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Vista MP Issues

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Vista MP Issues - 12/23/2008 6:55:32 AM   


Posts: 4
Joined: 12/23/2008
Status: offline
I'm having trouble running CoI multiplayer on Vista. I've looked at the forums here and at closecombatonline, but haven't been able to fix it.

CoI works fine--single player--on my x64 Vista machine. I've played extensively.

For MP, I am playing on a LAN, not over the internet. Both machines have IPs of the form 192.168.0.x

If the other player is a Vista, neither of us can see each other's game. If the other machine is an XP, I can see his game, but he can't see mine. If I try and load his game, CoI locks.

Software firewalls on both machines are disabled.

Running in Win98/Me compatability mode, administrator level, disables the Internet TCP/IP button (as has been reported).

Running in XP SP2 compatability mode produces the same results as running native in Vista.

Any help appreciated. Thx.
Post #: 1
RE: Vista MP Issues - 12/25/2008 8:18:16 PM   


Posts: 44
Joined: 8/14/2007
From: Norway
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I and a friend have been playing 2 grand campagnes over the last year. We have had some issues with connection, but have been using hamachi to get past some firewall issues.
The last year i have run on Vista home premium while my opponent have run on xp, and vista.

We have had the same problem. You can see the game but starting it fails. This seem to be caused by some port issues. For some reason this problem have come several times and a complete updating of firewall setup and so on have solved it (or pure luck..) then it have worked well for a long time again. I would recomend that you bouth try to ping the opponents ip to see if that works. If the ping dont work COI is most likely gonna fail. Make sure all firewalls are opened for trafic from the opponent. Vista got some new security issues that is causing problems (issue is not caused by the game, or so do we think)

Fell free to contact me if you whant us to try a game over internett to see if we get it to work.

If you trust the opponents computer and is on a local net (with no access to internet) it could be worth to turn off all firewalls (be sure to turn on windows own firewall on the network card you are using).


Chess is the ultimate strategy game, unfortunately you lack the random chance to blame.


(in reply to Yaamon)
Post #: 2
RE: Vista MP Issues - 5/14/2009 1:52:42 PM   


Posts: 2
Joined: 5/14/2009
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I'm having a similar issue, although it may be related to ports/firewall access. I am trying to get a game together with someone who has vista, and I have vista as well, but we can't see each others games, and we've tried turning firewalls off, and I've even tried several different internet spots. I was wondering if someone could help me ascertain what the problem is, and if it can be fixed.

(in reply to lorentzt)
Post #: 3
RE: Vista MP Issues - 5/14/2009 9:14:08 PM   
Andrew Williams

Posts: 6116
Joined: 1/8/2001
From: Australia
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1. Make sure you run CC3.exe as administrator and are running in compatibility mode.

Navigate to C:\Program file\Close Combat\Close Combat III

Right click on CC3.exe and choose compatibility mode

Select win98xp compatibility

Also select administrator

2. Make sure both machines firewalls allow CC3.exe as an exception

3. Make sure you have correctly forwarded the ports

CoI Ports
2300 to 2400 udp/TCP
6073 TCP
47624 TCP

(in reply to Closer76)
Post #: 4
RE: Vista MP Issues - 7/11/2009 11:51:06 AM   

Posts: 986
Joined: 10/8/2004
From: Turin, Italy
Status: offline
Played yesterday MP, using XP compatibility mode against a friend with XP. Worked fine


(in reply to Andrew Williams)
Post #: 5
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