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Joined: 4/13/2007 Status: offline
That sounds good... I have a game from the same firm (HPS Simulations) called: "Modern airpower, WAR OVER VIETNAM", coming to me via snail mail... I gather that this game has no simulated flying (I wouldnt mind this, but they always have to make it too complex! Cannot they simply figure a three tier complexity system, so that those who just want a bit of fun, like say, the good ol' Lucas Arts SWOTL was to Sturmovik at it's easiest (even that get's a bit funny when trying to locate enemy planes in the sky with the map, and boy do they whizz past fast, makes me think of a F-16 game)! Still, Sturmovik is at least in getting the ground targets pretty ok, and then if the 'flying bug bit you, or you were already a more advanced flyer, get the medium flying options, and if you are closer to the microsoft series of ww2 flying, then the top level could be near that... But, the main thing is to get a really good strategic-operational-tactic air war game going, now perhaps there needs to be a split to get truely good strat and tac war games going, but just to feel that you are planning the stricke packets over the dmz in 67... Or, that you are planning the rendervouz point with the p-38s for the B-24s as the fighters have lesser range ect... Or, that your choise to let the Germans bomb a couple of airfields, which you have just swapped over with bomber command anyway, and gather a 'big wing' in the air, and get them on the way back when their ME-109s are low on fuel anyway... And more, which kind of ordnance to carry, and what ammount does exp give to the outcome of air to air combat, and perhaps even, who get's to go back to a six month advanced air to air trainer period, so that your new pilots arent rotten in the air... All of this, is what is needed, and finally, that thing which unexplicably is missing in so many otherwize good operational-tactical ww2 games nowadays, A GOOD INTERFACE!!! The total lack of usage of right mouse click options, along with selected unit showing it's range, or it's chosen path if you move the mouse to a point on the map in it's range while it's still selected ect ect... Simple things, that some good land war games have kept as a good tradition, but some seem to ignore and have all that which could be done with a right click from a selected unit's pop up menu, in a dozed buttons cramming the screen, along with stupidly inserted data, which can be displayed much more simply if wanted... Games like TOAW, and back in the day, the original Panzer General Series, or the Combat Mission series, or even the Squad leader series, have good intuitive controls... But why oh why, does B of B II, have to be so nebulous in it's controls??? Anyway, enough of the moaning, and looking forward for the air war europe new edition!!! Remember, circa 50 000 guys (And this is counting RAF losses only)got killed in the sky's of Europe at Night! Not to mention the Civilian losses... So, I hope that this desperate battle that was waged longer and was more costly in lives than the battle of the Atlantic (The U-boat menace from 40 to 43), should be in there as a very flexible (meaning that the player should be able to do things with the RAF bomber command fleet, differently than they used it, especially after say, mid 44, when a completely new direcion should have taken place, even daylight bombing isnt a mad idea! And there was a slightly silent, but still I think a rather irritating 'mini campaign' going on close to the Norwegian waters, where RAF Mosquito's and Beaufighters made raids on Commercial shipping... The Mosquito alone did so many things from a Night fighter hunting German night fighers, to a Bomber that could haul a 5 tonne 'cookie' to central Germany, to a daylight figher-bomber, to a photo-recon to a long range weather monitor plane, somethign that the USAAF used to see what the weather was like over their targets too until later in the war I suppose... It was a mossie flewn by a Canadian which gave the news to the Overlord 'crew', that there was a lull coming in the storm, that made IKE make his historical desicion to go... And that's only one plane folks!!! Anyway, I just hope that the European ww2 air war version 2, will be as infested with the jist of that huge combat that saw about 250 000 men die in the skies of Europe, as can be! Best of luck, and please let me know when I can order mine, meanwhile I live in hope that the Vietnam air war will arrive soon... Mr Poundr.
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< Message edited by 17poundr -- 9/26/2007 6:58:20 PM >
Omnia mutantur, nihil interit. "Gunner, panzer eleven 'o' clock, shoot"!