Posts: 4845
Joined: 8/5/2007 From: Denver Status: offline
Thanks for the tips guys I'm trying hard to get a good grasp on this so I can start playing PBEM and at least provide a challenge With that in mind, let me ask a few more questions. I came due to upgrade Enterprise & Saratoga. I sent them back to SF for yard work. SF has it's base plus 4 AR's in it. I try to keep the strain of repair off of this yard by shipping the smaller ships such as cruisers, AKs etc to the other ports, but it has been 32 days and these guys are still at 4 in SYS. I read some of the other threads on repair, but I don't seem to be getting my pointy head properly around the concept. Any tips/clues/strategies in repair would be appreciated. On another note, I bombed Rabaul & Lae into the Stone age prior to an assault planned towards the end of March '43 on both. This has really put a strain on my bomber force in PM, which is maxed in Airfield capacity & support. I also have some new squadrons in the US that have been sitting at Seattle under Traing lvl 10% but are not getting to full strength. Again, any tips/clues/strategies in repair would be appreciated. Lastly, I took the northern Japanese port of Toyonora (sp). I have repaired the damage to the port, I have the port at lvl 4, and I have 1 16 plane B17 bomber group bombing northern Japan. I notice I am getting no repair points from this harbor when looking at anchored ships even though it shows an icon with a repair yard with 100 points. When can I expect to have a forward repair yard (if ever). And what is a good target to begin Strategic Bombing? Manpower, the Mitsibishi factory, Shipyards, Merchant Marine yards etc? Sorry for all the questions, and I really do appreciate feedback.