Posts: 19
Joined: 4/24/2007 Status: offline
I'm new to wargames (Hearths of Iron 2 aside) and bought TOAW during the past blitz sale along with CotA (that I still need to download and install), but I hope I'm not THAT bad at playing this game because the "tutorial" scenario totally kick my ass. It's my fourth attempt but while I'm refining all that it's possible to refine I just don't make any progress. For tutorial scenario I intend the one in Korea. On another forum people told me I'm not even supposed to play it from the NK side, but I followed the tutorial and I'm STUBBORN. I want to win it one way or another. It's written by Norm Koger himself so it cannot be completely broken and there must be a way to win it. So I need help. The situation is this: the game starts with NK winning easy battles against SK units. Then from turn 4 the UN green troops start to arrive, some are powerful units with 10 attack 12 defense and I have to sit back and defend. The problem isn't really the values of those troops, but the fact they they swarm me over time, no matter of my performance more and more arrive. The more turn passes the worse the situation gets. Three points: 1- SK/UN have double my supply lines values. 2- Four times (if not more) the reinforcements I get every turn. 3- Ten times the strength of my air support. How the hell I'm supposed to counter this? Over time even their weakest and lonely unit becomes invulnerable due to crazy air support and my divisions, entrenched or not, just cannot hold the defense while getting hammered with huge stacks of doom. The best case is a quick defeat due to attrition. So, what I'm doing wrong? And how it is actually possible to do some progress? And, really, it wasn't a smart idea to use a so unbalanced scenario as a "tutorial". Or maybe there's something I cannot understand, because it's madness. P.S. On another forum I read people discussing a Korea scenario. I'm not sure if it's this one, but they were talking about conquering Pusan in four turns. Is this even possible? And if it's possible, where I find the teleporter unit?