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RE: COG2? - 8/31/2007 10:11:53 PM   


Posts: 240
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I think the complexity of the COG economy is fine, but the sliders where a little bit cumbersome means to fine tune it. The UI in FOF was a big improvement in my eyes, not only on the economy side. I would like to see the UI improvements and brigade level detailed combat with an instant battle option implemented in COG 2. And if you really want to make me happy, please include detailed naval battles, I would like to see and play your solution to this.

One thing I do not understand quite well up to now. Why did you choose in COG and FOF a strict order of movement for the units. I always liked to decide myself the sequence of activation. You could even implement it in a way, where one player has a designated number of units to move and then the other to represent a different initiative. Perhaps it could be implemented as an option to FOF and COG 2.

Keep up the good work!

(in reply to ericbabe)
Post #: 31
RE: COG2? - 9/1/2007 2:59:31 AM   

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I think j is onto something - more of the same.

The diplomatic system is awesome, and a major differentiator from other games - so lets make it even more so by supporting more treaty types, more enemy play styles (hey, craft parameters for an enemy player, and share them with other players. Allow for the "ruler" to be changed during the game...).

The economic system appeals lots to this audience, but it could use a little help to reduce repetative interface action, and the thinking behind some FoF concepts has ideas that could be added.

And so on.

(BTW, I don't play FoF. I tried, but I just didn't enjoy it.  The multiplayer aspect of COG is a key thing to me, with the diplomatic aspect, and the actions you take while NOT at war.)



(in reply to Motomouse)
Post #: 32
RE: COG2? - 9/1/2007 4:11:18 AM   

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ORIGINAL: Motomouse
One thing I do not understand quite well up to now. Why did you choose in COG and FOF a strict order of movement for the units. I always liked to decide myself the sequence of activation. You could even implement it in a way, where one player has a designated number of units to move and then the other to represent a different initiative. Perhaps it could be implemented as an option to FOF and COG 2.

I'd be interested to hear what other people think about this. It wouldn't be too hard to allow people to click on a unit and activate that one to move. Honestly I did the fixed order because I thought this would be better for the AI -- the AI isn't going to be able to choose which units to move first very intelligently.

We could go with a system in which players flip for initiative (with big modifiers for generals' stats) and then the winner can either choose to delay 'til after the other player or would just move all his units before the other player. I like the interleaved method because it keeps all the players in an m-player game engaged, but most players play against the AI.

Anyway, more feedback on this would be greatly welcome.


(in reply to Motomouse)
Post #: 33
RE: COG2? - 9/1/2007 7:04:12 AM   

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I don't have an issue with the random move order.  I think it adds an welcome element of uncertainty to tactical combat.  Letting players pick the order gives too much control.  Battles are by their nature very chaotic and difficult to control as such.

Plus you can always delay a unit, at a certain cost.


Streaming as "Grognerd" at

(in reply to ericbabe)
Post #: 34
RE: COG2? - 9/1/2007 3:09:39 PM   


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I agree. It does help to accurately reflect the uncertainty of battle orders/timings even for the best led armies whilst ensuring that corps formations move together. It seems to work equally well for FOF with its greater and more varied leadership/unit qualities so should be fine for COG2.

(in reply to jimwinsor)
Post #: 35
RE: COG2? - 9/1/2007 8:48:20 PM   
Russian Guard

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And I third the idea of leaving this as is. I agree with all points made (reflecting uncertainty of battle, etc).

As an aside, the issue of wanting more control over unit movement might (don't mean to speak for otheres) be tied to those infrequent but very annoying times when the initial deployment of forces in Detailed Combat sets your forces too close to the enemy (sometimes literally adjacent) and the AI moves first, charging your exposed Artillery and otherwise mangling your forces before you have a chance to form an order of battle.

I'm hoping that CoGII has a better initial set-up routine, as FoF seems to have.

(in reply to Ironclad)
Post #: 36
RE: COG2? - 9/1/2007 9:48:38 PM   

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From: Marietta, GA
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I'll be the contrarian again.  I would prefer to be able to choose the movement order.  I want a game that is challenging because the AI opponent makes good moves, not because it forces me to make my moves in a scrambled order.  Being told when to move each piece isn't at all realistic, it is just a poor UI. 

(in reply to Russian Guard)
Post #: 37
RE: COG2? - 9/1/2007 10:18:23 PM   

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From: Marietta, GA
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Let me touch a bit more on the "harder economy" model. 

Lots of resources work well in a game with heavy diplomacy and trade.  No one should have everything they need - getting what you need is part of the strategy and therefore part of the fun.  Next, more resources should need to be processed into finished goods.  Cotton/wool is processed into textiles (and those either need to be combined or there needs to be a real difference between them).  Iron should likewise be milled into steel.  And then those processed goods are what really drive an economy, so Turkey might have lots of resources but lack in processing while England would be in the opposite situation.

One of the great things about the game was that you could establish recurring trading treaties, so you don't have to micromanage trade every turn.   But you do have to be wary of it when dealing with geopolitics, as it should be.

Provinces should be "good" at something.  You shouldn't be able to just easily build more banks or factories everywhere.  What if there were a strict limit and building something required you to lose something else?  So to expand your factory, you might lose a farm.  That would lead to further specialization in provinces, which isn't necessarily a bad thing.  All-in-all though, the buildings do need work.  They were not consistently valuable and it is likely worth thinking through what economic expansion looks like before redefining their benefits.

Waste should be reworked.  The cliff style drop-offs are silly.  I understand the intention of keeping anyone from growing too large, but losing 90% of production after you hit threshhold X just isn't logical.  At a minimum, the curves should be significantly smoother.  But I'd prefer to see waste (if it remains in the game at all) to have a much a less pronounced role.

Peace treaties definitely need work.  There needs to be a much higher "cost" for annexing a territory with which you do not have a border and there should be additional admin/carrying costs to incent logical expansion policies.  The patchwork of who owned what got pretty silly in CoG.

Prisoners and depots were both removed from FoF.  I wonder what this group thinks of their removal.  Keep or lose them in CoG2?  I see arguments both ways.

As Ralegh indicated, diplomacy was a BIG element of the game and it should be highlighted and further improved.

(in reply to jchastain)
Post #: 38
RE: COG2? - 9/1/2007 10:56:57 PM   

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The most important thing to figure out is what the best improvements might be.  The cold reality is that expansions like this only make a fraction of what the original product did, so we can't spend as much time on "COG2" as we did on the original.  I wish we'd make enough that we could spend a year or two on this, but we just can't afford to do it.  So perhaps more important than generating long wish-lists is to identify the 10 improvements that you'd most like to see.


(in reply to jchastain)
Post #: 39
RE: COG2? - 9/2/2007 3:22:24 AM   


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Responding to eric's post by identifying a few key improvements I'd like to see:

First of all, I think the economic model is fine. Go ahead and improve the UI if you can--otherwise, I think the only problem is that you need to create a good tutorial that shows how to work the economy. I figured it out by playing the game, and I think some people don't like doing it that way. But just reading it in the instruction manual is not good preparation.

Aside from that, I'd like to see most of the improvements focused on tactical gameplay. I mentioned a possibly model for completely redesigning tactical combat, but you can't really do that in an expansion (which is a shame, because that Napoleon: 1813 tac combat was a really cool idea in a really bad game). I'd like to see artillery handled differently, i.e. in units that can be stacked with other units. Armies sometimes did concentrate artillery on the battlefield (Nappy in particular), but having divisions of artillery moving around is not realistic. I'd also like to see something done with supply during battles. I don't know what, but I hate those supply units as they are. And of course everyone wants tactical naval battles, so I don't have to mention that, but I will mention another of my hopes for the "improved COG": GET THE POW's OFF THE MAP. I also mentioned this before. I'm tired of capturing a bunch of prisoners, only to have a lone cavalry division wander into my country (which would never have happened in real life) to liberate them, and instantly form a very large hostile army in my country where I have no forces. I can only think of a single instance where POW's ended up armed and fighting in the country where they were held prisoner, and it was over 100 years after the this game takes place. Prisoners should be kept track of on the diplomacy screen--exchanges should be allowed during wartime if both sides agree, in which case the troops exchanged can appear at their nation's capital in a certain number of months. Otherwise, prisoners are not released until peace is made (when they are released automatically.

(in reply to ericbabe)
Post #: 40
RE: COG2? - 9/2/2007 1:44:21 PM   


Posts: 240
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Besides an UI brushup (better handling of sliders, higher resolution options) I would opt for an improvement of the visual representation in the detailed battles. Even if you stick to the division scale, you could just change from one icon per unit and formation represented by the symbols to a unifed depiction like FOF (I think thats one aspect that also made steel panthers great, its quite immersive and also very practical to identify the men count via the picture).

I think your detailed combat system (especially in the FOF iteration) would justify an editor to setup historical battles outside of the strategic part (which I love by the way). Especially with the very good morale system (and the different armament options & unit traits in FOF). But perhaps this would be the way to go for a next game, not an addon.

A second thought on the free movement order, easy to implement as an option. (Campaign Series, Steel Panthers, Guns of August, For Liberty!, WITP, Battlefront, ... each on has got the free movement order ... a cry for freedom )


(in reply to augustus)
Post #: 41
RE: COG2? - 9/2/2007 2:09:39 PM   

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I think that most of us agree when it comes to waste. But regarding provinces: they are already "good" at something, may it be wool or wood. What you propose would remodel the simpler economy of FoF, where you can produce either iron or money etc.
I would not mind to loose prisoners or make them abstract, but I vote for keeping depots.


"War is the field of chance."
Carl von Clausewitz

(in reply to jchastain)
Post #: 42
RE: COG2? - 9/2/2007 7:46:37 PM   

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ORIGINAL: ericbabe

The most important thing to figure out is what the best improvements might be.  The cold reality is that expansions like this only make a fraction of what the original product did, so we can't spend as much time on "COG2" as we did on the original.  I wish we'd make enough that we could spend a year or two on this, but we just can't afford to do it.  So perhaps more important than generating long wish-lists is to identify the 10 improvements that you'd most like to see.

1. Detailed naval ship combat, on a 1 ship = 1 ship scale. Which BTW I think would greatly help overcome the "sequel-itis" problem you mention, because other than the rather poorly done Age of Sail (also discussed here on the Matrix forums) there has never been a good computer game covering this topic.

If you really get the detail and feel of wooden ship naval combat done right (which, given the current hex war engine, I think is VERY do-able!) you would fill a niche that could well attract gamers who would not otherwise be attracted to a mostly land-lubber COG sequel.

2. More detailed colonial warfare. Rather than just totally abstracting using the "Colonial Warfare" upgrade as in COG1, add off map boxes representing the major colonial holdings of the powers back then (ie, Canada, the US, various lucrative Caribbean islands, Spanish colonial American colonies, Dutch South Africa, Mauritius, India, etc...). Colonial warfare would be fought (and traded thru treaties) semi-abstractly through in these boxes (the War of 1812 would be fought in these boxes, for example).


Streaming as "Grognerd" at

(in reply to ericbabe)
Post #: 43
RE: COG2? - 9/2/2007 10:30:14 PM   

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Detailed naval is definitely something we're working on.

What does everybody else think of the colonial-boxes idea?  The biggest work would be on the AI for these, and maybe the UI for moving units back and forth from them and the main map.


(in reply to jimwinsor)
Post #: 44
RE: COG2? - 9/2/2007 10:30:29 PM   

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ORIGINAL: jkBluesman

I think that most of us agree when it comes to waste. But regarding provinces: they are already "good" at something, may it be wool or wood. What you propose would remodel the simpler economy of FoF, where you can produce either iron or money etc.
I would not mind to loose prisoners or make them abstract, but I vote for keeping depots.

We could also identify which types of developments provinces are good at in addition to which resources they are good at producing. Really it'd be more like making some provinces "bad" at producing some developments. One of my gripes is that it's too easy to build up the economy as Turkey or Russia (for instance).


(in reply to jkBluesman)
Post #: 45
RE: COG2? - 9/2/2007 10:32:18 PM   

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ORIGINAL: augustus

Responding to eric's post by identifying a few key improvements I'd like to see:

First of all, I think the economic model is fine. Go ahead and improve the UI if you can--otherwise, I think the only problem is that you need to create a good tutorial that shows how to work the economy. I figured it out by playing the game, and I think some people don't like doing it that way. But just reading it in the instruction manual is not good preparation.

Aside from that, I'd like to see most of the improvements focused on tactical gameplay. I mentioned a possibly model for completely redesigning tactical combat, but you can't really do that in an expansion (which is a shame, because that Napoleon: 1813 tac combat was a really cool idea in a really bad game). I'd like to see artillery handled differently, i.e. in units that can be stacked with other units. Armies sometimes did concentrate artillery on the battlefield (Nappy in particular), but having divisions of artillery moving around is not realistic. I'd also like to see something done with supply during battles. I don't know what, but I hate those supply units as they are. And of course everyone wants tactical naval battles, so I don't have to mention that, but I will mention another of my hopes for the "improved COG": GET THE POW's OFF THE MAP. I also mentioned this before. I'm tired of capturing a bunch of prisoners, only to have a lone cavalry division wander into my country (which would never have happened in real life) to liberate them, and instantly form a very large hostile army in my country where I have no forces. I can only think of a single instance where POW's ended up armed and fighting in the country where they were held prisoner, and it was over 100 years after the this game takes place. Prisoners should be kept track of on the diplomacy screen--exchanges should be allowed during wartime if both sides agree, in which case the troops exchanged can appear at their nation's capital in a certain number of months. Otherwise, prisoners are not released until peace is made (when they are released automatically.

A lone cavalry unit shouldn't be able to liberate POWs that are under guard by one of your divisions (not in garrison). So just keep a division or two watching them and they should be OK. I've never had the problem of POWs spontaneously liberated in my territory, though I've occasionally lost them shortly after I captured them while trying to transport them back.

I can understand players not wanting to have to deal with POWs though.


(in reply to augustus)
Post #: 46
RE: COG2? - 9/3/2007 3:11:52 AM   


Posts: 240
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colonial "boxes" - good idea, (perhaps very similar for the ai like a province, you get your forces there with the navy, some special rules for the retreat and combat apply) - many good player decisions necessary

... furthermore possible detailed naval battles and colonial warfare, that's a nice pair


< Message edited by Motomouse -- 9/3/2007 3:13:58 AM >

(in reply to ericbabe)
Post #: 47
RE: COG2? - 9/3/2007 7:11:56 AM   

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It's funny I can't recall a single instance in the Napoleonic Wars where the possibility of large scale prisoner rescues were present.

I can think of at least two such instances during the ACW, OTOH: Kilpatrick's raid on Richmond, and the emergency relocation of Andersonville after the fall of Atlanta.

Yep, paradoxically, we have rescueable POWs in CoG, yet not in FoF!

I'd just take POWs out of CoG2. Consider adding them to FoF2! 


Streaming as "Grognerd" at

(in reply to Motomouse)
Post #: 48
RE: COG2? - 9/3/2007 10:12:01 AM   

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ORIGINAL: jimwinsor

It's funny I can't recall a single instance in the Napoleonic Wars where the possibility of large scale prisoner rescues were present.

Do you (or others) know anything about large scale prisoner exchanges during that period?


"War is the field of chance."
Carl von Clausewitz

(in reply to jimwinsor)
Post #: 49
RE: COG2? - 9/3/2007 9:57:43 PM   

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What does everybody else think of the colonial-boxes idea? The biggest work would be on the AI for these, and maybe the UI for moving units back and forth from them and the main map.

I like it: I think it makes a good amount of sense, and adds some period flavor. The difficulty would be how to link the boxes to the main map. For example, which provinces link to the 'far east'? Is there an overland route? It cannot be not too complicated.

IMHO, it could make sense to have colonial forces represented as just a lump sum in a single abstract container. (Sort of like how SMAC handled satellites and satellite combat.) Each country can build 'colonies' and 'colonial forces'. But each is just a number - there is no map. Maybe you can put them into assorted geographic categories (far east, new world, india, etc.) The player gets revenue from the # of colonies. The total number of colonies is limited.
Once two empires go to war, their colonial forces automatically fight. All colonial forces are equal in value. When colonial forces fight, they just flip a coin and either destroy an enemy unit, or capture or destroy an enemy unit or are destroyed themselves. Colonial forces are consumed when they convert enemy colonies diminishing Colonial and forces. (Sorry if this is poor / unclear description.)

< Message edited by pixelpusher -- 9/3/2007 9:58:23 PM >


(in reply to ericbabe)
Post #: 50
RE: COG2? - 9/3/2007 10:06:36 PM   

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ORIGINAL: jimwinsor I can think of at least two such instances during the ACW, OTOH: Kilpatrick's raid on Richmond, and the emergency relocation of Andersonville after the fall of Atlanta. Yep, paradoxically, we have rescueable POWs in CoG, yet not in FoF! I'd just take POWs out of CoG2. Consider adding them to FoF2!

I agree... It would make more sense to have POWs in FoF. Plus, there are game in mechanics in FoF that could work to strip prisoners of their combat ability. They can loose all their guns. Their quality could drop by some large amount (like half). They could go to a prison camp building in a capitol, or become a military unit, say in a fort. None of which is possible in CoG.


(in reply to jimwinsor)
Post #: 51
RE: COG2? - 9/4/2007 8:29:30 PM   

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The reason that we have POWs in COG is that you get them back after the war is over -- if the enemy has a large number of your troops as POWs, it's an incentive to surrender to that opponent to get them back.  In FOF, when one side loses the war, the game is over -- there's no expectation of getting your POWs back and then continuing on to invade Canada or Mexico with them -- and so there's much less of a reason to have POWs in FOF than in COG, as far as I'm concerned.


(in reply to pixelpusher)
Post #: 52
RE: COG2? - 9/6/2007 4:58:51 AM   
Russian Guard

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ORIGINAL: ericbabe

Detailed naval is definitely something we're working on.

What does everybody else think of the colonial-boxes idea?  The biggest work would be on the AI for these, and maybe the UI for moving units back and forth from them and the main map.

I am a strong supporter of an enhanced Naval side of the game, and agree this will add a real value to any expansion. If possible, I'd like to see a scaling down of fleet sizes to make for a bit more historical battle sizes.

I had not considered expanding Colonial management/warfare - this sounds interesting, I like it. Might be a good idea to have this as an "on/off" feature, given that some already think the game is too complex.

Some items on my personal preference list:

Detailed Naval

More Commanders - Of course I'll just mod them in if you refuse But it would be nice if they were official.
(If you are interested, why not start a thread like you did in FoF, asking players for their recommended Commanders and stats?)

New Commander Abilities - a few ideas:

Rearguard - cuts down on losses in Quick Battle and Detailed Battle - Ney, Bagration
Artillery Commander - adds small morale bonus and movement bonus to Art, less likely to be captured if charged
Infantry Commander - Adds combat bonus to Infantry charges of the Division this Commander is with, and provides a chance to remain ordered (similar to a cavalry Commander)
Battlefield Prep (use of terrain) - perhaps Wellington? Any commander who excelled in defensive terrain tactics (flechettes, reverse slope, etc) Adds a defensive bonus against casualties
Personal Bravery (Heroism) - adds an additional attack bonus to a Cavalry/Infantry charge as applicable, but chances of Commander death doubled
Just some ideas...

And here's a novel thought - how about a cpl bad ones? Might be silly idea but:
Unreliable - Bernadotte? Small chance his troops won't arrive if called for as reinforcements
Drunkard - OK just kidding...

Power Settings - Put the +3/-3 Power settings back into the game set-up

Tiered Upgrades - discussed this in a different thread -

Limit Size of Minor Country Armies - as discussed in other threads - Minor Countries generate way too many troops over time. A cap of some sort (even if artificial, such as a 2 Divisions cap or enough to fill a Corps for those Countries who begin the game with an Army/Corps [Batavia, Bavaria, Portugal, Denmark, Saxony, etc] ) should be in place. That Country should only generate more Divisions if some are lost in battle.

edit: added to list

< Message edited by Russian Guard -- 9/6/2007 5:54:40 AM >

(in reply to ericbabe)
Post #: 53
RE: COG2? - 9/6/2007 4:22:30 PM   

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So far we're definitely working on the naval side of things, and will be adding a simplified economic mode for those who want it.

We're experimenting with creating a more detailed map -- once we finish our mockups maybe we can post our proposed new version and you all can comment on it.  We'll also work on at least two new scenarios (1803 and 1812, I think).

I'd like to add at least the major historical events as game events, both as a way to make the game even more replayable but also to add some additional historical flavor.  We found a great book that's a sort of scholarly musing on Napoleonic era "what if's", and so we may take inspiration from this either to create some "what if" type scenarios or even events.

I'd like to "script" the strategic AI a bit more, for instance, so that Turkey doesn't do much beyond fighting border wars with Austria and Russia, Spain doesn't launch an invasion of Russia, so Tunisian privateers stay in the Mediterranean, and perhaps hard-code the protectorate rules so that the Ottomans don't get, say, protectorates along the Rhineland.  Right now the AI just plays to try to win the game; I'd like to give the AI a little more of its historical personality/motivations.

We want to make some change to the protectorate system.  Capping their armies is a definite.  We may have to change the rules on conquering/freeing protectorates.  Possibly give diplomats one or two more options for dealing with protectorates.

On the new map, we're going to experiment with adding five "colonial zones" along the left edge.  They'll have names like "Pacific Ocean Colonial Zone" and "Indian Ocean Colonial Zone."  They'll be naval movement areas.  The idea is that you can move merchant ships, privateers, frigates, and maybe even ships-of-the-line into them in order to increase and interdict colonial income and to expand your colonial holdings.  If it works out, this will hopefully dovetail nicely with the enhanced naval rules, giving the smaller ships an enhanced role in the game.  I want to avoid putting too much emphasis on the colonies as I'm not sure too many people want to play out a Napoleonic game in which France regularly launches an invasion of British India (even though Napoleon actively planned to do just this thing.)

I'd like to give generals a stronger role in the game and to add many more special abilities for generals.

Special abilities for units is a strong candidate for the expansion as well, but we need to compile a proposed list before making a decision on this.

Some enhancement to the upgrades system also is a strong candidate.


(in reply to Russian Guard)
Post #: 54
RE: COG2? - 9/6/2007 5:25:09 PM   

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ORIGINAL: ericbabe

I'd like to add at least the major historical events as game events, both as a way to make the game even more replayable but also to add some additional historical flavor. We found a great book that's a sort of scholarly musing on Napoleonic era "what if's", and so we may take inspiration from this either to create some "what if" type scenarios or even events.

Which book is it? Is it Joathan North (ed.): "Napoleon Options: Alternate Decisions of the Napoleonic Wars"?

(in reply to ericbabe)
Post #: 55
RE: COG2? - 9/6/2007 7:40:03 PM   

Posts: 2164
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From: Marietta, GA
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I very much like the idea of the colonial boxes.

I understand the intent of having prisoners released at the end of the war.  However, the mechanics could easily be abstracted so that prisoners counts are maintained but not represented as units on the map.  Prisoners would then be released whenever peace was declared or all provinces were captured.  I'm not the historian, but if it was done then you might even add a prison exchange diplomatic option so that treaties could include the release of officers or troops without a peace.

(in reply to jkBluesman)
Post #: 56
RE: COG2? - 9/6/2007 11:13:32 PM   
Russian Guard

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ORIGINAL: ericbabe

We're experimenting with creating a more detailed map -- We'll also work on at least two new scenarios (1803 and 1812, I think)

I'd like to add at least the major historical events as game events

I'd like to "script" the strategic AI a bit more, for instance, so that Turkey doesn't do much beyond fighting border wars with Austria and Russia, Spain doesn't launch an invasion of Russia, so Tunisian privateers stay in the Mediterranean, and perhaps hard-code the protectorate rules so that the Ottomans don't get, say, protectorates along the Rhineland

We want to make some change to the protectorate system

On the new map, we're going to experiment with adding five "colonial zones" along the left edge.  They'll have names like "Pacific Ocean Colonial Zone" and "Indian Ocean Colonial Zone."   If it works out, this will hopefully dovetail nicely with the enhanced naval rules, giving the smaller ships an enhanced role in the game.  I want to avoid putting too much emphasis on the colonies

I'd like to give generals a stronger role in the game and to add many more special abilities for generals

Special abilities for units is a strong candidate for the expansion as well, but we need to compile a proposed list before making a decision on this

Some enhancement to the upgrades system also is a strong candidate

Everything here sounds outstanding.

I love the idea of a more detailed map. Originally I liked the period simplicity of the current map but over time it has grown a bit "flat".

New scenarios - great, especially 1803 IMO.

Historical events - like the idea, would only humbly suggest that their influence be marginal and mostly for flavor (in actual historical scenarios), or able to be turned on/off otherwise.

Glorious, the idea of scripting a more historical A.I. behavior. An A.I. Turkey (for example) should have a legit shot to win the game without having to manage the same kind of successes on the battlefield and in conquest as say, France or England.

Kudo's on the suggested Protectorate changes - and it always bothered me seeing a Turkish Hesse or Mecklenburg

Ideas on Colonial look good. Agreed to keep this from becoming too much of a focus.

Adding generals and stronger roles/abilities for Generals is something I've long humbly advocated.

Question - Any chance of General promotions? When I modded in a number of generals I had to choose whether to bring them in early, when they were one-stars, or much later after they were promoted to two-stars - no option to promote. Also, a way to remove Generals. When I tried to set up a 23 year game from 1792 to 1815, you can mod in the required generals (oh, such as Napoleon) as time progresses, but you are stuck with 90 year old Generals still in the game in 1815.

This is a great post Eric, I hope these things make it through to implementation.

< Message edited by Russian Guard -- 9/6/2007 11:16:06 PM >

(in reply to ericbabe)
Post #: 57
RE: COG2? - 9/6/2007 11:25:12 PM   

Posts: 2164
Joined: 8/8/2003
From: Marietta, GA
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ORIGINAL: Russian Guard

Kudo's on the suggested Protectorate changes - and it always bothered me seeing a Turkish Hesse or Mecklenburg

Yep. I can't stress enough the need to have nations expand in logical ways. When demanding a province, I still believe the cost should be

1x normal if the nations share a land border (ie. are right next to each other).
1.5x normal if they do not share a land border but do both border the same sea province.
3x normal if none of the above are true.

(in reply to Russian Guard)
Post #: 58
RE: COG2? - 9/7/2007 12:53:44 AM   

Posts: 32
Joined: 7/2/2005
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ORIGINAL: ericbabe

So far we're definitely working on the naval side of things, and will be adding a simplified economic mode for those who want it.

We're experimenting with creating a more detailed map -- once we finish our mockups maybe we can post our proposed new version and you all can comment on it.  We'll also work on at least two new scenarios (1803 and 1812, I think).

I'd like to add at least the major historical events as game events, both as a way to make the game even more replayable but also to add some additional historical flavor.  We found a great book that's a sort of scholarly musing on Napoleonic era "what if's", and so we may take inspiration from this either to create some "what if" type scenarios or even events.

I'd like to "script" the strategic AI a bit more, for instance, so that Turkey doesn't do much beyond fighting border wars with Austria and Russia, Spain doesn't launch an invasion of Russia, so Tunisian privateers stay in the Mediterranean, and perhaps hard-code the protectorate rules so that the Ottomans don't get, say, protectorates along the Rhineland.  Right now the AI just plays to try to win the game; I'd like to give the AI a little more of its historical personality/motivations.

We want to make some change to the protectorate system.  Capping their armies is a definite.  We may have to change the rules on conquering/freeing protectorates.  Possibly give diplomats one or two more options for dealing with protectorates.

On the new map, we're going to experiment with adding five "colonial zones" along the left edge.  They'll have names like "Pacific Ocean Colonial Zone" and "Indian Ocean Colonial Zone."  They'll be naval movement areas.  The idea is that you can move merchant ships, privateers, frigates, and maybe even ships-of-the-line into them in order to increase and interdict colonial income and to expand your colonial holdings.  If it works out, this will hopefully dovetail nicely with the enhanced naval rules, giving the smaller ships an enhanced role in the game.  I want to avoid putting too much emphasis on the colonies as I'm not sure too many people want to play out a Napoleonic game in which France regularly launches an invasion of British India (even though Napoleon actively planned to do just this thing.)

I'd like to give generals a stronger role in the game and to add many more special abilities for generals.

Special abilities for units is a strong candidate for the expansion as well, but we need to compile a proposed list before making a decision on this.

Some enhancement to the upgrades system also is a strong candidate.

Sorry to say, this post has made me lose all interest in CoG. To me you are adding additional chrome, while basic problems go unfixed. I'm sure many people will like CoG, but I think I'll leave it on the shelf.

Good luck!

(in reply to ericbabe)
Post #: 59
RE: COG2? - 9/7/2007 4:25:43 AM   


Posts: 814
Joined: 1/31/2002
From: Central Texas
Status: offline

ORIGINAL: ericbabe

You might have the impression that COG players love complexity, but we did get a lot of complaints about the complexity level of the economy, moreso when the game was first released.  I'd say this forum was nearly evenly split on the economy overall, but outside this forum I'd say that opinions are clearly tilted against the complexity of the economy.

How bizarre. I have always thought the economy in CoG was quite simple. I made a cheat sheet once that covered the two or three key levels for the construction of certain units like heavy artillery or bonuses and a note on the waste rules. After that, Europe was at my feet.

< Message edited by solops -- 9/7/2007 4:28:15 AM >

(in reply to ericbabe)
Post #: 60
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