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How Does the Data Editor Work?

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All Forums >> [New Releases from Matrix Games] >> Close Combat Series >> Close Combat: Modern Tactics >> How Does the Data Editor Work? Page: [1]
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How Does the Data Editor Work? - 7/6/2008 2:44:43 AM   


Posts: 6830
Joined: 7/17/2005
From: The Divided Nations of Earth
Status: offline
How does the CCMT Data Work Book work? Is there a tutorial anywhere on how to use it? When I go into the game's database directory I just find TXT files. Are we supposed to convert the Data Wrok Book worksheets into TXT files in order to implement then into the game?



Post #: 1
RE: How Does the Data Editor Work? - 7/6/2008 3:57:14 AM   

Posts: 2614
Joined: 11/17/2007
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People shouldn't ask themselves why schools get shoot up.
They should ask themselves why people who finish schools burned out due to mobbing aren't receiving high enough compensations to not seek vengeance.

(in reply to GaryChildress)
Post #: 2
RE: How Does the Data Editor Work? - 7/6/2008 4:08:36 AM   


Posts: 6830
Joined: 7/17/2005
From: The Divided Nations of Earth
Status: offline
Cool! Thanks!


(in reply to Perturabo)
Post #: 3
RE: How Does the Data Editor Work? - 7/7/2008 4:21:35 PM   


Posts: 21
Joined: 11/25/2007
Status: offline
I can't find the work sheet that gave all the discriptions of job classifacations and stuff can some1 point me to where it is?


NeWaBoRtIoN: btw me and my buddys are haveing a huge discussion, who would win, Master chief or Link?
Daviald: Who is mater chief and link?
Daviald: :)

(in reply to GaryChildress)
Post #: 4
RE: How Does the Data Editor Work? - 7/7/2008 4:32:43 PM   

Posts: 2614
Joined: 11/17/2007
Status: offline
IIRC it's the second sheet.


People shouldn't ask themselves why schools get shoot up.
They should ask themselves why people who finish schools burned out due to mobbing aren't receiving high enough compensations to not seek vengeance.

(in reply to newabortion)
Post #: 5
RE: How Does the Data Editor Work? - 7/7/2008 4:48:24 PM   


Posts: 21
Joined: 11/25/2007
Status: offline
whats IIRC?


NeWaBoRtIoN: btw me and my buddys are haveing a huge discussion, who would win, Master chief or Link?
Daviald: Who is mater chief and link?
Daviald: :)

(in reply to Perturabo)
Post #: 6
RE: How Does the Data Editor Work? - 7/7/2008 4:55:51 PM   


Posts: 6830
Joined: 7/17/2005
From: The Divided Nations of Earth
Status: offline
IIRC = "If I recall correctly"


(in reply to newabortion)
Post #: 7
RE: How Does the Data Editor Work? - 7/7/2008 5:10:31 PM   


Posts: 21
Joined: 11/25/2007
Status: offline
Ok then second sheet of what? All I have is the data workbook i downloaded and it doesnt give me much to work with...I dont know job classifacations or whatnot


NeWaBoRtIoN: btw me and my buddys are haveing a huge discussion, who would win, Master chief or Link?
Daviald: Who is mater chief and link?
Daviald: :)

(in reply to GaryChildress)
Post #: 8
RE: How Does the Data Editor Work? - 7/7/2008 6:29:12 PM   

Posts: 2614
Joined: 11/17/2007
Status: offline
Well second sheet in the workbook.


People shouldn't ask themselves why schools get shoot up.
They should ask themselves why people who finish schools burned out due to mobbing aren't receiving high enough compensations to not seek vengeance.

(in reply to newabortion)
Post #: 9
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