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All Forums >> [Current Games From Matrix.] >> [World War I] >> Guns of August 1914 - 1918 >> After Action Reports >> Siege Page: [1]
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Siege - 2/12/2008 2:08:21 AM   


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The BEF had been isolated in the Dreary Port City of Antwerp, Tuna and Smokes along with Triple dose of tea was shipped off to them via the Channel from England. Since Paris is technically threatened but not Besieged, and the entire Verdun Region collapsed in a matter of days as well as Brussels all the way to Ostend. The Front was thrown even further into France with the fall of Lille, Epernay and Arras, but at this point the Rear Threat could not be ignored.

1915 rolls about, and the pocket of British resistance stiffens, they dig in deep entrenching "3" yards down, making it difficult for German Guns to dig 'em out...

On the other side:

This is an atrocity, over 150,000 British and 100,000 French sit up in their little fortress, surrounded threatening the German Flanks as we attempt to crush the French! Something must be done, a few plans are dreamt up. The Prior year a frontal assualt was attempted, German forces taking some 30-40% casualties this frontal attack plan was abandoned. Something though German scientists brewed up might hold the key.

"Chlorine Gus used as a Tearing agent has been discovered and through pipes and wind a way to deliver has been invented"

We decide there is not a better time if the Frogs and Limeys will not come out of their little tunnels we shall suffocate them out...

Post #: 1
RE: Siege - 2/12/2008 2:10:22 AM   


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Though taking heavy casualties BEF recapture Ostend and likewise stomach the new deadly weapon, with another all out frontal assualt by my forces 32,000 dead and no ground gained! What is found in a British trench is quite remarkable!!! Seems they are advancing faster than we thought

< Message edited by wargamer123 -- 2/12/2008 2:11:36 AM >

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Post #: 2
RE: Siege - 2/12/2008 3:01:07 PM   


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A take from the other side:
May/June 15.
No doubt things are grim.
France has been reeling, the Boche is at the outskirts of Paris, and there are HUGE, GAPPING holes in their line.
Italy, just entered, and have just about put themselves out of it as quickly with some ill-advised attacks against fortified Germans in the Alps.
And the B.E.F. is struggling to maintain its foothold in Europe centered on a bridgehead @ Antwerp, that effectively places them out of the key sector of Paris!
One thing is interesting though, and may offer a glimmer of hope. As readers of these posts will note, I have been an advocate of a Mutually Assured Destruction strategy between AH & the Russe. And true to my word, the Russe have been pressuring all along the front, with troops on the outskirts of Koenigsburg, Budapest, Vienna, Prezmysl, and heading towards Prague & Berlin!
Mr. Wargamer 123 has been effectively running from hot spot to hot spot checking at the last possible moment, but the pressure just continues to mount as leaks continue to appear & grow. All it will take is one slip, and things could unravel with amazing speed!
While, as noted before, this is a very risky strategy, the rewards can be enourmous!
Ahhh newbie Strike, I have been learning alot quickly, but will it be enough in time?

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Post #: 3
RE: Siege - 2/13/2008 7:35:36 AM   


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A pre-emptive strike on Italy, rather than waiting for their imminent Declaration of War rounds up my CP a small victory in the Italian and Austrian Alps... About 100,000 Italian Casaulties and very very few for the CP relatively are rounded up in a few weeks of fighting. The Hill passes are cleared and though outnumbered the CP hopes to knock out the Greedy Italians within a few months... Regardless this does not stop the BEF!

Now in numbers BEF and French troops attempt to reunite Belgium, encircling the Germans there in some brilliant outflanking Manuevers. The worst that was feared by the GHC is now occurred and instead of encircling a massive BEF Army at Antwerp, a whole German Army is encircled in the heart of Belgium! This could mean the war in the West...and the War completely, we shall see how the momentum of the British and the French carry through

Yes, there is much smoke on the Eastern Front, so far though several key resources have been obliterated by Austrian Hungarian Commandos and at every pitstop the Russians have been exhausting Valuable Resources to destroy AH resistance, with Bulgaria and Turkish Troops now pressuring the Serbs there is little hope that the Russians alone can crush the East for the time being at least. 1915 means a Secure Front, but now the Germans aiding the AH are fighting on nearly 3 1/2 fronts!!! West/East/South/Balkan

This is a tricky situation, and little or no food or resources have gotten into Germany as the Baltic is cut off by valiant British Subs

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Post #: 4
RE: Siege - 2/13/2008 7:38:37 AM   


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A picture of Italian troops being ferried on ski lifts back home because they got their butts kicked soooooo bad

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Post #: 5
RE: Siege - 2/13/2008 3:06:28 PM   


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Sir Maxwell William Atkin
Dateline: June 30th, 1915
So far a review of operations brings us this.
In the East, preparatory operations continue in advance of Operation AH Knock Out.
Nothing significant, just movement of troops, stockpiling of supplies.
Cavalry advances towards Prague continues.
Balkans; Tough little Serbia takes a pummeling in the south but eagerly awaits those treachorous Bulgars at Belgrade/Sarajevo, (that's correct, Sarajevo), where the well dug in and supplied Serb forces look to administer a rude check.
Turkey; (crickets chirp)
France; As the Jerries exploit a breach between Paris & Nancy and drive towards Dijon, a joint operation between the French Armies and our boys encircled a Boche army on the plains of Belgium. The question remains will they be able to hold the line long enough to strangle said army? Will the Boche break through the encirclement? Break out? Time will tell, but I say dig in boys, it's going to be a rough one!
Italy; the troops down there flee the hills and head as quick to the coast as they can! Upon initial investigation, we feel that we have found out why.
Is she a German plant ala Mata Hari?
Or just an amazing distraction?
I have taken upon it myself to do an absolute thorough investigation to get to the bottom of this.

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Post #: 6
RE: Siege - 2/14/2008 2:18:19 AM   


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The Battle for Belgium:

Every British Soldier on the Continent serves in Belgium to ensure it's independance, thus far near 200,000 Germans have been encircled there, praying for a faint glimmer of light. Will it come? Time will tell!

Meanwhile on other fronts, the Italians finding their way to secluded beaches fight nolonger, merely await the time in which they shall sign an armistice, French attempt to send help but of course it will be too late... That is a done deal, but if events in Belgium turn sour it could spell the end of the once Proud German Army...

On the Eastern Front and Balkans quiet minimal actions. Serbia has been crushed by the OE/Bulgarian Thrust. Only 2 Cities remain free and we shall attain these in no time. Perhaps this can turn the tide in the Eastern Front and force the hand of Russia to intervene.

Diplomacy is hard pressed to force the USA join the Allies, this we pray shall not happen, as they're still sympathetic to the Central Powers. Of course we didn't start this war is was those blasted Serbians!

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Post #: 7
RE: Siege - 2/14/2008 3:04:32 AM   


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Finally the Brilliance of the GHC is unleashed upon the unsuspecting BEF, with Poison Gas and Multiple Assualts the Encircled German Army in Brussels/Ostend... The Entire BEF is pushed out of Liege the Fort city to free up the Cut off Soldiers near starvation down to just a couple of Rounds per Soldier. Much needed supplies are ferried and the wounded ferried out, Belguim is Claimed in the name of the Kaiser, and once again the British have 7 or so corps cutoff in Antwerp with 2 HQs!

On other Fronts, the Russians are mobilizing, we just don't know when they will unleash Brusilov style offensive but until then these are happy times for the German Army! Once again stealing the iniative, if only for a time, but still saving the Day against the vile Imperial Colonial Powers of Great Britian and France!

Images of Loyal GodFearing CPers guarding their new Mausers and Shells comming in from Germany

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Post #: 8
RE: Siege - 2/14/2008 3:02:51 PM   


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Sir Maxwell William Aitken
Dateline: August 31st, 1915
The war progresses.
Entente defeat can happen with amazing speed at the first serious mistake.
Entente victory is just a hope.
In the East the Russe has begun Operation Ah Knock Out. The stubborn nut of Krakow has finally been cracked, and the troops are on the outskirts of Vienna & Budapest, preparing for the final assault.
Turkey, (crickets chirp).
Serbia, the Bulgars advance towards their doom at Belgrade continues, while the valiant Serbian Army prepares.
In the West, violent battles rage in Belgium where Kaiser W* has smashed an opening for his encircled troops, and attempts to isolate the B.E.F. at Antwerp. We make no illusions, for if this suceeds, it could very well end the war with a Boche victory in 6 months.
Fortunately the brave Franco-British resist with all there might!
On the Italian front, a severly mauled I-tie army falls back, but valiantly regroups to retake Milan and surround the advance Boche army at Genoa. Shades of Belgium, can they focus enough on the war and away from Secret Agent SL?
A difficult task indeed!

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Post #: 9
RE: Siege - 2/14/2008 4:15:24 PM   


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British have reopened Antwerp, Liege and Ostend go into the History books as the most exchanged cities of the war! 4-5-6? times

Regardless, of everything ET has very capable situation in the East, Large Tracts of AH are now converted into Greater Russia, the Red Bear, bares down on her with greedy eyes, treating her as AH treated Serbia the year before...We shall see if we can hold the Capitols

Italy is putting up a valiant fight and for the first time stalemate

Turkey, the Old Man of Europe will now play a hand in this war, The Sultan, AttaTurk, King of All Turks, SuleyMan is Greatness Holiness and Perfectionism promises the Kaiser a decisive Victory in the Balkans. And instead of German Commanders in Turkey, Turkish Commanders now take over control of the German Army!

Although for the year 1915 was a ET year, we promise 1916


< Message edited by wargamer123 -- 2/14/2008 4:18:25 PM >

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Post #: 10
RE: Siege - 2/14/2008 7:56:03 PM   


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Late 1915:

Trenches are now 4 meters deep, so the fronts are stale in many places, the only mobility is mostly spent up on both sides, a few static Fronts will soon grind down to a slow muddy icey grave... The War will soon be decided in the labratories and no longer out on the front so long as no hidden resources are unveiled to unleash Hell upon 1 of the Major Fronts.

AH Italy are both weak

France has take much damage.

Russia is strong as is Germany and the UK

Over 3 million casualties so far

and for the first Time the War entered the Seas... With a crushing defeat delivered by the ET, though some British ships were sunk

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Post #: 11
RE: Siege - 2/15/2008 3:02:30 PM   


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Sir William Maxwell Aitken
Dateline: October 31st, 1915
The war enters its' second year.
Desperation and forebooding abound the Entente.
Kaiser W* is stockpiling German supplies for what will be no doubt a massive assualt.
When, and where?
Soon enough, and everywhere are the replies from intel.
The East; thankfully the Russe is strong, and continues to pressure the tottering Hapsburgs. Every month or so comes another hammer blow. If not for continued German propping, they would be done. "Shackled to a corpse," they rightfully complain.
Turkey; (crickets chirp).
Serbia; the Bulgars are content to take meaningless ground, while the Serbs only grow stronger!
Italy; the cut off advance Boche thrust begins to feel the effects of no supplies. And with the Entente learning its' lesson from the plains of Belgium, it becomes only a matter of time before we register a rare sucess.
The West; we await the coming offensive in the worst of conditions. [image][/image]Time will help alleviate the problems, but with our situation, time is our main problem.

*Kaiser Wargammer

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Post #: 12
RE: Siege - 2/16/2008 1:57:42 AM   


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Sir William Maxwell Aitken
Dateline: New Years Day, 1916
This will be the year that decides it.
The East; more hammer blows against what is quickly being referred to as the Haplessburgs. Debrecen, Lemberg are added to the Czars domain. The Twins are expected to follow shortly. And Vienna shortly after that. Franz Jozef is rumored to already be in Bern. And Prussia seems to be ready to drop its' P.
It will not be due to the Russe's fault if the Entente fails to defeat Kaiser W.
Turkey; those bugs days are rapidly dwindling as from the North and the South preparations are already being made to remove the "Sick Man" from life support. Chirp away while you can, but the storm gathers.
Serbia; hanging tough, and building for the day when they liberate their own country with their own troops. The Powers reliance on the Bulgars is fatally flawed.
The West; the Ententes nightmare. Troop strengths are depleted, morale poor, and supplies lacking, can the Russe buy them time?
Italy; if the West is the Ententes nightmare, this is nothing but purgatory, or worse. It is only a matter of days, weeks at most, before Manny flees for the safety of the Riviera. Jozef might be house hunting, but Manny has bought, and is now packing.
And a spirit of decadence exudes the country.
The best we can hope for now is one last morale boost from that front.

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Post #: 13
RE: Siege - 2/16/2008 6:25:36 PM   


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Sir William Maxwell Aitken
Dateline: March 15th, 1916
Beware the Ides!
1916 starts off bad, and is progressing to worse.
The East; the Russe has exhausted its offensive capabilities, and now must endure a strategic pause. So close to the gates of Vienna, Budapest, Liepzig, Danzig, Koenigsburg.
Yet so far. Our hopes paused with them.
Turkey; our chaps recapture the Holy City of Jeruselem and install a peace that we are confident will last. Next stop, the Monte Carlo of the Levant! Hopefully, we will take Kars in our cruise towards Constantinople.
Serbia; their time has come, soon the Entente will lose a(nother) petite member. We salute their gallant struggle.
The West; their is nothing we can do but attempt to prepare for the onslaught. Demands, requests, pleas abound. A frantic effort is made to placate, but with limited and dwindling resources, it seems as if we cannot cover all. Our pause only helps Kaiser W.
Italy; (sigh), the worst military effort EVER ends as we predicted. A shameful surrender. I do not believe I have ever seen such a disgraceful display, and hope to never see such again, (unfortunately, I live well past the desert campaigns of 40).
We attempt to show the world the true nature of the Hun.

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Post #: 14
RE: Siege - 2/17/2008 5:28:56 PM   


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"We declare that the Images Above of are Purely Entente Propaganda. Primarily a way to pin blame on the Highly Courageous and Decorated German Army that has Performed nothing but their duty throughout the occuppied Territories." ~Kaiser Wargamer

Serbia: Scutari, Ragusa, Belgrade were all attacked by Turkish, Bulgarian and German Troops. Since they created this conflict they shall pay first!

Italy: Surrendered and we consider without any real losses it was a Mock War. The only real opposition was from French troops.

Eastern Front: The Russians are pouring in, Reds are on every corner of our Eastern Frontier from Konisberg all the way down to Budapest, they've achieved several hundred miles of border penetration in areas and threaten the vast resources and Rich Cities of our Heritage and Culture. As an answer to this a thousand Guns opened up on Russian troops in Prussia, as they attempted to fill the holes and dig trenches it evaporated every Russian Soldier that entered the killzone and they retreated. We Do no fear the loss of the AH, we know the Good Archduke will continue the valiant effort to fight on and if he does not we shall merely have to appoint a Minister for that country..

Turkey: Holds strong, Holy War has taken it's toll on the Foreign Hordes, they gather and muster no great advances, Jerusalem is a hasbeen city!

In The West: All's quiet on the Western Front

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Post #: 15
RE: Siege - 2/17/2008 10:35:58 PM   


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Sir William Maxwell Aitken
Dateline: December 31st, 1916
The Entente takes a beating, but survives another year. Time, once our enemy, begins to work against the agressors. 17 broods ominously for Kaiser Wargamer despite the appearances of a Central Power edge.
The East; brings great joy as the Russe take Vienna. a-h, (no longer capital in our book), needs constant support from all sides just to slow its' slide into capitualation. The Germans transfer men and material from all fronts and nations to stop the steamroller from bringing this conflict to a conclusion. But the crafty bear pulls back ever so slightly to avoid being ensnared. It has done its' job for the year. And with their forces poised to take the key cities of Vienna, Budapest in the coming months, it has the luxury of regrouping for the moment.
Turkey; Kars, Bierut, Damascus, all fall from offenses coming from the Carpathians and Negev. While Johnny Turk looks elsewhere for plunder, its' own house collpases.
Serbia; a tribute to our gallant partners who now reside in the hills. Overrun, but not conquered, it is just a matter of time before the liberation begins.
Greece; have joined the Ententes cause, and . . . (crickets chirp)
The West; Kaiser W has unexpectedly pulled his forces back to the border. GHQ on our side urges a rapid pursuit to chase them all the way to Berlin. But Intel warns of a gambit, trying to pull our troops out of well defined positions in order to maul them on the open field. We advance, but methodically, moving forward, digging in, bringing & building up, only to repeat the process all over again. We have moved from the gates of Paris and are now knocking on the doors of Verdun. It's only a matter of time before Alsace & Lorraine are re-united with Mother France!
Concerning Operation H.B., the melancholy Dane says "Not a whit, we defy augury."
Also note, more proof of Hun atrocities. With sources reporting the touching of firm, . . . quivering . . . flesh, . . . ohhh yeah, . . . yielding to the forceful, . . . that's it, forceful . .

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Post #: 16
RE: Siege - 2/17/2008 10:39:34 PM   


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John Buchan
Dateline: December 31st, 1916
Please note, Lord Beaverbrook, is on a scheduled, that is, repeat, scheduled vacation and is doing much better. We hope a speedy return, but until then, I, John Buchan will assume his duties.

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Post #: 17
RE: Siege - 2/18/2008 10:46:31 PM   


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Rough Casualties as of July 1917

5 million, 3 million of which are ET troops

Eastern Turkey has fallen, the rest remains to be seen... Romania is poised to fall. German troops have smashed the Brusilov Offensive of the prior Winter into Prussia. Along with it the attempt at threatening Berlin is removed for the remainder of the war.

In the West, The USA is not yet seen but high powered British/French Cannons dot countryside, both nations had made a recovery after the vicious trench warfare back and forths of the prior year and half. The Germans dig deep into their defensive line abandoning Brussels and holding Verdun and turning it into a German Fortress. The West is where the war will be decided now. There is little time left for a decisive victory so it looks like we may have to wait another 20 years.....unless some sort of amazing offensive occurs soon

The ET rules the skies and the Seas in the West. The CP Rules them in the East

Major Lawrence is freeing Syria_Transjordan_Lebanon

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Post #: 18
RE: Siege - 2/19/2008 2:45:39 AM   


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Sir John Buchan
Dateline: August 1st, 1917.
Romania is assualted without warning, or provocation, a la the other Entente members. This last attack on freedom has the U.S. joining our righteous cause to stop Hun aggression.
With this turn, we offer terms to avoid further bloodshed in what is a lost cause for Kaiser W.
They scoff, looking to draw this to a unresolved conclusion.
Now we say this to Kaiser W.
Scorn and defiance; slight regard, contempt, and any thing that may not misbecome the mighty senders, doth we prize you at!
The East: the Russe still threaten from Koenigsburg down to Budapest. German gross exagerations of "smashing" the Russe offensive capability are quickly dispelled. Any equivocation on this front releases the Cossack hordes for fatal effect.
Romania: the Boche sneak attack catches the Romani off guard, and are quickly put to rout. Brave remenants fight a rearguard in Bucharest for months, allowing most men and material to escape to Russia, in order to regroup and return to the fight.
Turkey: caught between Allenby's advance on Ankarra, and Phleve's towards Constantinople, it is now their time to exit from the stage. The Sultan will be the first to be held accountable for this war, but assuredly, not the last.
The West: The time for preparation is over. The French and British begin advancing through the best defense the Germans have. An overwhelming awray of men, material, and new weapons/tatics are mauling the German Army. France and Belgium are almost completely liberated, and advance thrusts now head into Germany proper. Make no mistake, we are committed, this issue of German millitarism WILL BE RESOLVED BEYOND ALL DOUBT. Their will be no rest, no release, no refuge until it's over, over there. On top of this, comes hordes and hordes of Yanks. The chasm opens for the Hun!

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Post #: 19
RE: Siege - 2/19/2008 5:47:05 AM   


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Level6 ET Artillery does seem a little bit abnormal to me, I thought it was my side that was supposed to have this super weapon... I do not know if I am off in this but shouldn't I be able to dig deeper from this??? So far ET cannons kill more than ET rifles!

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Post #: 20
RE: Siege - 2/19/2008 8:37:25 PM   


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CP Troops face unsurmountable odds... Assualt Troops shipped in from Overseas, new Artillery breakthroughs by the ET are like hell on Earth. Trenches that have existed for 3 years are vaporized in minutes in the face of such new weapondry. Nearly 1 million CP Casaulties are racked in just 3 months of campaigning by the ET bringing the total Death toll toward the end of 1917 to near 7 million 3 million CP troops!

Even with Romania-Serbia-Italy in the CP's pocket and Russia starting suffer from exhaustive campaigning itself there is no way out. The ET will be in Berlin in a years time

Kaiser Wargamer Surrenders and Retires to Holland

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Post #: 21
RE: Siege - 2/19/2008 9:27:10 PM   


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Sir John Buchan
Dateline: December 31st, 1917
Unconditional Surrender!
Celebrations abound.
It seems an enternity since Kaiser W. launched his war of aggression.
But now peace.
Blessed peace.
Though, it was almost not.
Kaiser W's version of the Schlieffen was beautiful in its' effieciency.
Reaching the gates of Paris, Orleans, Dijon in no time.
Dispatching Italy, Romania, and when it decided to, Serbia, with the ruthless Prussian ethic that is so talked about, and so deserved.
It seems that the only reason the Entente survived was the pressure of the Bear. While never enough to do strategic damage, it was a constant threat to imminently do so.
And by the time the Germans checked that threat, the West was ready.
Victory occured by the narrowest of margins, and we offer a salute to the staff of Kaiser W. This is what the Guns of August is/are all about!

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