Posts: 231
Joined: 4/23/2004 Status: offline
So far I as Russia I have beat the turk and last night france. The turks were far to easy, though they did launch one big army into a small 10I/4c army I had landed and smashed it, capturing the leader. They had two respectable armies but kept sending single corps against me. When I finally besieged Constantanople, they surrenderd (I am set to accept conditionals). I do think a wars end needs to be more clearly announced. The repatriation of all your forces is a clear give, but at first I was like "HOW DID I GET THERE?!!' and then the victory dawned on me. I have learned to keep my nation status box open most of the time now for the info it provides. The war against france occured because Fr declared war on me when I attacked Tu. Oddly, the Fr never helped the turk, unless they lent money, and I have no idea how to easily learn that info. Reading that scrolling box is a PAIN that I have yet been willing to endure for long. From Morroco I landed some corps in Fr. I thought Sp might DOW me when I went for Morroco, but she did not (that would have been the end of my fleet). In Fr I fought off the single corp there, but then Davout and a small stack counter attacked and I was captured after my first true butt whooping in a battle. I was rather pleased and landed my other army north of hooland, captured that minor, then advanced south and took amsterdam, resulting in the holland fleets being scuttled. I had my own fleets in the blockade box with the english hoping to earn some easy pp, but it did not seem i gained any points from it. Next I tried to take out a french fleet, but was repelled and force to retreat north. The Fr took the Netherlands back from me, and by then I launched three corps towards Paris while fighting all the corps that had advanced to the north. Overwhelmed, I got on my ships and ran, landing were davout still was, and won that fight, but the Fr ran the blockade and fled to the port south. The brits went last in the next naval, returned home to replinish their ships, then went first next and resumed their blockades. Meanwhile I was going to get at least one free attack on paris the month of an eco phase and paris had 1I in garrison. That's when the Fr gave me a conditional. The only real glaring flaw I saw was when I fled my conquered minor (the one just north of the Netherlands) the Fr stopped pushing their advantage and did not take the minor from me, which allowed me to drop in 20I+ every three months and Cav and Guard (my guard corp was wiped out twice) which kept the war going, because I had lost Netherlands. Also, the Fr never advamved on my Italian minors, were I had placed some strong garrisons in the hope I could hold on to Naples (where I had ships in port waiting to be picked up). The AI is not awesome, and for an experienced EiA player like me, persistance seemed to always pay off. I did notice that each nation can be run by a human, though all on the same computer right now. That means human versus human is still possible, albeit in a limited fashion (though I recall a day when playing a game that required we all take turns on a single computer would have seemed a marvelous innovation, lol). AI will be patched, I am sure. I also hope some of the interfaces are changed. Even though I know them now, some are still a pain. Well, I have a confession. In a table top game no one is as anal as the computer in doing everything in the right order in the specific phase, which is to be expected, but still ugly, especially when it is 2am and the cost of mistakes begin to accumalate. yamma
...nothing is more chaotic than a battle won...