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"A Knife Fight in the Dark" - Prince v. Grunt

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"A Knife Fight in the Dark" - Prince v. Grunt - 5/27/2008 8:16:58 PM   

Posts: 427
Joined: 3/31/2005
From: Ya sure, you betcha
Status: offline
Thought I would post a AAR since Prince [IJN/IJA] challenged me to a stock 1941 campaign game. I intend only to describe the turns as the happened and only discuss strategy after it has been exposed to Prince through the game play.

December 7, 1941:

Prince decided on an "historical opening" for the Imperial Forces. Pearl Harbor was struck and the damage as extensive to the airbase and the battleships and some smaller ships took the historical pounding [no capital ships get to the bottom of Pearl Harbor].

The Phillipines are struck and Clark Field is a shell of its former self thanks to the IJAAF. Landings on southern Luzon are "opposed" [and I use that word lightly], but alas the IJA is ashore. Northern Luzon fairs no better with IJA forces pushing aside all resistence.

IJA landings along the Malaysian coast go on without a hitch. DEI forces offer pathetic resistence and their air strkes are easily brushed aside by the IJN.

Wake Island is invaded and the Marines resist valiantly - holding off the IJN onslaught the first day. However, Guam is a tasty morsel for the IJN - the MSW Penguin is damaged and the Japs are ashore.

December 8, 1941:

IJA forces supported by IJN forces continue to pour troops over the Malaysian coast. DEI air planes continue the futile efforts to attack IJN shipping at all points. IJAAF continue air strikes at the Singapore, Georgetown and Victoria Point airfields. DEI air units in Malaya are now appear to be a hollow threat.

IJA continues to pour onto the Northern shores of Luzon and push USAAF units from their position just south of Naga to Naga. The town of Vigan is now in the hands of the IJA.

News has come from Guam, via a final telegram, that the Marine base there has fallen to the IJA and the MSW Penguin has been scuttled.

Wake Island repluses another attack by the IJN this day. Marine F4F3's engage the IJN around Wake with dive bombing. Several close strikes were reported, but no noted damage to IJN shipping was reported by the Wake forces. Hold on boys!


"Over?! It's not over until we say it's over. Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?!" John Blutarsky from the Movie "Animal House"
Post #: 1
RE: "A Knife Fight in the Dark" - Prince v. G... - 5/31/2008 5:01:14 AM   

Posts: 427
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From: Ya sure, you betcha
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December 9, 1941:

Central Pacific Command announced today the first Allied naval offensive operation since the attack on Pearl Harbor - Operation Iron Horse. Recently installed Central Pacific commander Admiral Chester Nimitz announced that several Anti-submarine Warfare task forces left Pearl Harbor to engage Japanese submarines in and around the Hawaiian Islands. Reportedly several contacts were made by U.S. naval forces as well as PBYs. Early reports indicated that the Jap sub I-9 was sunk by RAdm W.R. Furlong's Task Force 1109 just northwest of Pearl Harbor. PBY patrols indicated that they beleived that they struck at least three Japanese submarines in the surrounding area. USN losses, if any, have been treated a confidential.

IJ Naval and Air Forces have reportedly struck several targets along the Malayian coast. Khota Bharo, Georgetown and Singapore have been subjected to air and/or naval bombardments over tha past twenty-four hours. Some ship losses at Singapore have been reported but details are not available.

The Phillippines Command, under General McArthur, have repoted the fall of Aparii and landings at Laoag. Clark Field continues to be bombed from the air, but no further landings were reported by USAAF Command.

British radio indicated that Hong Kong was struck from the air today and was subjected to a land attack by Japanese forces. The attack was reportedly repulsed with the loss of over 500 Japanese and numerous equipment. Hong Kong still holds on as of this report.

The first good news of the war was reported by Marine and USAAF forces on Wake Island. Japanese landings on the island have been repulsed after two (2) days of fighting. Surviving Japanese forces withdrew from Wake leaving American forces in control of the battlefield.

December 10, 1941 :

Central Pacific Command reported that Operation Iron Horse continues with further reports of ASW Task Forces conducting depth charge attacks on Japanese submarines in and around the Hawaiian Islands. There was were no reports of submarine sinkings. However, several Task Forces commanders and PBY flights reported sonar contacts and/or visual sightings.

The British forces in Malaya continue to be subject to murderous IJN and IJAF bombardment at Khota Bharu, Georgetown and Kauntan. Japanese air assets struck a Task Force at Singapore causing much confusion.

Hong Kong suffered another land assault from Japanese forces. However, this assualt was also repulsed with the loss of nearly 700 Japanese soldiers. There is vague information that Chinese ground forces in and around Nanning have attacked and cleared fortifications around the city, this is yet unconfirmed.

Japanese radio indicated today that their naval landing forces have landed and seized the island of Makin in the Central Pacific. This report, although from a reliable source, has yet to be confirmed.

USAAF headquarters in Manilia reported that the IJAF struck Clark Field today, there are no reports of significant damage.

December 11, 1941:

Central Pacific Command reported that on the third day of Operation Iron Horse ASW Task Forces continued to conduct depth charge attacks on sonar contacts in and around the Hawaiian Islands. Additional Task Forces have been added to the existing forces in this operation. PBY patrols have proven invaluable to this effort, spotting the locations of the enemy submarine forces in Hawaiian waters. Central Pacific Command refused to confirm any further sinkings of Japanese submarines.

Japanese radio indicated that their naval landing forces seized the island of Nauru. This is unconfirmed.

General McArthur's command in the Philippines reported that Clark Field was bombed today but that USAAF P-40's inflicted four (4) Japanese Zero losses to one (1) of P-40. They also reported an attack on Laoag in Northern Luzon and the subsequent loss of that base. They also reported a conserted assault on Naga that was repulsed with heavy Japanese losses. Elements on the ground at Naga reported that the Japanese force was retreating south to Lepagsi.

British Command reported today that their forces in Hong Kong were overwhelmed and the great city taken by Japanese forces.

Airfields in Khota Bharu and Alor Star were bombed today by the IJN and/or IJAF. The Japanese 18th Infantry Division attacked Khota Bharu but was replused with the loss of nearly 300 men.

Ther has been no reports of Japanese activity in the Dutch East Indies area nor in the South Pacific.

< Message edited by grunt6971 -- 5/31/2008 5:05:57 AM >


"Over?! It's not over until we say it's over. Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?!" John Blutarsky from the Movie "Animal House"

(in reply to 6971grunt)
Post #: 2
RE: "A Knife Fight in the Dark" - Prince v. G... - 6/3/2008 12:24:10 AM   

Posts: 427
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From: Ya sure, you betcha
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December 12, 1941:

Operation Iron Horse continues around the Hawaiian Islands. Central Pacific HQ reports that ASW groups have had numerous contacts and that depth charge attacks were very common among the ASW groups. Nine (9) separate contacts were reported. PBYs doing a nice job in locating enemy subs.

General McArthur reported that Clark Field, Lingayen and Cebu were subjected to air attack, but reported no losses or damage. IJA forces still landing in Northern Luzon.

British command out of Singapore report that Khuto Bhatu, Georgetown and Victoria Point were the subjects of air attacks. The bad news was that Khuto Bhatu's fortifications were penetrated by the 18th IJA Division and drove the british garrison to the south toward Launten.

In a surprise move, General Stillwell's HQ reports that there was a paratrooper landing by the Japanese 2nd Parachute Regiment upon the town of Wuchow just to the northest of Canton. Stillwell indicated that the Japanese unit was driven from the city and across the river with heavy loss of life to the Japanese.

December 13, 1941 :

Central Pacific HQ, in its daily briefing on Operation Iron Horse, confirmed that the Japanese submarine I-171 was sunk by Task Force 1073 (RAdm J.H. Newton). The operation continues into its fifth day.

Japanese forces have landed on the beaches of Davao in the Philippine Islands. First reports indicate that coastal batteries around the city struck a Japanses cruiser several times as the cruiser attempted to cover the landing force. The Japanese 56th Brigade has been identified as leading the assault.

The Dutch have made their first report of Japanese forces on their territory. Japanese SNFL units have landed at Miri in Boreno. The Dutch Air Forces attempted to interdict the landing but were unsuccessful, however, as of this writing the city remains in Dutch hands.

December 14, 1941:

Central Pacific HQ again noted that Operation Iron Horse continues with relentless force. PBYs located several Japanses submarines and ASW groups conducted depth charge attacks. PBYs report that they scored a "hit" on a Japanese submarine identified as I-173, this cannot be confirmed.

In the Philippines, Lingayen was overrun today by a large Japanese force. Davao was again assaulted by the Japanese 56th Infantry Brigade, although the inner defenses of the City were breached, Philippine Army units still hold the city. Clark Filed again reported air bombardment.

The Dutch reported that Miri was assaulted today and fell to Japanese forces. The Dutch Air Force again attempted to interdict IJN forces in and around Miri, but were unsuccessful.

In Malaya, Kauntan was subjected to a night bombarded by the IJN which included several of their battleships. Singapore, Taiping and Georgetown were struck from the air by the IJAAF. At Singapore, British CAP drove off over 40 of the 90 Nells sent on the raid - damage was repoted to be "light". An attack on Alor Star by the IJA was replused with a loss of nearly 1,600 Japanese.

General Stillwell reported that Japanses forces attacked the norther city of Yenen today. Chinese forces inflicted over 4,400 casualties on the Japanese in the rebuff of the attack. However, Chinese forces struck at Nanning again but were turned back by determined IJA resistence. Chinese losses were reported as "light".

Japanese forces have now moved into Burma. The Japanese 55th Infantry Division took the town of Tavoy without resistence.

< Message edited by grunt6971 -- 6/3/2008 12:28:11 AM >


"Over?! It's not over until we say it's over. Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?!" John Blutarsky from the Movie "Animal House"

(in reply to 6971grunt)
Post #: 3
RE: "A Knife Fight in the Dark" - Prince v. G... - 6/3/2008 8:03:45 PM   

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From: Ya sure, you betcha
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December 15, 1941:

Lots of setbacks for the allied forces this day. In the Philippines, Clark Field was bombed yet again today. The cities of Davao and Taytay fell to Japanese Army forces. Philippine Army units from Davao retreated to Cotabato to reorganize for their next anticipated fight. The insland of Leyte was also reported to have witnessed the landings of Japanese troops.

The Dutch reported that at Miri, IJN forces were again attacked from thier air forces, but did not report any positive results from those sorties.

In the Central Pacific, Japanese forces have seized the island of Apamama without resistence.

After six days of intense naval warfare, Operation Iron Horse appeared to have given the seventh day a rest. PBYs reported several Japanese submarine sightings to the north, northeast and southwest of the Hawaiian Islands, but USN ASW forces reported no contacts. The operation will continue into the near future.

British Command in Malaya reported the land assault on the city of Alor Star. Japanese forces were repulsed with the loss of over 1,400 men and related materials. British Command also reported the fall of the city of Mouliem in Burma to the Japanese 1st Armored Regiment. The city was undefended.


"Over?! It's not over until we say it's over. Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?!" John Blutarsky from the Movie "Animal House"

(in reply to 6971grunt)
Post #: 4
RE: "A Knife Fight in the Dark" - Prince v. G... - 6/6/2008 12:17:25 AM   

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From: Ya sure, you betcha
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December 16, 1941:

The Central Pacific area and Burma were quite today. There are no reports of fighting or assaults on atolls. However, Southeast Asai HQ reports that Japanese troops appear to be moving on Rangoon. Their progress is reported to be "deliberate".

Central Pacific HQ in Pearl Harbor reports that Operation Iron Horse forces engaged Japanese subs around the Hawaiian Islands. Reports of torpedos being fired and depth charge attacks were disclosed, but there were no reports of damage or loss. PBYs continue to locate Japanese subs, but report that they are moving out and away from the shallow island waters into potential shipping lanes to the northeast of the islands. ASW forces are in constant pursuit.

General McArthur's forces on the Philippines report that Puerto Prince was invaded by Japanese forces this day. Clark Filed underwent another day of ineffectual bombing. Philippine Army reports that Davao is now an operational IJAF base. Lead elements of the IJA have moved to Tuguarao south of Apparii.

HQ for the Army of Malaya reports bombing of Singapore, Alor Star and Georgetown. IJN forces rumored to be moving into the east coast of Malaya.

General Stillwell reports that Chinese Army forces and the IJA clashed at the rail crossing 60 miles northwest of Kalfeng. No reports concerning losses.

Dutch air assets in southern Borneo report that they again attacked IJN forces around Miri with two (2) bomb hits reported on the AP Gosei Maru.

December 17, 1941:

More naval activity was reported along the eastern coast of Malaya. While Kuantan was being struck from the air, some 60 miles to the north of Kuantan, along the coast, air assets from Singapore located and launched an air attack on the IJN Heavy Cruisers Suzuya and Mikuma. Pilots report some hits around these cruisers, but no direct strikes from their bombs. Alor Star was again attacked by the Japanese 5th Division, but repulsed the attack to the loss of over 400 Japanese.

Manila reported that the airfield at Lepaspi is now active. IJAF conducted a fighter sweep over Clark Field today, losses were termed as "minimal". Puerto Prince fell to the IJA today with no resistence. IJA armored units attempted to penetrate the Philippine Army defenses around Tuguarao, but lost 10 tanks and over 200 men before breaking off the assault.

Lead elements of the Chinese Army now in the Wuhan area were attacked and forced to retreat. Other Chinese Army elements are still working to establish a foothold in Wuhan area. General Stillwell called today's action "encouraging", in relation to the efforts of Chinese forces, and called the losses "small" compared to the forces involved on both sides.

Dutch Headquarters reported that their air forces in southern Borneo located and attacked the IJN Light Cruiser Yura today, but no hits were reported. The cruiser was in the slot between Puerto Prince and the eastern coast of Borneo.

It appears that the number of reportable Japanese submarines in and around the Hawaiian Islands has dropped from an initially reported 22 to 7, with two (2) subs confirmed to be with "Davy Jones". Admiral Nimitz stated, in an official release, that Operation Iron Horse appears to be having the desired effect. The operation is into its ninth day.

PBYs report that some of these submarines are moving outward from the islands while others appear to be retreating for safer waters. Several ASW Task Forces reported that torpedos were reported in the water and that depth charge attacks insued. No reports of damage or loss, but one Task Force Commander reported that it appeared that his ships had a submarine "pinned" with heavy depth charging.


"Over?! It's not over until we say it's over. Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?!" John Blutarsky from the Movie "Animal House"

(in reply to 6971grunt)
Post #: 5
RE: "A Knife Fight in the Dark" - Prince v. G... - 6/6/2008 5:58:54 PM   

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From: Ya sure, you betcha
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December 18, 1941:

There were limited, small actions reported in China and nothing reported from sources in the Central Pacific or Burma areas. This has continued for several days. Dutch sources also report no activity or action in their areas of responsibility.

The Army of Malaya Headquarters reported aircraft of the IJAF bombed both Singapore and Alor Star this day with little damage or loss of life reported. It was reported that fighters from Singapore again spotted IJN Heavy Cruisers just along the eastern coast of Malaya sixty miles north of Kuantan. The Heavy Cruisers Mikuma and Mogami were spotted and attacked by seven [7] British Buffalo Is. Returning pilots reported that the cruiser Mogami was struck by one of their bombs. The damage was unknown.

Additionally, two British Buffalo Is attacked the troop carrier Fukko Maru in the harbor of Khota Bharu but reported no hits.

Central Pacific Command in Hawaii reported today that several torpedos had been fired at the ASW task forces of Operation Iron Horse. No torpedo strikes were indicated but vigorious depth charge attacks were reported after each torpedo run. CenPac also indicated that Japanese submarine forces around the Hawaiian Island have been substantially reduced and it appears they are retreating to the west.

General McArthur's headquarters reported sharp naval action occurred around the island of Jolo in the early morning hours of this day. First reports indicated that a task force of six (6) Motor Patrol Boats surprised a large Japanese IJN force at about 0430 hours. Although the smaller USN PT Task Force was wiped out, PBY rescued survivors indicated that the action commenced at 1,000 yards on a moonless night. The American task force consisted of PT boats 31, 32, 33, 34, 35 and 41 originally stationed in Manila. The Japanese task force was comprised of three battleships ( Nagato, Fuso and Yamashiro), two light cruisers (Yura and Kinu) and four destroyers (Mikazuki, Yukaze, Yakaze and Sawakaze).

Lookouts on PT-31 indicated they saw two ships proceeding in their direction. The task force commander ordered an immediate attack - the distance at the time was 1,000 yards. The PTs used their spot lights to light-up their targets as they made their head-on run. The destroyers Yakaze and Sawakaze received several hits each from the guns of the PTs and displayed signs of damage via smoke and fire. The PT's torpedo runs resulted in no strikes
because of the closeness of the fight at that point. The Japanese ships returned fire and sunk the 33 boat with ten hits.

It is reported that the task force commander (whose is yet to be identified) ordered the remaining boats to turn and commence a torpedo run at 2,000 yards. Survivors indicated that at this point they had encountered a substantially larger naval force. The task force bravely and wildly re-entered the battle with all guns firing and remaining torpedos being launched. The small task force took horrendous losses on the second run resulting in the loss of boats 32 (with 20 hits), 34 (with 2 hits from a "large caliber" gun).

The Task Force broke off the engagement at this point with three surviving boats that were now low on fuel. Unfortunatley, the IJN task force was now "hunting" for the survivors and it was daylight. At approximatley 0700, the Japanses ships found the task force about 15 miles from Jolo. The survivors (boats 31, 35 and 41) commenced a high speed run for Jolo, but ran out of fuel several miles from Jolo and were abandoned by the crews and destroyed. The pursuing IJN task force probably believing the approaching PBYs could be an allied air strike broke off the action before reaching the crews now afloat in shark-infested waters. After and hour or so in the water, two PBYs landed and commenced rescue operations.

There are no reported survivors from boats 32, 33 or 34 and two crew members from the survivors of boats 31, 35 and 41 surcomed of their wounds at the naval hospital in Jolo.


"Over?! It's not over until we say it's over. Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?!" John Blutarsky from the Movie "Animal House"

(in reply to 6971grunt)
Post #: 6
RE: "A Knife Fight in the Dark" - Prince v. G... - 6/6/2008 6:24:17 PM   
John 3rd

Posts: 17178
Joined: 9/8/2005
From: La Salle, Colorado
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I love your reference the the 1st Naval Battle of Guadalcanal with the title of your Thread!

Good luck...


Member: Treaty, Reluctant Admiral and Between the Storms Mod Team.

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(in reply to 6971grunt)
Post #: 7
RE: "A Knife Fight in the Dark" - Prince v. G... - 6/6/2008 6:58:22 PM   

Posts: 521
Joined: 12/10/2007
From: Wild and Wonderful WV, just don't drink the water
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Good AAR.  Gotta say I enjoy reading the press release-like writing.  Since I seem to write several a week, it is nice to read a less serious version.  Keep up the good work. 

(in reply to John 3rd)
Post #: 8
RE: "A Knife Fight in the Dark" - Prince v. G... - 6/8/2008 8:48:55 PM   

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From: Ya sure, you betcha
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Good AAR.  Gotta say I enjoy reading the press release-like writing.  Since I seem to write several a week, it is nice to read a less serious version.  Keep up the good work. 

Thanks for the kind remarks............


"Over?! It's not over until we say it's over. Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?!" John Blutarsky from the Movie "Animal House"

(in reply to NormS3)
Post #: 9
RE: "A Knife Fight in the Dark" - Prince v. G... - 6/8/2008 10:02:36 PM   

Posts: 427
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From: Ya sure, you betcha
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December 19, 1941:

Today saw fighting erupt in China. The Chinese Army pushed back the 3rd IJA Division that had been probing the city of Changsha. After a receiving reinforcements, Stillwell's headquarters announced that the 6th Chinese Army, consisting of 10 divisions, smashed into the Japanese and drove them from the outskirts of the city. Stillwell's staff indicated that the Chinese are presently in pursuit of the Japanese who are falling back onto the city of Wuhan.

Center Pacific Headquarters today provided insight into the dangers of Operation Iron Horse , CenPac indiated that the destroyer USS Reid took two torpedos while on ASW partol about 240 miles southwest of Pearl Harbor. The task force commander reported that the Reid broke in apart quickly and that there were very few survivors.

The Philippines reported that Bataan, Naga, Jolo and Clark Field were bombed by the IJAF. Military sources did not indicate the extend, if any, of damage caused by these bombings.

Dutch headquarters in southern Borneo reported that their aircraft attacked and hit the troop carrier Kimishima Maru in the Sulu Straits. The ship was reported to have been set ablaze.

The Malaya Army headquarters in Singapore reported that British fighters bombed and strafed Japanese shipping at Khota Bharu. The British indicated that the Patrol Gunboat Haskidate had a 100 kg bomb penetrate her deck causing an explosion. The British also indicated that their fighters attacked the heavy cruiser Kumano 60 miles north of Kuantan along the eastern side of the Malayian coastline. There were no indications in that report that damage had been inflicted. It was also noted that Indian forces in the city of Alor Star again repulsed an attack of the 5th IJA Division. Losses to the IJA in that attack were reported to be "heavy".

December 20, 1941:

Central Pacific Headquarters reported that ASW forces in Operation Iron Horse reported no submarine contacts for the first time since December 9, 1941. PBYs out of Hawaii, however, reported a japanese submarine heading west about 240 miles northwest of French Frigate Shoals.

However, Headquarters for the West Coast indicated that an ASW task force had two separate submarine contacts at 120 and 180 miles west of San Francisco. The ASW task force indicated that torpedos had been fired in both instances but no ship had been struck after taking evasive action. The task force did indicate that the second contact took heavy depth charging. They did not report known damage to the submarine.

General McArthur, in his daily briefing, indicated that Clark Filed, Naga and Jolo were again bombed today by air. The IJA's 48th Division attacked and penetrated the outer defenses of the city of Turuegarao in northern Luzon. However Philippine Army forces, supported by U.S. Army engineers, were able to retain the city. Losses to Japanese forces were reported in excess of 300 men and various equipment.

It appears that the IJN launched a carrier-borne air strike on the island of Celebes. The city of Menado reported that Japanese Kates with escorting Claude fighters bombed and straffed the airfield.

In retaliation for their pesky air raids on their shipping in northern Malaya, the IJAF today struck at the airfield in Singapore. However, the Brits had already launched another strike on Japanese shipping on the eastern coast. Six (6) British Buffalo Is attacked the troop carriers Kaika Maru, Nuikai Maru, Ayah Maru and Awajisan Maru at Khota Bharu. Pilots reported that the Kaika Maru was struck twice by 100kg bombs and was buring at the time of their departure. The British also indicated that Alor Star was again attacked today by the IJA, although the outer ring of fortifications were penetrated by the Japanese, the city is still in the had of the Indian and British force and Japanese losses were twice as great as the defenders'.

The British also reported that there were airstrikes on Rangoon.

December 21, 1941:

Southeast Asia Headquarters reported from Colombo that Rangoon was captured today and the 105th RAF Engineer unit forced to surrender. Evidently, and to everyone's surprise, the city was hardly defended.

South Pacific Headquarters reported for the first time the appearance of Japanese forces along the New Guinea coast. It has been reported that there landing at Wewak along the northern coast of New Guinea. However, this has not been confirmed by recon planes from Australia because of bad weather.

The Philippine Army reports that their forces were forced, after a fierce fight, from the city of Cotabato and are retreating to Cagayan. Reported losses to Japanese forces were in excess of 300. Philippine Army losses were reported as being "light".

Clark Field and naga were again suffered from air bombardments. Damage was reported to be "minimal".

Japanese naval air forces continued to bomb the airfields at Menado and Brunei. Dutch forces located the troop carrier Kamishima Maru placing a 100 kg bomb onto its deck. Pilots reported seeing bodies in the water after the attack. Dutch air also located and attacked the CVL Zuiho some 240 miles north of Brunei. 3 Martin 139s overcame the fighter cover and dropped 3-250 kg bombs but none struck the ship.

The British seem to have had more luck in attacking Japanese shipping, although they do not report any hits from their recent air strike, the IJN troop carriers in Khota Bharu have seen more than their share of British aircraft. The Yamagata Maru and Hikawa Maru were treated to some British air cover and bombing, much to their dislike.

Admiral Nimitz's command today announced the termination of Operation Iron Horse. "With the clearing of Japanese submarines from in and around Hawaiian waters, there is no need to conduct such an intensive ASW compaign. However, ASW operations will continue as a matter of course in the future" was the official announcement from CenPac. Cen Pac also indicated that it will release casualty numbers as soon as they can given the present circumstances.

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< Message edited by grunt6971 -- 6/8/2008 10:05:14 PM >


"Over?! It's not over until we say it's over. Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?!" John Blutarsky from the Movie "Animal House"

(in reply to 6971grunt)
Post #: 10
RE: "A Knife Fight in the Dark" - Prince v. G... - 6/8/2008 10:07:36 PM   

Posts: 427
Joined: 3/31/2005
From: Ya sure, you betcha
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ORIGINAL: John 3rd

I love your reference the the 1st Naval Battle of Guadalcanal with the title of your Thread!

Good luck...

Thanks J3............


"Over?! It's not over until we say it's over. Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?!" John Blutarsky from the Movie "Animal House"

(in reply to John 3rd)
Post #: 11
RE: "A Knife Fight in the Dark" - Prince v. G... - 6/9/2008 12:02:24 AM   

Posts: 427
Joined: 3/31/2005
From: Ya sure, you betcha
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December 22, 1941:

The South Pacific Headquarters has now confirmed that Wewak, along the New Guinea northern coast, has fallen to a Japanese naval landing force. There was no resistence.

Central Pacific Headquarters detailed the cost of clearing the sea lanes in and around the Hawaiian Islands in Operation Iron Horse. In the nearly two week operation, United States naval forces lost the destroyer Reid, minesweepers Turkey, Tern and Vireo as well as the patrol craft Reliance. The loss to the Japanese were the submarines I-3 and I-171, with several others yet unidentified being, in the estimation of CenPac, heavily damaged. "A successful operation, but at a heavy cost" said Admiral Nimitz's press release statement.

The Philippine Island campaign of the Japanese continues to proceed slowly with resistence stiffening in northern and southern Luzon. Clark Field, Naga and Turuegarao were all struck from the air this day.

Naga was attacked by reinforced elements of the Japanese 16th Infantry Division. Fortifications were breached but the city held while inflicting over 400 casualties on the Japanese.

The reinforced Japanese 48th Infantry Division continued its assault of Turuegarao and took the long end of the losses by counting over 200 men lost to 150 for the Philippine Army.

Dutch air elements in Borneo has had an unusual amount of success against the IJN along the northern coast of Borneo near Brunei. Another troop carrier was attacked and hit by Dutch Martin 139s. The Kaedisan Maru was greeted by the impact of a 100 kg bomb on her deck, reports indicated that there was an explosion and fire near midships.

General Stillwell's headquarters announced that the 6th Chinese Army continued its attack on the Japanese 3rd Infantry Division today driving it across the river north of Wuhan with the loss of over 700 men and 23 guns. The Chinese 20th Army assaulted three (3) Japanese Infantry Brigades 60 miles northwest of Kaifeng forcing the Japanese units to retreat to Kaifeng leaving behind over 300 of their comrades and 14 guns.

The Army of Malaya reported that the airbase at Singapore was subjected to heavy bombardment by IJAFs out of French Indochina. The Japanese were probably tired of their shipping along the Malayian coast being under constant attack from fighters from this base.

Alor Star and Taiping ground forces were also subjected to air attack as well this day. It is anticipated that another ground assault by the reinforced Japanese 5th Infantry Division at Alor Star is not far in the offing.

Attachment (1)

< Message edited by grunt6971 -- 6/9/2008 12:03:00 AM >


"Over?! It's not over until we say it's over. Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?!" John Blutarsky from the Movie "Animal House"

(in reply to 6971grunt)
Post #: 12
RE: "A Knife Fight in the Dark" - Prince v. G... - 6/10/2008 12:54:11 AM   

Posts: 427
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From: Ya sure, you betcha
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December 23, 1941:

This must be the Christmas season, all over the eastern, central and south Pacific matters are truly quite. Even in Honolulu, military and civilian personnel are preparing for the holiday despite the horrendous event that befell the United States, over two weeks ago.

The west coast of the United States has been placed on alert because of the noted presence of Japanese submarines. Blackout rules are in effect until further order of the West Coast Command.

Admiral Hart's headquarters in Bataan reported air bombardments of Clark Field (a daily event since the war commenced) and Tuguegarao.

The city of Naga in southern Luzon was attacked once again by the reinforced 16th Infantry Division of the IJA. The attack was repulsed with heavy losses being inflicted upon the Japanese. The area commander reported over 700 Japanese were lost along with 41 guns and one tank. Philippine Army reported they took a loss of 37 men and one gun.

The city of Tuguegarao was again attacked today by the reinforced elements of the 48th Japanese Infantry Division. The attack achieved little success for the loss of over 300 Japanese.

General Stillwell's headquarters indicated that the combatants at Canton, Wuhan and Kaifeng exchanged air bombardments and artillery fire for the day.

Dutch report that once again their air force found and struck a merchant ship attempting to off-load supplies at Miri in northern Borneo. The merchant ship Tebrezan Maru was struck with one 250# bomb and was last seen burning and listing to port.

Singapore reported air strikes on the airfields at Kuantan and Singapore. Alor Star's defenders were also assaulted by air and land. The reinforced 5th IJA Infantry Division attempted to storm the fortifications around Alor Star but were repulsed. Reports indicate that the Japanese losses were at a ratio of 5:1.

The Imperial Guard Division of the IJA seized Victoria Point without firing a shot.

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< Message edited by grunt6971 -- 6/10/2008 8:04:10 PM >


"Over?! It's not over until we say it's over. Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?!" John Blutarsky from the Movie "Animal House"

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Post #: 13
RE: "A Knife Fight in the Dark" - Prince v. G... - 6/12/2008 2:45:25 AM   

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December 24, 1941:

The first wartime Christmas for the United States since 1917, arrives tomorrow. The mood is surprisingly upbeat for the American public given the circumstances. I guess Christmas time cannot be surpressed by anyone - especially the Japanese.

Blackout enforcement along the West Coast has made many stay at home for the holiday and not travel to parties.

International press information reports that the Philippines saw their part of the war time today with the daily bombing of Clark Field and Tuguergarao. Press information details that both Tuguegarao and Clark Field were assaulted by Japanese land units.

Sapper units from the 3rd Japanese Engineer Regiment crossed the river and attempted to penetrate U.S. Army fortifications in and around Clark Field. However, the sappers were detected by Army outposts and by the time the Japanese decided they could not effectively penetrate the outer ring of defenses, they had lost over 400 of their comrades and broke off their misguided effort.

For the third straight day the 48th Japanese Infantry Division [reinforced] attacked the Philippine Army at Tuguegarao but were repulsed - as of this writing, there are no report on the losses.

Southeast Asian Headquarters reports that Singapore and Taiping airbases were attacked by IJAF units. The 6th and 15th Indian Infantry Brigades at Alor Star were assaulted by air today with little effect on their morale or desire to hold their ground for their Crown.

Associated Press detailed that General Stillwell's command reported that air, and now naval, bombardments were conducted at Canton against Chinese forces. It was also rumored that the Chinese 10th Army at Nanning assaulted its defending IJA forces but were turned away when the commander of the 28th Chinese Corps could not follow-up a breakthrough by Chinese forces qucikly enough. Thus causing the initially successful Chinese forces to give back all the ground gained. Chinese losses were reported to be in excess of 700 men. Sources tell us that there was a rather "ugly" scene at the heaquarters compound of the 28th Chinese Infantry Corps when General Kuang Toa was relieved of his command by young and upcoming LGen E. Coa.

Dutch forces at Menado in the Celebes Islands reported that they were bombarded by a Japanese naval task force. Dutch aircraft were again granted the "warrior's luck" and reported striking the merchant ship Akagne Maru off-loading supplies at Miri. Dutch forces at Brunei reported a determined Japanese landing at their positions. They futher reported that several Japanese ships supporting the landing were sturk by coastal defense counter-battery fire (specifically, the heavy cruisers Mogami and Suzuya each took a shell hit and the light cruiser Isuzu sustained two shell hits). The light cruiser Jintsu was attacked by three (3) Martin 139s at Brunei but reported no bomb hits. One young staff officer out of Batavia was heard saying, "The little bastards sure are determined, in spite of it all".

Not wanting to out done by their counterparts, the Austrialian Royal Air Force out of Port Morsby intercepted the landing of Japanese forces at Madang, along the northern coast of New Guinea. With a force of three (3) Hudson Is, they struck the troop carrier Shuko Maru with three (3) 250# bombs putting her blazing hull against the setting western sun. What a sunset!

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"Over?! It's not over until we say it's over. Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?!" John Blutarsky from the Movie "Animal House"

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Post #: 14
RE: "A Knife Fight in the Dark" - Prince v. G... - 6/13/2008 2:18:26 AM   

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December 25, 1941:

The Honolulu Herald reported today that citizens of the islands enjoyed a subdued but merry Christmas this season. The muted celebration was only distrubed by reports of Japanese submarines to the northeast of the islands. The population only hopes that ASW groups have delayed their holiday and are hunting the "beasts".

Austrialian Command reported today that Madang fell to Japanese naval landing forces without resistence. Port Morsby's air force again struck at the IJN forces at Madang. The Patrol Gunboat Kogyoku Maru and troop carrier Shuko Maru were attacked without reports of any hits.

Austrialain coast watchers reported that Japanese Special Naval Landing Forces were seen landing at the Tarawa Atoll. Coast watchers indicated that the atoll is unoccupied.

The Southeast Asian Command reported that there was no combat activity in Burma except for the noted movement of the Japanese 1st Armored Regiment from Rangoon toward Pagan. Kuantan and Singapore reported more air strikes today on their respective airfields.

General Stillwell's China Command noted that only battery and counter-battery fire, as well as air strikes, were reported in the Canton, Wuhan and Kaifeng areas of the country.

General MacArthur's Philippine command noted that Tuguegarao fell today under a furious banzai assault lead by the IJA's reinforced 48th Infantry Division. The Philippine Army and USAAF units in the town all surrendered after their escape route was cut-off by Japanese forces. The Japanese forces captured over 7,000 prisoners and lost over 900 men in the attack. The city of Naga rebuffed a banzai assault by the reinforced 16th Japanese Infatry Division to the loss of nealry 700 men.

Clark Field was also subjected to a banzai assault by the 65th Japanese Infantry Brigade supported by the 1st Heavy Artillery Regiment. Japanese losses were substantial. Reports from the front, yet unconfirmed, are that over 1,700 men and 47 guns remained on the battlefield as the Japanese retreated back across the river.

The Dutch report that Menado and Brunei were again attacked in the early morning hours of this day by the IJN. An air strike was organized for Brunei, but it was met for the first time, by Japanese fighter cover. Although none of the attacking Martin 139s were diverted by the appearance of the Nates, the introduction of this fighter cover disrupted their attack on the Japanese light Cruiser Isuza causing all ordinance to miss the target. However, there are reports from the Dutch city of Ambonia that three of their Hudson Is attacked the Japanese light cruiser Nagara striking the light cruiser three (3) times with 250# bombs. Crude photos from the air crews appear to confirm the claim.

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"Over?! It's not over until we say it's over. Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?!" John Blutarsky from the Movie "Animal House"

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Post #: 15
RE: "A Knife Fight in the Dark" - Prince v. G... - 6/14/2008 1:23:30 AM   

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December 26, 1941:

In general terms, the eastern Pacific was "quite" today. The Japanese did not conduct further landings as they had yesterday. United States and Australian sources indicated that they conducted only defensive operations with no reported "contacts" with the Japanese in the broad expanse known as the eastern Pacific Ocean.

Central Pacific Headquarters reported that Task Force 1101, out about 180 miles ENE of Pearl Harbor, came into contact with a Japanese submarine and spent the entire day running depth charge attacks on this contact. They reported nothing more.

The Philippine Islands reported the standard air bombardment of Clark Field by IJAF from the north and south. Philippine Army Divisions around the city of Naga were again greeting with the howling and swirling banzai attacks of two IJA divisions, the 16th and the newly arrived 56th - both accompanied with reinforcements of engineers. Even though heavily reinforced, the Japanese force failed to penetrate the defenses of Naga and were thrown back with the loss of over 300 men.

Clark Field was struck in the early morning hours with its second banzai attack, in as manay days, by the 65th IJA Brigade. Even without their morning coffee, the Clark Field defenders repelled the vicious assault and inflicting the enemy with over losses of 600.

Dutch headquarters report that the anticipated invasion of Menado in the Celebes Islands has commenced. After a night IJN bombardment, Japanese landings commenced. There has been no report of the landings progress.

Japanese landings were also reported at Hollandia by coastwatchers. This landing has been assumed to be successful because there are no opposing forces in Hollandia.

Dutch air reported several attacks in their jurisdiction. The light cruiser Nagara was again attacked but no reported hits by air crews. Two troop carriers at Menado were also attacked. There were no reports of hits to the Horai Maru or Kasuga Maru.

Headquarters of the Army of Malaya submitted a report that Singapore and Khola Lampur, for the first time, were bombed by the IJAF. Imperial British forces and Indian troops at Alor Star were also bombed and sustained another banzai attack. The 5th Japanese Infantry Division (reinforced) again attemtped to penetrate the defensive lines of Alor Star by were rebuffed to the loss of over 300 men. There are uncofirmed reports that the Imperial Guard Division has left Victoria Point and is heading south into Malaya. The Defenders of Alor Star can only wonder when they will be "greeting" this hallowed unit.

An advanced guard of the 1st Burmese Brigade, some 120 miles to the west of Rangoon, was attacked by the Japanese 1st Armored Regiment and thrown back across the river toward Rangoon. The ratio of loss favored the British forces 8:1.

It appears to this reporter that the Japanese are showing some desparation by the conducting of numerous banzai attacks over the past two or three days. The loss of over 5,000 men in three days would be daunting for any army, but the Japanese seem impervious to their losses. However, only time will tell if the resolve of the various allied forces in these parts of the Pacific Theater can withstand the reckless abandon shown by the Japanese.


"Over?! It's not over until we say it's over. Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?!" John Blutarsky from the Movie "Animal House"

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RE: "A Knife Fight in the Dark" - Prince v. G... - 6/15/2008 4:08:00 PM   

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December 27, 1941:

Sad news to report today, after an heroic fight for the city of Naga, the Philippine Army was driven from the city. In an attempt to stem of Japanese troop advances in the northern part of Luzon, the Battle of Naga was becoming the example of how to stop the Japanese blitzkrieg. Reports from the city indicate that the defenders were short of ammunition and could not push back another banzai charge of the Japanese 16th and 56th Infantry Divisions. One retreating soldier was quoted, "If we only had enough bullets, but there was too many of them."

With the 41st and 51st Philippine Army Divisions, and its attachments, moving toward the city of Manila, the 65th Infantry Brigade of the IJA attempted another assault on Clark Field. This attack went as the others at Clark Field - badly for the Japanese who lost over 600 men.

The news seems to be bad all over the western Pacific. Malayian Army Command informed the AP that the city of Alor Star fell to another Japanese banzai charge. Although forced out of the city, Royal Indian troops are retreating in good order after inflicting losses on the Japanese at a reported ratio of 4:1.

The 1st Burma Brigade, some 120 miles west of Rangoon, again stopped cold the armored thrust of the 1st Armored Regiment of the IJA.

The most hopeful news of the day comes from General Stillwell's China headquarters. The Chinese 20th Group Army, 60 miles northwest of Kaifeng, destroyed an attack of the Japanese 26th Infantry Division to the tune of over 2,000 Japanese.

The Dutch suffered reverses as well this day. The city of Menado was lost and the Japanese rounded up about 2,700 prisoners. As expected, the city of Hollandia was also reported captured by Imperial Japanese Forces.

Dutch aircraft again conducted attacks on Japanese shipping along the northern Borneo coast and at Menado. For the first time, IJN forces were spotted off the city of Kuching on the northern coast of Borneo. Three Martin 139s attacked the battleship Fuso conducting a bombardment of the city. Unfortunately, there were no reported hits on that battleship. Dutch air also found the troop carriers Kashiwa Maru and Igasa Maru , at Menado, however, and again, no hits were reported.

Dutch air headquarters ended their daily briefing by saying, "...maybe tomorrow will bring better results". One can only hope.

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"Over?! It's not over until we say it's over. Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?!" John Blutarsky from the Movie "Animal House"

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Post #: 17
RE: "A Knife Fight in the Dark" - Prince v. G... - 6/16/2008 12:35:37 AM   

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December 28, 1941:

The press wires were quite today with the waring parties content to take a deep breath before the next exhale.

The major action of today apparently centered around the northern coast of Borneo. The Dutch informed the Associated Press that Japanese forces had landed at the city of Kuching with a bombardment of the city prior to the landing. Shore battteries at Kuching engaged the IJN task force and struck a light cruiser.

Dutch air units located and attacked the battleship Fuso at Kuching, but reported no hits. Likewise was the report from another Ducth air unit that reported attacking a troop carrier at the same location Heiwa Maru - no hits.

General MacArthur's command disclosed that Lamon Bay fell to Japanese SNLF units without resistence. It appears that the defensive ring on Luzon is getting more confined, but General MacArthur expresses full confidence in his forces to hold off the Japanese until help arrives.

December 29, 1941:

The Chinese confirmed today that their forces around Canton were subjected to heavy shelling from sea and air today disrupting their communications. However, losses among the Chinese troops was "very light". Chinese forces continue to occupy positions just outside of the City of Canton.

The Chinese also verified that part of the 44th Chinese Corps was driven from the outskirts of the coastal city of Wenchow by the 22nd Japanese Infantry Divison. Losses to the Chinese force was rumored to be "very modest". The Chinese is said to be regrouping outside the city.

The British confirmed that the 1st Burmese Brigade again engaged and repelled a determined attack of the 1st Japanese Armored Regiment 120 miles west of Rangoon. The Brigade commander revieled that the Japanese lost over 100 men and 12 tanks while suffering only 4 wounded.

The Dutch had more bad news to report. The 35th Japanese Infantry Brigade overran the garrison at Kuching in a banzai attack netting over 1,700 prisoners and forced the remainder to retreat to the west of the city into the jungle. It is unsure as to whether or not the Dutch are planning a counter-attack to regain the city.

Dutch air units located and attacked the battleship Yamashiro loitering off the city of Brunei - however, as it is presently the luck of the Dutch, no direct hits were reported.

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"Over?! It's not over until we say it's over. Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?!" John Blutarsky from the Movie "Animal House"

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RE: "A Knife Fight in the Dark" - Prince v. G... - 6/16/2008 4:43:39 PM   

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December 30, 1941:

President Roosevelt today announced gas, rubber and tin rationing throughout the United States. The actions of the Japanese in Southeast Asia forced the President to limit civilian consumption of these strategic materials for full use of the military. Britian have long since introduced such measures.

The press wires were relatively silent about Japanese activities this day, except in the Philippines and in Borneo.

General MacArthur's people indicated that the Japanese again conducted a banzai charge on the Clark Field defenses. The 65th Japanese Infantry Brigade, supplemented with secondary reinforcements, slammed into United States and Philippine forces resulting in only their repulsing and the loss of over 300 men. Japanese forces, from southern Luzon, have also been reported on the outskirst of Manila.

Dutch air units rebounded their luck today and reported to have hit the destroyer Ikazuchi along the northern coast of Borneo at the city of Brunei. Pilots report they left the destroyer burning and listing at the bow.

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"Over?! It's not over until we say it's over. Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?!" John Blutarsky from the Movie "Animal House"

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Post #: 19
RE: "A Knife Fight in the Dark" - Prince v. G... - 6/17/2008 12:06:37 AM   

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December 31, 1941:

As 1941 ends and 1942 commences, there is little to report of this day's acitivities.

Japanese submarines continue to prowl the Hawaiian Islands. Admiral Nimitz indicates that there is no need at this point to conduct another massive ASW operation around the islands. As he stated, "From the present Japanese submarine activity noted, our present level of ASW is sufficient to handle the situation. Of couse if there is a notable increase, we have all the necessary assets on hand to commence another operation such as Iron Horse."

Staff at MacArthur's headquarters have informed the press that Clark Field, Bataan and Jolo were bombed from Japanese air units. Duel banzai charges were noted by units in Manila and Clark Field. Manila reported an uncoordinated assault by the 4th, 16th and 56th Infantry Divisions, plus their supporting assets, leaving over 1,800 men, 39 guns and 3 vehicles on the battlefield. Meanwhile, the Japanese 65th Infantry Brigade along with their 4th and 7th Armored Regiments again ran up against the defenses of Clark Field with no success. It apparently didn't take long for the Japanese to realize that their effort was futile and they retreated. United States and Philippine losses were "minimal" as were those to the Japanese.

In an apparent effort to give the public a more "worldly view" of the war in the Pacific Theater through the end of this year, the Joint Allied Commands authorized the map below showing what has occurred thus far this year.

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"Over?! It's not over until we say it's over. Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?!" John Blutarsky from the Movie "Animal House"

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Post #: 20
RE: "A Knife Fight in the Dark" - Prince v. G... - 6/17/2008 2:37:25 AM   

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January 1, 1942:

The new year has brought more aggressive action by the Japanese in comparison to the last several days.

Honolulu reports that an ASW task force 60 miles to the southwest of Pearl Harbor spent a good portion of the day depth charging what was to have been the I-26. An SBD also reported hitting a Japanese submarine in that area while it was surfaced for air and reported it to the the I-26.

The Aussies reported earlier today that the huge naval harbor of Rabual was bombarded by Japanese air and naval forces the entire day. Landings are anticipated since a large task force was seen some 120 miles to the northwest of the harbor.

The Philippines disclosed that the city of Ormoc on the island of Leyte was invaded and it is fully expected to fall within the next day since the island has no forces to resist the Japanese incursion. Clark Field was again treated to a "double-wammy" of air bombardments and a banzai attack. The 65th IJA Infantry Brigade (rein.) again made a rush that was again rebuffed to the loss of over 300 of their men.

The Dutch reported no new landings, but another air strike was made on an IJN destroyer Harukaze near the port of Brunei. No hits on the destroyer were reported, but the ship did experience several near hits.

Southeast Asian Command reported that the AVG intercepted air units of the IJAF attacking the 1st Burma Brigade west of Rangoon. Without sustaining a loss, the famed P-40's of the "Flying Tigers" shot down 12 Nates and 5 Mary's. No losses were reported by the brigade.

Japanese military activity was reported to much more vigirous in China. General Stillwell's command indicated that the 13th IJA Infantry Divison re-crossed the river to the west of Wuhan and attacked the 48th Chinese Corps. However, the attack was blunted with the loss of over 1,000 Japanese. Additionally, the 26th IJA Infantry Division and the newly arrived IJA's Mongolian Cavalry Division attacked the 20th Group Army located some 60 miles to the northwest of Kaifeng. The Mongolian Cavalry Divison and the 26th Division were handled "roughly", as Stillwell put it, and forced the Mongolian Division to retreat back across the river leaving over 1,500 men and 19 guns on the battlefield.

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"Over?! It's not over until we say it's over. Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?!" John Blutarsky from the Movie "Animal House"

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Post #: 21
RE: "A Knife Fight in the Dark" - Prince v. G... - 6/18/2008 5:40:33 PM   

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January 2, 1942:

Associated Press had some mixed news to report today from MacArthur's headquarters in the Philippines. The souther city of Cagayan, on the island of Mindano, fell to the Japanese 56th Infantry Brigade. Philippino and United States Army forces removed themselves to the town of Butuan where they apprear to be "cornered". Manila, Jolo, Iloila and Clark Field were subjected to air attacks as has been the pattern of the IJAF since December 7th. The 65th Japanese Infantry Brigade, 4th and 7th Armored Regiments and two SNFL units conducted yet another failed banzai charge (loss of over 450 men and 7 guns) on Clark Field. As one Philippino Colonel stated, "They came at us in the same old way and were gunned them down in the same old way."

Australian headquarters in Sydney reported that, as predicted, Rabual was invaded by four SNFL and NLF units this day. Radio signals received at Port Morsby indicated that after an early morning bombardment, Japanese marines and naval personnel landed near Rabual. Rabual did not indicate whether or not any attack had occurred after the landings.

The Chinese 48th Corps 60 miles west of Wuhan was assaulted again with a banzai charge from the IJA's 13th Infantry Division, supported this time by the Japanese 2nd Gun Battalion. The attack produced only hardship for the IJA - over 1,100 men and 23 guns were lost.

The Dutch in Batavia learned that the city of Brunei was invaded by Japanese troops, but other than the landings no attack occurred - that is expected in the next day or two according to a Dutch source. Dutch air units continued their rather remarkable history against the IJN. Martin 139s attacked the Japanese bombardment task force off of Brunei and scored a turret hit on the battleship Nagato causing fires to be seen on the mighty Japanese battleship. Those same air units attacked the other battleships in the group Fuso (seen also to be burning) and Yamashiro but only recorded near hits.

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"Over?! It's not over until we say it's over. Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?!" John Blutarsky from the Movie "Animal House"

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Post #: 22
RE: "A Knife Fight in the Dark" - Prince v. G... - 6/18/2008 11:38:25 PM   

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January 3, 1942:

To the surprise of everyone in Washington D.C., Admiral Nimitz was seen meeting with the Joint Chiefs of Staff and ultimatley the President. No one can confirm the purpose of his presence in Washington, but rumor has it that the eastern Pacific may not be quite for long. The Admiral made no comment to the press.

Sydney reports that radio traffic intercepted at Port Morsby indicated that Rabual was treated to a banzai attack today. Japanese forces were stopped cold losing over 300 men for their efforts.

Headquarters in the Philippines reported that a counter attack by our forces at Clark Field forced the Japanese back across the river to Lingayan Bay. Losses were described at about "even" with no further detail. Manila also turned back another banzai attack by the 4th, 16th and 56th IJA Infantry Divisions. Reports from commanders in the field are that the Japanese lost over 3,300 men, 92 guns and 7 vehicles to the defenders 98 men, 12 guns and 1 vehicle. As an aside, Japanese paratroopers apparently seized Ormoc, the last free city on the island of Leyte.

China was a very active area command this day with one success and one set-back. The 48th Chinese Corps was again assaulted by IJA units some 60 miles west ot Wuhan and 60 miles northest of Changsha. The 3rd IJA Infantry Division now joined by the 13th and 40th IJA Infantry Divisions forced the Chinese Corps to the city of Changsha. Losses on both sides were described as "modest". However, the IJA was not as fortunate 60 miles northwest of Kaifeng. The 26th IJA Infantry Divison along with the Mongolian Cavalry Division again attempted to seize the bridge crossing occupied by the Chinese 20th Army Group. After severe fighting, the Japanese left the Chinese still in charge of the crossing and over 1,600 men and 15 guns on the field.

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"Over?! It's not over until we say it's over. Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?!" John Blutarsky from the Movie "Animal House"

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Post #: 23
RE: "A Knife Fight in the Dark" - Prince v. G... - 6/20/2008 4:55:24 AM   

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January 4, 1942:

London informs us that Prime Minister Churchill has promised the British people that they will liberate Europe, with the Americans, French and Russians at their side. The people in the streets cheered the speech given by the Prime Minister.

News from the Dutch was not good this day. They report that the town of Jesselton was taken by the Japanese 35th Infantry Brigade this day. Compounding the bad news was the fact that Brunei was seized by the Japanese and over 1,100 British military personnel were taken prisoner.

Radio transmissions from Rabual indicated that the Japanese once again conducted a banzai charge on Rabaul's defenders and produced nothing but death on their troops. Although Rabual's fortifications were reduced the Japanese lost over 400 men in the process.

General MacArthur's headquarters at Clark Field reported that commanders in Manila reported another Japanese banzai attack on the city. The attack to brushed aside with the loss of over 2,800 Japanese men, 57 guns and 1 vehicle. Can the Japanese continue to sustain these types of losses? Only time will tell.

General Stillwell's command reported more combat activity in and around the Chinese cities of Wuhan and Kaifeng. In the vicinity of Wuhan, the 2nd and 4th New Chinese Corps counter attacked the Japanese 60 miles to the southeast of Wuhan with limited success. The 20th Chinese Group Army counter attacked at the bridge crossing 60 miles to the northwest of Kaifeng driving the 26th IJA Infantry Division and the Mongolian Cavalry Division toward Kaifeng while "exchanging losses", according to Stillwell's staff.

The Briitish revieled that the IJN bombarded Messering today with little result. However, Imperial British forces in Taiping were forced to retreat out of the the city, but took an unexplained route to Georgetown and are now cut-off from the main bastion at Singapore. The attacking 5th and 18th IJA Infantry Divisions took over 600 men in losses for their "victory". Meanwhile, the Army of Malaya headquarters is at a loss as to explain the retreat route of the Taiping defenders into entrapment.

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"Over?! It's not over until we say it's over. Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?!" John Blutarsky from the Movie "Animal House"

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Post #: 24
RE: "A Knife Fight in the Dark" - Prince v. G... - 6/28/2008 6:52:43 PM   

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January 5, 1942:

Nearly a month into the war and the Japanese seem determined to forge ahead with their reckless offensive operations.

The Aussies have reported Rabual's inner fortifications were breached today by their Japanese tormentors. The Japanese banzai attack cost them over 400 men and 8 artillery pieces. These brave defenders of Rabual report continued fighting in and around Rabual. Although the Aussies are bravely holding-on, the situation appears desperate.

Not all the news around Australia is bad, Task Force 1020, commanded by Commander N. Toussaint, reported the depth charging and sinking of Japanese submarine RO-61 180 nautical miles east of Cairns. The task force reported oil, clothing and bodies, as well as the recovery of the submarine's log book.

The Philippines Army in Manila reports another banzai attack on the city. Once again turned away by enormous fire power, the Japanese attackers lost over 2,800 men and 57 artillery-type pieces.

Dutch sources reported that Brunei fell today to an overwhelming force of Japanese Army troops. The status of the Dutch units defending Brunei was not immediately known to this source. Dutch air assets once again attacked Japanese shipping along the northern coast of Borneo. The AP Yasukuni Maru but reported not hits.

Dutch air reccon also reports what appears to be a IJN carrier task force moving southwest from French Indo-China into the Dutch East India (DEI) area.

British Headquarters in Singapore reported that their forces in Taiping were driven from that city toward Georgetown after inflicting on the Japanese forces losses of over 600 men, 23 artillery-types and 4 tanks.

General Stillwell's public relations officer indicated that the forces of the Chinese Army were heavily engaged today in the area in-and-between the cities of Wuhan and Kaifeng.

In an attack some 60 miles to the southeast of Wuhan, Chinese forces engaged a Japanese force resulting in heavy losses - exact figures have not been released at this point and neither side gain any substantial ground as a result of the attack.

At the river crossing 60 miles northwest of Kaifeng, attacking Japanese forces were driven into headlong retreat by the Chinese 20th Group Army. It appears that both side lost between 300 and 400 men.


"Over?! It's not over until we say it's over. Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?!" John Blutarsky from the Movie "Animal House"

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RE: "A Knife Fight in the Dark" - Prince v. G... - 6/28/2008 11:08:19 PM   

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January 6, 1942:

The Hawaiian Sea remains a predatory place. Japanese submarines still prowl the seas around these hauntingly beautiful islands. Just ask the crew of PBY-297 when they spottted, bombed and struck what was identified as I-17 cruising just 120 miles to the southwest of Pearl Harbor. ASW task forces have been dispatched to deal with the situation.

Headquarters in Sydney indicated that coastwatchers on New Britian report that Japanses troops have landed on Talasea just 120 miles west of Rabual.

MacArthur's headquarters on Bataan report that Clark Field was struck by a rather vicious banzai charge this morning, but replused it easily and sent the Japanese retreating back across the river to Lingayne Bay. The Japanese lost over 600 men and 49 artillery-type weapons.

The Dutch indicated that coastwatchers report that the island of Biak along the northern coast of New Guinea was the guest of Japanese troops this day. The Dutch also indicated that the battleship Yamashiro was unsucessfully bombed by Dutch air near Jesselton.

It appears to have been a rather frustrating day for the Chinese with the retreat of the 77th Chinese Corps to Changsha after receiving, what was described as rather "harsh handling" by the Japanese. The 77th reported the loss of over 200 men and 6 guns by the IJA.

After a rather quite period in Burma, things have been rather active. The 33rd IJA Infantry Division cross the river and struck the 1st Bruma Brigade 120 miles north or Rangoon. The banzai charge was driven back to the tune of more than 300 Japanese sent to their ancestors along with 12 artillery-tpye weapons and 2 tanks.

The American Volunteer Group (AVG) engaged Japanese Nates in the area of Rahaeng and dropped 6 of the Nates without a loss.

January 7, 1942:

The crew of PBY-297 lead Task Force 1058 (commanded by Rear Admiral J.F. Shafroth) to the last known location of I-17. As luck would have it, the I-17 was still fishing in the area, but not for long as the task force continually depth charged the area until night fall. Reports are that sonar lost contact after dark fell on the day.

In the Philippines, Manila received another banzai charge today and drove the attackers back to their lines to the tune of over 1,800 men and 32 artillery-type guns lost to the Japanese. Around the same time that day, Clark Field tolerated another banzai charge - throwing most the Japanese back across the river with losses to the IJA over 600 men, 23 artillery-type weapons and 22 tanks.

The Dutch had a much better day, the submarine K-XIV reported it placed two torpedos amid-ships of the troop carrier Oigawa Maru off-loading troops at Jesselton. They reported being depth charged, but suffered littel, if any damamge. Last seen, the Oigawa Maru was reported to be listing to starboard and troops were abandoning ship.

Southeast Asia Headquarters reported that the 33rd IJA Infantry Division once again conducted a banzai attack on the 1st Burma Brigade. The attack failed to dislodge the 1st Burma, but the Burma Brigade inflicted losses of over 200 men and 10 guns on the Japanese.

For the seocnd time in as many days, the AVG conducted a fighter sweep in the area over Rahaeng and took 6 Nates to their credit. In the past two days, the Yanks have shot down 12 Japanese planes and suffered no losses to themselves.


"Over?! It's not over until we say it's over. Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?!" John Blutarsky from the Movie "Animal House"

(in reply to 6971grunt)
Post #: 26
RE: "A Knife Fight in the Dark" - Prince v. G... - 6/29/2008 3:40:25 PM   

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From: Ya sure, you betcha
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January 8, 1942:

A surprisingly quite day in the Pacific Theater.

General MacArthur's command noted that the Japanese have landed at the city of Zamboanga on the western tip of Mindanao.

The Dutch report that coastwatchers report the fall of Sarmi on the western portion of the northern coast of Borneo. They also report a IJAF bombing of the aribase at Tarakan, but not damage was sustained.

Coastwatchers reported to Australian Command that Talasea has been overwhelmed by the Japanese.

The birght news of the day is that the AVG has again engaged the IJAF over Rahaeng and downed 3 more Nates without suffering a loss - that makes the score 15 to 0 for you baseball fans.

The Army of Malaya had a very disappointing day - the city of Kuantan was overrrun by some 14,000 Japanese soldiers driving the 3rd ISF Engineer Regiment's rear guard toward Messing.


"Over?! It's not over until we say it's over. Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?!" John Blutarsky from the Movie "Animal House"

(in reply to 6971grunt)
Post #: 27
RE: "A Knife Fight in the Dark" - Prince v. G... - 7/1/2008 9:06:44 PM   

Posts: 521
Joined: 12/10/2007
From: Wild and Wonderful WV, just don't drink the water
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Good job. Keep up the good work. I look forward to finding your dispatches each time that I visit!

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Post #: 28
RE: "A Knife Fight in the Dark" - Prince v. G... - 7/9/2008 8:53:46 PM   

Posts: 427
Joined: 3/31/2005
From: Ya sure, you betcha
Status: offline
Thanks, Norm3 - your kind words are appreciated..


"Over?! It's not over until we say it's over. Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?!" John Blutarsky from the Movie "Animal House"

(in reply to NormS3)
Post #: 29
RE: "A Knife Fight in the Dark" - Prince v. G... - 7/9/2008 9:09:10 PM   

Posts: 427
Joined: 3/31/2005
From: Ya sure, you betcha
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January 9, 1942:

Military briefings were light this day and with little, if any, substantive news to report.

Pacific Command in Pearl Harbor is of the opinion that the Japanese offensive in Southeast Asia, although not swift like the their German counter-parts, is "calculated and purposeful". When Commander "Frog" Low, Chief of Staff to Admiral Nimitz, was asked to clarify his comments he respectfully declined. However, Low did report that USN submarine forces in the Marshal Islands indicated that one of their number had witnessed patrol craft Takuma Maru #7 striking a mine and sinking with apparent heavy loss of life.

Austrialian Command relayed that radio reports to Port Morsby from Rabual indicated that the Japanese forces that had landed and attacked the Rabual fortress had retreated back to the sea. There has been a request for confirmation of this report.

BBC - Malaya's reporter Nigel Hughes has filed a report today indicating that the city of Malacca was occupied today by the IJA's 18th Infantry Division. Meanwhile, Hughes also reported a fierce battle in and around the city of Geogetown. Hughes reported that the forts protecting Georgetown had been overrun by large elelments of the IJA's 5th Infantry Division and the Imperial Guards Division. The news does look bleak for these gallant Georgetown defenders.

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"Over?! It's not over until we say it's over. Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?!" John Blutarsky from the Movie "Animal House"

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