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Joined: 10/18/2006 Status: offline
Thanks for the mini-review. Please find my answers below. Supply is broken: It appears that 30,000 troops could be in a village with no friendly village for half of Italy but they still get full supply because they are in a town. Thus sustaining a logistical trail is pointless. This effectively ruins the game because its impossible to cut off enemy forces. - This could be a bug, this is definitely not intended to be like this. AI doesn't recognize key point towns: Whilst the beta patch makes the scenarios playable the AI doesn't seem to know what the key objectives are. It doesn't appear to make any attempt to attack or defend them. - The AI has priorities for the towns. Maybe we could tweak it. If you can provide example saves, that would help a lot. Objectives should be marked on the map: Its impossible to know what on earth one is meant to be doing. The objectives should be highlighted with their points value indicated. In the scenario notes the key objectives should be listed. - Click on them and you get the objective value next to the town's name. Objectives should be listed when a scenario is extended: When one opts to continue a scenario the new objectives should be listed so the player has a vague clue as to what he is meant to be doing. - The manual explains the victory point system. Tactical Battles Units that rally: Units appear to be remarkably stable after rallying. Is this a deliberate feature? - Units that have rallied pass the same morale check any other unit passes, there is no difference. When routed, units lose 6 morale points. Cavalry charges are unrealistically ineffective: Even against tired units in line that are facing the opposite direction. - I will let our historian reply to this. Square and Line versus cavalry: It doesn't appear that being in square or line makes any real difference to repelling cavalry. There really ought to be at least a noticeable difference, I no longer bother with squares, line formation is equally as effective. - A tweak maybe required here. Movement for cavalry is too costly: When you lose 2 points of readiness per turn just for moving and start with a reasonable 60 points and a battle lasts 30 turns its very hard to keep cavalry units effective, indeed its unrealistically punishing. - Like the above. Units do not regain readiness: Even if a unit doesn't move for 25 turns it doesn't regain again readiness. Whilst I dont think a unit should regain readiness above its starting level it ought to slowly regain points over time to its starting cap. - This works as intended in tactical battles. Surrounded units do not surrender:There is no surrender function in the game. Enemy units do not surrender regardless of how long and badly they are surrounded. This is unrealistic. - This is not true. Low morale units WILL surrender after a lost battle. Chasing broken units: If 2 fresh hussar units plow into a badly broken infantry unit they should inflict significant casualties/ captives; currently the system inflicts about 4 casualties and the broken unit is allowed to run off again. Its not worth pursuing fleeing enemy forces which is unrealistic and ahistoric. - Should be tweaked, yes. AI moving guns next to units: The AI has a tendency to move guns next to enemy units where they are destroyed the next turn. It needs to learn not to do this. - Copuld you please provide saves of this behavior? Before the AI does this? Breaking units don't have enough effect on neighboring units When neighbouring forces break they appear to have a very minor effect. - Most of the time this is true, but sometimes all hell breaks lose. Frontage appears to play no part: Whether a unit is attacked from the front or behind it appears to have no impact. - It has impact. Opposing Reinforcements arrive on top of each other : Opposing Reinforcements shouldn't arrive in the same part of the map, there should be at least 5 hexs between their arrival zones; they certainly shouldn't be arriving on top of each other. - This is quite rare I think, but if you can provide saves, that would help. Thank you for your insight, we will use this feedback for the next patch. Peter - our historian - should drop by as well and provide some answers.