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AC and TC Abilities ?

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AC and TC Abilities ? - 9/16/2008 12:07:56 AM   


Posts: 278
Joined: 9/30/2007
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Alright I was reading the manual and I got a little confused. First off, if you are going to attack and you have an AC with initiative, if you move say your stack of 3 Generals/with units with your AC into an enemy territory you are okay. However you will not have the benefit of that AC if he does not have initiative.

Also, your Theatre Commander must have initiative also and must also be within 6 territories of your AC and Army to use his modifiers!?

What I am missing, if I cross over New Bern then to Fayetteville does the enemy Province though new Bern is controlled by me interfere with the Theatre Commanders modifiers? Or does the enemy territory have to be adjacent to one of my own state/provinces

Post #: 1
RE: AC and TC Abilities ? - 9/16/2008 2:15:08 AM   

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`the Theatre commander and the other leader must be within 6 regions/areas of each other and they both must be on the same supply grid. When tracing a path between Theatre Commanders and Army Commanders, the path may not go through enemy controlled regions/areas.'

But here's what makes it easy to determine;

to see areas on the map light up that are within range of a Theatre Commander, use the View Leader button.

Hope this helps.

(in reply to wargamer123)
Post #: 2
RE: AC and TC Abilities ? - 9/17/2008 1:39:54 PM   
Erik Rutins


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ORIGINAL: wargamer123
Alright I was reading the manual and I got a little confused. First off, if you are going to attack and you have an AC with initiative, if you move say your stack of 3 Generals/with units with your AC into an enemy territory you are okay. However you will not have the benefit of that AC if he does not have initiative.

That's right on the attack. On defense, your army commander (without initiative) will still help as long as he started in the same region with the units that are defending and they didn't move during Reaction.


Also, your Theatre Commander must have initiative also and must also be within 6 territories of your AC and Army to use his modifiers!?

Your Theater commander can help with initiative and with commitment, but he won't be adding any combat modifiers or victory modifiers.


What I am missing, if I cross over New Bern then to Fayetteville does the enemy Province though new Bern is controlled by me interfere with the Theatre Commanders modifiers? Or does the enemy territory have to be adjacent to one of my own state/provinces

Your Theater Commanders can extend their influence six regions, across land, rivers and sea. By selecting View Leaders you can see the exact range they can cover highlighted on the map.


Erik Rutins
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(in reply to wargamer123)
Post #: 3
RE: AC and TC Abilities ? - 9/17/2008 8:55:52 PM   


Posts: 133
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Maybe slightly -- but not completely off topic....

I have come across more than one occasion where it would be useful to be able to swap an AC with a TC without firing any of them. This can be done currently so long as there is an empty slot available, but if all 6 leader slots are full you need to actually fire one to make room for the swap. This seems a bit arbitrary -- either you should or you should not be able to do it. I'd like to be able to do swaps even if all slots are full.

Second nit. I had fun reading the month-by-month war synopsis included in the game. I liked the notes reflecting how the events would be reflectred in the game itself. When I read how leaders changed role in reality, I started thinking about whether those changes would make sense for a player in the game. For example, would it ever make sense for Grant to be the TC in the East, and Sherman to be the TC in the West? My impression is that the AC where you want your best, and you simply want a guy who is "good enough" at administration in the TC role.

Would it make sense to have the TC act as the AC, if and when the TC and an AC begin stacked together with an army. Similar to the arrangement between Grant and Mead. The TC would always act as the TC, but he could also take effective command of an army by pairing up with an AC and sticking with him. Then, we really could have Grant and Sherman in the top slots, without losing their considerable and for the most part irreplaceable abilities leading armies.

Just my semi-random thoughts....


- P

(in reply to Erik Rutins)
Post #: 4
RE: AC and TC Abilities ? - 9/18/2008 1:18:53 AM   


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it's correct to have TCs, but men like Sherman/Lee/Grant etc.. were field men, not administration. Though they certainly could have added to it...

(in reply to tran505)
Post #: 5
RE: AC and TC Abilities ? - 9/19/2008 5:56:19 PM   


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I have a very strange result. Lee is one zone north of Richmond (whatever that coastal zone is called). The North attacks Richmond, and forces as far as Manassas can get to Richmond, but for some reason Lee (as Army Commander, and with initiative) cannot move one single zone to take command and defend Richmond in the reaction phase.

I think there needs to be more info (with scrollover perhaps) to show why some units with iniative cannot move one single zone. This just does not make any sense.

Is this a bug?

(in reply to wargamer123)
Post #: 6
RE: AC and TC Abilities ? - 9/19/2008 6:23:36 PM   

Posts: 1245
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From: San Francisco, CA - USA
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Are you sure you didnt move those stacks and Lee included in the normal phase? The movements you make affect the remaining MP during the following reaction phase....still Lee being AC shouldn't be stacked to any unit and should still have some MP. I suggest you to send the saved game to the DEVs so they can take a look to it. 

(in reply to Texican)
Post #: 7
RE: AC and TC Abilities ? - 9/19/2008 7:00:39 PM   


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Are you sure you didnt move those stacks and Lee included in the normal phase? The movements you make affect the remaining MP during the following reaction phase....still Lee being AC shouldn't be stacked to any unit and should still have some MP. I suggest you to send the saved game to the DEVs so they can take a look to it. 

I might have, but it was a one-square move from Richmond to the zone up. The only thing I can figure is Traveller must have thrown a shoe or something.

Didn't save the game, unfortunately.

No problem, will give it another go. Thanks.

(in reply to GShock)
Post #: 8
RE: AC and TC Abilities ? - 9/23/2008 8:33:35 PM   


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From what I remember of Porter's "Campaigning with Grant", one of the main reasons why Grant kept Mead in his nominal position as Commander of AoP was that Mead would take all the admin work off of Grant's back, so Grant could concentrate on strategy and operations. Again, it would be nice if the game recognized that the TC was actually in charge of whatever army he is stacked with, so long as there is an AP present in the stack to do the "administrative work" for the Army.

- P

(in reply to Texican)
Post #: 9
RE: AC and TC Abilities ? - 9/24/2008 7:15:11 PM   
Capt Cliff

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This maybe off the subject a bit but I am reading Grant's memior's and he said something really fun about Halleck and Stanton. He was commenting on how any orders sent back to Halleck to transmit to say Sheridan in the Valley were altered by one or the other or both Halleck and Stanton. As if he wasn't really in command. He had to go see Sheridan physically, and talk face to face, or telegraph him directly to get his orders to Sheridan. It appears Halleck and Stanton were a couple of meddling old fools! Now GGWBtS does not reflect this command mix up in the Union camp. The game does not have a Sectary of War and maybe it should to show the political nuiance of command.

A big question is just exactly who is the game player playing ... Lincoln or Davis or who? Is the game a WEGO or IGOUGO system? If wego then scrap the initative system and just give guy's orders and then find out they didn't move or higher HQ told them not too.

Anyway ... just a reflection on the game.


Capt. Cliff

(in reply to tran505)
Post #: 10
RE: AC and TC Abilities ? - 9/24/2008 9:38:31 PM   


Posts: 6059
Joined: 5/28/2004
From: Sunderland, UK
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ORIGINAL: Capt Cliff

This maybe off the subject a bit but I am reading Grant's memior's and he said something really fun about Halleck and Stanton. He was commenting on how any orders sent back to Halleck to transmit to say Sheridan in the Valley were altered by one or the other or both Halleck and Stanton. As if he wasn't really in command. He had to go see Sheridan physically, and talk face to face, or telegraph him directly to get his orders to Sheridan. It appears Halleck and Stanton were a couple of meddling old fools! Now GGWBtS does not reflect this command mix up in the Union camp. The game does not have a Sectary of War and maybe it should to show the political nuiance of command.

A big question is just exactly who is the game player playing ... Lincoln or Davis or who? Is the game a WEGO or IGOUGO system? If wego then scrap the initative system and just give guy's orders and then find out they didn't move or higher HQ told them not too.

Anyway ... just a reflection on the game.

We're playing the national spirit or patron saint of each side.


Harry Erwin
"For a number to make sense in the game, someone has to calibrate it and program code. There are too many significant numbers that behave non-linearly to expect that. It's just a game. Enjoy it."

(in reply to Capt Cliff)
Post #: 11
RE: AC and TC Abilities ? - 9/24/2008 10:13:10 PM   

Posts: 265
Joined: 2/5/2003
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I disagree that the game doesn't show command mix ups. That is what failure to activate shows, and in my opinion, maybe it shows it too often.

(in reply to herwin)
Post #: 12
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