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RE: CleverDevils2 AAR

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All Forums >> [New Releases from Matrix Games] >> Empires in Arms the Napoleonic Wars of 1805 - 1815 >> After Action Reports >> RE: CleverDevils2 AAR Page: <<   < prev  6 7 [8] 9 10   next >   >>
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RE: CleverDevils2 AAR - 6/1/2008 2:47:19 AM   


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Austria, seizing on its temporary superiority in factors, gives chase to Napoleon's "strategic redeployment" to the Austrian frontier.  Besieging/occupying Bavarian cities disrupts French depot supply for operations in Austria next turn.  Further, positioning the Venetian corp in E Switzerland prevents a link-up of Napoleon with his North Italy army in Bavaria, assuring Austria factor superiority for one more turn.  In May Napoleon is faced with the choice of a further retreat in order to combine his forces OR enjoin battle with a numerically superior foe.  Further retreat should enrusre that the Austrian captial is securely in friendly hands the next economic turn. 

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Post #: 211
RE: CleverDevils2 AAR - 6/1/2008 3:31:15 AM   


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First time uploading an image, so hope it works . . .

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Post #: 212
RE: CleverDevils2 AAR - 6/4/2008 8:41:00 PM   


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I'm not sure how much effect it had, because corps counters could be empty. But, there seems to be about six French corps in striking distance of either France's northern or western coast.

Apparently, the small British army has once again proved its capability in the best possible way: Its enemy noticed it and reacted.

Most of the British army left France this month, taking advantage of a game quirk whereby blockading fleets end up in the port once the evacuation combat has occured. There was nearly enough transport capacity to remove the stalwart British soldiers from the swamps and cesspools the Usurper calls his own. Left behind were 4 swedish infantry factors in garrison in Lorient, plus a corps and 5 British factors holding down the fortress of La Rochelle.

A small French force with Soult leading it attacked these valiant soldiers in the city they had captured. France had 7 infantry and 3 militia (rabble) factors, while GB had 10 of the finest soldiers in the world guarding this formerly French port city (5 were in the corps).

The British fought valiantly (of course), losing four factors from the garrison. French losses were, unfortunately, smaller: 2 infantry and 1 rabble factor. At the end of combat, GB had 5I in a corps and one in the city. France had 5I and 2M in his corps (specific corps division numbers were not reported, mainly due to the heavy fighting -- it took all day for the besieged to drive off the French rabble).

The other two corps seem afraid of the massive army that could drop on French soil from the English Channel: Three of the four fleets carrying factors went to the Channel. The French positioned themselves between Lille and Paris, apparently trying to stall any British landing, and keep it from reaching Paris in June. The British High Command is currently evaluating whether to land on French or British soil.

The one remaining fleet carrying factors this month (a fleet of frigates 10 strong) moved from Portsmouth to area18, the sea zone that borders Brest and La Rochelle (due to the British birthright to rule the waves, this action was uncontested). It is unknown also where Command is planning on landing. The only real military target is the small French corps besieging La Rochelle.

However, in a strange turn of events, a British fleet of frigates (10 strong) has landed in the port of Lorient. It is possible that the British intend to land there, but, if so, our analysts are unable to determine why they would do this. Could the Royal Army be planning some kind of ruse, feint, or real threat, utilizing the Swedes valiantly defending Lorient? Or, are their plans in place to mount a two-pronged attack on both the Northern and Western coasts of France? Only time will tell.

< Message edited by Jimmer -- 6/4/2008 8:44:53 PM >


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Post #: 213
RE: CleverDevils2 AAR - 6/4/2008 8:54:00 PM   


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This breaking news from our analysts in Lorient:

Landing the British corps here in Lorient does not seem profitable for His Majesty's army. Due to a bug in the game, the Swedes cannot build their corps counter here. It was thought that this could be a reason for landing in Lorient: To pick up the Swedish factors and allow them to fight elsewhere.

Due to the inability to get a corps flag into Lorient, this reduces drastically the odds of a landing in Lorient. It would only be able to operate as a base of operations, but for what? The British corps is being carried by 10 frigates, so it has a maximum strength of 5 factors. What is Command thinking of? Could they really have predicted the small retaliation by the French, and have prepared for it in advance?

The news blackout is very tight here. However, our sources have determined that some of the local commanders here in Lorient believe that Command anticipated a small strike back from the French at La Rochelle, and therefore intend to land in La Rochelle. But, they also maintained a contingency plan of landing in Lorient, should the French have attacked in force. This would explain both the heavy fleet in La Rochelle (20 ships of the line) AND the small fleet of frigates mentioned earlier that landed in Lorient. Command could go either direction, depending on where the Usurper committed his forces.

Still, we stress that that information is strictly conjecture at this point. Nobody outside of Command really knows what the intent of those valiant soldiers is.


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Post #: 214
RE: CleverDevils2 AAR - 6/4/2008 9:32:35 PM   


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2 French corp w/Davout attack 1 (Austrian controlled) Venice corp (no leader)
(Note: Area427 = The 4-zone in Switzerland just north of Milan)

Chits were Esc. Assault vs Defend.
Casulties - 1 Venitian I

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< Message edited by gwheelock -- 6/4/2008 9:38:15 PM >

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Post #: 215
RE: CleverDevils2 AAR - 6/4/2008 9:35:30 PM   


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4 French corp w/Nappy attack 1 Austrian corp (no leader) in Munich

Chits were Esc. Assault vs Cordon.
Casulties 1 Austrian I

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Post #: 216
RE: CleverDevils2 AAR - 6/7/2008 4:57:50 AM   


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May 1806 Austria turn

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Post #: 217
RE: CleverDevils2 AAR - 6/9/2008 1:10:09 AM   


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Well, folks, the news is in now: The lone corps off the west coast of France dropped into Lorient. This port was controlled by the British with the Swedish factors holding down the port. There also is a fleet of frigates there that is the same size as the one that dropped them, so they can immediately move.

The corps in La Rochelle, plus the five factors, had to fight off the French. They won the battle, but lost 4 factors in the process. So, it appears that the British intend to move the corps out by sea (with the heavy fleet present in the port), and leave the factor behind, forcing the French to continue blockading it.

The British also must have been dissuaded by the French land movement, as no other corps crossed into French territory. However, the British Cav corps moved SE from London to just across the English Channel from Lille. They were joined by a corps that was dropped from a fleet. Plans must have been worked on hard, because they did not have to pay supply for EITHER of these corps. The same thing happened in Portsmouth: One of the corps that dropped foraged before the rest ended their movement, thus saving precious pounds.

The British seem poised to move by sea or by land. Analysts believe that this leaves our team open to attack, should the Usurper's forces decide to move last, or to land by sea if they decide to continue going first.


At LAST! The greatest campaign board game of all time is finally available for the PC. Can my old heart stand the strain?

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Post #: 218
RE: CleverDevils2 AAR - 6/14/2008 6:11:48 AM   


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Well; in further news :

4 Swedish I in Lorient surrendered to 1 rather strange
young French (probably) whom was almost in tears crying "Leave Brittany Alone" and other rather insane rants.

1 British I in La Rochelle was killed by a French corp (13I,1M,1C) during
a seige breakin.

Nappy & 6 corp attacked 1 Austrian corp & 1 Austrian depot garrison in Linz
Chits were Esc. Assault vs Defend.
Casulties : 1 Austrian I, 1 Austrian M; 0 French

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< Message edited by gwheelock -- 6/14/2008 6:13:12 AM >

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Post #: 219
RE: CleverDevils2 AAR - 6/14/2008 6:42:40 AM   


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And finally 1 brave Barvarian makes a suicidal charge againt Charles & 10 corp in Salzberg
Chits were Esc. Assault vs Esc. Counter Attack
Casulties : 1 Bavarian I; 0 Austrian

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Post #: 220
RE: CleverDevils2 AAR - 6/14/2008 7:52:06 PM   


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The British seem poised to move by sea or by land. Analysts believe that this leaves our team open to attack, should the Usurper's forces decide to move last, or to land by sea if they decide to continue going first.

Would that be like "1 if by land; 2 if by sea..."? Didn't something really BAD happen
to you guys the last time you tried that manuver? Lost an entire CONTINENT as
I remember...

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Post #: 221
RE: CleverDevils2 AAR - 6/15/2008 1:10:32 AM   


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That was almost 2 decades ago, Bonaparte. You weren't out of diapers yet, having been only 10 years old or so.



At LAST! The greatest campaign board game of all time is finally available for the PC. Can my old heart stand the strain?

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Post #: 222
RE: CleverDevils2 AAR - 6/16/2008 5:00:13 AM   


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In news from other fronts; Turkey attacks Russia in Galatz
Chits were Echelon vs Counter Attack
Russia broke on round 2
Russian Casulties : 28I, 7C 3G, 1Ck; Turkish casulties : 6I
Russian commander Bagration was also captured by the Turks

(Unfortunatly; there were no battle results saved other than log entries)

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< Message edited by gwheelock -- 6/16/2008 5:02:35 AM >

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Post #: 223
RE: CleverDevils2 AAR - 6/16/2008 6:12:00 AM   


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The Russian catastrophe in Turkey compelled Austria to strike at Napoleon in hopes of regaining the momentum. The Guards save Napoleon yet again, as they did at Leopaldstadt a few months ago.

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Post #: 224
RE: CleverDevils2 AAR - 6/16/2008 6:30:54 AM   


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Beat me to it this time.

Chits were Probe vs Defend
Casulties : Austria 13M, 11I, 1C; France 8M, 8I 1G

Yes the guard comes thru again.   Note to all novices - ALWAYS look at what a guard commitment
can do for you :  It can either transform a (potential) loss or tie into a win and it can also reduce or
PREVENT an opponent's persuit.  In this case it was 5/6 chance to win (or maybe a break/break tie) 
and the remaining 1/6 would have reduced the Austrian persuit table to "none".

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Post #: 225
RE: CleverDevils2 AAR - 6/16/2008 7:01:21 AM   


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OK; here is the political status as of June 1805:

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Post #: 226
RE: CleverDevils2 AAR - 6/16/2008 7:02:12 AM   


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and here are the VP totals

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Post #: 227
RE: CleverDevils2 AAR - 6/16/2008 5:52:39 PM   


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ORIGINAL: gwheelock

Beat me to it this time.

Chits were Probe vs Defend
Casulties : Austria 13M, 11I, 1C; France 8M, 8I 1G

Yes the guard comes thru again.   Note to all novices - ALWAYS look at what a guard commitment
can do for you :  It can either transform a (potential) loss or tie into a win and it can also reduce or
PREVENT an opponent's persuit.  In this case it was 5/6 chance to win (or maybe a break/break tie) 
and the remaining 1/6 would have reduced the Austrian persuit table to "none".

Agreed. Many players do not understand the fundamental purposes for guard commitment, or don't think of it when needed. There are two main purposes for using guard:

1) To turn a loss into less of a loss, or
2) To turn a mediocre result into a win

The Russians and French REALLY have to look at guard commitment, because there are two possible shifts allowed by their guard factors. For Prussia and Austria, it's still important, but not AS important.

Now, the thing I REALLY want to point out is how one should "read" what guard commitment WOULD HAVE done. Many people make the mistake of looking at the die roll and thinking, "Gee, if I had committed the guard, ...". However, that's not the right analysis to do. Instead, one should do exactly the same thing one would have done prior to the roll: Examine the table and determine what EACH of the six possible rolls of the die would have done. Get used to this process; every battle -- EVERY BATTLE -- in which guard commitment is possible should have this analysis done at every roll of the dice.


At LAST! The greatest campaign board game of all time is finally available for the PC. Can my old heart stand the strain?

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Post #: 228
RE: CleverDevils2 AAR - 6/17/2008 5:48:34 AM   


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Hmm. Interesting VP Totals. I mean the French total is just enough to give anyone (except France) nightmares ;P. But if Turkey keeps up the good work again Russia (and later Austria?) it might just pass France by. It certainly is VERY well positioned to do so...Which is why I like this game =D

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Post #: 229
RE: CleverDevils2 AAR - 6/17/2008 3:40:47 PM   

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Jimmer (or someone) -- did you get my note in the bug tracker that I need a password for the test game you posted for bug 104 before I can go any further with it?



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Post #: 230
RE: CleverDevils2 AAR - 6/17/2008 5:36:01 PM   


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Yes, but I don't know WHICH password do you need? I gave you mine via return email (xyz). Gwheelock (France) gave you his here (heaven). I suspect you may need Turkey's, but I don't know that for sure.


At LAST! The greatest campaign board game of all time is finally available for the PC. Can my old heart stand the strain?

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Post #: 231
RE: CleverDevils2 AAR - 6/25/2008 4:59:26 AM   


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Well; we just had the biggest battle of the game so far - 2 days

Charles & 10 corp attacked Nappy & 6 corp in Linz
1st day chits were Assualt vs Defend
Austrian casulties were 10M, 14I; French casulties were 9M

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Post #: 232
RE: CleverDevils2 AAR - 6/25/2008 5:01:37 AM   


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The second day combat was Assault vs Outflank;

Nappy made his outflank roll on the 2nd round

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Post #: 233
RE: CleverDevils2 AAR - 6/25/2008 5:03:45 AM   


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Austria commited guard on the 2nd round but did not manage to break the French
2nd day casulties : Austria 28I 1C; France 10I

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Post #: 234
RE: CleverDevils2 AAR - 6/25/2008 6:15:08 AM   
Soapy Frog


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Is the Austrian player just a tad inexperienced?

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Post #: 235
RE: CleverDevils2 AAR - 6/25/2008 6:27:41 AM   


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Swedish forces have landed! An assault is being made outside Amsterdam. Due to the first of two game bugs on this one move, the Swedish corps is required to forage, despite a depot having been built on the same fleet which dropped the Swedes onto Amsterdam. Foraging went well, however, so this apparently had no effect.

As you can see, the Swedes slaughtered the hapless Holland corps. Just goes to show how good British training is.

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Post #: 236
RE: CleverDevils2 AAR - 6/25/2008 6:33:04 AM   


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This pursuit occurred prior to the previous screenshot (i.e. it's included in the final tally). I just thought it was interesting to see 2 cavalry kill 2 cavalry in pursuit. This was obviously due more to the good die rolls than to any inherent British superiority.

However, please note that there is no screenshot of the siege combat. This is because of the SECOND game bug: Apparently, if you forage a corps with zero movement automatically (at the end of the turn), it counts the use of the nonexistent movement as having prevented a siege combat.

So, once again (for the 6th and 7th time this game), the British plans are thwarted by a game bug (or two).

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< Message edited by Jimmer -- 6/25/2008 6:40:21 AM >


At LAST! The greatest campaign board game of all time is finally available for the PC. Can my old heart stand the strain?

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Post #: 237
RE: CleverDevils2 AAR - 6/25/2008 6:38:12 AM   


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ORIGINAL: Soapy Frog

Is the Austrian player just a tad inexperienced?

That, I cannot answer. Although, perhaps we might all be enlightened by whatever brilliant strategy you would have employed, instead of just casting aspersions on someone else's play.

For myself, I am content to know that one of the game's best players is beating the allies.

Austria needed a miracle, and didn't get it.


At LAST! The greatest campaign board game of all time is finally available for the PC. Can my old heart stand the strain?

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Post #: 238
RE: CleverDevils2 AAR - 6/25/2008 7:03:48 AM   
Soapy Frog


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I would not have smashed my army against a French army almost twice as strong. But even if we were to say he was taking a big gamble (hoping for a "miracle" as you say), to stay for the 2nd day of that battle was madness of the highest order.

Of course we can ask, where are the Russians and the Turks? In a case like this where Austria has been hung out to dry, then fighting yourself to destruction, militarily and politically, is not the mark of an experienced player.

In one of the games I am playing I am busy losing my first war as the French, and I would not hesitate to call my own play sloppy and misjudged... however you can survive a few brainfarts if you are not so stubborn as to fight yourself to extinction.

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Post #: 239
RE: CleverDevils2 AAR - 6/25/2008 5:08:31 PM   


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ORIGINAL: Soapy Frog

I would not have smashed my army against a French army almost twice as strong. But even if we were to say he was taking a big gamble (hoping for a "miracle" as you say), to stay for the 2nd day of that battle was madness of the highest order.

Of course we can ask, where are the Russians and the Turks? In a case like this where Austria has been hung out to dry, then fighting yourself to destruction, militarily and politically, is not the mark of an experienced player.

In one of the games I am playing I am busy losing my first war as the French, and I would not hesitate to call my own play sloppy and misjudged... however you can survive a few brainfarts if you are not so stubborn as to fight yourself to extinction.

The Russians are having some problems. Their main army (~70-80) got
stuck in the Baltic after they dropped (temporarily) into the top of the instability
zone & lost several key minors & thus the ability to start a depot chain. They
managed to recapture them (at the end of THIS turn); but now will have to contend
with Nappy's main army. They are also having problems on the Turkish front
(their army on that front was almost exterminated [only 2 guard factors lived]
by a massive Turkish cav persuit).

The Brits have been attempting to create distractions while killing French fleets.
While this is good for Britain; it hasn't materially helped the Austrians either.

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Post #: 240
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