Manus von Olie
Posts: 70
Joined: 1/2/2008 From: Amsterdam, the Netherlands Status: offline
I understand Exil. The thing is, you and Tom were the only players who really reacted by sending in a move. Thank you for your reaction! Anyway, it kind of forces me to reconsider the total amount of time I put into the project, since I'm rather a nitpicker on detail by nature, all texts really cost me a lot of time to write : so, I'll show how to destroy the HQs of the Soviet player in the first turn in the third edition and do the Rumanian move in the second. I'll probably start to use the new way of commenting into replays that Victor developed in version 1.20. But that will probably be the end of the replays in the Academy, at least as far as I'm concerned. The third edition I'll write, most likely with graphic examples, how to understand the key points, one by one, in stead. Then maybe there will be a fourth edition, to really finish it (with feedback input and the last key points?). Then later again, after the Academy, I'll have time to write other stuff: thought about making some handy lists (like a terrain effect chart on combat) and some sort of 'protocol' of how best to execute a turn in time, but also in depth dealing with all the tactical and strategical issues and decisions and their interrelatedness . This will be really tough to put down, because it's a very complex subject and partially intuitive. The sort of intuition or 'feel' that comes with a lot of practice and which is hard to catch into definitions and logical rules, because of the dependency on so many factors. Anyway, such an analysis is very important too to have success in the game. It's like the other leg to walk toward victory, together with the key points. Ideas enough, but first to finish the Academy, I can take only one project at a time.
He! Ho! Let's go! (The Ramones)