coming, and tell Brad Leyte and Hermann Hum the same thing.

(in reply to FreekS)
Post #: 3
RE: Partial AAR - BLOCKADE - 1/30/2007 9:20:19 PM   

Posts: 323
Joined: 5/12/2006
Status: offline
Thanks for the encouragement! As I have a 5yr old PC I'm probably my own most critical tester on speed issues! My latest 3.6 scen 'Flaming Datum' again has a lot of contacts (but unfortunately does not yet run well in ANW).

Post #: 4
RE: Partial AAR - BLOCKADE - 2/6/2007 8:21:17 AM   


Posts: 7
Joined: 1/3/2007
Status: offline
Better late than never, here's Herman's AAR:

Last night, we welcomed another player to the Harpoon3 ANW community.
John (a.k.a. OFFascist) is also the roommate of Sharker2003, but I knew
that there wasn’t going to be any favourtism shown because of it.

We elected to try Freek Scheper’s
[color=DarkGreen"]Blockade scenario from his 2nd Lebanese War Battleset. It’s made with the
most popular database with the ANW crowd, the
[color=Blue"]PlayersDB. It’s a 3-sided scenario with John acting as UNIFiL,
Sharker as the Israelis, and myself as Hezbollah. Their orders were to
maintain a blockade around Lebanon. My job was to break it.

From the very start, John, who is a real life Coastie, said that the
scenario was just what you would see in the real world – a radar screen
Full of unknown contacts (and to think that Freek only put in 1% of the
ships normally found in the area!).

I was trying to sneak an old Foxtrot-class sub past the Israelis and
their UNIFiL “puppets”. The Fox was cruising in at 9kts when the sonar
watch reported a vessel doing 31kts. It was soon identified as the
Hyane missile boat and she was in a hurry to get somewhere. Fortunately,
she appeared to run right over my diesel boat.



The torpedo room readied a salvo of 53-65 Wake-Homing torpedos for the
infidels. Closer, and closer, she came. Finally, it was time for one
quick peek with the periscope before unleashing hell. Everything was
perfect. Two torpedoes were fired from less than 2nm. I couldn’t check
the database to see if Hyane had any functional sonar or ASW weapons
(since the ANW 3.8.0 patch can still crash if you hit the DB button), but
I didn’t think she did. So I was hoping that he wouldn’t detect my
attack nor be able to respond. It turned out to be a fool’s hope.

I got my response soon enough in the form of a torpedo in the water!
And then, another! Damn. I immediately went to flank speed in hopes of
putting as much distance between myself and the weapons.
Unfortunately, diesel submarines are not known for their speed. A white noise decoy
was ejected and it distracted the first torpedo. However, the second
one exploded in the engine room and sent the Fox to the bottom. Both my
torpedoes appeared to miss. My miserly allocation of only two weapons
was certainly coming back to haunt me.

Now, all I could hope for was to run my surviving smugglers through the
blockade and avoid detection. I tried to mask their identities by only
moving at 15kts amongst the swarms of fishing vessels. As one vessel
neared the Lebanese coast, a torpedo was detected! (I don’t know how,
since the ship had no sonar). Well, Insh’allah. God will provide.


The Batroun immediately engaged her jet engines. The cigarette boat
had been bought from American compatriots in Florida and disguised as a
common fishing boat. This was her first time to really open up the
throttles. She was able to do 33kts and the torpedoes were only running
35kts – she might survive the ordeal. Minutes later, the torpedo contact
was lost. Hopefully, it had run out of fuel. However, the masquerade
was over. Now, only a safe and speedy arrival in Lebanon would give me
victory so I made a bee-line for port.

At this point, we had to call it a night. Hopefully, we will get the
opportunity to finish off this fun scenario this weekend. Thanks for
the use of the server and good time was had by all sides involved.

(in reply to sharker2003)
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