Posts: 1181
Joined: 10/15/2004 From: Oregon Status: offline
I think that if the sub is on "computer" control, it is suppose to follow a TF that goes through it's hex for another shot in the next hex, but I have never seen it happen. I seem to have more "sub attacking" success if the sub is on "human" control. Even if the sub is on "human", it will still return to base when it is out of torpedos or fuel. However, they almost always run out of fuel first and the computer usually doesn't send it home until the fuel is so low that there isn't enough to completely make it to it's home port. The computer also isn't very good at sending the sub home when it is damaged. On every turn (when I remember), the last thing I do before I end the turn is click on the ship list at the top and sort by "SS". I will then sort the subs by "endurance". If the sub's endurance is in the red, I will automaticaly send home. If the sub is in the tan, I will click on "TF??" to see where the sub is. If it has a long way to go, I will send it home. After that, I will click on the "ammo" button and sort by % of torpedo's left. If they are low, I'll send them home. There is little need to keep a sub on station if it doesn't have torpedos (unless it is being used as a spotter). Also, I would recommend trying to keep track of what subs were "spotted" during the turn. If it was "spotted", I will change it's patrol hex. If you don't, then chances are the next TF the sub sees will be a ASW TF. EDIT: When in the ships screen and have "SS" isolate, I sort by sys damage. and start sending subs home that have taken damage. If is very easy to miss the "Betty spots Trigger"..."Trigger hit by bomb" message, so you could have a damaged sub and not even know about it. The computer is not very good about sending these subs home, and if you don't take care of it, the sub will just stay there and get sunk.
< Message edited by Charbroiled -- 8/8/2008 3:27:41 PM >
"When I said I would run, I meant 'away' ". - Orange