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RE: x.786 (former x.7852) To release plus 12 hours

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All Forums >> [Current Games From Matrix.] >> [World War II] >> War In The Pacific - Struggle Against Japan 1941 - 1945 >> Scenario Design >> RE: x.786 (former x.7852) To release plus 12 hours Page: <<   < prev  1 [2] 3   next >   >>
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RE: x.786 (former x.7852) To release plus 12 hours - 10/29/2007 7:39:30 AM   

Posts: 9869
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Thanks Sid.  

Have a cup of coffee on me.


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Post #: 31
RE: x.786 (former x.7852) To release plus 12 hours - 10/29/2007 7:44:05 AM   
John 3rd

Posts: 17178
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From: La Salle, Colorado
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We vote for Level SEVEN!  That would be S E V E N....

I'm planning to base the entire Combined Fleet at Madagascar in 1944-45 so Michael won't be able to sink it.  They will fly the French Tricolor which should confuse Allied Intelligence and then when the time is RIGHT....

Sounds like a plan to me---What say you Michael?


Member: Treaty, Reluctant Admiral and Between the Storms Mod Team.

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Post #: 32
RE: x.786 (former x.7852) To release plus 12 hours - 10/29/2007 11:15:00 AM   

Posts: 8622
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From: Dismal Seepage Indiana
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If another manufacturing plant were needed in the U.S., Willow Run sounds so "right"...


(in reply to John 3rd)
Post #: 33
RE: x.786 (former x.7852) To release plus 12 hours - 10/29/2007 1:07:55 PM   
el cid again


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Actually - the Willow Run plant is now added - at "Salt Lake City" - which is the primary location of "industry to the East" in RHS. Another such location (in Level 7) is New Orleans (it changes in Levels 5 and 6 to other locations on the map edge). Willow Run is one of the main points where the B-24 is made - actually Ford not only makes planes but kits for two other companies to assemble. There is also B-24 production in California, but more of it is in Michigan, Texas and one other state (Kansas?).

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Post #: 34
RE: x.786 (former x.7852) To release plus 12 hours - 10/29/2007 1:14:10 PM   
el cid again


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ORIGINAL: John 3rd

We vote for Level SEVEN!  That would be S E V E N....

I'm planning to base the entire Combined Fleet at Madagascar in 1944-45 so Michael won't be able to sink it.  They will fly the French Tricolor which should confuse Allied Intelligence and then when the time is RIGHT....

Sounds like a plan to me---What say you Michael?

This is - I hope - meant in jest. When I added the Madagascar mini map (with Cobra - it was HIS dream to do so) we concocted a rule meant to insure this is a sideshow:

while the ALLIES can sail battleships and carriers onto, through, into, out of, name it this mini-map, the JAPANESE may NOT sail anything "bigger than a CL" - which includes CA, BB, BC, CV and CVL - at a minimum - and may include a CVS - but that is deliberately left undefined. [There is an Allied CVS at Capetown for one thing. While the whole idea of Japanese surface forces in this area seems a poor one to me - IF one is sent - it MIGHT reasonably include a CVS to compensate for the (somewhat dubious) value of HMS (former HMAS) Albatross. Its "air group" is pretty much meaningless IMHO - but neither is the air group of a Japanese CVS particularly powerful.] Since the Allies WERE worried Japan might send powerful air, land and surface forces to base on Madagascar - that is why they invaded the place - we hardly can say they cannot send anything. It is a very difficult problem - for both sides - at least early in the war - and that is why it is there: a distraction likely to require some diversion of assets to address. But distance probably means that the Allies will end up in control of this area - unless they are very poorly managed. That being the case, I don't expect Japan to send a lot of stuff likely to get lost. It really sent submarines - and I bet most players do that too.

(in reply to John 3rd)
Post #: 35
RE: x.786 (former x.7852) To release plus 12 hours - 10/29/2007 1:17:48 PM   
el cid again


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There are changes to Allied aircraft.

I had no place to produce the Mossy bomber. Research indicates it never got to the area - nor can I find a plan to send it either. But I found it introduced the later AI radar - so I removed that radar from the Beaufighter - and put in the Mossy Night Fighter. Since it also never made PTO - it arrives in August in strictly historical CVO and BBO families - in June in EOS and in July in EEO. [The war in Europe ends in June in EOS and July in EEO - because less is sent to ETO in them] This gives British night fighter units something to upgrade to that is not quite so awful.

I also removed the AI radar from the Ki-45 night fighter - because - with a single exception - it never carried any. This aircraft is found in CVO and BBO family scenarios.

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Post #: 36
RE: 7.786 (former x.7852) packaged and uploading - 10/29/2007 9:10:10 PM   
el cid again


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I did everything except create special pack divisions - which remain indistinguishable from draft in terms of lift or supply requirements (althought they only have mountain artillery).

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Post #: 37
RE: 7.786 (former x.7852) packaged and uploading - 10/29/2007 10:07:01 PM   

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Is this the correct link to the updated versions??


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Post #: 38
RE: 7.786 (former x.7852) packaged and uploading - 10/29/2007 10:32:33 PM   
el cid again


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Negative. I do NOT post to the RHS site - and do not even know how! I send scenarios to Cobra who then does two different things:

1) He creates a link and posts it for Sendspace

2) He thinks about if this is the time to update the RHS site - which cannot handle a lot of updates all the time.

Actually - I send scenarios to a primary distribution list: those on the list get the scenarios directly, as soon as they upload - delayed only by the latency of the ISPs involved. If you want to be on that list - send an email to Also - Mifune, Cobra, WITPQS and sometimes I think AKWarrior send things on request. If nothing else works - I can send you what you need - always. I am on the net around the clock: when I went on vacation Joe quipped that global internet thruput doubled - just because I was not able to be on it all the time! I run a global group on China - I was married there - and in the Clinton era official agencies were more or less forbidden to raise any concerns about the place (to the point that you lost you job if you did) - so my group is a focus point for academics, soldiers, intel types, and authors who have some concerns. Most of the members are ethnic Chinese or married to ethnic Chinese - so we are not actually anti-Chinese either. Anyway - RHS is not all that I do on the net. But I check email and the Forum at least every 6 hours.

< Message edited by el cid again -- 10/29/2007 10:36:34 PM >

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Post #: 39
RE: 7.786 (former x.7852) packaged and uploading - 10/30/2007 5:13:13 AM   
John 3rd

Posts: 17178
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From: La Salle, Colorado
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Are we posted yet?

I was being FUNNY about my Imperial Fleet comment although perhaps I could send them to New Orleans for Mardi Gras.


Member: Treaty, Reluctant Admiral and Between the Storms Mod Team.

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Post #: 40
RE: 7.786 (former x.7852) packaged and uploading - 10/30/2007 5:27:36 AM   
el cid again


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We are uploaded. I am not in Australia and I don't know what Cobra's status is - HE does the posting. Meanwhile you have to get things from someone on the primary distribution list.

I thought you might be being funny. Same same for New Orleans - the Japanese are not permitted on the ship tracks approaching it - or indeed in the Caribbean Sea (but they CAN take Panama - and they CAN send ANY SORT OF SHIP to Panama to try - a dangerous gambit IMHO but one always permitted even in CHS - and the reason there are defenses in Panama in the first place.

(in reply to John 3rd)
Post #: 41
RE: 6 & 7.786 (former x.7852) packaged and uploading - 10/30/2007 11:06:40 AM   
el cid again


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Level 6 RHS scenarios packaged and uploaded. It is my sincere hope this is the final form for them all. I am not at this time maintaining Level 6 files - and won't unless a major reason appears.

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Post #: 42
RE: 6 & 7.786 (former x.7852) packaged and uploading - 10/30/2007 2:02:09 PM   

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From: Dismal Seepage Indiana
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ORIGINAL: el cid again

Level 6 RHS scenarios packaged and uploaded. It is my sincere hope this is the final form for them all. I am not at this time maintaining Level 6 files - and won't unless a major reason appears.

I suspect most of us playing RHS have converted to series 7 now, anyway..


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Post #: 43
RE: 6 & 7.786 (former x.7852) packaged and uploading - 10/30/2007 3:09:33 PM   
el cid again


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Interestingly, it is not what I am hearing. Some people think it is too complicated with all those extra maps/tracks - and they have no idea what to do with them! I would have dropped support but for complaints. There also are people who prefer Level 5 - which is very close to what they are used to with CHS and the Extended Map system of Andrew Brown.

(in reply to m10bob)
Post #: 44
RE: 6 & 7.786 (former x.7852) packaged and uploading - 10/30/2007 8:18:24 PM   

Posts: 8622
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From: Dismal Seepage Indiana
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Somebody suggested I move up frm series 6 and I don't see any reson to restrict my play further..
I also don't understand the complexity seen by using the channels, anymore than one might need to traverse the Sea of Japan, etc........


(in reply to el cid again)
Post #: 45
RE: 6 & 7.7861 courtesy microupdate and 5.7861 comprehe... - 10/31/2007 12:13:13 PM   
el cid again


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Although it could not be posted - Matrix site was not accessable for quite a while from my part of the world at least -
I posted microupdates for Levels 6 and 7 - which mainly correct a problem with the Beaufort Nightfighter never being produced - and change a few Japanese LCU to the current year squad type when they appear (increasing economic efficiency - they will automatically change - but cost HI points to do so).

At the same time, I uploaded Level 5.7861 - and it is already at the same standard - so no update applies to it.

What was not uploaded - ever - anywhere - is the unissued EEO - which is not completed. That is next. The process of completing it will uncover eratta - and so you may expect a x.7862 microupdate folding that into other scenarios - but that will only be for future tense games unless something serious is found.

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Post #: 46
RE: 6 & 7.7861 courtesy microupdate and 5.7861 comprehe... - 10/31/2007 12:29:02 PM   

Posts: 8622
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From: Dismal Seepage Indiana
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Where are they posted?
I sent you my private res e-mail address as well..Thank you.


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Post #: 47
RE: 6 & 7.7861 courtesy microupdate and 5.7861 comprehe... - 10/31/2007 12:41:04 PM   
el cid again


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ORIGINAL: m10bob

Where are they posted?
I sent you my private res e-mail address as well..Thank you.

Watch Cobras RHS Download thread for posting notices. The board has been down - so until he figures out it is up - he won't update.

If you sent an address, I will send the requested item. I have been doing it all day for all requests - it is my SOP.

(in reply to m10bob)
Post #: 48
RE: 6 & 7.7861 courtesy microupdate and 5.7861 comprehe... - 11/1/2007 12:46:10 PM   

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Where is 7.86 uploaded?
I find it nowhere and google can't help me, too...


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There's only one bad word and that's taxes. If any other word is good enough for sailors; it's good enough for you. - Ron Swanson

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Post #: 49
RE: 6 & 7.7861 courtesy microupdate and 5.7861 comprehe... - 11/1/2007 12:58:32 PM   
el cid again


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It does not appear Cobra is operational.

I am uploading directly - except for ol dog - whose ISP refused delivery.

If you can accept large enough files from AOL - send me your address.

(in reply to Historiker)
Post #: 50
RE: RHS x.7862 comprehensive plan at end - 11/2/2007 1:11:36 PM   
el cid again


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Due to a lot of requests for files, I am going to issue a slightly updated comprehensive file set tomorrow. I will work in as much eratta as I can, and I have already got some done. I also reworked the major class of Japanese DEs (not always as DEs), and some secondary ones. I also have reworked - and will re-rework- Mizuho and Nisshin for CVO/BBO.

I will then upload to a primary distribution list doubled in length.

I will then investigate posting to a site which can be downloaded from - or having Historiker do so.

And we will see if Mifune can update the RHS site?

But this won't be quite final - I have about 200 eratta to investigate from utilities - and the process of completing EEO will surely find ship and LCU eratta which - as discovered - are worked into ALL scenarios. That process will complete in a few days. Then we (hopefully) will freeze for a test period - and insure the RHS site gets that form.

For the moment - I am going to get some sleep.

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Post #: 51
RE: RHS x.7862 comprehensive plan at end - 11/2/2007 3:57:00 PM   

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El Cid,  (AIO 7.86 and CVO 7.86)

I was looking at how you had changed aircraft upgrade paths and noticed the following.

Slot 115 B-25H upgrades to 149 P-51D
Slot 118 B-26G upgrades to 154 P-80A
Slot 161 OSU-3 upgrades to 160 F-6D
Slot 171 Blenheim I upgrades to 210 Vengeance I
Slot 163 PV-1/B34 upgrades to 164 PV1 Night Fighter (should this be the PV-2 Harpoon?)
Slot 247 TBD upgrades to 101 SB2C

By the way, I really like putting the planes manufacture on the map.  (I hated that in one day I was suddenly producing 200 SB2Cs)

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Post #: 52
RE: RHS x.7862 comprehensive plan at end - 11/2/2007 7:45:03 PM   
el cid again


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El Cid,  (AIO 7.86 and CVO 7.86)

I was looking at how you had changed aircraft upgrade paths and noticed the following.

Slot 115 B-25H upgrades to 149 P-51D

REPLY: Yes it does. This first of all because that is actually what happened at that factory! I started doing real factories at real locations - then added in the rest at the edges. Other cases are more related to getting production numbers right. But these are done so the Allied numbers are reasonably correct - and early types are sunsetted. It is a compromise - because Code interprets "upgrade" in another way as well. But some strange upgrade options are generated by code already - and players need to have some judgement when implementing them. I trust players to do the "sensible" thing. And - in fact - a few units DO make wierd conversions (particularly in USMC) - so if it happens - well that is what the game commanders wanted. Ultimately, pilots can fly anything if they have to. Note in the somewhat fictional movie Pearl Harbor (Pearl Harbor and the Doolittle Raid are not exactly fictional) the characters switch from fighters to medium bombers! Marines for some reason thought fighter pilots should start out as observation pilots. And that might be just old thinking - WWI fighters were essentially army observation aircraft.

Slot 118 B-26G upgrades to 154 P-80A

REPLY: not because it did, but because I lack slots, the B-26G should not produce forever, and the P-80 needs to enter at about the right time - and the production rate is right. Modding is compromising - and here we are severely constrained by data base resources - or we must put production in the middle of the map.

Slot 161 OSU-3 upgrades to 160 F-6D

REPLY: I don't remember why - but it probably is deliberate.

Slot 171 Blenheim I upgrades to 210 Vengeance I

REPLY: Same as the P-80 case - more or less.

Slot 163 PV-1/B34 upgrades to 164 PV1 Night Fighter (should this be the PV-2 Harpoon?)

REPLY: Back to the top, this one is right - in production terms. PV-1 Night Fighters should come from the PV-1 line - and did.

Slot 247 TBD upgrades to 101 SB2C

REPLY: A compromise - where else do I get SB2Cs from in the right quantity at the right time? This is a first pass experiment with this concept.

By the way, I really like putting the planes manufacture on the map.  (I hated that in one day I was suddenly producing 200 SB2Cs)

The new system is full of compromises - but it seems to address several problems better than before. We get rid of old types in favor of new ones. Many - not enough but many - aircraft phase in from 1 - or they phase in at the rate of the line they take over but increase from that point up to the real peak. At least not all start out at large values. And this approach - sunsetting some types - means the monthly rates during a limited run are much larger - and when that is small - it was wholly impractical before because we had to spread it out for a long time (or sometimes I gave you enough to out fit units - but the rate for the whole war ended up way too high - in particular this was a problem for USN night fighters).

< Message edited by el cid again -- 11/2/2007 7:46:32 PM >

(in reply to drw61)
Post #: 53
RE: RHS x.7862 comprehensive plan at end - 11/3/2007 5:14:55 AM   

Posts: 335
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From: The Greater Chicagoland Area, USA
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Any reason why Bombay doesn't have a port in AIO?

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Post #: 54
RE: RHS x.7862 comprehensive plan at end - 11/3/2007 6:51:57 AM   
el cid again


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Not a good reason - all RIVER ports became airfields - but Bombay isn't a river port. It needs to be a major port.

Fixed in x.7852 review.

< Message edited by el cid again -- 11/3/2007 12:49:09 PM >

(in reply to eloso)
Post #: 55
RE: RHS x.7862 comprehensive plan at end - 11/3/2007 7:10:38 AM   

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In RHSRAO level 7 the one SBD squadron aboard the Saratoga that you designate as (AP) actually has GP bombs as its load. The other 2 CV's at start are correct (1000lb AP x 1). 


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Post #: 56
RE: RHS x.7862 comprehensive plan at end - 11/3/2007 12:28:10 PM   

Posts: 2322
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From: Geelong Australia
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I am on stand by for for the next version which has not appeared yet

cobra Aus

(in reply to ny59giants)
Post #: 57
RE: RHS x.7862 comprehensive plan at end - 11/3/2007 12:50:55 PM   
el cid again


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ORIGINAL: ny59giants

In RHSRAO level 7 the one SBD squadron aboard the Saratoga that you designate as (AP) actually has GP bombs as its load. The other 2 CV's at start are correct (1000lb AP x 1). 

Fixed for x.7852 review - wrong in all scenarios at all levels. This sort of error is easy to get - because the unit DIFFERS from the aircraft norm - any click on the airccraft type will change to the default weapon. RHS is riddled with "errors" of this deliberate sort - we call em "multiple loadouts" for a plane type.

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Post #: 58
RE: RHS x.7862 comprehensive plan at end - 11/3/2007 12:52:32 PM   
el cid again


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I am on stand by for for the next version which has not appeared yet

cobra Aus

But it will appear soon. A good deal more ship eratta occurred than I like - no ammo for light AA guns - no facing for some update class main guns or DC on the revised Japanese DDs - and all are fixed. Some revision of the Allied aircraft production scheme to reduce things which have unfortunate interactions with code.

(in reply to CobraAus)
Post #: 59
RE: RHS x.7862 comprehensive plan at end - 11/3/2007 1:16:38 PM   

Posts: 8622
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From: Dismal Seepage Indiana
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Did you intend to change those Australian corvettes to DMS's? (If so, RHSCVO.7 still shows them as standard MSW's..)
Bangor/Bathurst class in RHS.

< Message edited by m10bob -- 11/3/2007 1:17:05 PM >


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