Posts: 15
Joined: 4/7/2007 Status: offline
Hi, I play version, campaign 15, as japan. The date is 1st Jan 1942. I already invaded Sumatra and Borneo Islands (except Banjarmasin), and just took Batavia. I also planned to take Soerabaja and this is occuring. Because ennemy airplanes and some TF are very active in the Java See I launch CAP, sweep and naval air missions from my nearest bases. But, to add a proximity protection to my transports TF I have a Air Combat TF following the tranport TF. This air mission TF include the Ryujo CVL with 3 CA and 4 DD. 57 aircrafts, MS141 (100) - 11 A6M2 Zero carrier trained, ready, with 11 pilots, LR CAP mission - 19 B5N Kate carrier trained ready with 19 pilots, naval attack mission - 27 B5N Kate carrier capable ready with 27 pilots, naval attack mission 1)) 3 days the air combat TF has been attacked by ennemy airplanes and never the Zero take off. As the CVL has been taken as taget she is now very severely damaged (but tranports are right). And, since 2 days there are ennemy ships in range but the Ryujo never launched attack with Kate. => What happens ? All my other carriers launch attack and CAP air missions according with orders and circumstances. Why Ryujo not ? I can understand that the carrier capable aircrafts don't fight, but why about the carrier trained ones ? 2)) How many time training a carrier capable group needs to become carrier trained ? Is a carrier capable unable to fight or can fight but with hight op losts ?