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WBTS Alarick Mods, 1.0 And 1.20+Leaders.

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WBTS Alarick Mods, 1.0 And 1.20+Leaders. - 6/24/2008 8:56:31 AM   


Posts: 366
Joined: 10/7/2003
Status: offline
the mod is available at... is easy to recce the mod file to download,

dear Brett, feel free to download my mod and host it, indeed, for me, it will be a privilege.

following post will give info (on included readmes) of the mod changes.

overall, mainly, it favours (but only to some degree) to CSA player, decreasing proportion ratio on militia and factories.

i encourage to play the mod with some supply fixed advantage, maybe 3-2 for USA-CSA ratio (300 to 200 supplies)

hope you enjoy the mod if give it a try,

best regards,


< Message edited by Murat30 -- 8/20/2008 9:43:10 AM >


There is no plan of battle that survives the contact with the enemy.
Post #: 1
RE: GGWBTS 1.0 Mod By Murat30. - 6/24/2008 9:08:32 AM   


Posts: 366
Joined: 10/7/2003
Status: offline
greetings, this post gives info on the readme files about what to expect from my modded version.
(take care about the change on unit durability, i are concerned that it causes more "winter attrition")
(please excuse my poor english, it is not my native speaking language).
readme 1...
place all three files of "Alarick Mod" on /WBTS/Dat/ Dir, You must overwrite, so, for return to
the original, you have stock files on "stock" dir (WBTS Version 1.0)
Mod Data Creation... 18/24-June-2008
readme 2...
War Between The States - Alarick Mod...

features that change on my mod...

*overall much more troops, more factories capability...
increase on numbers decresed the proportion-odd ratios, as well, with less troops the
combat proportions-odds increases.(with more troops there are lesser luck factor)
note 01... i encourage to give some supply bonus, maybe USA 3 / CSA 2,
, in example... USA+300 Supplies / CSA+200 Supplies.
(needed to support the increase on number of troops.)

*higher CSA combat bonus...
in default game, (and is good for balance overall), there are more infantry USA, this
can make the CSA default bonus inefficient, the main real advantage in the real war,
, is the fact that each "nation" use different system on his replacement and training
system, in fact, USA keeps on the field units and make with recruits new troops,
, meanwhile CSA mixed new recruits with seasoned veterans, so, indeed, making
better overall units, this is my point to make stronger the CSA troops, and too for
playability and then for flavour, basically quality vs quantity, but keeping in mind the
fact that CSA do not need to "ko" the federals, just survive, this will be taking in
account when giving the manpower (Population) bonus for both sides.

*i are thinking about giving some capability to the USA to make (only) the first
call to draft around free (trough increase of starting victory points for USA),
, maybe 1050/1100 (early, CSA is with some offensive options, on neutral
states and maybe in missouri, this can hurt the USA VP standing, so this is
because i are thinking about the +100 USA VP standing increase, instead only
the 50 (just the cost of a draft).

*i am not sure to make public before or after playtest, for before is to make the
mod available more fast but can have some unbalance issues, then, after play
release will be tested and maybe adressed issues on balance if it arise.

date/version info... 18/June/2008, WBTS Version - 1.0
readme 3
Mod Changes 01 - File... "unitdata61"...

All Infantry, Militia, Artillery, Heavy Artillery... Movement 3 (From 1)
All Cavalry & Mounted Troops... Movement 5 (From 3)

CSA, Infantry, Militia, +1 Land Attack (TD_LA) (8/7 From 7/6)
CSA, Cavalry, Mounted Troops +1 Land Attack (7/6 From 6/5)

1.3... (Defense Decreasing)
CSA... Infantry/Militia/Cavalry/Mounted... (-1) (27/25/29/23)
USA... Infantry/Militia/Cavalry/Mounted... (-1) (27/25/27/23)

Overall... USA Artillery And CSA Infantry Will Score More Hits.
readme 4
Mod Changes 02 - scendat61...

Purpose... To Allow A First Time "Free" Draft For The Union Player, Taken in account the
starting offensive options by the CSA Player.

USA/CSA Political Standing... 1070 (From 1000)

the draft system at ultimate is what makes the difference that can allow a USA victory, an early agressive CSA player can off-set the Victory Point advantage.
readme 5
Mod Changes 03 - region61...

Each Listed Region Receives Following Bonus (If Them Enhance The Region)...
+1/+1 (Factory/Resource)
USA... Population Up To 12 Points Each City.
CSA... Population Up To 06 Points Each City.

USA Enhanced Cities (And Population Mod)...

PA/Harrisburg (4 To 12) (+8/+8)
PA/Pittsburg (4 To 12) (+8/+16)
NJ/NewArk (3 To 12) (+9/+25)
ML/Washington (4 To 12) (+8/+33)
NE/Portland (4 To 12) (+8/+41)
IO/Cedar Rapids (1 To 12) (+11/+52)
IL/Chicago (5 To 12) (+7/+59)
WN/Milwaukee (2 To 12) (+10/+69)
IN/Indianapolis (4 To 12) (+8/+77)
MICH/Detroit (4 To 12) (+8/+85)
OH/Cincinnati (4 To 12) (+8/+93)
NY/New York (18+0) (+0/+93)

USA Grand Total Increase... 93 Population.

CSA Enhanced Cities (And Population Mod)...

LOU/New Orleans (2 To 6) (+4/+4)
NC/Raleigh (2 To 6) (+4/+8)
MIS/Jackson (1 To 6) (+5/+13)
VIR/Richmond (2 To 6) (+4/+17)
AL/Mobile (2 To 6) (+4/+21)
GE/Atlanta (2 To 6) (+4/+25)
GE/Savannah (2 To 6) (+4/+29)
AR/Little Rock (1 To 6) (+5/+34)
TN/Nashville (2 To 6) (+4/+38)
TN/Memphis (2 To 6) (+4/+42)
SC/Columbia (2 To 6) (+4/+46)
SC/Charleston (2 To 6) (+4/+50)

CSA Grand Total Increase... 50 Population.

nearly, the population increase is proportional, both for "base" values and too between sides, increased number of units need the supply from the extra factories, increased number of units can, somewhat, to somepoint, off-set the winter attrition feature.

all feedback wellcome,

hope you enjoy the mod if decide to play it,

with best regards,



There is no plan of battle that survives the contact with the enemy.

(in reply to alaric318)
Post #: 2
RE: GGWBTS 1.0 Mod By Murat30. - 7/5/2008 9:17:03 PM   


Posts: 77
Joined: 10/17/2000
From: SW Illinois, USA
Status: offline

Thanks!  Sorry for the delay.  I've just finished the hard part of the process of buying a new home.  The mod should be available later this evening.  I will post a direct link when finished.


(in reply to alaric318)
Post #: 3
RE: GGWBTS 1.0 Mod By Murat30. - 7/5/2008 9:34:34 PM   


Posts: 77
Joined: 10/17/2000
From: SW Illinois, USA
Status: offline
This mod is now hosted at The Macon Armory, my mod hosting page for Gary Grigsby's War Between the States.  Get Murat30's GGWBTS 1.0 mod now.


(in reply to bschulte1978)
Post #: 4
RE: GGWBTS 1.0 Mod By Murat30. - 7/6/2008 9:26:15 AM   


Posts: 366
Joined: 10/7/2003
Status: offline


ORIGINAL: bschulte


Thanks!  Sorry for the delay.  I've just finished the hard part of the process of buying a new home.  The mod should be available later this evening.  I will post a direct link when finished.

i failed to the forums for some days and miss these posts, good luck with your new home, i know that it will take at least some hard head pain sometimes, in the past time i do it one time and be a hard time, good luck,

thanks for your support, i did think the mod is playable, increases can seem to favour USA, but is not it, as increases are proportional the overall increases mainly decreases the proportion in favour of the CSA, hope people enjoy playing with the mod, it will be the version i will play when i get some time for it,

best regards,



There is no plan of battle that survives the contact with the enemy.

(in reply to bschulte1978)
Post #: 5
RE: GGWBTS 1.0 Mod By Murat30. - 7/31/2008 11:56:40 PM   


Posts: 1235
Joined: 11/24/2004
Status: offline
I can see you did a lot of work in designing this MOD and no doubt many will take you up on it but as for me?......I
see no reason to change the game as it is. There are some who MOD not to make a game better to make more personal, more like what they think it should be RATHER than an attempt to make it better. A game such as Oblivion has many MOD's that are examples of both the above stated reasons. I think your MOD for me falls in the first group. This is only one persons opinion. This does not make your MOD bad but makes changes in the game that I do not think are needed. Difference of opinion is what makes horse races, ball games, and life interesting.


(in reply to alaric318)
Post #: 6
RE: GGWBTS 1.0 Mod By Murat30. - 8/17/2008 7:52:56 AM   


Posts: 366
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Status: offline


ORIGINAL: madgamer

I can see you did a lot of work in designing this MOD and no doubt many will take you up on it but as for me?......I
see no reason to change the game as it is. There are some who MOD not to make a game better to make more personal, more like what they think it should be RATHER than an attempt to make it better. A game such as Oblivion has many MOD's that are examples of both the above stated reasons. I think your MOD for me falls in the first group. This is only one persons opinion. This does not make your MOD bad but makes changes in the game that I do not think are needed. Difference of opinion is what makes horse races, ball games, and life interesting.


greetings, thanks for the feedback, my main point of view is that each group and each people have an own concept of perfection, i was trying to add flavour to the game, better confederates against much more high number of federal troops, i name it as "shattered balance", it goes to "epic" structure, quality against quantity, also i did find on starting playtest the iniciative rules hard, but it is historical, too i was wanting to soften someway this and give a good (under my point of view) a good starting point to going trough the learning on tactics given the more freedom of movement, anyway i like your way of criticism, i will post another post, given than in version 1.20 the leaders file is the same than in 1.0 (and i do not think is a bad thing, leaders are good as them are), but given the un-changed file i are on my way to increase command on both sides, if interested info will follow on coming posts,

thanks again and best regards,



There is no plan of battle that survives the contact with the enemy.

(in reply to madgamer2)
Post #: 7
GGWBTS Leaders File Mod Up To 1.20. - 8/17/2008 8:02:22 AM   


Posts: 366
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well, i see some players that claim in the forums about leaders illness hard rules and that it is easy to loss on combat high quality and hard to replace leaders, so my new work will be to give some extra strenght to both sides but only on command ratings, all others characteristics will be unchanged, i will have it do for today or tomorrow and will post here the link for download, at filefront, on my page, i will change around 12 to 15 commanders command rating in each side, so, illness and combat casualties will be soften, this file will work on 1.20 as the file have not been changed from 1.0, of course will be compatible with my other mod, i like very much the game as it is, but want to soften the leaders "casualties",

postdata... to Bret Schulte... of course will be a privilege for me if you want to take the mod to your site and host it, some people may be interested, changes will be detailed on the following upcoming post when i have the file ready to upload, as generals are on alphabetical order will be not much work and take few time,

with best regards,



There is no plan of battle that survives the contact with the enemy.

(in reply to alaric318)
Post #: 8
RE: GGWBTS Leaders File Mod Up To 1.20. - 8/17/2008 11:08:00 AM   


Posts: 366
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Status: offline



well, i see some players that claim in the forums about leaders illness hard rules and that it is easy to loss on combat high quality and hard to replace leaders, so my new work will be to give some extra strenght to both sides but only on command ratings, all others characteristics will be unchanged, i will have it do for today or tomorrow and will post here the link for download, at filefront, on my page, i will change around 12 to 15 commanders command rating in each side, so, illness and combat casualties will be soften, this file will work on 1.20 as the file have not been changed from 1.0, of course will be compatible with my other mod, i like very much the game as it is, but want to soften the leaders "casualties",

postdata... to Bret Schulte... of course will be a privilege for me if you want to take the mod to your site and host it, some people may be interested, changes will be detailed on the following upcoming post when i have the file ready to upload, as generals are on alphabetical order will be not much work and take few time,

with best regards,


Leaders File Change Are Cancelled, seems them are hardcoded, the changes i made on the leaders file do not show on the game, sorry about it, if i do not find a solve the project is officialy cancelled,




There is no plan of battle that survives the contact with the enemy.

(in reply to alaric318)
Post #: 9
RE: GGWBTS Leaders File Mod Up To 1.20. - 8/18/2008 4:29:45 PM   
Joel Billings

Posts: 32265
Joined: 9/20/2000
From: Santa Rosa, CA
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What leader items are you seeing that are hard coded? By changing leaders61.txt you can change the stats of the leaders (that's how I may changes).

(in reply to alaric318)
Post #: 10
RE: GGWBTS Leaders File Mod Up To 1.20. - 8/19/2008 10:16:53 PM   


Posts: 366
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ORIGINAL: Joel Billings

What leader items are you seeing that are hard coded? By changing leaders61.txt you can change the stats of the leaders (that's how I may changes).

greetings, thanks before hand for the support and repply, i only change Command ratings, in example set thomas jackson to 14 or 16 but when game starts it remain at 8 or near it, so for all other changes, i think is the 9 item number in the leaders61.txt maybe is an error on my end will try again tonight to see if i have make error on it,

thanks for any and all help,

with best regards,



There is no plan of battle that survives the contact with the enemy.

(in reply to Joel Billings)
Post #: 11
RE: GGWBTS Leaders File Mod Up To 1.20. - 8/19/2008 11:47:17 PM   
Joel Billings

Posts: 32265
Joined: 9/20/2000
From: Santa Rosa, CA
Status: offline
The rank and command rating of a leader can be overridden in the regions file. Check area 171 in the regions61.txt and you will see that Jackson has been set to have a rank of 1 and 7 command points. Gary suggests if you are going to change rank or command points, you do it in the regions files.

(in reply to alaric318)
Post #: 12
RE: GGWBTS Leaders File Mod Up To 1.20. - 8/20/2008 7:16:11 AM   


Posts: 366
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ORIGINAL: Joel Billings

The rank and command rating of a leader can be overridden in the regions file. Check area 171 in the regions61.txt and you will see that Jackson has been set to have a rank of 1 and 7 command points. Gary suggests if you are going to change rank or command points, you do it in the regions files.

greetings, thanks you very much for the worktrough, will try it on my modded regions61.txt, and thanks again for the fast repply, if i finally can change the command ratings will post the new version on my page and make a notice for it,

with best regards,



There is no plan of battle that survives the contact with the enemy.

(in reply to Joel Billings)
Post #: 13
RE: GGWBTS 1.0 Mod By Murat30. - 8/20/2008 9:42:27 AM   


Posts: 366
Joined: 10/7/2003
Status: offline



greetings, this post gives info on the readme files about what to expect from my modded version.
(take care about the change on unit durability, i are concerned that it causes more "winter attrition")
(please excuse my poor english, it is not my native speaking language).
readme 1...
place all three files of "Alarick Mod" on /WBTS/Dat/ Dir, You must overwrite, so, for return to
the original, you have stock files on "stock" dir (WBTS Version 1.0)
Mod Data Creation... 18/24-June-2008
readme 2...
War Between The States - Alarick Mod...

features that change on my mod...

*overall much more troops, more factories capability...
increase on numbers decresed the proportion-odd ratios, as well, with less troops the
combat proportions-odds increases.(with more troops there are lesser luck factor)
note 01... i encourage to give some supply bonus, maybe USA 3 / CSA 2,
, in example... USA+300 Supplies / CSA+200 Supplies.
(needed to support the increase on number of troops.)

*higher CSA combat bonus...
in default game, (and is good for balance overall), there are more infantry USA, this
can make the CSA default bonus inefficient, the main real advantage in the real war,
, is the fact that each "nation" use different system on his replacement and training
system, in fact, USA keeps on the field units and make with recruits new troops,
, meanwhile CSA mixed new recruits with seasoned veterans, so, indeed, making
better overall units, this is my point to make stronger the CSA troops, and too for
playability and then for flavour, basically quality vs quantity, but keeping in mind the
fact that CSA do not need to "ko" the federals, just survive, this will be taking in
account when giving the manpower (Population) bonus for both sides.

*i are thinking about giving some capability to the USA to make (only) the first
call to draft around free (trough increase of starting victory points for USA),
, maybe 1050/1100 (early, CSA is with some offensive options, on neutral
states and maybe in missouri, this can hurt the USA VP standing, so this is
because i are thinking about the +100 USA VP standing increase, instead only
the 50 (just the cost of a draft).

*i am not sure to make public before or after playtest, for before is to make the
mod available more fast but can have some unbalance issues, then, after play
release will be tested and maybe adressed issues on balance if it arise.

date/version info... 18/June/2008, WBTS Version - 1.0
readme 3
Mod Changes 01 - File... "unitdata61"...

All Infantry, Militia, Artillery, Heavy Artillery... Movement 3 (From 1)
All Cavalry & Mounted Troops... Movement 5 (From 3)

CSA, Infantry, Militia, +1 Land Attack (TD_LA) (8/7 From 7/6)
CSA, Cavalry, Mounted Troops +1 Land Attack (7/6 From 6/5)

1.3... (Defense Decreasing)
CSA... Infantry/Militia/Cavalry/Mounted... (-1) (27/25/29/23)
USA... Infantry/Militia/Cavalry/Mounted... (-1) (27/25/27/23)

Overall... USA Artillery And CSA Infantry Will Score More Hits.
readme 4
Mod Changes 02 - scendat61...

Purpose... To Allow A First Time "Free" Draft For The Union Player, Taken in account the
starting offensive options by the CSA Player.

USA/CSA Political Standing... 1070 (From 1000)

the draft system at ultimate is what makes the difference that can allow a USA victory, an early agressive CSA player can off-set the Victory Point advantage.
readme 5
Mod Changes 03 - region61...

Each Listed Region Receives Following Bonus (If Them Enhance The Region)...
+1/+1 (Factory/Resource)
USA... Population Up To 12 Points Each City.
CSA... Population Up To 06 Points Each City.

USA Enhanced Cities (And Population Mod)...

PA/Harrisburg (4 To 12) (+8/+8)
PA/Pittsburg (4 To 12) (+8/+16)
NJ/NewArk (3 To 12) (+9/+25)
ML/Washington (4 To 12) (+8/+33)
NE/Portland (4 To 12) (+8/+41)
IO/Cedar Rapids (1 To 12) (+11/+52)
IL/Chicago (5 To 12) (+7/+59)
WN/Milwaukee (2 To 12) (+10/+69)
IN/Indianapolis (4 To 12) (+8/+77)
MICH/Detroit (4 To 12) (+8/+85)
OH/Cincinnati (4 To 12) (+8/+93)
NY/New York (18+0) (+0/+93)

USA Grand Total Increase... 93 Population.

CSA Enhanced Cities (And Population Mod)...

LOU/New Orleans (2 To 6) (+4/+4)
NC/Raleigh (2 To 6) (+4/+8)
MIS/Jackson (1 To 6) (+5/+13)
VIR/Richmond (2 To 6) (+4/+17)
AL/Mobile (2 To 6) (+4/+21)
GE/Atlanta (2 To 6) (+4/+25)
GE/Savannah (2 To 6) (+4/+29)
AR/Little Rock (1 To 6) (+5/+34)
TN/Nashville (2 To 6) (+4/+38)
TN/Memphis (2 To 6) (+4/+42)
SC/Columbia (2 To 6) (+4/+46)
SC/Charleston (2 To 6) (+4/+50)

CSA Grand Total Increase... 50 Population.

nearly, the population increase is proportional, both for "base" values and too between sides, increased number of units need the supply from the extra factories, increased number of units can, somewhat, to somepoint, off-set the winter attrition feature.

all feedback wellcome,

hope you enjoy the mod if decide to play it,

with best regards,


Modifications At 20/August/2008... Leaders Command Ratings Changes, Added As GGWBTS Alarick Mod 1.20...
GGWBTS Leaders Changes - Version 1.20...

Only Change To make Better Command Rating...

Overall Purpose... Make Soften Leaders Illness And Casualties.

Changes (Leaders61.txt) - For Offmap Starting Leaders
And Changes (Region61.txt) For On Map Startign Leaders
Thanks to Gary Grygsby And Joel Billings For his guidance
to modify the files, without the guidance the mod will not have
been possible.

(only Command Rating)

CSA... 1 Longstreet (10 To 18) Overall +8
USA... 1 N Lyon (11 To 16) Overall +5
CSA... 2 JB Hood (9 To 16) Overall +15 CSA
USA... 2 G Meade (12 To 16) Overall +9 USA
CSA... 3 Beauregard (14 To 16) Overall +17
USA... 3 Sheridan (9 To 14) Overall +14
CSA... 4 JEB Stuard (8 To 14) Overall +23 CSA
USA... 4 I.MacDowel (11 To 14) Overall +17 USA
CSA... 5 A.P.Hill ( 8 To 16) Overall +31
USA... 5 McPherson (9 To 14) Overall +22
CSA... 6 Braxton Bragg (13 To 16) Overall +34
USA... 6 John Reynolds (9 To 14) Overall +27
CSA... 7 Richard Ewell (9 To 14) Overall +39 CSA
USA... 7 George Thomas (9 To 14) Overall +32 USA
CSA... 8 Jubal Early (9 To 14) Overall +44
USA... 8 William T Sherman (11 To 16) Overall +37
CSA... 9 Thomas Jackson (10 To 16) Overall +50 CSA
USA... 9 J Hooker (12 To 16) Overall +41 USA
CSA... 10 AS Jonsthon (18 To 20) Overall +52
USA... 10 Burnside (12 To 14) Overall +43
CSA... 11 J Johnston (18 To 20) Overall Total CSA +54
USA... 11 G McClelland (16 To 20) Overall Total USA +47

Link To The Files (There Are one For WBTS 1.0 Without leader changes and the file for WBTS 1.20 with the leaders changes)

hope you enjoy the mod, it is not playtest but given the good file system is easy to make shape to what i have in mind.

link at...

thanks again to the guidande of the team, gary grygsby and of course joel byllings,

best regards,



There is no plan of battle that survives the contact with the enemy.

(in reply to alaric318)
Post #: 14
RE: GGWBTS 1.0 Mod By Murat30. - 8/21/2008 12:19:14 AM   


Posts: 95
Joined: 6/29/2008
Status: offline
make sure you are changing the text file and not the excel file

(in reply to alaric318)
Post #: 15
RE: GGWBTS 1.0 Mod By Murat30. - 8/21/2008 9:49:15 AM   


Posts: 366
Joined: 10/7/2003
Status: offline
i did test the stats of the leaders that change, and the latest changes and game seems to know them and make the adjustment, i think the game will not give problem, it is easy to know it the files are txt files, as i do not use excel,

anyway thanks for the advice,

with best regards,



There is no plan of battle that survives the contact with the enemy.

(in reply to heroldje)
Post #: 16
RE: GGWBTS 1.0 Mod By Murat30. - 8/30/2008 5:13:27 PM   


Posts: 77
Joined: 10/17/2000
From: SW Illinois, USA
Status: offline
Murat, the latest version is now up at The Macon Armory.  Sorry for the delay.  Feel free to PM me any time you make updates.  That will alert me to update my own site.


(in reply to alaric318)
Post #: 17
RE: GGWBTS 1.0 Mod By Murat30. - 9/2/2008 5:12:06 PM   


Posts: 366
Joined: 10/7/2003
Status: offline


ORIGINAL: bschulte

Murat, the latest version is now up at The Macon Armory.  Sorry for the delay.  Feel free to PM me any time you make updates.  That will alert me to update my own site.

great, thanks for host the mod, it will be more easy available to players on your site, for me it is a privilege, i hope people enjoy the mod, the increases in the leaders roster is all about making good corps commanders given the illness rules, now it is more difficult that people run out of good leaders, this is the main purpose, thanks again,

and with best regards,


post-data... i will update this forum if i make some more changes, but need playtest the '61 scenario before, the scenario that i mod and this that i more like to play, if there are not heavy balance issues i do not have think about making more changes. regards.


There is no plan of battle that survives the contact with the enemy.

(in reply to bschulte1978)
Post #: 18
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