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CleverDevils2 AAR

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CleverDevils2 AAR - 1/14/2008 3:31:02 AM   


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From: Coon Rapids, Minnesota
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Well; we have restarted the CleverDevils game after losing & replacint Spain & Austria.

Here is the results of the bid. The actual start is awaiting the 1.01 patch release.

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Post #: 1
RE: CleverDevils2 AAR - 1/18/2008 4:24:55 AM   


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We're off ... "Now for wrath, now for ruin" (WHOSE wrath, WHOSE ruin only time will tell)

Looks like the Russians are eyeing the Baltic; but their fleet is stuck for
awhile ... "Excuse me Tzar; but WHY did you rename our flagship TITANIC?"

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(in reply to gwheelock)
Post #: 2
RE: CleverDevils2 AAR - 1/18/2008 4:26:35 AM   


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And it appears that something is afoot on the Prussian/Russian boarder (at least from the RUSSIAN side ... Prussia is a bit busy)

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Post #: 3
RE: CleverDevils2 AAR - 1/18/2008 4:29:33 AM   


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There also appears to be something stirring in the far east.

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Post #: 4
RE: CleverDevils2 AAR - 1/18/2008 4:32:10 AM   


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... And the Grand Vizir has been listening to his advisors talk about the
magic properties of MUMMY DUST again ...

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Post #: 5
RE: CleverDevils2 AAR - 1/18/2008 4:34:44 AM   


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... The Austrians are taking advantage of the Franco-Prussian war to
take a long midwinter stretccch...

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Post #: 6
RE: CleverDevils2 AAR - 1/18/2008 4:41:20 AM   


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.... while on the main front; 3 Prussian armies with a total of 6 corp bravely
face down 2 French armies with a total of 8 corp.

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Post #: 7
RE: CleverDevils2 AAR - 1/18/2008 4:45:49 AM   


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On the Atlantic Seaboard; a familier face-off.

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Post #: 8
RE: CleverDevils2 AAR - 1/18/2008 4:51:28 AM   


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while the Spanish seem to be planning a Mediterranian cruise.
I hope their cruise ship has a Tennis court.
I'm sure the British will be willing to coordinate the long distance swim (back to shore) competition ...

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< Message edited by gwheelock -- 1/18/2008 4:53:29 AM >

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Post #: 9
RE: CleverDevils2 AAR - 1/18/2008 1:55:56 PM   


Posts: 234
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gwheelock - Please note that any of your screenshots showing French Corps _MAY_ be revealing intelligence about which Corps are placed where.  ie. XII Corp is in Lorient

Just a friendly FYI....


gwheelcock, I was just pointing it out so that you where aware of a possible secuity leak in your enjoyable AARs. Keep them coming please! I just know the French need to keep their secrets to survive....I was not worried about you revealing the information of others...Just the 'important' French info...

Vive la France!

< Message edited by AresMars -- 1/19/2008 1:38:08 AM >

(in reply to gwheelock)
Post #: 10
RE: CleverDevils2 AAR - 1/18/2008 10:31:57 PM   

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They also seem to show strength of several forces not otherwise revealed to the players

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Post #: 11
RE: CleverDevils2 AAR - 1/18/2008 11:13:36 PM   


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I did mess up with the one corp that AresMars noticed; but I belive that the only places that
shows force info are for either Depots or Cossacks - both of which are public.

(Since I am playing France in this game; the only private factors that I CAN
see are French & I didn't have any of those corp selected to show details)

(in reply to isandlwana)
Post #: 12
RE: CleverDevils2 AAR - 1/19/2008 7:59:34 AM   


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Spain is just conducting joint manuvers.

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Post #: 13
RE: CleverDevils2 AAR - 1/20/2008 1:55:49 PM   


Posts: 238
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From: Newport, Shropshire, U.K.
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Thank you for yet another AAR.   Your taking the time and trouble to do so is much appreciated.


(in reply to trw2264)
Post #: 14
RE: CleverDevils2 AAR - 1/21/2008 2:49:13 AM   


Posts: 563
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Highlights (or Lowlights - depending on perspective) from January 1805:

France DOWs Leige; Austria gets control;
France DOWs Savoy; Britain gets control;
Spain DOW's Portugul; Britain gets control;
Prussia DOWs Mecklenberg; Britain get control;
Prussia DOWs Wurzberg; France gets control;
Prussia DOWs S. Pommeramia; France gets control;
Turkey DOWs Egypt; Britain gets control;
Russia DOWs Circassia; Turkey gets control;
Russia DOWs Chechnya; Spain gets control;
Austria DOWs Romagna; Spain gets control;

Numerous alliance attemps - all fail

Spain plans seaborne invasion of Portugul; 6 fleets in Cartegena + corp;
Britain moves first in Naval; blockades "Spanish Armada" with Portugese.

Spain does breakout; killing 14 Portugese; losing 2 Light ships.

Turkey Attempts breakin in Egypt - unsuccessful.

Russia moves into Circassia & Chechnya

Austria moves into Romagna; no seige attempted.

Prussia successfully beseiges Mecklenberg & S. Pom.; unsuccessfully beseiges Wurzberg.

(in reply to ess1)
Post #: 15
RE: CleverDevils2 AAR - 1/21/2008 7:41:08 PM   


Posts: 563
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More results: Spain successfully breaks into Lisbon; defeating GB controlled Portuguese while losing 1 factor.

France makes successful breakin on Lille; unsucessful on Savoy.

Napoleon & 3 corp attack Brunswick & 1 corp in Area148 (between Magdeberg & Berlin

Chit selections : Outflank vs Defend; end result French win; French loss 0; Prussian loss 14I 1C
(Yes; I know this reveals strategic info. I consider battle results public)

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< Message edited by gwheelock -- 1/21/2008 7:43:47 PM >

(in reply to gwheelock)
Post #: 16
RE: CleverDevils2 AAR - 1/21/2008 7:48:43 PM   


Posts: 563
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Murat & 1 corp attack 1 Prussian corp (no leader) in Lubeck

Chits are Assault vs Counter Attack
losses are 1 Fr I; 5 Prussian I (elimination);
breakin was successful eliminating 1 more Prussian I

Massena & 1 French corp attack Hohenloe & 1 Prussian corp in Wurzberg
Chits are Echelon vs Withdraw (successful); no combat.

Attachment (1)

< Message edited by gwheelock -- 1/21/2008 7:52:55 PM >

(in reply to gwheelock)
Post #: 17
RE: CleverDevils2 AAR - 1/22/2008 1:13:09 AM   

Posts: 1252
Joined: 7/30/2006
From: Sydney, Australia
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You cannot sustain this. The only way to beat France (especially early) is via attrition. You have to keep your army in big stacks, and ignore the minors. Why are you declaring war on minors when France started at war with you? Let France do the DoWs and spend the PPs. Why has Hohenloe stacked with 1 corps? He should be stacked with 4 at least. You have the ideal opportunity to hit Massena with his one corps, but you need to hit him hard. Stay away from Napoleon.


Nero fiddled while Rome burned. What game are you playing? Who do you think is going to be next after France wallops Prussia? The combined *Austrian and Prussian* armies can beat the French, early in the game. Not if they aren't combined, though.

Sorry about the kibbitzing, it just pains me to see the central powers played so badly.



(in reply to gwheelock)
Post #: 18
RE: CleverDevils2 AAR - 1/22/2008 2:19:29 AM   


Posts: 563
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ORIGINAL: delatbabel


You cannot sustain this. The only way to beat France (especially early) is via attrition. You have to keep your army in big stacks, and ignore the minors. Why are you declaring war on minors when France started at war with you? Let France do the DoWs and spend the PPs. Why has Hohenloe stacked with 1 corps? He should be stacked with 4 at least. You have the ideal opportunity to hit Massena with his one corps, but you need to hit him hard. Stay away from Napoleon.


Nero fiddled while Rome burned. What game are you playing? Who do you think is going to be next after France wallops Prussia? The combined *Austrian and Prussian* armies can beat the French, early in the game. Not if they aren't combined, though.

Sorry about the kibbitzing, it just pains me to see the central powers played so badly.

Um a couple of CORRECTIONS:

a) France didn't start at war with Prussia; PRUSSIA started at war with France
b) Hohenloe was stacked with 1 corp because he tried to attack & beseige Wurzberg
c) Massena wasn't stacked with 1 corp during the Prussian turn; he was stacked with 4
(the reason he only attacked with 1 is that its just too @#$@#$ expensive to move
4 corp 2 spaces from the nearest depot in winter [ESP. 1805 - only $32 to start])
d) Massena WILL NOT be stacked with only 1 corp by the time the Prussian turn
comes around again. (I DO NOT play FRANCE "badly" )
e) It becomes very hard to stay away from Nappy if he is sitting on your capitol :
"My enemy cannot help but engage me; for I attack a position which he must
succor" - Sun Tzu
f) The combined Prussian & Austrian armies >MAY< be able to beat France; much
depends on chit selections & die rolls. (& I'm not sure; but the changes to combined
movement may make this harder to pull off)

< Message edited by gwheelock -- 1/22/2008 2:27:56 AM >

(in reply to delatbabel)
Post #: 19
RE: CleverDevils2 AAR - 1/22/2008 2:23:51 AM   
Soapy Frog


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Agreed that is a godawful Prussian setup... even the historic Prussians did not arrange themselves quite so poorly ;)

Hehe sorry but yeah Del is right, concentrate your army when you are under threat, especially vs France.

gwheelock is on his way to dominating Europe ;)

Edit: regarding point f) I should say that in regular EiA Prussia and Austria combined have a roughly 40% chance of beating France off the starting block if they are WELL played, however EiANW is really too different from EiA to make good predictions. The Prussian player's strategy in this case is doomed to failure, unless he is unbeleivably lucky; even if Austria and Russia join right now, the Prussian army SHOULD be eviscerated before they can bring their forces to bear.

< Message edited by Soapy Frog -- 1/22/2008 2:27:35 AM >

(in reply to delatbabel)
Post #: 20
RE: CleverDevils2 AAR - 1/22/2008 2:36:36 AM   


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ORIGINAL: Soapy Frog

Hehe sorry but yeah Del is right, concentrate your army when you are under threat, especially vs France.

As Jimmer has posted on these forum several times
"Big stacks beat little stacks" (>I'M< the one that he got it from )

(in reply to Soapy Frog)
Post #: 21
RE: CleverDevils2 AAR - 1/22/2008 4:44:12 AM   


Posts: 234
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Prussia, surrender _now_ while you still have an army! 

You are in a losing war and giving up precious PP and VP!  

You only need 7.34 VP (323/44 turns) a Economic Turn to WIN!

You start at the top of the Neutral Zone getting 8 VP and Economic Manipluation (EM) of +1 would keep you ONE down from the top while at PEACE.

Let the French beat on Austria for awhile and save your money and manpower.

More importantly, don't give AWAY PP and VP when you don't have to...the French will ALWAYS declare war on Austria and Prussia....ALWAYS...he needs war to fuel his VP requirements

Beg England for CAV money once you go back to war with France - when FRANCE spends the 4 PP to attack you!.

FYI: I hope you are having a good time playing EIANW....get use to getting advice for EIA players!    


(in reply to gwheelock)
Post #: 22
RE: CleverDevils2 AAR - 1/22/2008 5:31:00 AM   


Posts: 16
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Being the Austrian, confronted with a Prussian scheme hatched without my input, ignored by Great Britain - more so, rebuffed by GB when requesting an alliance in Jan - what is there to do but conserve energy for the next few months?

(in reply to AresMars)
Post #: 23
RE: CleverDevils2 AAR - 1/22/2008 6:00:58 AM   


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Thank you for yet another AAR.   Your taking the time and trouble to do so is much appreciated.

He REALLY likes this game.

Can't you tell?

Good work so far!

< Message edited by Jimmer -- 2/1/2008 6:10:18 AM >


At LAST! The greatest campaign board game of all time is finally available for the PC. Can my old heart stand the strain?

(in reply to ess1)
Post #: 24
RE: CleverDevils2 AAR - 1/22/2008 6:05:07 AM   


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Being the Austrian, confronted with a Prussian scheme hatched without my input, ignored by Great Britain - more so, rebuffed by GB when requesting an alliance in Jan - what is there to do but conserve energy for the next few months?

"Rebuffed" is just the term the game uses when GB didn't think about that part of the diplomacy phase.

Hey! I'm a little rusty. It's been 15 years since I played this game. And, it was different then. A LOT different. It's like I'm on training wheels again!


At LAST! The greatest campaign board game of all time is finally available for the PC. Can my old heart stand the strain?

(in reply to AGT4533)
Post #: 25
RE: CleverDevils2 AAR - 1/22/2008 1:22:27 PM   

Posts: 1252
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From: Sydney, Australia
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ORIGINAL: gwheelock
f) The combined Prussian & Austrian armies >MAY< be able to beat France; much
depends on chit selections & die rolls. (& I'm not sure; but the changes to combined
movement may make this harder to pull off)

I didn't imply that they would always beat the French. They "can" beat them (my wording) if they combine, are played correctly, and if they pay attention to what is stacked under Charles (everything), Napoleon (probably 1-4 + gds + cav), Mack (a few nuisance corps), and Hohenloe (very little).

If they stand around in small stacks, and if Prussia fights the French alone while Austria sits and watches, then they cannot beat the French, it's not possible, no chance.

I reiterate AresMars' point -- Prussia you must offer a surrender now while you still can. On the other hand, France is likely to require an unconditional unless Austria joins in very quickly.



(in reply to gwheelock)
Post #: 26
RE: CleverDevils2 AAR - 1/22/2008 1:26:02 PM   

Posts: 1252
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From: Sydney, Australia
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Being the Austrian, confronted with a Prussian scheme hatched without my input, ignored by Great Britain - more so, rebuffed by GB when requesting an alliance in Jan - what is there to do but conserve energy for the next few months?

Oops. Well you can decide to argue this out with your Prussian and British friends. Or you can conserve your energy for the next few months, after which Napoleon and 200,000 of his mates will be headed for Vienna to give you a pasting.

On the other hand, you can lose the first war (as either Austria or Prussia) and even the second one, and still be in with a chance. You don't need nearly as many VPs as France does -- he must keep coming after you and winning every time in order to win the game. One unconditional surrender and your job is made a bit more difficult. One unconditional surrender, especially early in the game, and France is history -- no chance of winning from there.

Anyway, it's going to be a learning experience for you both.



(in reply to AGT4533)
Post #: 27
RE: CleverDevils2 AAR - 1/22/2008 1:52:08 PM   


Posts: 238
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From: Newport, Shropshire, U.K.
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Thank you for yet another AAR. Your taking the time and trouble to do so is much appreciated.

He REALLY like this game.

Can't you tell?

Good work so far!

Yes indeed. Who knows I might, one day, get to grips with this wretched interface/manual.


(in reply to Jimmer)
Post #: 28
RE: CleverDevils2 AAR - 1/22/2008 5:08:52 PM   


Posts: 563
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ORIGINAL: delatbabel

I reiterate AresMars' point -- Prussia you must offer a surrender now while you still can. On the other hand, France is likely to require an unconditional unless Austria joins in very quickly.

France is already asking for an unconditional.
I had OFFERED a conditional (I take Saxony & 24 months) if he accepted in the
January dp phase - after I moved & had to expend $ & troops I figure
that I need to recoup my investments.

(in reply to delatbabel)
Post #: 29
RE: CleverDevils2 AAR - 1/22/2008 5:59:36 PM   


Posts: 91
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What surprises me is a Prussia that actually wanted to be at war with France to start out with.

But, as the others say - Prussia, unlike France, can afford to loose an early war, even an unconditional peace, and still come back, so look at this as a learning experience of how the game works, draw your conclusions, adapt and then return somewhere mid-game to whoop the French

< Message edited by Odysseus -- 1/22/2008 6:01:22 PM >

(in reply to gwheelock)
Post #: 30
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