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CC6 = Modern?

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CC6 = Modern? - 2/22/2007 7:00:21 PM   

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Jumping the gun here but I hope it isnt true.


Post #: 1
RE: CC6 = Modern? - 2/22/2007 8:10:04 PM   

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Depends what you mean by 'modern'. Certainly not anything USA beats up assorted Arab/muslim types, though. I'm reasonably confident that won't happen if only because of the sh*t that hit the fan when it was announced for the new Combat Mission.

Much as I'd love to see a Cold War, Vietnam or even Mid East '67 and '73 CC I suspect WW2 is what folks want, and where the most money is. They would be daft to do anything else IMHO, and with that restriction the Pacific would seem to be the obvious choice as it was (strangely) avoided last time.

(in reply to wodin)
Post #: 2
RE: CC6 = Modern? - 2/23/2007 12:42:29 AM   
Shaun Wallace

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There are a couple of things to remember here.

CC6 is already underway and is making use of the current engine. CC7 will be a new engine and new technology.

CC6 is going to cover a lot of ground, but modern is not your thing, have no fear ;) I have laready posted many of the new features and thats just a start on what will be in CC6. It will move CC forward a long ways ;)



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Post #: 3
RE: CC6 = Modern? - 2/23/2007 12:54:05 PM   

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Well, I personally would liek to see a modern tactical squad fact I was recently going to post would it be too "insensitive" to create a CC based on the 1990 Gulf War...where we actually had a legit reason for a fight.


Alba gu' brath

(in reply to Shaun Wallace)
Post #: 4
RE: CC6 = Modern? - 2/23/2007 3:25:11 PM   


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Nothing wrong with 1990 Gulf War (apart from it had to happen).  Getting rid of an invader with Global approval.  Legit no question.

CC suits WWII.  No surprises there!.  I think I can say that further productions of CC will include more modern theatres.  It already exists in Military Sims based on CC.

Whether CC6 will be modern you will just have to wait and see at this stage...

(in reply to JudgeDredd)
Post #: 5
RE: CC6 = Modern? - 2/23/2007 4:21:41 PM   

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Unless you want to kill the series before it even get's going again, I wouldn't go modern to start.

(in reply to Beeblebrox)
Post #: 6
RE: CC6 = Modern? - 2/23/2007 5:50:01 PM   


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Nor would I do another WW2 Western Front......CC1,2,4,and 5 exhausted my interest in that theatre.

(in reply to LitFuel)
Post #: 7
RE: CC6 = Modern? - 2/23/2007 6:00:12 PM   

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Do you guys know that CC3 had mods for every front from poland to vietnam?  I think there was even a mad that made it orcs vs humans and one based on star wars.  I'd suspect cc6, no matter what front the developers chose in about a year you'll play whatever time period and theater you'd like so I wouldn't worry about that.


(in reply to KWP)
Post #: 8
RE: CC6 = Modern? - 2/23/2007 6:35:53 PM   


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ORIGINAL: UndercoverNotChickenSalad

Do you guys know that CC3 had mods for every front from poland to vietnam? I think there was even a mad that made it orcs vs humans and one based on star wars. I'd suspect cc6, no matter what front the developers chose in about a year you'll play whatever time period and theater you'd like so I wouldn't worry about that.

Well aware of that and I'm also tired of yet another hedgerow to cross. Gets boring.
Post #: 9
RE: CC6 = Modern? - 2/23/2007 9:36:22 PM   
Andrew Williams

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I love defending behind hedgerows :)

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Post #: 10
RE: CC6 = Modern? - 2/23/2007 11:06:46 PM   


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I'd suspect cc6, no matter what front the developers chose in about a year you'll play whatever time period and theater you'd like so I wouldn't worry about that.
Ah reckon so...

(in reply to Andrew Williams)
Post #: 11
RE: CC6 = Modern? - 2/24/2007 12:40:18 AM   

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From what i`ve read on the internet, CC6 will be based on the Korean war and will be called CC: Red Pheonix but I read this a long time ago. LOL! Actually, there`s still a space over at for this game but no US release date is listed.

I suppose the Korean war would be a good choice, even though it doesn`t get much talk. It seems to be a bit of a forgotten war but it wasn`t just America versus North Korea, it was the allies vs NK. Several countries participated in that war.

On a side note... can someone explain in full detail (but keep it under 2 paragraphs) why the second gulf war wasn`t 'legit'? If I remember correctly the UN did sign authorization for the war. And so did almost every US senator. Please... explain.

(in reply to Beeblebrox)
Post #: 12
RE: CC6 = Modern? - 2/24/2007 2:15:57 AM   

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I will refrain...I promise.


Alba gu' brath

(in reply to warishere)
Post #: 13
RE: CC6 = Modern? - 2/24/2007 2:39:35 AM   


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(@warishwere, wikipedia "iraq war", Kofi Anan General Secretary UN 16.09.2004: "I have indicated it was not in conformity with the UN charter. From our point of view, from the charter point of view, it was illegal.", and there is also mentioned the UN Resolution 11.10.2002 Joint Resolution to Authorize the Use of United States Armed Forces Against Iraq)

< Message edited by Motomouse -- 2/24/2007 2:57:03 AM >

(in reply to JudgeDredd)
Post #: 14
RE: CC6 = Modern? - 2/24/2007 4:17:06 AM   

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Invasion Mars

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Post #: 15
RE: CC6 = Modern? - 2/24/2007 6:26:02 AM   

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ORIGINAL: UndercoverNotChickenSalad

Do you guys know that CC3 had mods for every front from poland to vietnam?  I think there was even a mad that made it orcs vs humans and one based on star wars.  I'd suspect cc6, no matter what front the developers chose in about a year you'll play whatever time period and theater you'd like so I wouldn't worry about that.

I would rather have CC6 be based on WW2 and mod forward then the other way around...besides we are way overdue for a dedicated Pacific island hopping Campaign. CC6: Pacific ...I wouldn't mind CC6: Italy/Greece as well.
Post #: 16
RE: CC6 = Modern? - 2/24/2007 6:45:16 AM   


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The "problem" with any new Close Combat set in WWII will be there are precious few theaters that have not already been covered in a previous release or full scale mod, while, with the exception of Vietnam, any more modern conflict would be exceedinly tank heavy (and armored combat is probably CC's greatest weakpoint.)

@warishere and Motomouse: By that same standard, the war over Kosovo was also illegal (and Kofi Annan said as much, though in that case he was still in favor of the war). However, it can also be argued that UN Resolution 1441 gave the United States, Great Britain, and their allies legal authority under the UN Charter to use force if Iraq failed comply with UN demands. Either way, the invasion and liberation of Iraq was undertaken in response to a chronic perceived regional and potentially international threat, and is in that regard no less "legit" than any of the other dozens of conflicts the US, UK, and continental powers have been involved in since 1945, with or without detailed UN approval.

(in reply to 7A_CavScout)
Post #: 17
RE: CC6 = Modern? - 2/24/2007 8:34:50 AM   

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Out of curiosity, did Lebanon get permission from the UN to launch a pre-emptive strike against Israel? It wasn`t that long ago when this happend and I don`t recall a UN resolution for it? I guess its okay for Leb to strike Israel but its not okay for the allies to take out Saddam? And god forbid, Israel makes any attempt to defend themselves.

Since when was war ever 'legit' anyways? LOL! Thats funny....

< Message edited by warishere -- 2/24/2007 8:53:37 AM >

(in reply to NimitsTexan)
Post #: 18
RE: CC6 = Modern? - 2/24/2007 8:54:37 AM   

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If they release a non-WWII CC it's a no-sale from me, I just have trouble getting into modern although I've tried.

I'd be happy if they looked more closely at particular battles within theatres, a bit like the HASL squad leader modules. I know there's a stalingrad mod out there - that sort of thing, and concentrate on bug fixing and adding features rather than tackling different eras.



Scourge of War multiplayer group

(in reply to warishere)
Post #: 19
RE: CC6 = Modern? - 2/24/2007 12:16:09 PM   
Randall Grubb


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CC6 is not Red Phoenix.  It will not be Koera circa 2008 and it will not be Korea circa 1950.  What it will be is a CC as never before and a modder's dream come true.

< Message edited by Senior Drill -- 2/24/2007 12:30:44 PM >


C'est magnifique, mais ce n'est pas la guerre. - Pierre Bosquet, 1854

(in reply to e_barkmann)
Post #: 20
RE: CC6 = Modern? - 2/24/2007 1:30:04 PM   


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ORIGINAL: warishere

Out of curiosity, did Lebanon get permission from the UN to launch a pre-emptive strike against Israel? It wasn`t that long ago when this happend and I don`t recall a UN resolution for it? I guess its okay for Leb to strike Israel but its not okay for the allies to take out Saddam? And god forbid, Israel makes any attempt to defend themselves.

Since when was war ever 'legit' anyways? LOL! Thats funny....

I guess the conclusion here is that USA-GB is no less an "axis of evil" than iraq-iran-north corea, USA is no less a "rogue state" than afghanistan and Bush goverment is no less a terrorist organization than hezbollah.

< Message edited by XX_Fiennes -- 2/24/2007 1:47:31 PM >

(in reply to warishere)
Post #: 21
RE: CC6 = Modern? - 2/25/2007 10:36:38 PM   


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I'd like to see a modern CC,only problem I see is that all the countries with the cool/lethal weaponry are allies.
The U.S.,U.K.,Australia and every other country contributing to keep our world relatively safe i.e.,keeping countries with truly bad intentions at bay(with may not be important to some) have and indeed are the best of the best.All that'd leave is a cold war scenerio.Then what you'd have is problems with map sizes.A T-80 and an M-1 would never be 200 meters apart,lol.

(in reply to XX_Fiennes)
Post #: 22
RE: CC6 = Modern? - 2/26/2007 12:05:02 AM   

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ORIGINAL: warishere

Out of curiosity, did Lebanon get permission from the UN to launch a pre-emptive strike against Israel? It wasn`t that long ago when this happend and I don`t recall a UN resolution for it? I guess its okay for Leb to strike Israel but its not okay for the allies to take out Saddam? And god forbid, Israel makes any attempt to defend themselves.

Since when was war ever 'legit' anyways? LOL! Thats funny....

I guess the conclusion here is that USA-GB is no less an "axis of evil" than iraq-iran-north corea, USA is no less a "rogue state" than afghanistan and Bush goverment is no less a terrorist organization than hezbollah.

No... it just means some organizations are going to attack people without even consulting the UN. There really is no way to stop 'illegitimate' wars.

(in reply to XX_Fiennes)
Post #: 23
RE: CC6 = Modern? - 2/26/2007 12:21:19 AM   


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Since when was war ever 'legit' anyways? LOL! Thats funny....
I guess by that you mean war is never 'legit'?

It's an interesting point of view.  What is legitimacy?  Definitions would include lawful, rightful, legal, genuine, justifiable, valid...

Does the first Gulf War (kicking Iraq out of Kuwait) measure up to this?

and war is never funny....

(in reply to warishere)
Post #: 24
RE: CC6 = Modern? - 2/26/2007 1:39:23 AM   

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I never said war was funny but calling war 'legit' is kind of funny. But in regards to the first gulf war, it was a UN decision to drive Saddam out of Kuwait. So, who was going to stop the allies from doing this? My guess is, no one.

However, I do find it rather odd that now days it seems be 'in style' to bash the US for removing Saddam in the 2nd gulf war but for some reason these same people had no problem with Saddam invading Kuwait.... go figure??  

< Message edited by warishere -- 2/26/2007 1:55:01 AM >

(in reply to Beeblebrox)
Post #: 25
RE: CC6 = Modern? - 2/26/2007 2:13:00 AM   


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Good points warishere.Ya know,when I talk to people around where I live,I get a lot of the illegal war crap.
And another ironic thing These people do is whine about our troops,"Bring our troops home...our troops are killing women and children",etc.However most of the knuckleheads I hear that from have never served,and don't know anyone like family or even friends that have.

Not saying one can't complain,but most complaints are from ill-informed people whose intentions CAN be genuine,but usually aren't.Pretty sad.

(in reply to warishere)
Post #: 26
RE: CC6 = Modern? - 2/26/2007 4:27:52 AM   

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If CC goes Modern,i hope when i plug in the Iraqi mod,I hope i dont get a window asking me if i think it was lagit or not,before i continue to the next screen!

Back to the subject..I think a 50,s Korean conflict would suit the CC engine IMO.

(in reply to namzo6)
Post #: 27
RE: CC6 = Modern? - 2/26/2007 5:06:32 AM   


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If CC goes Modern,i hope when i plug in the Iraqi mod,I hope i dont get a window asking me if i think it was lagit or not,before i continue to the next screen!

Back to the subject..I think a 50,s Korean conflict would suit the CC engine IMO.

Korea in the '50s would make for a good CC campaign, lots of infantry with small amounts of armor.

My father served with the 45th Infantry in Korea. He served as a crew member of a 105 howitzer. His hearing was permanently impaired from an engagement in the summer of '52. They fired so many rounds in an extended fire support mission that the paint blistered and flaked off the barrel.


In June of 1950 South Korea was invaded by North Korea this action led to the second federal mobilization of the 45th Infantry Division. The Thunderbirds were one of only two National Guard divisions to see combat in the Korean War; the other being the 40th of California.

Training for Korea began at Camp Polk, and in March of 1951 the division shipped out for Hokkaido, Japan for a continuation of their training. The move to Korea was made in December, 1951. The division served in the Yonchon-Chorwon area, and in sectors fronting Old Baldy, Pork Chop Hill, Heartbreak Ridge, and Luke’s Castle. The majority of the Oklahoma’s Guardsmen began returning to the States in the spring of 1952, but the division remained in Korea until the end of the conflict in 1953. In all the 45th Division saw 429 days in battle, participating in 4 campaigns.

(in reply to RD_Roach)
Post #: 28
RE: CC6 = Modern? - 2/26/2007 5:17:42 AM   


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I'd tend to agree with the Korean war CC,lot of mountain warfare there to make the game very different.Figure you'd concentrate on on inf and arty teams mostly without much choice.WWII pacific theatre would be hard IMO,'cause without allowing for amph.landings with the craft and off shore bomb.would be unrealistic.

(in reply to KWP)
Post #: 29
RE: CC6 = Modern? - 2/26/2007 5:49:36 PM   

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ORIGINAL: namzo6

I'd tend to agree with the Korean war CC,lot of mountain warfare there to make the game very different.Figure you'd concentrate on on inf and arty teams mostly without much choice.WWII pacific theatre would be hard IMO,'cause without allowing for amph.landings with the craft and off shore bomb.would be unrealistic.

I don't think a Pacific game would be hard at all, why couldn't you have off shore bombing?, it's already capable of that...just needs some tweaking for that specific game. As for amph landings could be done if creative with the maps and beginning set ups. There are a few good Pacific mods already that are fun to play but a dedicated game would be nice and I think the right thing to do. I'm really tired of the other fronts unless you want to finally get to Italy/Greece or do a totally new Market Garden.

(in reply to namzo6)
Post #: 30
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