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Have to ask David/Erik

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Have to ask David/Erik - 6/7/2007 10:47:15 AM   

Posts: 8573
Joined: 11/14/2003
From: Scotland
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I know you are working hard as hell to iron out the release issues, but I'm really wanting to play this this weekend.

My question is, do you think the Physical Shipment option will be available today or tomorrow ?

If not, I may just take the plunge and buy the DD and forego the manual option.



Alba gu' brath
Post #: 1
RE: Have to ask David/Erik - 6/7/2007 3:34:27 PM   

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I'd like to know this as well, as I have suspended my purchase due to the technical issues.

(in reply to JudgeDredd)
Post #: 2
RE: Have to ask David/Erik - 6/7/2007 3:36:18 PM   

Posts: 8573
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I haven't suspended my purchase because of the technical issues...I've suspended because I'd like a printed manual. But if it isn't going to be an option for the weekend, then I think I'll forego the manual and download tonight so I can start playing this.

I've been really looking forward to getting this puppy


Alba gu' brath

(in reply to jbunnelle)
Post #: 3
RE: Have to ask David/Erik - 6/7/2007 3:57:46 PM   
David Heath

Posts: 3274
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From: Staten Island NY
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The Box version won't become available until we release the patch.



(in reply to JudgeDredd)
Post #: 4
RE: Have to ask David/Erik - 6/7/2007 5:49:56 PM   


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If you have EF2 - you already have the printed manual (based on looking at the PDF included in the DL...)

Doesn't seem to be much (anything) new in the manual that is relevant to the gameplay...

(in reply to David Heath)
Post #: 5
RE: Have to ask David/Erik - 6/7/2007 5:56:38 PM   

Posts: 8573
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From: Scotland
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Yes but I don't really like PDFs, so I would rather have the physical box.

I noticed David "skirted" my question rather nicely. I wonder if he has thought about a life in politics.

I know it's not going to be available until the patch is ready. I was asking if it was likely or not that the physical shipment would be an option by Friday...ergo you can, I suppose, translate that to "Is the patch going to be ready by Friday".

I worded it the way I did because the patch is only of consequence to me because it's holding up my physical shipment.

So my question still stands I'm afraid. I'm just looking for an indication of where the patch is to see if I'll be able to order this by the weekend or not, that's all. I'm not rushing anyone. If it's not, I'll either decide to bite the bullet and buy it as DD, or wait until the physical shipment is available.



Alba gu' brath

(in reply to Axeking)
Post #: 6
RE: Have to ask David/Erik - 6/7/2007 6:04:45 PM   
David Heath

Posts: 3274
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From: Staten Island NY
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ORIGINAL: JudgeDredd

Yes but I don't really like PDFs, so I would rather have the physical box.

I noticed David "skirted" my question rather nicely. I wonder if he has thought about a life in politics.

I know it's not going to be available until the patch is ready. I was asking if it was likely or not that the physical shipment would be an option by Friday...ergo you can, I suppose, translate that to "Is the patch going to be ready by Friday".

I worded it the way I did because the patch is only of consequence to me because it's holding up my physical shipment.

So my question still stands I'm afraid. I'm just looking for an indication of where the patch is to see if I'll be able to order this by the weekend or not, that's all. I'm not rushing anyone. If it's not, I'll either decide to bite the bullet and buy it as DD, or wait until the physical shipment is available.


Sorry I was not trying to skirt your questions... only got 3 hours of sleep and I was racing out the door to get the kids to school. We are going to try but I can't promise at this time. I should know more later today.



(in reply to JudgeDredd)
Post #: 7
RE: Have to ask David/Erik - 6/7/2007 8:25:07 PM   

Posts: 8573
Joined: 11/14/2003
From: Scotland
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Yeah...sorry about that David...I meant to put a smiley after my politics statement. I wasn't at all annoyed.

I'm just about to sod it and order....I notice there is a section for a promo code - any chance of getting one of these?


Alba gu' brath

(in reply to David Heath)
Post #: 8
RE: Have to ask David/Erik - 6/7/2007 8:27:37 PM   

Posts: 3783
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From: Carson City, NV
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ORIGINAL: David Heath

The Box version won't become available until we release the patch.


I don't want to take needed time away from Matrix, and maybe I am a retard, but I don't understand something. Why can't you promise the physical shipment with the download before the patch is released? It's not as if you have to actually come up with a physical boxed version yet. Like I said, maybe I am a retard cause I don't see it.

(in reply to David Heath)
Post #: 9
RE: Have to ask David/Erik - 6/7/2007 8:36:43 PM   

Posts: 8573
Joined: 11/14/2003
From: Scotland
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I kind of understand. I think it's to do with they cannot offer a physical shipment if the master is not ready. I think, at the very least, the master has to be ready in order to offer the physical.

I think.


Alba gu' brath

(in reply to LarryP)
Post #: 10
RE: Have to ask David/Erik - 6/7/2007 8:55:59 PM   

Posts: 3783
Joined: 5/15/2005
From: Carson City, NV
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Kind of makes sense... but NOT to offer the physical with download before the master is done, well, it's just a play on words to me.

< Message edited by LarryP -- 6/7/2007 9:58:52 PM >

(in reply to JudgeDredd)
Post #: 11
RE: Have to ask David/Erik - 6/7/2007 9:20:03 PM   

Posts: 139
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From: Ohio, USA
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I have a questions and I asked elsewhere and it was never answered.

If you buy the digital download versions can you burn a CD of it to have as a backup? I would not want to order something that can get lost in a computer crash several months down the road.

As a second question, is the manual formated to print on 8 1/2" x 11" paper or some other size? And will the PDF manual be updated as errors are found or features changed? I am just wondering about the value of a real paper manual.


(in reply to LarryP)
Post #: 12
RE: Have to ask David/Erik - 6/7/2007 9:34:18 PM   


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Hi Vadersson,

I just d/l the game and when you do it explictly tells you to burn a copy to CD or save to a removeable media so you have a backup copy. the Serial # you need is in the email and on the order confirmation.

I burn it to a CD and write the S/N on the blank CD but you can also get the srial number from Matrix if you register your game which you will need to do to get the patch - hope this helps.

(in reply to vadersson)
Post #: 13
RE: Have to ask David/Erik - 6/7/2007 9:59:49 PM   


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Hi Vadersson,

I just d/l the game and when you do it explictly tells you to burn a copy to CD or save to a removeable media so you have a backup copy. the Serial # you need is in the email and on the order confirmation.

I burn it to a CD and write the S/N on the blank CD but you can also get the srial number from Matrix if you register your game which you will need to do to get the patch - hope this helps.

Since I'm a neurotic I always back up to two mediums, in this case I burn to a CD and also stick it on my emergency "there's a hurricane acoming!" external hard drive.

(in reply to SiTheSly)
Post #: 14
RE: Have to ask David/Erik - 6/7/2007 10:00:24 PM   
David Heath

Posts: 3274
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From: Staten Island NY
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Kind of makes sense... but NOT to offer the physical with download before the master is done, well, it's just a play on words to me.

Hi Larry

Yes I asked this myself and to save everyone from the long boring details the simple answer is no. Trust me it should not be long.



(in reply to LarryP)
Post #: 15
RE: Have to ask David/Erik - 6/7/2007 10:04:40 PM   

Posts: 3783
Joined: 5/15/2005
From: Carson City, NV
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ORIGINAL: David Heath

Hi Larry

Yes I asked this myself and to save everyone from the long boring details the simple answer is no. Trust me it should not be long.


I also understand that rules are made for reasons and I am sure that the way you have it set up works best for business. Thanks for the kind reply.

(in reply to David Heath)
Post #: 16
RE: Have to ask David/Erik - 6/7/2007 10:06:49 PM   

Posts: 3783
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From: Carson City, NV
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Since I'm a neurotic I always back up to two mediums, in this case I burn to a CD and also stick it on my emergency "there's a hurricane acoming!" external hard drive.

And I thought it was just me...

(in reply to Temple)
Post #: 17
RE: Have to ask David/Erik - 6/7/2007 10:15:09 PM   

Posts: 1262
Joined: 5/31/2002
From: 27th Penal Battalion
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ORIGINAL: David Heath



Kind of makes sense... but NOT to offer the physical with download before the master is done, well, it's just a play on words to me.

Hi Larry

Yes I asked this myself and to save everyone from the long boring details the simple answer is no. Trust me it should not be long.


Are you lucky in this situation that master copy for CDs was not ready ? ...or Murphy's law is correct and master copy was created with this old build too ?

anyway take your time to correct all problems and release it after double check...we can wait for it (maybe some people rant but we can wait few days more)


(in reply to David Heath)
Post #: 18
RE: Have to ask David/Erik - 6/7/2007 10:25:07 PM   

Posts: 3783
Joined: 5/15/2005
From: Carson City, NV
Status: offline


anyway take your time to correct all problems and release it after double check...we can wait for it (maybe some people rant but we can wait few days more)

Yeah, take the rest of the year if need be. I'm not going to buy it. I have been saying for a few years that I would stop buying new games until at least the first patch. I blew it every time and bought the first day! I will wait for at least two patches with this one. Really... uh huh!

< Message edited by LarryP -- 6/7/2007 10:27:41 PM >

(in reply to Arkady)
Post #: 19
RE: Have to ask David/Erik - 6/7/2007 10:32:50 PM   

Posts: 3891
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I can't believe you guys have waited this long and now you can't wait a week or two for the physical shipment so you can get the printed manual and a direct download? Man, it's good to be aged in some sense, since it gives us common sense moreso than the young minded who throw money away like sheets in the wind. ;) Me, I'm waitin till the Christmas Special to buy it, see how much patience I have. ;)

(in reply to LarryP)
Post #: 20
RE: Have to ask David/Erik - 6/7/2007 10:42:08 PM   

Posts: 465
Joined: 8/18/2006
From: the backwoods of Mass.
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Me, I'm waitin till the Christmas Special to buy it, see how much patience I have. ;)

man I got a funny link for you to check out on the economicaly prudent gamer...
have fun


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(in reply to ravinhood)
Post #: 21
RE: Have to ask David/Erik - 6/8/2007 1:25:06 AM   


Posts: 8
Joined: 6/7/2007
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Even though I completely understand the situation, I am waiting with baited breath for the boxed version, when I moved house and couldn't find my EF 2 that was a very sad day. Just a quick question will the boxed version include the patch? or is it just a case of allowing us to get the boxed game and D/L the patch at the same time

I'm never going to have time to play it seeing as I have just started to get into SP:WAW (and I won't beg for a sequal to that here, but I may at some point) but since when has that ever been a reason not to buy a game?

I think some people are being too hard on you guys over this, you made a mistake, you've owned up, no nonsense and your fixing it, fine with me.  I own 5 matrix games and all 5 are surberb with good support.



(in reply to robpost3)
Post #: 22
RE: Have to ask David/Erik - 6/8/2007 1:41:00 AM   

Posts: 349
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Should include the patch.


(in reply to blighty)
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