Windo von Paene
Posts: 174
Joined: 5/16/2000 From: Seattle, WA Status: offline
Hey there Brent,
Just got done with the Last Stand of the 78th last night, and wanted to ask a few questions. Broke the Russians, but still only managed to get a draw, as I only got about 3 squads, (2 of which were recon), off the map.
My main question is this. Is it even possible to get the wagons loaded with the guns off the map? I swear I had those bad boys moving out from the beginning, and they were still a good 4 or 5 turns movement from the exits.
Also did you design this for 4.0 or is it an update? The immobilizations just killed me. Both STUGs, one of the two halftracks, and many of the wagons, (espcially when trying to cross the creeks), got stuck.
Also, there is a bit of a map bug on the westernmost creek at or near the ford, the creek doesn't line up with the one above it.
It was still an interesting scen.