Oleg Mastruko
Posts: 4921
Joined: 10/21/2000 Status: offline
OK, after you download and install Hamachi, start the software and you should see something like this:
You won't see any game lobbies like those pictured above because you're not a member - yet. Click on the button with triangle in the bottom right corner and pick Join existing network. Enter Carriers at War as network name, and spruance as password. Voila, you just joined CAW Hamachi online lobby. If I am online at the moment, you'll see me + any other player who is online. Otherwise (if I am not online) you should see my name but it will probably be greyed out. Same goes for other members of course. I think my Hamachi nick is yamato, although I might change it to something more carrier-friendly If you want to challenge someone to MP game, click on his name, and choose Ping or Chat. Chat a little (keyboard chat), arrange a game. Start CAW, Multiplayer, and you should see hosted Hamachi games in the LAN browser. Play the game. Get sunk, play again, lose your job, divorce your wife.... Believe me - online gaming does not get any easier than this (in fact it does, for games that have organic server browser but lets not go there ) Lets do this, we need a critical mass of online afficionados to make the game popular
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< Message edited by Oleg Mastruko -- 6/14/2007 2:52:42 AM >