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RE: Ship graphics

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RE: Ship graphics - 2/7/2009 10:36:55 PM   

Posts: 41459
Joined: 4/23/2005
From: Denmark
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A team member list was posted at one point, but I forget where, and it would probably be out of date now. Sorry...


We are all dreams of the Giant Space Butterfly.
Post #: 31
RE: Ship graphics - 2/7/2009 10:42:36 PM   
Akos Gergely


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Ohhh give me all those never-weres!!!! Just fantastic! (Hope a G3/N3 is there as well.)

Now we only need TOMLABEL to join in...just for a small teaser - makes our wait bearable....;)

< Message edited by csatahajos -- 2/7/2009 10:44:07 PM >


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Post #: 32
RE: Ship graphics - 2/7/2009 10:58:22 PM   

Posts: 10525
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ORIGINAL: Terminus

A team member list was posted at one point, but I forget where, and it would probably be out of date now. Sorry...

Actually I've kept it up to date - more or less - it is a link in the first page of the DEV Forum announcements page!


AE Project Lead
New Game Project Lead

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Post #: 33
RE: Ship graphics - 2/7/2009 11:00:20 PM   
Big B


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double post

< Message edited by Big B -- 2/8/2009 4:49:18 PM >

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Post #: 34
RE: Ship graphics - 2/7/2009 11:13:57 PM   
Big B


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One last tease (but remember - jpegs don't do justice to a finished bitmap)

Edit: all these (and more) were developed by myself for later AE, I'm not sure if they will actually ever see the light of day beyond this though...

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Post #: 35
RE: Ship graphics - 2/8/2009 4:43:43 AM   
Chad Harrison

Posts: 1395
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ORIGINAL: Terminus

But back on topic. Any more requests?

Since your asking:

1. Sampling of some US Destroyers (especially Fletcher)
2. Liberty Class
3. Some of the Amphib types: LST, LSD, LSV and so on

And really . . .

Anything your willing to post! The screens look amazing by the way!

Thanks in advance


(in reply to Terminus)
Post #: 36
RE: Ship graphics - 2/8/2009 5:29:48 AM   

Posts: 5798
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From: The Imperial Palace.
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I'd be curious to see a couple submarines, and some of the "smaller ships" T mentioned -- PTs, patrol boats, midget subs, whatever.


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Post #: 37
RE: Ship graphics - 2/8/2009 5:48:50 AM   

Posts: 5116
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From: Alabama - ROLL TIDE!!!!!
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OK, here's a little more AE. This time the upgrade/variation path of the Gato Class beginning in '41 and ending with the 'Gunboat' version.

Attachment (1)

< Message edited by TOMLABEL -- 2/13/2009 5:05:29 AM >


Art by the Rogue-USMC

WITP Admiral's Edition: Ship & Sub Art/Base Unit Art/Map Icon Art

"If destruction be our lot - it will come from within"...Abraham Lincoln

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Post #: 38
RE: Ship graphics - 2/8/2009 5:51:27 AM   

Posts: 5798
Joined: 10/18/2002
From: The Imperial Palace.
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Very cool. Maybe I'm imagining it, but this new ship art seems more detailed to me. I like it a lot.


(in reply to TOMLABEL)
Post #: 39
RE: Ship graphics - 2/8/2009 12:30:42 PM   

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ORIGINAL: Osterhaut

Oh yes! This is just what I mean. Terminus and JWE and BigB and who else? How are we to know?

Easy young padwan, the key to learning what you seek is patience. Review a few of the more important threads and you'll soon learn who is who and more importantly, whose voice is "official".


"Our lives begin to end the moment we become silent about things that matter". Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
Post #: 40
RE: Ship graphics - 2/8/2009 2:30:23 PM   

Posts: 8622
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From: Dismal Seepage Indiana
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OK, here's a little more AE. This time the upgrade/variation path of the Gato Class beginning in '41 and ending with the 'Gunboat' version.

Would post some 'after release' stuff, but I think Terminus said NO.

Being a "doggie", I had no idea even subs might have so many versions within a class..Gee, Revell models would sell a sub and when you opened the box, it was pretty much 8 pieces!

Too bad Matrixgames did not foresee the extreme popularity of the graphic portion of the game, and make that pic much larger to show this great detail.


(in reply to TOMLABEL)
Post #: 41
RE: Ship graphics - 2/8/2009 3:29:54 PM   


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Okay Chad. Made up a sampler. Clemson DD, Clemson DMS, Clemson APD, Clemson AVD, Mahan, Benson (for RevRick), Fletcher, Brit ‘J’ Class, Liberty cargo, Liberty AK, Liberty AR, your basic floating drydock, an AGC, an LSD, an LSV, an LST, a Bayfield APA, a Manoora - Aussie LSI(L), a Glen - Brit LSI(L), and for something completely different, a Brit Adamant class AS.

Attachment (1)


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Post #: 42
RE: Ship graphics - 2/8/2009 4:07:12 PM   


Posts: 22
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Fantastic work. The detail is truly amazing.  Also, JWE thanks for posting a couple of the little ducthies over in the WITP thread.  I love the small stuff
Post #: 43
RE: Ship graphics - 2/8/2009 4:18:00 PM   

Posts: 1546
Joined: 6/23/2008
From: Valladolid, Spain
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Thanks guys...All those ships are truly amazing 

And thanks for the "what if" ships...I'll put them in the game as soon as I learn to use the editor.

(in reply to scottott999)
Post #: 44
RE: Ship graphics - 2/8/2009 5:45:05 PM   


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And lastly, for Scottott999 and Grotius, some dinkys. There are about 1000 individual pieces of art. Many are for ship upgrades, but most are for a significantly increased number of new classes, and for classes that undergo a structural change when converting from a minesweeper to an AVP, for example.

Many of the small vessels (especially Allied) were done at the instigation of Don Bowen and his demand for accuracy. We call them ‘Don’s Babies’ and have come to love them as much as he does. Sure are a b**** to draw though.

Dutch row: A-Class minelayer, Krakatau minesweeper, converted fishing trawler minefield tender, and a B-1 patrol boat.

Japanese Wa-1, Ch-4, CHa-1, Type-HA LSI/LST

Fairmile-B, Bathurst AM, Asheville PG, Reliance USCG PC

Natsushima CM, Type-C escort, W-1, T-1 MTB

Attachment (1)


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Post #: 45
RE: Ship graphics - 2/8/2009 6:19:19 PM   
Big B


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JWE, you and TOMLABEL are amazing! How many have you two turned out now?

(in reply to JWE)
Post #: 46
RE: Ship graphics - 2/8/2009 6:28:32 PM   
Don Bowen

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Many of the small vessels (especially Allied) were done at the instigation of Don Bowen and his demand for accuracy. We call them ‘Don’s Babies’ and have come to love them as much as he does. Sure are a b**** to draw though.

Once AE is released I'm going to a full-on Don's Babies mod. If Dr. Niehorster puts it in his OOB or I can find it in a history book - in it goes!

Anyone want to sign on to do the art??

(in reply to JWE)
Post #: 47
RE: Ship graphics - 2/8/2009 7:10:04 PM   


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JWE, you and TOMLABEL are amazing! How many have you two turned out now?

Almost as many as you, Brian.

Anyone want to sign on to do the art??

Sigh … you know we are your dogs.

Got an email with questions about how the art applies to upgrades. It brought this thought to mind and thought I would share with all.

Art changes are tagged to class upgrade (or conversion) slots. To keep the database a reasonable size (and keep from going blind) we had an upgrade slot point to a new piece of art only if that upgrade involved a visually apparent structural change of the class. When that happened, we tried to paint the new graphic in an appropriate Measure for the time period the upgrade would normally have happened.

So Colorado, for example, might have 5 upgrades in her schedule, but only 3 art changes; a PH look, a first refit (cut-down) look, and a rebuild look. We did not think it efficient to make upgrade slots just for paint-jobs. It would have been gratuitous and actually worked to the disadvantage of the ship artists out there.

We developed a ship art ‘construction kit’ that includes a listing of every ship class, and every bitmap associated to the classes. A ship art modder can easily determine exactly where to plop in their art mods. If it’s 1943 a modder can find just which bitmap to use if they want HMS Packenham to show a Northern Approaches paint job.

Not just the game, but the entire project was designed to promote flexibility. To the fullest extent possible, we will support the artists out there.


(in reply to Don Bowen)
Post #: 48
RE: Ship graphics - 2/8/2009 7:26:59 PM   

Posts: 41459
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From: Denmark
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We're all somebody's dogs, John...


We are all dreams of the Giant Space Butterfly.

(in reply to Terminus)
Post #: 49
RE: Ship graphics - 2/8/2009 7:31:48 PM   


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ORIGINAL: Terminus
We're all somebody's dogs, John...

Gosh ... LOL ... I like you Termie.


(in reply to Terminus)
Post #: 50
RE: Ship graphics - 2/8/2009 9:43:09 PM   

Posts: 8622
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From: Dismal Seepage Indiana
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Not all "dogs" are house-broken.

Seriously....the team has so much genuine talent, and a full measure of perseverance.


(in reply to JWE)
Post #: 51
RE: Ship graphics - 2/8/2009 10:58:03 PM   

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From: Alabama - ROLL TIDE!!!!!
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JWE, you and TOMLABEL are amazing! How many have you two turned out now?

Almost as many as you, Brian. you think we'll ever catch up with him, John?

Hey Brian - I got a nice little dazzle scheme going for that Ranger of yours.


Art by the Rogue-USMC

WITP Admiral's Edition: Ship & Sub Art/Base Unit Art/Map Icon Art

"If destruction be our lot - it will come from within"...Abraham Lincoln

(in reply to JWE)
Post #: 52
RE: Ship graphics - 2/8/2009 11:41:00 PM   
GI Jive

Posts: 171
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Love the new art. Hats off for the detail, accuracy and scaling. I am getting more eager for AE to be ready. It seems close...

(in reply to TOMLABEL)
Post #: 53
RE: Ship graphics - 2/8/2009 11:51:37 PM   
Big B


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Oooohhhhh, Aahhhhhhh!





JWE, you and TOMLABEL are amazing! How many have you two turned out now?

Almost as many as you, Brian. you think we'll ever catch up with him, John?

Hey Brian - I got a nice little dazzle scheme going for that Ranger of yours.

(in reply to TOMLABEL)
Post #: 54
RE: Ship graphics - 2/9/2009 1:35:13 PM   
Chad Harrison

Posts: 1395
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Okay Chad. Made up a sampler. . . .

Get busy for one day and look what I find when I come back! Thanks for putting that together JWE, looks amazing!

(in reply to JWE)
Post #: 55
RE: Ship graphics - 2/9/2009 4:43:45 PM   

Posts: 5798
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From: The Imperial Palace.
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Thanks for posting some pictures of the smaller ships! Amazing detail.


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Post #: 56
RE: Ship graphics - 2/9/2009 5:06:14 PM   
Don Bowen

Posts: 8183
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We AEeans are all very happy with what the art guys have done. Wait till you see it all...

(in reply to Grotius)
Post #: 57
RE: Ship graphics - 2/9/2009 7:01:07 PM   

Posts: 41459
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Well, there's a reason that WitP is in a class of its own (and AE in another class altogether)...


We are all dreams of the Giant Space Butterfly.
Post #: 58
RE: Ship graphics - 2/9/2009 7:18:59 PM   

Posts: 2617
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We AEeans are all very happy with what the art guys have done. Wait till you see it all...

Well, hurry up and get it done so we can take a look-see....


"Action springs not from thought, but from a readiness for responsibility.” ― Dietrich Bonhoeffer

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